World History II - Mr. Sexton's 'There and Back Again'

World History II

Otto Von Bismarck Discussion

Name: __________________________

Period: __________________________

Directions: Look over the following materials, leaving comments after each document.

We will be having a classroom discussion on the materials and the following prompt:

Prince Otto von Bismarck could be considered Machiavelli's model of the ideal ruler in that, he was feared by his people and he used any ends to justify the tactics he used in bringing about the unification of the German states.

You will be graded on your participation in the discussion. You will be expected to participate with at least one comment and one question within your discussion group. When you are not in the discussion group, you will be required to take an account of how your classmates are participating in their discussion.


...Give the working man the right to work as long as he is healthy; assure him care when he is sick; assure him matinence when he is old. If you do that, and do not fear the sacrifice, or cry out at State Socialism directly the words 'provision for the old age' are uttered,-if the state will show a little more Christian solicitude for the working man, then I believe that the gentleman of the Social Democratic program will sound their bird call in vain, and that the thronging to them will cease as soon as working men see that the Government and legislative bodies are earnestly concerned for their welfare.

Yes, I acknowledge unconditionally a right to work, and I will stand up for it as long as I am in this place. But here I do not stand upon the ground of Socialism, which is said to have only begun with the Bismarck Ministry, but on that of the Prussian common law...

Speeches on Pragmatism and State Socialism, Otto von Bismarck



...For the worker it is always a fact that falling into poverty and onto poor relief in a great city is synonymous with misery, and this insecurity makes him hostile and mistrustful of society. That is humanly not unnatural, and as long as the state does not meet him halfway, just as long will this trust in the state's honesty be taken away from accusations against the government, which he will find where he wills; always running back again to the socialist quacks...and with out great reflection, letting himself be promised things, which will not be fulfilled...

Promotion of the Workers' Welfare

Otto von Bismarck



     After the reports of the renunciation by the hereditary prince of Hohenzollern had been officially transmitted by the Royal Government of Spain to the Imperial Government of France, the French Ambassador presented to His Majesty the King at Ems he demand to authorize him to telegraph to Paris that His Majesty the King would obligate himself for all future time never again to give his approval to the candidacy of the Hohenzollerns should it be renewed.

     His Majesty the King thereupon refused to receive the French envoy again and informed him through an adjutant that His Majesty had nothing further to say to the Ambassador.

The Abeken Text, Ems, July 13, 1870, Edited by Otto Von Bismarck



     In order that German patriotism should be active and effective, it needs as a rule to hang on the peg of dependence upon a dynasty; independent of dynasty it rarely comes to the rising point, though in theory it daily does so, in parliament, in the press, in public meeting; in practice the German needs either attachment to a dynasty or the goad of anger, hurrying him into action: the latter phenomenon, however, by its own nature is not permanent. It is as a Prussian, a Hanoverian, a Wutemberger, a Barvarian or a Hessian, rather than as a German, that he is deposed to give unequivocal proof of patriotism….

Reflections and Reminiscences

Otto von Bismark



Arise ye workers from your slumbers

Arise ye prisoners of want

For reason in revolt now thunders

And at last ends the age of cant.

Away with all your superstitions

Servile masses arise, arise

We'll change henceforth [forthwith] the old tradition [conditions]

And spurn the dust to win the prize.

So comrades, come rally

And the last fight let us face

The Internationale unites the human race.

So comrades, come rally

And the last fight let us face

The Internationale unites the human race.

No more deluded by reaction

On tyrants only we'll make war

The soldiers too will take strike action

They'll break ranks and fight no more

And if those cannibals keep trying

To sacrifice us to their pride

They soon shall hear the bullets flying

We'll shoot the generals on our own side.

No saviour from on high delivers

No faith have we in prince or peer

Our own right hand the chains must shiver

Chains of hatred, greed and fear

E'er the thieves will out with their booty [give up their booty]

And give to all a happier lot.

Each [those] at the forge must do their duty

And we'll strike while the iron is hot.

Die Internationale (1888)



Recruits of my Guards Regiment!

     You are assembled here from all quarters of my realm in order to meet your military obligation and have in this holy place [1] sworn loyalty to your kaiser even unto your last breath. You are still too young to understand all of this, but little by little it will be made known to you. Do not bother yourselves too greatly about all this but trust in God, now and again say an "Our Father," which has many a time renewed a warrior's courage.

     Children of my Guards, from this day you are incorporated into my army. Now you stand under my command and have been permitted the privilege of wearing my uniform. Wear it with honor. Think on our fatherland's glorious history. Think also that the German army must be armed against the inner foe as well as the foreign. More than ever unbelief and discontent raise their head in the fatherland, and it may come about that you will have to shoot or bayonet your own relatives and brothers. Then seal your loyalty with the offering up of your heart's blood. Now, go home and fulfill your duty.

Wilhelm II at the Swearing-in of New Recruits 
in Potsdam, November 23, 1891.



1.Who is the greatest statesman of the century?...

3.Whom would you name the greatest hero of the century?...

7.The greatest historical event...?

8.The most important battle?...

11.The unhappiest period?

12.Who were the two greatest Berliners?

1. Bismarck (Baron vom Stein got a few dozen votes; Gladstone mentioned)...

3. Wilhelm I (2400); Bismarck (1600): Stanley, Garibaldi mentioned; Dr. Mueller of Vienna nominated himself...

7. German unification (some say defeat of Napoleon; a few, the Revolution of 1848)

8. Battle of Leipzig (4300); Sedan (2000)...

11. 1806-1812; a few, 1815-1848; 1867-73; 1848, 1878-1890

12. Alexander von Humboldt (1500); Wilhelm I (1200); Wilhelm II mentioned.

Opinion Poll, Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, 1899









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