Pictures of Commanders - Wargamerabbit

Battle of Saalfeld

October 10, 1806

Marshal Jean Lannes vs. Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia

Start time: French forces have first movement starting with the 1000 hours turn. The scenario starts with the French marching in near the village of Garnsdorf, sending their converged voltigeur detachment and maybe the 17th Legere Regt towards the village held by the Prussian Jager detachment.

End time: At start of 1800 hours (nightfall turn) or if either side retires from the scenario tabletop. If army MFP level hasn’t exceeded at nightfall, that army may conduct nighttime combative action for additional six (6 turns) using the nighttime rules.

Starting MFP level: French have used 15 MFP (90 total) marching from Grafenthal that early morning towards Saalfeld. The Prussian-Saxons marched a shorter distance from Rudolstadt and have positioned themselves before Saalfeld waiting for the French arrival, thereby using only 0 MFP (of total 77) during the morning hours. If the outlying 6th Hussars are summoned and arrive, increase Prussian-Saxon MFP to 79 (77 plus 8 less 6 = 79) total. The 6th Hussars cavalry detachment, if they arrive, will have used 6 MFP to march to the battlefield.

Special scenario rules: French, Prussian and Saxon national characteristics rules in effect. Some are outlined below. See Wargamerabbit. blog site for the current (.pdf) NC downloads.

French Veteran Line or Legere:

1810. These veteran Demi-brigades or regiments have the special ability to use open order skirmisher formations. A normal line regiment to veteran status doesn’t convey this ability. These units still cost the extra +1 point per miniature for full open order formation ability. General guideline for this rule:

1806. All French Legere and Line regiments

French veteran Legere has full open order ability instead of semi open order.

French veteran Line has semi open order rating benefit.

Mixed cannon weight batteries: For these artillery batteries, the mixture of cannon weight creates a “mixed battery”. These “mixed batteries” use the 8lb / 9lb firing chart values [mixed battery]. Commonly, these batteries could have 1-2x 12lb, 1-2x 8lb and even some 4lb added in. Both horse and foot batteries can be mixed during this period but the horse tended to try for a single artillery weight.

Prussian and Saxon Firing Line Tactics: In the early years of the Napoleonic period, most

countries or nations only formed their infantry units into linear formations. For attacks and

defensive actions, the linear line was the preferred general formation unless a specific

defensive position was objective.

All infantry shock combat counts a maximum 2 miniature ranks deep unless the unit is directly assaulting a position listed below. On the defensive, a maximum of 2 miniature ranks can be counted in shock combat odds determination. Extra miniatures found in successive miniature ranks can be used as fill in replacements if miniatures are lost to firepower.

A bonus of +1 CMR morale is given to all morale checks (shock receiving, cavalry charge, firepower loss) if the testing unit is in linear formation (1 rank of miniatures) and has a close order friendly formation on each side within 2”. A terrain feature preventing cavalry charge movement provides the same benefit as a friendly adjacent unit. Morale disordered units still receive and provide support for adjacent infantry units.

Units with Militia morale grade (CMR 4 or less), and all tribal or guerilla based units, are omitted from this rule.

The special defended position exceptions are:

a. Fortress storming columns.

b. Infantry columns shocking a building position.

c. Infantry columns shocking into woods.

d. Infantry columns shocking a siege work or Class I, II or III earthwork position.

e. Infantry columns shocking into a narrow pass like position…i.e. between buildings, along a road in woods etc. Maximum width of passageway is 2”.

f. Infantry columns shocking across a bridge.

Improvised Unit Skirmishing: When the French deployed their massed skirmisher formations during the early French Republican wars, the allied armies suffered with their close order infantry formations, especially when confronted by skirmishers in terrain. Several armies developed individual unit tactics of deploying soldiers from the unit’s third rank); others created novel firing methods to engage these skirmishers with sectional platoon firing. Some just deployed a random infantry company platoon to chase away the French skirmishers. Whatever method was used, these methods evolved into the creation of internal battalion light companies for most nations or formalized deployment of the third rank as skirmishers.

