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(October 2006)

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| | | | | | |

|Denison University-National Merit Scholarship |General |½ tuition |Students are selected by the National Merit Scholarship | |Call 1-800-DENISON or online at |

| | | |Corporation. Must maintain 3.2 GPA | | |

|Denison University-Parajon Scholarship |General |½ tuition |Offered to Asian, Hispanic, and/or Native American students | |Call 1-800-DENISON or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Denison University-Tyree Scholarship |General |½ tuition |Open to African-American students. Must maintain 2.8 GPA | |Call 1-800-DENISON or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Denison University-HLA Scholarship |General |1/3 tuition |Offered to students of Hispanic, Asian and Native American | |Call 1-800-DENISON or online at |

| | | |heritage. Must have at least 2.5 GPA | | |

|Denison University-Fisher/Meredith Merit Scholarship |General |1/3 tuition |Offered to highly qualified African-Americans who will be | |Call 1-800-DENISON or online at |

| | | |chosen on strong academic performance. Must have at least | | |

| | | |2.5 GPA | | |

|Elon University |General |Varies |Strong academics, leadership, and involvement in activities | |Contact admissions office |

| | | | | |800-334-8448 |

|Junior Miss Scholarship Program |General |8.3 million in cash and |See website | | or contact Dawne |

| | |college-granted | | |Deuterman, 336-373-1130 x 15 |

| | |scholarships nationwide | | | |

|NC Teaching Fellows Scholarship |Education |$26,000 |Exhibit strong desire & commitment to be a teacher; |10/21/06 | Online |

| | | |outstanding academic record; high SAT/ACT scores; school & |Due to Teaching Fellow | |

| | | |community service/involvement. |office | |

| | | | | | |

|Hood Hargett “Athlete of the Month Award” |General |$1000 |Outstanding | | |

|Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Programs |General |Range: |Applicants who have financial need and have exhibited |10/30/06 |Online |

| | |$1000-$20,000 |integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity. | | |

| | | |School/community involvement & 2.0 gpa. Commitment to pursue | | |

| | | |4yr degree & US citizen. | | |

| | | |scholarships | | |

|Georgia Tech Scholarships |General |Up to full tuition, room|Undergraduate application must be submitted by October 31 |10/31/06 |Online at |

| | |and board | | | |

|Outstanding Students of America scholarship |General |$1000 |Open to high school seniors who have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Must|10/31/06 |Online at |

| | | |demonstrate outstanding commitment to community and school | |outstandingstudentsofamerica.|

| | | |activities-250 word essay required | |com |

|Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Volunteer Services|General |$1000-$6000 |Must demonstrate how time and talents have been given |10/31/06 |Online at |

| | | |generously as a volunteer making an impact in the community | |spirit or |

| | | | | |888-450-9961 |

|Career Training Foundation’s “Imagine America” |General |$1000 |3 awards given to each high school in America; 2.5 GPA, |10/31/06 |Contact Vanessa Gray 704-547-8600|

|Scholarship | | |financial need, community service | |or online at or |

| | | | | |a |

|Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation |General |$10,000-$20,000 |Applicants should be well-rounded student with highly |10/31/06 |Online |

| | | |developed interests in their community. Evaluated on the | | |

| | | |following: leadership, commitment to community, academic | | |

| | | |achievement, & part-time employment. | | |

| | | |coca- | | |

|Prudential Spirit of Community Award |General |State: $1000 |Has engaged in volunteer activity performed at least in part |10/31/06 |See Counselor |

| | |National: $10,000 |after 9/1/05, US citizen. | | |

| | | |prudential | | |

|ROTC Scholarships-Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps |General |Tuition, academic fees, |Military obligation follows college graduation; SAT/ACT |10/31/06 for best |Air Force 704-547-4831 |

| | |books |scores, recommendations, extracurricular activities, |opportunity to win |Navy 800-USA-NAVY |

| | | |leadership, interview, acceptance and attendance at a |scholarship; 12/1/06 |Marine Corps 800-MARINES |

| | | |college/university offering ROTC program, physical condition | | |

|ROTC Scholarships-Army |General |Covers most tuition, |Military obligation follows college graduation; SAT/ACT |10/31/06 for best |Contact the Army, 800-USA-ARMY |

| | |expenses, and flat rate |scores, recommendations, extracurricular activities, |opportunity to win | |

| | |for books, monthly |leadership, interview, acceptance and attendance at a |scholarship; 12/01/06 | |

| | |allowance |college/university offering ROTC program, physical condition | | |

|Sun Trust Scholarship |General |$100 |Not based on GPA or financial need; drawing held every two |10/31/06-5/11/07 |Online at offtocollege |

