Pictures of Commanders - Wargamerabbit

Battle of Gilly

June 15, 1815

Emperor Napoleon vs. General von Pirch II

Start time: The French have advanced to the outskirts of Gilly by late afternoon. At 1800 hours their cannon opened fire upon the Prussians defending behind Gilly and along the road towards Fleurus. French have 1st movement on the tabletop.

End time: When the last Prussian unit on tabletop has marched off or been destroyed, or nightfall at end of 2100 hours turn with ten complete game turns played.

Starting MFP level: French have used 112 MFP (200 total) during the long day of marching and light skirmish actions. Prussians have used 30 MFP (52 total) marching and desperately holding back the French army advance on June 15th.

Special scenario rules:

Prussian Ammo supply: The Prussians have no ready ammo train in the area so the artillery battery has no reserve of artillery ammo and the close order infantry battalions, when firing, rolls 6D. If “1” rolled, the unit is low on ammo for remainder of game and place “low on ammo” marker adjacent to unit.

Napoleon hit: If Emperor Napoleon is wounded or killed during the scenario, the Prussian player immediately wins a Prussian Major Victory and the scenario ends. French players cannot voluntary exit Napoleon to avoid the random officer hit roll (French morale slumps).

Weather: Been a long and hot marching day for both sides, the cool evening weather is clear for the scenario start at chart 4. When dusk comes at 2000 hours, use chart 5.

Line of communications (LOC): French LOC exits on road to Charleroi. Prussian LOC isn’t in play since their forces are divisional or lower in command scope. The Prussian player can only exit his units along the NE edge of map (toward Fleurus or Lambusart).

Terrain notes: Normally medium woods don’t allow mounted cavalry or artillery to enter. These woods had well tended undergrowth by the locals so for this battle the mounted cavalry may ride into the woods with 6” movement cost (closed order formations) or move maximum 10” open order movement, and automatic terrain disorder. No cavalry charges may be called while positioned in the woods unless along the road or pathway (single miniature wide). Any assaults must be a slow trot forward into the defender just like an infantry shock combat, without the charging shock combat modifier, and using only the cavalry unit’s front rank miniatures to determine shock combat odds. To charge, the cavalry unit must be outside the woods completely or along the road / pathway in single miniature column formation when charge declared. All cavalry charges stop short at the woods edge. Artillery batteries and HQ bases are still restricted to the roadway or pathway.

Battle Map for Gilly (w/o map counters):


Map scale notes: Map scale above is 600 yards to the map square inch. Each map square converts to 12” by 12” on actual tabletop (game scale is 50 yards to inch). Map legend is at top right of map. Napoleon’s windmill is class I wooden structure just to right of Gilly.

Battle map with command counters:


Notes: The small command markers represent starting locations for the single Prussian battalion or cavalry regiments. Under Napoleon’s HQ marker is the OG Cavalry detachment (Empress Dragoons) and 11th Infantry division. Under the 1st Cavalry Corps marker is the 4th Light Cavalry division. 2nd Cavalry Corps marker is atop the 9th Cavalry division. The colored order markers are removed for diagram clarity.

Starting positions and Orders (LOC): All French are acting under “Advance position” senior order so no defend orders are allowed. All Prussians are under “Hold position” senior order so no attack orders. Both sides have all their commands in battle mode with the initial order detailed below. All French and Prussian units set up in the rear half of each map square per normal miniature tabletop deployment rules and with additional restrictions on the Prussians. Definition of command orders covered at Wargamerabbit.


French Emperor Napoleon with staff and his OGd escort squadron start at C6 besides the windmill. His imperial headquarters base is off map for this scenario.

OG Cavalry (Emp. Dragoons) C6 with March order

III Corps HQ (Vandamme) C6 with Advance position senior order

8th Infantry Division Enter C6 on 1800 turn from off map with March order

11th Infantry Division B6 and C6 with Attack order

1st Reserve Cavalry HQ (Pajol) B6 with Advance position senior order

4th Light Cavalry Division B6 with March order

5th Light Cavalry Division Enter B6 on 1800 turn off map with March order

2nd Reserve Cavalry HQ (Exelmans) D6 with Advance position senior order

9th Cavalry Division D6 with Attack order

10th Cavalry Division Enter D6 on 1800 turn from off map with March order


2nd Infantry Brigade: At specific locations listed below with Engage order;

6th IR (2 btns), 1st btn./28th IR, Fusilier/28th btn., and 6lb foot battery in C5 and within 12” of the nearest Gilly town building. Fusilier/6th battalion is placed in B5 along the woods edge. 2nd/28th IR is placed in Abbey Soleilmont. Westphalian 2nd Landwehr infantry regiment is placed on road, in proper column formation, in B4 and B3. Westphalian Landwehr cavalry in B3 positioned on road leading the retirement of the Westphalian Landwehr infantry towards Fleurus.

1st Korps Reserve Kavalry* D4 with Engage order

• Only the 2nd Dragoons (1st West Prussian) regiment starts on the tabletop at D4. The remaining four cavalry regiments, and their horse battery, may appear near scenario end entering the map at B1, C1 and D1.

Note: French will have first movement so Prussian players should prepare for massive French cavalry charges from the nearby French cavalry. Think screened battalion squares.

Off map reinforcements: No French reinforcements during scenario. French unit movement on the tabletop triggers possible Prussian reinforcement.

If any French unit enters the A row of the map, the Prussian 6th Uhlans (ex Lutzow), attached to Prussian 1st Korps HQ command, may enter the tabletop at A2 or A3 at Prussian players whim, on next Prussian movement phase. The 6th Uhlans was the linking force between the Prussian 2nd and 1st Brigades during their retreat towards Fleurus that warm June 15th evening. They operate under the 1st Reserve Kavalry engage order.