Infantry battalions without internal light companies miniatures or the ability to use Third Rank skirmishing rule, may utilize the Improvised Unit Skirmishing rule.


a. The unit may not have moved. Changing formation or facing is permitted.

b. An enemy skirmisher formation must be deployed within 12” of the unit electing to deploy improvised unit skirmishers.

c. If the parent battalion moves (not just a formation or facing change), the skirmishers must rejoin the parent formation and cannot be redeployed that turn. Basically, this forces these units to be generally stationary while the skirmishers are deployed. If during movement phase, if both ends of the unit formation change position (i.e. move) after facing & formation is completed, then the unit has moved causing the skirmishers to rejoin their parent unit.

d. Like the Third rank skirmishing rule, the selected infantry unit may deploy 1 skirmisher miniature per infantry unit (2 if the unit is over 6 miniatures in size). These skirmishers follow all open order formation restrictions.

e. Only infantry formations may use Improvised Unit skirmishing.

f. No militia morale grade units. Must be CMR 5 or higher.

Prussian and Saxon Open Terrain Tactics: Several nations avoided the placement of their close order infantry formations within woods, swamp, marsh, or built up areas (large villages, towns etc.). To reflect this thought, the CMR of all close order infantry unit(s) undergoing a receiving shock combat morale check within woods, swamp, march or built up areas suffer a -2 CMR modifier if positioned in such terrain. Any terrain morale benefit adjustments are still applies for the defending unit.

a. Positioned in means the unit receives the terrain benefit.

b. Woods are medium or heavy. Lightwoods cause no CMR adjustment.

c. Large village or town is 3+ buildings within 6” radius of each other.

d. Units capable of open order formations omit this rule.

Positional Artillery: These artillery batteries reflect the lack of artillery mobility, the weight of the cannon / carriage themselves and the tactical use of the artillery within the army. Positional artillery is labeled as such on the artillery composition for each nationality. Positional artillery follows the notes below:

a. Positional artillery move at a base rate of 6” without the ability to use 2” of their movement to unlimber. Positional artillery can only unlimber or limber up during the facing or formation sub-phase of the movement phase.

b. May “pivot” in place to face enemy formation….but no movement.

c. All positional artillery uses the 12lb range zones even if a lesser weight of shot.

d. All oxen or elephant drawn artillery is rated positional artillery

Weather: Cool fall day with clear weather Chart 4 since no bad weather was mentioned in the historical accounts. Goes to Chart 5 (up one level when the first cannon bombardment is fired.

Line of communications (LOC): French LOC exits the road entrance at I6 towards Grafenthal. The Prussian-Saxon LOC exits at A3 towards Rudolstadt.

Terrain notes: Terrain per the standard terrain charts with the following special notes. The Saale river is un-crossable for all units except at the bridge at Saalfeld. Streams are 2” movement cost with only exception the marked steep Siedenbach stream bank zone. The steep banked Siedenbach stream is 2” cost and terrain disorder while crossing. The small pond near Remschutz village units cannot enter or cross.

Saalfeld Old town: Within the old Saalfeld town walls the entire area is considered built up and treated like a building for firepower and defense. Movement only by proper column formation or open order, otherwise any formation can be used while stationary. The three town gates allow proper column formation or open order formation passage. All other movement over the old town walls, including open order formations, requires a stationary turn adjacent then place unit on other side of the wall, in same formation, and morale disorder if closed order.

Bridge Capacity: All scenario map bridges can cross 18 infantry, 9 cavalry or 3 artillery batteries / train per movement phase or unit ratio thereof. Miniatures remaining over the water count during each game phase for capacity. Routing units across the bridge may cause over capacity issues. See main rules for details on bridge capacity limits.

Battle Map picture (w/o counters):


One-foot tabletop grid squares at 50 yards to inch. North direction is given by arrow. Map legend at right to identify terrain features. See terrain notes for effect on movement & shock combat.