| | | |weeks | | |

|Wachovia Gimme 5 Scholarship Sweepstakes |General |$5000 |Every quarter Wachovia will award high school senior $5000 | |Online at click|

| | | |for 1st year expenses; no GPA or financial aid requirements | |on lending, educational loans, |

| | | | | |just for you, students |

|Tennessee Technological University |Engineering |Varies |ACT 20 or comparable SAT; GPA 2.35 | |800-268-0236 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Mars Hill College |General |$500 to full tuition |3.2 GPA SAT 1050/ACT 23 | |866-642-4968 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|University of Virginia Jefferson Scholars Foundation |General |Full tuition, fees, |Demonstrated excellence and exceptional potential in | |Online at |

| | |books, room/board, and |leadership, scholarship, and citizenship | | |

| | |expenses | | | |

|King College-Bristol, Tennessee |General |Varies |Must be nominated by high school | |Online at and see |

| | | | | |counselor for nomination |

|Boston University |Engineering |Full tuition |Must take an examination; top 6 scores in the country will | |617-353-6447 or online at |

| | | |receive full scholarships | | |

|Lynchburg College |General |$3000-$12000 |All students applying to Lynchburg are automatically | |Online at |

| | | |considered; academic achievement | | |

|American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship |General |$750-$2000 |Submit 1000 word essay | |Online at |

| | | | | |for essay topic |

|NC State University Centennial Scholars |Textiles, |$10000 |Must enter the College of Textiles, must be nominated by high|11/1/06 |Online at and see |

| |Engineering | |school | |counselor for nomination |

| |Chemistry, | | | | |

| |Management, Intl | | | | |

| |Studies, Design | | | | |

|Emory Scholarship Program |General |2/3 tuition to full |Extraordinary personal qualities, leadership, scholastic |11/1/06 |See Counselor or online at |

| | |tuition |excellence. Must be nominated by high school and have | | |

| | | |applied to Emory by 11/1/06 | | |

|NC State University Merit Awards |General |$1000-$4000 |Focus on academics and leadership |11/1/06 |Online at |

|Mercer University-Jesse Mercer and Josiah Penfield |General |Varies from $12000 to |Leadership, scholastic excellence |11/1/06 |Contact Mercer University at |

|Scholarship | |full tuition | | |800-637-2378 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Nestle Very Best in Youth 2006 Program |General |$1000 |Contributions to the community, good citizenship and a strong|11/1/06 |Email contactus@ |

| | | |academic record | | |

|Rhodes College Scholarships |General |Tuition, fees, room and |3.8 unweighted GPA, top 5% of class, leadership, character, |11/1/06 |Must be nominated by high school.|

| | |board |personal achievement | |See your counselor if interested |

|Sweet Briar College of Virginia Academic Scholarships |General |Varies |SAT 1000, top 20% of class |11/1/06 |800-381-6142 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Target All-Around Scholarship |General |$1000 |High school senior, US citizen, 2.0 GPA Must be committed to |11/1/06 |Online at |

| | | |education and community service; essay required | | |

|Voice of Democracy Scholarship |General |$1000-$25000 |Must write and record an essay of 3-5 minutes |11/1/06 |Online at or call |

| | | | | |816-968-1117 |

|Do Something BRICK Award |General |$5000 |Open to students under 25 who seek to effect change to better|11/1/06 |Email BRICK@ |

| | | |their communities | | |

|John Montgomery Belk Scholarship |General |$38,884/yr |Academic/personal success & leadership. Top scholar; |11/5/06 |See Counselor |

|Davidson College | |$3000 summer stipend |outstanding SAT/ACT scores; school/community service; | | |

| | | |impeccable character. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |(see link for Belk Scholarship website) | | |

|General Hugh Shelton National Student Leadership |General |$10000/yr renewable |See website for eligibility requirements |11/05/06 |Online at |

|Scholarship | | | | ||

| | | | | |dership/scholarships/nsls.htm |

|Jefferson’s Scholars Foundation |General |Full Ride |Demonstration of excellence and exceptional potential in the |11/6/06 |See Counselor |

|University of Virginia | | |areas of: leadership, scholarship, & citizenship | | |

| | | | | | |

|C. H. Beckwith Scholarship-Cosmetology Chapter #4 of |General |$1000 |Open to CMS seniors planning to attend an accredited |11/7/06 |Email lwmill@ |

|Charlotte | | |college/university; preference for minority students; | | |

| | | |application, 2 letters of recommendation; 200 word essay “Why| | |

| | | |I Need and Deserve this Scholarship” | | |

|Mars Hill College |General |Varies |Must have at least 3.4 GPA SAT 1050/ACT 23; academic |11/10/06 |Online at |

