Seven Years War Association

Index of Back IssuesVolume X, No.2 $8 ea. Spring 1998 (6 copies) Contents:- The Battles of Gross Jagersdorf and Palzig- The Russian Artillery in the Seven Years War- Bashkirs and Kalmucks in the Seven Years’ WarVolume X, No.3 $8 ea. Winter 1998 (21 copies)Contents: - The Christopher Duffy tour of Silesia-1998- Prussian Pioneer regiment IR 49- The Battles of Reichenberg and BurkersdorfVolume X, No. 4 $8 ea. Summer 1999 (8 copies)Contents: - French Artillery& Brigades at Hastenbeck- A History of Glasenapp’s Freikorps- Contemporary Accounts of Minden and HastenbeckVolume XI, No. 1 $8 ea. Fall 1999 (1 copy)Contents:-Wine, Women, &War: Observations on the Life of the Comte de Saxe- Lobositz: Frederick’s First Battle of the Seven Years’ War- The Battle on Snowshoes: French & Indian War Scenario- Book Review by Christopher DuffyVolume XII, No.3 $8 ea. Fall 2001 (10 copies)Contents:- Portugal in the Seven Years’ War, British Artillery (Color Section)- Spanish, British, and Portuguese Orders of Battle- More Information About Grün Loudon- Horace St. Paul’s Journal: 1757, Into SilesiaVolume XII, No.4 $8 ea. Summer 2002 (6 copies)Contents:- The Chevalier de Lévis- Horsemeat and Mutiny in Canada- Infantry Fire and Wargame Design - Young Choiseul at War- Hessian Hat Poms- Sweden’s Role in the Seven Years War-Horace St. Paul’s Journal: 1757, Road to Lissa and Banks of the Oder Volume. XIII, No. 1 $8 ea. Winter 2003 (22 copies)Contents: - Seven Years War Artillery: Shuvalov Howitzer- The Arquebusiers de Grassin- Friedrich Wilhelm von Seydlitz- Product Reviews- Horace St. Paul’s Journal: 1757, With the Main Army outside BreslauVolume XIII, No. 2 $8 ea. Fall 2003 (5 copies)Contents:North Carolina Provincials in the Seven Years’ WarGeorge Washington and the French and Indian WarAusterlitz and Hochkirch Compared, Kolin Refight, Grassin FlagsProvincial Troops at the Siege of HavanaVolume XIII, No. 4 $8 ea. Spring 2005 (10 copies) Contents:- Some Genoese Militia Uniforms of the War of the Austrian Succession (Color Section) - Wargaming the 18th Century- Daniel Morgan in the Seven Years’ War- George Washington Part III- The Royal Regiment of ArtilleryVolume XIV, No.1 $8 ea Fall 2005 (3 copies)- George Washington and the French and Indian War Part IV- The Pennsylvania Long Rifle- The Capture of Quebec- French Seven Years’ War Infantry Battalion Organization- Humphrey Bland- George Townshend- From the Veranda of Sans SouciVolume XIV, No. 2 $8 ea. Summer 2006 (8 copies)-The Life and Times of Seckendorf, Part I-Wargaming the SYW, Part I; SYW Battlefield Tour with Ken Bunger and Todd Fisher-Roundshot Measuring Method for Wargames; Ask Alte Fritz-Streamlined Wargame Mechanics; From the Veranda of Sans SouciVolume XVIII, No.1 $10 ea. Spring 2013 (3 copies)-Hesse-Kassel Stands Alone: The Battle of Sandershausen, July 21, 1758-Book Reviews-Items of Interest Volume XVIII, No. 2 $ 10 ea. (larger size) Fall 2013 (5 copies)-Enlightened Rogues: Light Infantry and Partisan Theorists of the Eighteenth Century, 1740-1800.-Convention Report-Book ReviewsVolume XIX, No. 1 $ 10 ea. Winter 2014 (5 copies)-Flanquers and Pelotons-Hessian Links between the Seven Years’ War and the American War of Independence -“Over the Bodies of our Enemies” The Battle of Mollwitz, April 10, 1741-A Scoundrel’s Scoundrel: The Life and Exploits of Franciscus von der Trenck -Robert Rogers and His Rangers-Book ReviewsVolume XIX, No 2 $ 10 ea. Spring 2014 (5 copies)- Document of Note: Uniforms of the Regiments of the Infantry and Cavalry of Portugal’s Rein - “No Danger that We shall fall in Love with South Carolina”: The Charles Town