Psalms 107: 1 - 2

INTRODUCTION: 1. Talk about the text -- Psalm 107: 1 - 2 2. The Redeemed are those who have been released from sin -- those who have been purchased, rescued or ransomed -- Acts 20:28; Matt. 20:28 3. Christians are the Redeemed from sin today -- I Cor. 6: 20

(1) They have been redeemed from iniquity -- Tit. 2:14 (2) In Christ -- Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:24 (3) By the blood of Christ -- I Pet. 1: 18 - 19 (4) Eternal redemption -- Heb. 9:12 4. As the Redeemed of the Lord today we need to" SAY SO" -- Psalm 107: 2; I Tim. 3:15; Jude 3; Phil. 1:17; I Pet. 2:9

I. THE REDEEMED TODAY NEED TO "SAY SO" IN DOCTRINE 1. They need to "say so" in contending for the FAITH -- Jude 3; Phil. 1;17; Acts 17: 16 - 17; I Tim. 1:3 2. They need to "say so" in speaking the things which become SOUND DOCTRINE -- Tit. 2:1; II Tim. 4: 2 - 4; II Tim. 1: 13; I Pet. 4:11 3. They need to "say so" in WARNING against OTHER GOSPELS -- Gal. 1: 6 - 9 4. They need to "say so" in preaching the Word -- II Tim. 4:2 5. They need to "say so" in being UNCOMPROMISING -- Gal. 2:5

II. THE REDEEMED NEED TO "SAY SO" IN CHURCH ATTENDANCE 1. To forsake the assembly is to -- Heb. 10:25 : (1) Sin willfully -- Heb. 10:26 (2) Trod underfoot the Son of God -- Heb. 10:29 (3) Count the blood of the covenant an unholy thing -- Heb. 10:29 (4) Do despite to the Spirit of Grace -- Heb. 10:29 2. Reasons the Redeemed need to "say so" in attendance: (1) The example to others -- I Tim. 4:12 (2) To feed their spiritual bodies -- I Pet. 2:2

(3) Because the Lord keeps a complete and perfect record of all our works -- II Cor. 5:10

(4) We need a closer association with other Christians -- Gal. 6: 2; Rom. 15:1 (5) Fathers and Mothers have a responsibility to their children to have them there -

- Eph. 6: 1 - 4 (6) I have a duty to the congregation where I am a member -- Eph. 4:16 III. THE REDEEMED NEED TO "SAY SO" IN MANNER OF LIFE. 1. The Redeemed are to live a chaste manner of life -- Tit. 2:5; I Tim. 2: 9 - 10; James 1:27; Rom. 12: 1 - 2 2. The Redeemed are separated from the world -- II Cor. 6:17 3. The Redeemed do not love the world -- II John 2:15 - 17 4. The Redeemed deny the practice of ungodliness and worldly lusts in their lives -- Tit. 2: 11 - 12; I Pet. 2:11; II Tim. 2:22 IV. LET THE REDEEMED "SAY SO" IN STUDYING AND LEARNING GOD'S WORD 1. Study to rightly divide the Word of God -- II Tim. 2:15 2. The Redeemed need to search the scriptures daily -- Acts 17:11 3. They need to study to understand what the will of the Lord is -- Eph. 5:17 4. The Redeemed need to attend the Bible classes and gospel meetings and other special classes. V. THE REDEEMED NEED TO "SAY SO" IN GIVING 1. The Redeemed are to give as they have been prospered -- I Cor. 16: 1 - 2 2. They are to give each first day of the week -- I Cor. 16: 1 - 2 3. They are to give liberally -- II Cor. 8:2; 9:6; Luke 6: 38 4. As purposed in the heart -- II Cor. 9:7 VI. LET THE REDEEMED "SAY SO" IN WORK FOR THE MASTER 1. They are to be "always abounding in the work of the Lord"-- I Cor. 15: 58 2. God will not forget our work and labor -- Heb. 6:10 3. The Redeemed's faith is made perfect by the works of faith -- James 2:22 4. Our works of faith will be brought into Judgment -- II Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20: 12; Eccl. 12:14 CONCLUSION

Donald Townsley

(Underwood Heights 1978; Judio, Kentucky 1978; McRay Road, Camden, SC 1979; Hebron Lane, Shepherdsville, KY 1985)


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