| | | |achievement, community involvement, student leadership | | |

|Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Scholarship |General |$10000 |Must have lost a parent to breast cancer; academic |11/11/06 |972-855-1616 |

| | | |achievement, community service, demonstrated leadership | | |

| | | |ability, financial need; must attend university in student’s | | |

| | | |state of residence | | |

|Agnes Scott College-Nannette Hopkins Music Scholarship |Music |$1000-$3000 |Musical talent and academic achievement; GPA 3.5; top 10% of |11/15/06 |800-868-8602 or |

| | | |class; SAT 1100 or ACT 24; must audition | | |

|Agnes Scott College Scholarships |General |$6000 to full tuition |Top 2% of class 1450+ SAT, leadership, school activities |11/15/06 |800-868-8602 or |

| | | | | | |

|NC State College of Humanities and Social Sciences |Social Sciences |$2500 |Interested in pursuing degrees in humanities and social |11/15/06 |919-515-3638 or online at |

| | | |sciences | | |

|Ron Brown Scholar Program |General |$10000 |Must be African-American; academic excellence, leadership |11/15/06 |434-964-1588 or online at |

| | | |potential, made an impact in the community through service; | | |

| | | |financial need | | |

|Intel Science Talent Search |General |$100000 |Open to high school seniors in the US; must complete an entry|11/16/06 |Email sciedu@ for more|

| | | |project | |information |

|National Society of Minorities in Hospitality |General |$1000 |Open to minority students who are interested in studying in |11/30/06 |Email Devon Welsh at |

| | | |the hospitality industry; 500 word essay required, 3 letters | |programsdirector@ |

| | | |of recommendation; extracurricular activities; hospitality | | |

| | | |work experience, and financial need | | |

|Elon University-ROTC |General |Full tuition for 4 |Must participate in ROTC |December |800-334-8448 |

| | |years, room and board, | | | |

| | |books, $100 per month | | | |

| | |stipend | | | |

|Boston University-Trustee Scholarship |General |Full tuition |SAT 1400, GPA 4.0, proof of community activities, essay; must|December |617-353-2300 |

| | | |be nominated by principal | | |

|AXA Achievement Community Scholarships |General |$2000-$10000 |Must show ambition and drive; determination to set and |12/15/06 |704-540-2927 |

| | | |achieve goals; respect for self, family, and community | | |

|American Architectural Foundation |Architecture |$500-$2500 |Open to minority students on the basis of financial need, |December |202-626-7511 or online at |

| | | |academic achievement, essay, recommendations Must be | |scholarshi|

| | | |nominated by counselor or someone who is aware of student’s | |ps |

| | | |interest in and aptitude in architecture | | |

|Vanderbuilt University Ingram Scholarhips |General |Full tuition |Transcripts, essay, recommendations, exceptional commitment |December |615-322-8586 |

| | | |to community service, academic merit | | |

|Auburn University-University Scholars Program |General |$34624 |Must be academically talented, SAT 1220/ACT 27, 3.0 GPA |December |University Scholars Program, |

| | | | | |Auburn University 36849 |

|University of Virginia Holland Minority Scholarships |General |$10000 |African American; SAT 1300, 3.5 GPA, top 10% of class |December |804-982-3200 |

|Oglethorpe University-Oglethorpe Scholars |General |$4000-$11000 |Superior academic abilities |December |800-428-4484 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|National Television Academy Trustees Scholarship |Television or |$40000 |Must plan to major in a communications-oriented program |December |Online at and |

| |related field | | | |click on “education” |

|DeSales University |General |$500-full tuition |Eligibility requirements vary |12/1/06 |610-282-1100 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Air Force ROTC |Engineering |Full scholarships |Must be in top 30% of class, SAT 1100 or ACT 24, GPA 3.0; |12/1/06 |See Air Force representative or |

| |Architecture |available |must complete physical fitness assessment and an interview | |apply online at |

| |Computers Math, | | | |scholarships |

| |Meterology, Physics,| | | | |

| |Nursing, Foreign | | | | |

| |Language | | | | |

|Appalachian State University |General |$500-full tuition |Must have demonstrated ability to do competitive college |12/1/06 |828-262-2120 or apply at |

| | | |level work | | |

|Appalachian State University-Diversity Scholarship |General |$1000 |Open to students of underrepresented ethnicities with 3.0 |12/1/06 |828-262-2120 or apply at |