If any French cavalry regiment exits the woods in map row 2, the Prussian 1st Korps Reserve Kavalry command is immediately released and enters the tabletop along B1, C1 or D1, at Prussian player’s whim, on next Prussian movement phase.

Order of battle:

French OOB:

Emperor Napoleon is present on battlefield without his Imperial HQ base.

Emperor’s escort squadron (Empress Dragoons) 1x3 CMR 10 is with him. The escort squadron is a separate unit from the Empress Dragoons commanded by General Letort below.

OG Cavalry under Letort (Empress Dragoons) 1x6 CMR 9 with March Order

III Corps HQ (Vandamme) HQ base CMR 8 (Advance position senior order)

Sapper detachment 1x3 CMR 8

Ammo train for III Corps only 1x1 CMR 5

8th Infantry Division (Lefol) with March order

15th Legere 3x6 CMR 7

23rd Ligne 2x6 CMR 6

37th Ligne 2x6 CMR 6

64th Ligne 2x5 CMR 6

6lb Foot battery (8) CMR 7

11th Infantry Division (Berthezene) with Attack order

12th Ligne 2x6 CMR 6

56th Ligne 2x6 CMR 6

33rd Ligne 2x6 CMR 6

86th Ligne 2x5 CMR 6

6lb Foot battery (8) CMR 7

1st Reserve Cavalry HQ (Pajol) HQ base CMR 8 (Advance position senior order)

4th Light Cavalry Division (Soult) with March order

4th Hussars 1x4 CMR 8

5th Hussars 1x4 CMR 8

6lb Horse battery (6) CMR 8

5th Light Cavalry Division (Subervie) with March order

1st Light Lancers 1x4 CMR 7

2nd Light Lancers 1x4 CMR 7

11th Chasseurs ‘a cheval 1x5 CMR 7

6lb Horse battery (6) CMR 8

2nd Reserve Cavalry HQ (Exelmans) HQ base CMR 8 (Advance position senior order)

9th Cavalry Division (Strolz) with Attack order

5th Dragoons 1x5 CMR 7

13th Dragoons 1x4 CMR 7

15th Dragoons 1x4 CMR 7

20th Dragoons 1x4 CMR 7

6lb Horse battery (6) CMR 8

10th Cavalry Division (Chastel) with March order

4th Dragoons 1x4 CMR 7

12th Dragoons 1x4 CMR 7

14th Dragoons 1x4 CMR 7

17th Dragoons 1x3 CMR 7

6lb Horse battery (6) CMR 8

Prussian OOB:

Prussian 1st Korps HQ and General von Zieten II are not present during scenario.

2nd Infantry Brigade (von Pirch II) with Engage order

6th IR (1st West Prussian) 2x8 CMR 6 (2x FJ)

Fus/6th IR 1x7 CMR 7

28th IR (ex Berg) 2x8 CMR 6 (2x FJ)

Fus/28th IR 1x7 CMR 6

2nd Westphalia Landwehr 2x8 and 1x4 CMR 5 (1x FJ)

Westphalian Landwehr Kavalry 1x4 CMR 6

6lb Foot battery (8) CMR 7

1st Korps Reserve Kavalry (von Roeder) with Engage order

2nd Dragoons 1x5 CMR 7

5th Dragoons 1x6 CMR 7 (1x FJ)

3rd Uhlans 1x5 CMR 7

1st Kurmark Landwehr Kavalry 1x3 CMR 6

2nd Kurmark Landwehr Kavalry 1x3 CMR 6

6lb Horse battery (8) CMR 7

Detached 6th Uhlans 1x5 CMR 7 (1x FJ)

WR used a rough 1:90 miniature scale for this order of battle. (2x6) = 2 battalions of 6 infantry miniatures each. French cavalry are small regiments. (8) for artillery equals 8 cannon in battery.

Victory conditions:

French Major Victory: Sweep the entire Prussian 2nd Brigade from the battlefield with 60% or greater command loss. Isolated Prussian battalions and any arrived Prussian Reserve Kavalry cannot prevent two or more French complete cavalry divisions (excluding their attached horse artillery) from exiting the NE table edge on 11th (2120 turn) scenario turn. (Prussian deployment at Ligny is disrupted for the battle on June 16th)

French Minor Victory: Push the Prussian 2nd Brigade beyond the woods with 40% loss, before the scenario end on 2040 hours turn. Isolated Prussian battalions and any arrived Prussian Reserve Kavalry cannot prevent two or more French complete cavalry divisions (excluding their attached horse artillery) from exiting the NE table edge on 11h (2120 turn) scenario turn.

Draw: Prussian 2nd Brigade pushed beyond the woods but complete French cavalry divisions clearly not in position to exit the tabletop on 2120 hours turn if scenario continued. (Historical result)

Prussian Minor Victory: Prussian 2nd Brigade still remains on tabletop, in woods with several battalions, at scenario end and under 40% command loss. Complete French cavalry divisions clearly not in position to exit the tabletop on 2120 hours turn if scenario continued.

Prussian Major Victory: Prussian 2nd Brigade under 40% command loss and no French cavalry unit exits the woods on NE edge towards Fleurus or Lambusart at end of scenario. (French deployment at Ligny on the afternoon of June 16th may be delayed and possible arrival of Prussian IV Korps will change history)

Rules of Play: Wargamerabbit. has a rules section providing files; charts, table and game play examples on YouTube videos. This is a good training scenario for the interaction of squared infantry battalions and charging cavalry.

Special event cards: None for this small scenario.





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