World Mythology Amusement Park

Honors English Literature and Composition

Individual Essay and Group Product Requirements





What benefits or drawbacks does ______________ (form of biotechnology) offer humankind?

Student groups will choose and perform research on the biotechnology topic of their choice. Students will determine whether or not the topic chosen has helped or hindered twenty-first century society. The first half of the project includes an individual notetaking research chart, individual research essay, and individual works cited page. The second half of the project includes a group product and group presentation. This project will count as 2 test grades (group product AND each student’s portion of the presentation=1 test grade; individual research essay=1 test grade).

STEP ONE: Individual Notetaking Research Chart

EACH INDIVIDUAL STUDENT will gather research information on ONE of the topics from the GROUP’S driving question (each group member will research a DIFFERENT aspect of the same topic). Using a variety of print and internet sources, EACH INDIVIDUAL STUDENT will complete a RESEARCH NOTETAKING CHART (see handout) listing all source information. The notetaking chart will count as a minor assessment grade (see due dates above) and MUST BE TYPED.

• Students must have a total of 30 pieces of evidence from a minimum of FIVE sources.

EACH INDIVIDUAL STUDENT must include a MINIMUM of FIVE sources. CAUTION—every source used must have an author. The following are the ONLY APPROVED RESEARCH SITES:

• Galileo - Current password is SLID (as of 12/16/16)

• NewsELA – Create a parent account so you don’t have to have a password

• Time/NYT Magazine (Online or paper copy)

• CNN Student Network

• Fahrenheit 451, Anthem, The Wave, and “Harrison Bergeron” may all be used as sources.

STEP TWO: Individual Research Essay Outline

Students will organize facts into an outline. Outline must be typed. Due Friday MARCH 3. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED.

STEP THREE: Individual Technology Research Essay

After ALL facts are collected and organized, EACH INDIVIDUAL STUDENT will create and submit a FIVE PARAGRAPH research essay AND a works cited page that responds to the overarching question. ALL ASPECTS OF THIS PROJECT MUST BE TYPED. The works cited page must contain valid and properly formatted source citations or the essay will be counted as plagiarized and no credit will be earned. All in-text citations must also be properly formatted and contain the appropriate information. Refer to your MLA handouts for additional assistance.

Students who fail to submit a works cited page on the 1st OR 2nd due date will receive an automatic zero for plagiarism on the individual portion of the assignment. No excuses. No exceptions.

STEP FOUR: Upload Individual Essays and Works Cited Page to

Upload the FINAL essay AND works cited page to . If the originality number exceeds 15%, make necessary corrections and submit again. Make certain to allow 24 hours for an originality report. See project calendar for DUE DATES.

STEP FIVE: Group Real-Life World Connection Product

1. Product

Each GROUP (2-3 people) will research the effects of biotechnology on twenty-first century society. Each GROUP will construct a product inspired by what was learned about this area of technology during individual research. For example, groups may make a PSA (Public Service Announcement), a commercial, or a brochure that might be found in a doctor’s office. Other ideas are welcomed, but share them with your teacher first!

2. The product must meet all the following requirements:

A. Each group must receive teacher permission for choice of product.

B. The product MUST be something we would see in our modern day technological society. This is NOT a product of your research findings!!!

C. If you choose to create a webpage or website, make sure to have a back-up plan if technical difficulties arise.

D. Make sure to have accurate and complete research information in your product and cite these!!

E. The product should be attractive and have interesting and appealing colors, textures, compositions, and shapes.

F. Be creative with your product. Think outside the box!

G. Consult the rubric for more specific requirements.

STEP SIX: Group Presentation

See Project Management Calendar for group presentation dates. Presenting groups will be randomly chosen.

1. Each person in the group must speak.

2. Dressing up to present will result in one bonus point per “dressed up” person.

3. The group must explain the topic and why it was chosen. Explain the real world connection of your product: who is your product for and where would we see it?

4. Use eye contact and TALK to the audience. Do NOT read to them!

5. Speak loudly and clearly.

6. Stand up straight and do not fidget.

7. Do not interrupt your speech with “uhms.”

8. Consult the rubric for more specific requirements.

STEP SEVEN: Individual and Group Grading Rubrics

Grading rubrics are attached for every aspect of this project. Please refer to the grading rubrics to ensure the best score possible. Failure to refer frequently to the rubrics will impact your final score.

When in doubt, ask!

This project is worth TWO MAJOR ASSESSMENT grades and

several MINOR ASSESSMENT grades.

