How do i renew my red cross lifeguard certification


How do i renew my red cross lifeguard certification

Lifeguarding review classes are designed to help you update your skills while also extending your certification for another two years. The Red Cross also offers review courses, for those whose certification is still valid (or within 30 days of expiring) while allowing you to continue to work without a lapse in verification. How to Apply for Recertification Those who prefer a more traditional classroom setting and wish to recertify may register for a Red Cross Lifeguarding Review course. Those who prefer blended learning courses, which combine both in-person and online learning options, may register for a Red Cross Blended Learning Lifeguarding Review course. For information on the American Red Cross lifeguarding recertification courses in your area, please uses the Lifeguarding Find a Class Tool. Refreshers: - Did you know that according to a review conducted by the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council that Skill retention begins to decline only after a few months. Less than half of course participants can pass a skills test one year after training The American Red Cross makes accessing your lifeguarding certification a simple and easy process. We offer digital certificates that can be easily viewed from anywhere via your Red Cross account with simple access to print or share online. Allowing employers access to your certificate information has never been easier. Visit to access a copy of the valid certificate with your student training information. American Red Cross Lifeguard CertificationRenew Your Certification. Existing Lifeguards can renew their expiring credentials with this course.fee includes the AMR Certificate fee.Course Cancellation Policy Full refund when cancelled more than 15 days prior to the course start date. 50% refund when cancelled 14 days prior to the course start date. No refund when cancelled within 7 days prior to the course start date. $25 fee to Reschedule. Currently certified Lifeguards, or those within 30 days past expiration, may participate in this Lifeguard Review Course to maintain certification. This course is held in a single day of 11 hours which makes a convenient but intense option to renew your certificate. If you have any concerns about maintaining your energy level though this long day this course may not be for you. We strongly recommend that you complete the Simulation e-Learning in order to refresh your knowledge.April 2021 LG Review Course Saturday 24th - Noon - 9:30pm May 2021 LG Review Course Saturday 22nd - 10am- 7:30pm June 2021 LG Review Course Saturday 19th - 10am - 7:30pmUnless otherwise noted, our Lifeguard Courses are a Blended Learning, Intensive Course using a 3 session format indicated above. Participants must be at least 15 years of age on or before the last course date. Swim 300 yards continuously using crawl stroke or breaststroke, demonstrating rhythmic breathing. (Must swim with your face in the water) 2 minutes of treading water without using your hands. (Your head must stay above water) Timed 10# brick retrieval in 8 feet of water. (20 yard swim, dive to retrieve object, swim 20 yards back - on your back - without your hands) This is a blended learning course which means students must complete online coursework prior to, and between the class sessions. Students must attend all course sessions and actively participate in skills practice Students must successfully complete final skills and written testing at the end of Day 2 in order to gain Certification. Certification is not guaranteed, success is based on demonstrating competency in all of the skills. We will not lower the American Red Cross bar for lifeguards in order to pass a course participation. No exceptions. Warmer weather is just around the corner! That means pool season is almost here, and every pool needs qualified lifeguards. Is it you?? Whether you're a first-time lifeguard or a veteran, up to date certifications are a MUST. Guard for Life is here to help with all of your lifeguard certification needs. Guard for Life offers training courses nationwide throughout the year. Find a course near you, and get certified so you can start your lifeguarding career ASAP!! Are you a rookie lifeguard? No problem! Guard for Life has got you covered. Guard for life partners with the American Red Cross and trains over 2,500 lifeguards nationwide each year. The purpose of the American Red Cross Lifeguarding course is to provide entry-level lifeguard participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over. In order to lifeguard with Guard for Life, all-new lifeguards must successfully complete the lifeguard training which includes a pretest and CPR/AED training. Some lifeguard training courses will require the pretest being done prior to the start day. Learn more about each lifeguard certification class type here. After passing the lifeguarding course, you're officially a certified lifeguard! Nervous? Don't be! You've got this! Take the process one step at a time. The first step is to pass the pretest. Here's a little preview of what's on the pretest and some tips to help you pass! How do I pass the lifeguard pretest? You must be at least 15 years old before the final scheduled session of your course. Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. Candidates may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both but swimming on the back or side is not allowed. Swim goggles may be used. Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs. Candidates should place their hands under the armpits. Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. The face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed. Surface dive, feet-first or head-first, to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point with both hands holding the object and keeping the face at or near the surface so they can get a breath. Candidates should not swim the distance underwater. Exit the water without using a ladder or steps. Tips to Pass the Pretest! Don't burn yourself out! ? There is no time limit on the 300 yard swim, so take your time! Don't use up all of your energy trying to race through this first portion of the test. You'll be too tired to complete the other sections. Learn your best dive! ? During the timed event portion, American Red Cross allows you to surface dive in head-first or feet-first. Learn which dive you can comfortably do the fastest. Swim to the bottom! ? During the timed event, some lifeguard candidates swim down just enough to grab the weight, and then swim back up. However, it's faster to swim all the way to the bottom, grab the weight, place your feet on the bottom, and then use your legs to push yourself up. Hold on to the weight properly! ? To pass this test, you need to keep BOTH hands on the weight. Don't let go, and don't drop it! Wear a swim cap! ? Swim caps will keep hair out of your face and help you swim faster. Guard for Life offer tons of training classes throughout the year to make getting recertified easy!! Your lifeguard certification stays valid for 2 years. For the first 30 days after it expires, you have the option of taking a shorter review course (13 hours). If your certification has been expired for longer than 30 days, you'll have to take the full training course which is completed in approximately 28 hours and 35 minutes. How do I pass the lifeguard review course? Attend and participate in all class sessions. Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities. Demonstrate competency in all required final rescue skill scenarios. Pass both the Section 1-CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid and Section 2-Lifeguarding Skills final written exams with minimum grades of 80 percent. Lifeguard season will be here before you know it! Register for training, and make sure that your certification is up to date so that you can start lifeguarding with Guard for Life. Find local lifeguarding opportunities here! The American Red Cross lifeguard training and certification are imperative to the process of getting hired on as an official Red Cross lifeguard. Our detailed training includes testing of hands-on skills, 7.5 hours of independent online learning, as well as comprehension on written tests. The certification, which includes First Aid, CPR and AED training, is valid for two years upon completion and is accepted nationwide. The American Red Cross is the most respected source for training and certification of this kind. This course is for lifeguards who hold a current certification and simply need to renew. Prerequisites for lifeguard training include: Participants must be at least 15 years old by the last day of class Participants must pass a pre-course swimming skills test prior to taking lifeguarding courses 300 yard, non-stop swim utilizing the breast stroke or the front crawl 2.5 minute water tread utilizing only the legs Timed 10 lb. deep water brick retrieval Blended Learning Component: This blended course combines award-winning, engaging and interactive online simulation learning plus an in-person classroom session to learn and practice critical lifesaving skills for certification. Blended learning will be sent to each participant's registration email at least two weeks prior to class start date. Click here to learn more. Add to Google Calendar Download Event

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