Battle map with command counters:


Picture of map with all command counter at starting locations. Arriving commands placed near their table edge arrival.

Starting positions and Initial Orders: All French are acting under “Advance position” senior order with Marshall Lannes acting like a senior Corps level headquarters for this scenario. Prussian and Saxons are under Divisional “senior” command level (Prince Louis) and use the “Advance position” order selection. Both sides have all their starting on tabletop commands either in strategic or battle mode with the initial order restrictions detailed below. All off map reinforcement commands (if any) are in strategic March order till their arrival when they immediately assume the parent tabletop commands orders (they are attached to specific tabletop commands and are not independent commands). All French and Prussian-Saxon units set up in the rear half of each map square per normal miniature tabletop deployment rules. Definition of command orders covered at Wargamerabbit..


V Corps HQ (Lannes) + all trains I6 Baggage train can be left off table if desired

1st Brigade (Claparede) I5 with Attack orders

Cavalry Brigade (Treillard) I6 with Engage orders

1st Division HQ (Suchet) and artillery Off map arrives 1020 hours at E6

2nd Brigade (Reille) Off map arrives 1100 hours E6, F6 or G6 March order

3rd Brigade (Vedel) Off map arrives 1200 hours E6, F6 or G6 March order

Prussian and Saxons:

Advance Guard HQ (Pz. Louis) G2 with trains

Left Flank (Rabenau) H3 and I4 (Jager Co. only) with Engage order

Main Body Saxon (Bevilaqua) E3, F3, and F2 with Reserve order

Right Flank (Pelet) Off map. Reserve order. See reinforcement notes

Cavalry Detachment (Schimmelpfennig) Off map arrives 1300 hours H1 with March order *

Off map reinforcements:

French reinforcements are scheduled to arrive below:

1st Division HQ (Suchet) and artillery Off map arrives 1020 hours at E6

2nd Brigade (Reille) Off map arrives 1100 hours E6, F6 or G6 March order

3rd Brigade (Vedel) Off map arrives 1200 hours E6, F6 or G6 March order

Prussian reinforcements are possible but not certain to arrive.

Cavalry detachment (Schimmelpfennig) is rolled at start of scenario. Historically they were summoned by Pz. Louis but never arrived. Roll d6, if a five or six is rolled (hidden from French player eyes but witnessed, the cavalry detachment will arrive at 1300 hours Prussian turn at the bridge leading over Saale river H1 or I1 into Saalfeld. Otherwise they are pick berries.

Right Flank (Pelet) command movement is triggered if any French unit enters the D map column. When a French unit enters map column D and remains, roll d6 at start of the following Prussian turn. If 4+ rolled the Right Flank (Pelet) will enter the map at A6 on next Prussian turn. If 1-3 rolled, the Right Flank detachment stays put for the moment at Blankenburg off scenario map. Continue this rolling for arrival every turn a French unit is in column D or northwest of that crossed line. Note that the Prussian I.R. #49 Muffling with the Saxon main body command follows the orders of the off map Right Flank (von Pelet) command. If the I.R. 49 von Muffling wishes to move or enter combat, the command’s order must be changed from the start order “Reserve” to another order and hourly MFP command cost paid.

Exiting the tabletop: If a unit exits the tabletop either voluntary or ordered from the tabletop (not removed by rout or failed morale rally test), remember to count the unit’s current MFP unit valuation (add the points) to the running MFP usage total or reduce the available pool level (same thing). Unit’s removed by failed morale tests or rout movement count the actual miniatures removal count per the MFP rules.

Example: Battalion of six line grade infantry miniatures marching off scenario tabletop edge is worth 2 MFP as a unit, but if routs off by failed morale rally test then 6 MFP points.