Please consistently give your best!


Individual Assignment and Group Product

Project Management Calendar

Parents: Please review the Project Management Calendar regularly to keep abreast of your child’s progress on the extensive project. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns.

| | |DATE TURNED IN | | |


|Begin Project |Monday, February 6 | | | |

| |Hand out and review requirements for Project | | | |

| |Choose bio-technology product | | | |

| |Choose group members | | | |

|Research Overview |Tuesday, February 7 | | | |

|Assignment |Work in groups to produce Research Overview Assignment | | | |

|Research Project Gallery |Thursday, February 9 | | | |

|Walk |Gallery Walk and Student Conferences to discuss and modify project | | | |

| |and product ideas | | | |

|Classroom Research |Friday, February 10 through Thursday, February 16 | | | |

| |Complete research and create notetaking chart | | | |

|Notetaking Research Chart |Individual Notetaking Chart (minor assessment grade) | | | |

|DJE |1ST DUE DATE—Friday, February 17, 2017 (5 BONUS POINTS) | | | |

| |2ND DUE DATE—Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (LATE WITH NO PENALTY) | | | |

|Essay Outline DUE |Friday, March 3 | | | |

| |Essay Outlines Due | | | |

|Assemble |Tuesday, March 14, Wednesday, March 15, Thursday March 16. | | | |

|Group Project |In class days to work on group project | | | |

|Technology Research Essay |Individual Essay and Works Cited Page--UPLOAD to | | | |

|and Works Cited Page DUE |(major assessment grade) | | | |

|Upload to with|1ST DUE DATE—Friday, March 10, 2017 (5 BONUS POINTS) | | | |

|15% originality report DUE |2ND DUE DATE—Tuesday, March 14, 2017 (LATE WITH NO PENALTY) | | | |

|Product DUE |Group Product Due | | | |

| |1ST DUE DATE—Friday, March 24, 2017 (5 BONUS POINTS) | | | |

| |2ND DUE DATE—Monday March 27, 2017 (LATE WITH NO PENALTY) | | | |

|Presentations |Monday, March 27 and Tuesday, March 28 | | | |


Parents: The Project Management Calendar in this packet outlines

ALL due dates for every aspect of this project.

Please review the Project Management Calendar regularly to keep abreast of your

child’s progress on this very extensive, long-term research project and presentation.

Please contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns.

o Due to the extensive nature of this project, and the requirement that all sections be typed, much of this project will need to be completed outside of the classroom.

o Students who do not have access to a computer must make arrangements to use IF time, come in early, or stay in the afternoons to use the media center or classroom computers.

o Students must complete all assignments by the dates outlined on the Assignment Calendar to avoid a zero.




Students will receive ample completion time for projects AND two submission dates to avoid the problem of unexpected issues that may arise the night before the project is due. Students should aim for the FIRST due date (and earn bonus points) and use the SECOND due date as an emergency stop gap in case problems arise on the FIRST due date.

NO individual essay OR group product without a works cited page

will be accepted under any circumstances.

Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand all the requirements and expectations for this project. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns.

Student Name PRINTED:_____________________________________________________________

Student Signature:__________________________________________________________________


Parent Name PRINTED:____________________________________________________________

Parent Signature:___________________________________________________________________



Individual Assignment and Group Product

Project Management Calendar

Parents: Please review the Project Management Calendar regularly to keep abreast of your child’s progress on the extensive project. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns.

| | |DATE TURNED IN | | |


|Begin Project |Monday, February 6 | | | |

| |Hand out and review requirements for Project | | | |

| |Choose bio-technology product | | | |

| |Choose group members | | | |

|Research Overview |Tuesday, February 7 | | | |

|Assignment |Work in groups to produce Research Overview Assignment | | | |

|Research Project Gallery |Thursday, February 9 | | | |

|Walk |Gallery Walk and Student Conferences to discuss and modify project | | | |

| |and product ideas | | | |

|Classroom Research |Friday, February 10 through Thursday, February 16 | | | |

| |Complete research and create notetaking chart | | | |

|Notetaking Research Chart |Individual Notetaking Chart (minor assessment grade) | | | |

|DJE |1ST DUE DATE—Friday, February 17, 2017 (5 BONUS POINTS) | | | |

| |2ND DUE DATE—Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (LATE WITH NO PENALTY) | | | |

