Grad 8 Social Studies Unit 1 Geography

All new citizens in Canada are required to pass a citizenship test which includes demonstrating knowledge of the ten provinces, three territories and their capitals –just like Grade 8 SS students!“Discover Canada – The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship” which will be made available to you in this class and is available on Mr. Farq’s Webpage >8SS>Citizenship>2066925291465The North00The NorthCanada’s Regions Review Page 44-51 - 3695700629285Atlantic Provinces00Atlantic Provinces21431252267585Prairie Provinces00Prairie Provinces113728512446000781050629285West Coast00West Coast2076450981710Central Canada00Central CanadaMatch the provinces and territories associated with each of Canada’s Regions.Atlantic ProvincesCentral CanadaPrairie ProvincesWest CoastThe NorthThe National Capital of Canada is ________________ and is the fourth largest city behind _________________. ___________________ and ___________________.The Population of Canada is approximately ______________________________.The Atlantic Provinces have been important throughout Canada’s history and development with natural resources and coasts. Name four important resources from this region.From the research on this page give five significant facts associated with each province.Newfoundland & Labrador Prince Edward IslandNova ScotiaNew BrunswickCentral Canada has always been the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada with over half the population of Canada producing three quarters (75%) of all Canadian manufactured goods!From the research on this page give five significant facts associated with each province.QuebecOntarioThe Prairie Provinces have some of the most fertile farmland in the world in addition to being rich in energy and mineral resources.From the research on this page give five significant facts associated with each province.ManitobaSaskatchewanAlberta The West Coast is best known for its majestic beauty of the Rocky Mountains however it is also an important Pacific Gateway Port exporting Canadian goods and resources around the world!From the research on this page give five significant facts associated with British Columbia.The North This enormous area makes up one-third of Canada but has only 100,000 people!The North is rich in natural resources – make a list of many resources in this region.Explain why the North is sometimes called “The Land of the Midnight Sun”.Most of this region is covered by “Tundra” – describe its appearance.From the research on this page give three significant facts associated with each territory.Yukon Northwest TerritoriesNunavutThe Canadian Rangers are unique to this region - the North but play an important role in in maintaining Canadian Sovereignty and security. How do they do this? ................

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