Quartering Crisis, 1757-1758. - Book Reviews Volume XIX, No. 3 $ 10 ea. Summer 2014 (5 copies)- Live Together, Die Alone: Reconciling Professional Historians, Wargamers, and Reeanctors - George Augustus Howe: Father of the British Light Infantry? - Cuimhnigi ar Luimneach: The Irish Brigade at Fontenoy - Book Reviews - Items of InterestVolume XIX, No. 4 $10 ea. Autumn 2014 (5 copies) -Naval Wargaming the Mid-Eighteenth Century -War in the Age of Fighting Sail: An Introduction -Reflections on the Life of an Eighteenth Century British Navy Captain -The Autobiography of Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, Bart. -Book Reviews Volume XX.1 $10 ea. Spring 2015 (5 copies)-Call for Submissions -Convention Report -Fort Ligonier: Prime Example of a French and Indian Era Frontier Fort -A Brief Guide to the Terminology Necessary for Understanding the Maratha State-The Maratha Military State-Book Reviews Volume XX.2 $10 ea. Summer 2015 (5 copies)- Article Submission Guidelines- The Grammar of Riot in Eighteenth Century London - The Contest for India: The Third Battle of Panipat, January 14, 1761- Tarabai of the Marathas: Myth, History, and Mythologizing History - Book Reviews- Items of InterestVolume XX.3 $10 ea. Winter 2015/2016 (5 copies)- Article Submission Guidelines- “A Question of Doing it Quickly:” Essential Qualities of North Germanic Infantrymen, 1756- 1783. - Biography of Georg Ludwig Graf von Kielmannsegg- A Study of Coalition Command: Ferdinand of Brunswick and His Majesty’s Britannic Army- Convention Report- Book Reviews -Items of Interest Volume XX.4 $10 ea. Autumn 2016 (5 copies)- Article Submission Guidelines- Prophet of War: the Hagakure of Yamamoto Tsunetomo- Russian Military Innovation: Shuvalov and the Secret Howitzer - What’s in a Name? The Changing Interpretations of Sepoys - Why being Hoist with One’s Own Petard would be a very bad thing Indeed -Book Reviews-Items of Interest Volume XXI.1 $10 ea. Winter 2016/2017 (5 copies)-Convention Report-Defending the Homeland: British Auxiliaries During the Seven Years’ War-Crucible of the Partisan: Johann Ewald in the Seven Years’ War -The Siege of Kassel with Letters and Documents by Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe -Book ReviewsVolume XXI.2 $10 ea. Autumn 2017 (5 copies)-Maratha Forts: Their Role and Key Architectural Attributes -Frontier in Flames: An Essay on the Significance of Frontier Settlements during the French and Indian War-Translation of some Letters from Wilhelm Graf zu Schaumburg-Lippe to Ferdinand of Brunswick during the Siege of Kassel, 4 March-25 April 1761 -Book Reviews-Items of Interest Volume XXI.3 $10 ea. Spring 2018 (10 copies)Schaumburg-Lippe Special Issue-The Army of Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg in the Seven Years’ War-Scion of the Military Enlightenment: Field Marshal Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Graf zu Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg -An Abridged Memoire of what happened at the Siege of Kassel in 1761, From the Opening of the First Trench to the 28th of March, the Day of the Lifting of the Siege Volume XXI.4 $10 ea. Summer 18 (10 copies)- Observations and Reflections Upon the Present Military States of Prussia, Austria and France. By Colonel John Burgoyne.- An Inventory of Things Belonging to Major Grant: Scottish Officer in the Service of Great Britain in North America -Convention Reports-Book Reviews -In Memoriam-Dean West Assorted other works:Francis Baron Trenck, Memoirs of the Life of Baron Trenck. James J. Mitchell ed. and Illus. $10(6 copies) ................

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