|Essay Outline DUE |Friday, March 3 | | | |

| |Essay Outlines Due | | | |

|Assemble |Tuesday, March 14, Wednesday, March 15, Thursday March 16. | | | |

|Group Project |In class days to work on group project | | | |

|Technology Research Essay |Individual Essay and Works Cited Page--UPLOAD to | | | |

|and Works Cited Page DUE |(major assessment grade) | | | |

|Upload to with|1ST DUE DATE—Friday, March 10, 2017 (5 BONUS POINTS) | | | |

|15% originality report DUE |2ND DUE DATE—Tuesday, March 14, 2017 (LATE WITH NO PENALTY) | | | |

|Product DUE |Group Product Due | | | |

| |1ST DUE DATE—Friday, March 24, 2017 (5 BONUS POINTS) | | | |

| |2ND DUE DATE—Monday March 27, 2017 (LATE WITH NO PENALTY) | | | |

|Presentations |Monday, March 27 and Tuesday, March 28 | | | |





|All pages are typed, Calibri size 11 font, black ink on white paper. All four columns are | | | | |

|on the same page. | | | | |

|QUANTITIY OF SOURCES USED: |5 |4-3 |2-0 | |

|At minimum, FIVE sources must be used. | | | | |

|ONLY sources on the approved list were used. | | | | |

|QUANTITY OF EVIDENCE: |10 |9-5 |4-0 | |

|A minimum of thirty (30) facts supporting the driving question were included to meet the | | | | |

|standard. | | | | |


|In-text citations are provided and correctly formatted in the “Text Evidence” column. | | | | |

|“Text Evidence” column is accurately copied and there is enough text provided to allow the | | | | |

|reader complete understanding. | | | | |


|In-text citations are correctly formatted in the “Restated” column. | | | | |

|“Restated” column contains a well written sentence with text evidence quoted or summarized | | | | |

|in it. | | | | |

|DEPTH OF RESEARCH: High level of research is displayed as well as depth of information. |5 |4-3 |2-0 | |

|Grammar, Usage and Mechanics: No more than three (3) G.U.M. errors |5 |4-3 |2-0 | |

| |

|TOTAL SCORE________/ 50 |

|ADJUSTED SCORE_______/100 |




Extended Response Essay

|Idea Development, Organization, and Coherence (4 points) |

|4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|The student’s response is a well-developed |The student’s response is a |The student’s response is an |The student’s response is a |The response is |

|informative/explanatory text that examines a |complete informative/explanatory |incomplete or oversimplified |weak attempt to write an |completely |

|topic in depth and presents related |text that examines a topic and |informative/expository text |informative/explanatory text |irrelevant or |

|information based on text as a stimulus. |presents information based on text |that cursorily examines a |that examines a topic based on|incorrect, or |

|Effectively introduces the topic and main |as a stimulus. |topic based on text as a |text as a stimulus. |there is no |

|idea[s] to be examined. |Clearly introduces the topic and |stimulus. |May not introduce a topic or |response. |

|Uses an organizational strategy to present |main idea[s] to be examined. |Attempts to introduce a topic |main idea, or the topic or |The student merely|

|information effectively and maintain focus |Has an organizational strategy to |or main idea. |main idea must be inferred. |copies the text in|

|and to make important connections and |group information and provide |Ineffectively organizes ideas,|May be too brief to |the prompt. |

|distinctions. |focus, but sometimes connections |concepts, and information. |demonstrate an organizational |The student copies|

|Thoroughly develops the topic with |and distinctions are not clear. |Develops topic, sometimes |structure, or no structure is |so much text from |

|well-chosen, relevant, and enough facts, |Uses a few pieces of relevant |unevenly, with little relevant|evident. |the passages that |

|extended definitions, concrete details, |information from sources to develop|information. |Provides minimal information |there is not |

|quotations, or other information and examples|topic. |Attempts to link ideas and |to develop the topic, little |sufficient |

|that are appropriate for the audience. |Uses some transitions to connect |concepts, but cohesion is |or none of which is from |original work to |

|Uses appropriate and varied transitions to |and clarify relationships among |inconsistent. |sources. |be scored. |

|create cohesion, to link major sections of |ideas, but relationships may not |Uses limited precise language |Struggles to link some ideas, | |

|the text, and to clarify the relationship |always be clear. |and/or domain-specific |and concepts, but cohesion is | |

|among ideas. |Uses some precise language and |vocabulary to manage the |weak throughout | |