Order of battles:

French OOB:

V Corps HQ (Lannes)

Corps Ammo train (1) CMR 5

Baggage train (partial) (1) CMR 4

1st Division HQ (Suchet) himself and ADC *

Mixed Foot battery (4) CMR 7

1st Brigade (Claparede)

17th Legere Regt 2x10 CMR 8

Converged Elites 3rd/17th Legere 1x3 CMR 8

4lb Foot battery [det.] (2) CMR 7

2nd Brigade (Reille)

34th Ligne Regt 2x10 CMR 7

40th Ligne Regt 2x9 CMR 7

4th/ 34th Ligne btn. 1x3 CMR 7 On detached service from scenario

3rd Brigade (Vedel)

64th Ligne Regt 2x10 CMR 7

88th Ligne Regt 2x10 CMR 7

V Corps Cavalry Brigade (Treillard)

9th Hussars 1x6 CMR 8

10th Hussars 1x5 CMR 8

21st Chasseurs a’ cheval 1x7 CMR 7

8lb Horse battery (6) CMR 8

* Note: GD Suchet acts as an extra divisional level commander during the scenario. He gives benefits to all the infantry brigades (1st to 3rd) for morale and shock combat. Baggage train with Lannes.

Prussian-Saxon OOB:

Advanced Guard Division HQ (Pz. Louis)

6th Hussars (Schimmelpfennig) 1x6 CMR 8

6llb Foot positional battery (8) CMR 7

Divisional ammo train (1) CMR 4

Baggage train (1) CMR 3

Left Flank (Rabenau)

13th Fusilier btn. Rabenau 1x6 CMR 7

15th Fusilier btn. Ruhle 1x6 CMR 7

Jager Co. Valentin 1x2 CMR 8

Saxon Hussars [1st det.] * 1x3 CMR 8

6lb Horse battery [1/2] (4) CMR 7

Main Body [Saxon] (Bevilaqua)

I.R von Kurfurst 2x7 Schutzen included +RA

I.R. von Prinz Clemens 2x7 Schutzen included +RA

I.R. von Prinz Xavier 2x7 Schutzen included +RA

Saxon Hussars [1st det.] * 1x2 CMR 8

4lb Saxon Foot positional battery (8) CMR 7

Right Flank (von Pelet)

14th Fusilier btn. Pelet 1x6 CMR 7

Jager Co. Masars 1x2 CMR 8

I.R. #49 von Muffling 2x7 Schutzen included +RA

Saxon Hussars [2nd det.] 1x3 CMR 8

6lb Horse battery [1/2] (4) CMR 7

Cavalry Detachment (Schimmelpfennig)

6th Hussars 1x6 CMR 8

* Note: If the two Saxon Hussar 1st detachments come together during movement, they immediately become one detachment of hussars for remainder of scenario and part of the Left Flank command (Rabenau). Only applies for the two labeled “1st detachments”. The 2nd Saxon Hussar detachment with von Pelet always remains as a separate sub-unit.

WR used a rough 1:90 miniature scale for the orders of battle. (2x6) = 2 battalions of 6 infantry miniatures each. Cavalry are regiments or squadron detachments. (6) for artillery equals 6 cannon in battery. (1) train means one train miniature.

Victory conditions:

French Major Victory: Clear the scenario battlefield map completely of all Prussian or Saxon commands before 1740 hours and exit one command on the road to Rudolstadt (A3), while only one command can exceed 40% loss. [Historical result]

French Minor Victory: Exit one command on the road to Rudolstadt (A3), while only two commands can exceed 40% loss. Must have old town Saalfeld cleared of all Prussian-Saxon units.

Draw: Neither side obtains a minor victory condition result.

Prussian-Saxon Minor Victory: Have one or more Prussian or Saxon commands still on the battlefield at nightfall. French units still remain on battlefield.

Prussian-Saxon Major Victory: Control Garnsdorf and Beulwitz villages while basically clearing the “open terrain” battlefield of intact French battalions or cavalry regiments.

Rules of Play: Wargamerabbit. has a rules section providing files; charts, table and game play example YouTube videos.

Special event cards: None





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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