|Effectively uses precise language and |domain specific vocabulary to |topic. |Uses vague, ambiguous, | |

|domain-specific vocabulary appropriate to the|explain the topic |Attempts to establish formal |inexact, or repetitive | |

|audience and complexity of the topic. |Usually uses a formal style and |style and objective tone but |language | |

|Establishes and maintains a formal style and |tone. |struggles to maintain. |Lacks appropriate format style| |

|subjective tone. |Provides a concluding statement or |Provides a weak concluding |and tone. | |

|Provides a strong concluding statement or |section that follows from the ideas|statement or section. |Provides a minimal or no | |

|section that logically follows from the ideas|presented. | |concluding statement or | |

|presented. | | |section. | |

|Language Usage and Conventions (3 points) |

|3 |2 |1 |0 |

|The student’s response demonstrates full command |The student’s response demonstrates partial |The student’s response demonstrates weak |The student’s |

|of language usage and conventions. |command of language usage and conventions. |command of language usage and conventions. |response has many |

|Uses clear and complete sentence structure, with |Uses complete sentences, with some variety |Has fragments, run-ons, and/or other sentence |errors that affect|

|appropriate range and variety |Attributes paraphrases and direct quotation |structure errors. |the overall |

|Makes an attempt to attribute paraphrases and |inconsistently to their sources via in-text |Makes little if any attempt to attribute |meaning, or the |

|direct quotations to their sources via in-text or|or parenthetical citations. |paraphrases and direct quotations to their |response is too |

|parenthetical citation. |Has minor errors in usage and/or conventions |sources |brief to determine|

|Has no errors in usage and/or conventions that |with no significant effects on meaning. |Has frequent errors in usage and conventions |a score. |

|interfere with meaning. | |that interfere with meaning. |The student copies|

| | | |so much text from |

| | | |the passages that |

| | | |there is not |

| | | |sufficient |

| | | |original work to |

| | | |be scored. |

|TOTAL SCORE ________/ 7 points |

|ADJUSTED SCORE________/100 points |


Student Name ________________________________________________

Student Name ________________________________________________

Student Name ________________________________________________

Student Name ________________________________________________



| |4 POINTS |3 POINTS |2 POINTS | | |

|Professional |Every group member is thoughtfully|Some group members are |Only one group member is |No group members are | |

|Attire |dressed in professional attire. |dressed in professional |dressed in professional |dressed professionally. | |

| | |attire. |attire. | | |

|Preparedness |Group is completely prepared and |Group seems fairly prepared |Group is somewhat prepared, |Student does not seem at| |

| |has obviously rehearsed. |but might have needed a |but it is clear that rehearsal|all prepared to present.| |

| | |couple more rehearsals. |was lacking. | | |

|Speech |Speaks clearly and distinctly all |Speaks clearly and distinctly|Speaks clearly and distinctly |Often mumbles or cannot | |

| |(100- 95%) the time, and |all (100- 95%) the time, but |most (94- 85%) of the time. |be understood OR | |

| |mispronounces no words. |mispronounces one word. |Mispronounces more than one |mispronounces many | |

| | | |word. |words. | |

|Volume |Volume is loud enough to be heard |Volume is loud enough to be |Volume is loud enough to be |Volume often too soft to| |

| |by all audience members throughout|heard by all audience members|heard by all audience members |be heard by all audience| |

| |the presentation. |at least 90% of the time. |at least 80% of the time. |members. | |

|Posture and Eye Contact |Stands up straight, looks relaxed |Stands up straight and |Sometimes stands up straight |Slouches and/or does not| |

| |and confident. Establishes eye |establishes eye contact with |and establishes eye contact. |look at people during | |

| |contact with everyone in the room |everyone in the room during | |the presentation. | |

| |during the presentation. |the presentation. | | | |

|Contribution |Every member of the group actively|All members contribute, but |All members contribute, but |Some (or several) | |

| |contributes and participates |the efforts and contributions|the efforts are placed mostly |members do not | |

| |presenting as a cohesive, |are unequal. Some evidence |on one speaker who carries the|participate at all. | |

| |well-prepared unit. Clear |of rehearsal and planning. |load for the group. Clear | | |

| |evidence of exceptional rehearsal | |lack of rehearsal or planning.| | |

| |and planning. | | | | |

|The group must explain the |Explanation is deep, thoughtful, |Explanation is somewhat |Explanation lacks any evidence|No response provided to | |

|topic and why it was |and insightful. Every group |thoughtful or insightful. |of thought or reflection. |this question. | |

|chosen. Explain the real |member has clearly reflected on |Most group members show they |Most group members are unable | | |

|world connection of your |this aspect of the project and is |have reflected on this aspect|to articulate a response. | | |

|product: who is your |able to address it fluently and |but others have not. Most | | | |

|product for and where would|succinctly. |group members are able to | | | |

|we see it? | |articulate a general | | | |

| | |response. | | | |

| | |


|TOTAL PROJECT SCORE _______/100 | |





|Component |Meets |Nearly Meets |Does Not Meet |Score |

|Teamwork |The group worked well together to achieve |The group worked well together most of the|Team did not collaborate or communicate | |

|(25 POINTS) |objectives. Each member contributed in a |time, with only a few occurrences of |well. Some members would work | |

| |valuable way to the final product. All |communication breakdown or failure to |independently, without regard to | |

| |data sources indicated a high level of |collaborate when appropriate. Members |objectives or priorities. A lack of | |

| |mutual respect and collaboration. |were mostly respectful of each other. |respect and regard was frequently noted. | |

| |25 24 23 22 |20 18 16 14 12 |10 8 6 4 2 0 | |

|Contribution |All requirements and objectives are |All requirements are identified and |Many requirements and objectives are not | |

|(25 POINTS) |identified, evaluated, and completed. The|evaluated, but some objectives are not |identified, evaluated, and/or completed. | |

| |product offers new information or |completed or are unclear. The product |The product offered no new information or | |

| |approaches to the topic under discussion. |offers some new information or approaches |approach to the topic under discussion. | |

| |Likewise, the application of information |to the topic under discussion. The |Few application considerations are | |

| |is based on stated criteria, analysis, and|application is reasonable; further |analyzed and other factors were ignored or| |

| |constraints. |analysis of some of the alternatives or |incompletely analyzed. | |

| | |constraints may have led to a different | | |

| | |recommendation. |10 8 6 4 2 0 | |

| |25 24 23 22 |20 18 16 14 12 | | |

|Subject Knowledge |The product demonstrated knowledge of the |The product demonstrated knowledge of the |The product did not demonstrate knowledge | |

|(25 POINTS) |chosen topic by integrating major and |chosen topic by integrating major concepts|of the chosen topic, evidence of research,| |

| |minor concepts into the response. The |into the response. The product also |or depth of thinking about the topic. | |

| |product also demonstrated evidence of |demonstrated evidence of limited research | | |

| |extensive research efforts and a |effort and/or limited depth of thinking | | |

| |significant and impressive depth of |about the topic. | | |

| |thinking about the topic. | | | |

| |25 24 23 22 | | | |

| | |20 18 16 14 12 |10 8 6 4 2 0 | |

|Supporting Materials|All relevant information was obtained and |Sufficient information was obtained and |Insufficient information was obtained | |

|(20 POINTS) |included and information sources were |most sources were valid. Analysis and |and/or sources lacked validity. Analysis | |

| |valid. Analysis and design considerations|design considerations were mostly |and design considerations were not | |

| |were well-supported by the information. |supported by the information. |supported by the information collected. | |

| |20 19 | | | |

| | |18 16 14 12 10 |8 6 4 2 0 | |

|Composition |The product was well organized and |The product was organized and arranged in |The product lacked overall organization | |

|(5 POINTS) |arranged logically and sequentially. The |an orderly fashion for the most part. In |and logic. The reader/viewer had to put | |

| |underlying logic was clearly articulated |some areas, the logic and flow of ideas |forth considerable effort to understand | |

| |and easy to follow. Word choices were |were difficult to follow. With minor |the underlying logic and/or flow of ideas.| |

| |precise and clearly articulated the |exceptions, word choices were well-chosen.|Visuals, charts, or diagrams were absent | |

| |intended meaning and message supported |Visuals, charts, or diagrams were |or inconsistent with the text. Grammar | |

| |viewer/reader comprehension. Visuals, |consistent and generally supported |and spelling errors made it difficult for | |

| |charts, or diagrams enhanced and clarified|presentation of ideas. There were a few |the reader/viewer to interpret meaning. | |

| |presentation of ideas. There were no |spoken or written grammatical errors, but | | |

| |grammatical error ever spoken or written. |they did not hinder the reader/viewer. | | |

| |5 4 | | | |

| | |3 2 |1 0 | |

| | |

|TOTAL SCORE___________/100 | |


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