| | | |GPA. Selection based on SAT/ACT, personal background, | | |

| | | |extracurricular activities, community service, work | | |

| | | |experience | | |

|Appalachian State University-Merit Scholarships |General |$1000-full tuition |Must be admitted to the university, high school achievement, |12/1/06 |828-262-2120 or apply online at |

| | | |SAT 1240, GPA 4.2, school/community involvement | | |

|Appalachian State University-Plemmons Leadership Fellows|General |$1500 |3.0 GPA, SAT 1100, leadership experience, active involvement |12/1/06 |828-262-2120 or apply online at |

|Program | | |in school/community activities | | |

|Duke University-Robertson Scholars |General |Full tuition, summer |Demonstrated academic excellence, leadership roles in |12/1/06 | |

| | |support, research/travel|community service, interest in and commitment to | | |

| | |stipend, laptop |diversity-recipients are chosen from applicants for | | |

| | | |admission-no additional application is necessary | | |

|UNC Chapel Hill-Robertson Scholars |General |Full tuition and living |Demonstrated academic excellence, leadership roles in |12/1/06 | |

| | |expenses, stipend |community service, interest in and commitment to | | |

| | | |diversity-recipients are chosen from applicants for | | |

| | | |admission-no additional application is necessary | | |

|USC-Columbia Alumni Scholars |General |$3500 plus reduced |SAT 1300+, top 10% of class, 3.0 GPA; all admissions |12/1/06 |800-868-5872 or online at |

| | |tuition |applications are considered | | |

|USC-Columbia University Scholars |General |$1500 plus reduced |SAT 1300+, top 10% of class, 3.0 GPA; all admissions |12/1/06 |800-868-5872 or online at |

| | |tuition |applications are considered | | |

|USC-Columbia Academic Scholarships |General |Varies |Eligibility requirements vary |12/1/06 |800-868-5872 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|USC Scholarships |General |$1500-full tuition |Academic merit |12/1/06 |803-777-7700 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Wake Forest University Reynolds Scholarship |General |All costs, summer grants|Academics, extracurricular achievements beyond the local |12/1/06 |336-758-5176 |

| | |and overseas travel |level, top 1% of class, SAT 1500+ | | |

|Wake Forest University Presidential Scholarships for |General |$11200 |Exceptional talent in fine arts, debate, entrepreneurship, |12/1/06 |336-758-5176 |

|Distinguished Achievement | | |writing, community service and leadership | | |

|Wake Forest University Graylyn Scholarship |General |Full tuition, room and |Top 1-3% of class, SAT 1400+, extracurricular achievements |12/1/06 |336-758-5176 |

| | |board plus expenses |beyond the local level. Must file merit based scholarship | | |

| | | |application | | |

|Wake Forest University Carswell Scholarship |General |Full tuition plus $1000 |Academics, extracurricular achievements beyond the local |12/1/06 |336-758-5176 |

| | |for expenses |level, top 1% of class, SAT 1500+ | | |

|National Society of Professional Engineers-Auxiliary |General |$1000 |Open to female high school seniors interested in an |12/1/06 |703-684-2800 or online at |

|Scholarship Engineering | | |engineering career, SAT 1300+, 3.0 GPA, US citizen | |scholarships |

|Randolph-Macon Women’s College Gottwald Scholarship |General |Full tuition +$2500 |Outstanding academics, leadership, and 500 word essay |12/1/06 |800-745-7692 |

| | |study abroad stipend | | | |

|SAE Engineering Scholarships |Engineering or |Varies |Applicants must enroll in an engineering program accredited |12/1/06 |Online or call 704-776-4970 |

| |related area |$1000-10,000 |by the Accreditation Board for Engineering & Tech. at | | |

| | | |university of applicant’s choice. | | |

| | | |students/engschlr.htm | | |

|UNC-Chapel Hill-Pogue Scholarship |General |$7500 |Open to minority students demonstrating academic achievement,|12/1/06 |Online at |

| | | |leadership, community involvement. Must complete separate | | |

| | | |application for scholarship | | |

|Winston-Salem State University-Chancellor’s Scholarship |General |Full tuition, books and |Must have at least 1000 SAT or 24 ACT, GPA 3.5 |12/1/06 |336-750-2070 or online at |

| | |fees up to $4500 | | | |

|Toyota Community Scholars |General |$10000-20000 |Must be a US citizen planning to pursue a degree at a 4 year |12/1/06 |Must be nominated by the school. |

| | | |college/university. Minimum GPA of 3.0, be actively involved | |See your counselor if you are |

| | | |in a service organization or project that has a positive | |interested in being considered |

| | | |impact on the school/community | | |

|Triad Decorative Painters of NC |Visual Arts |$500 |High school senior desiring to continue studies in art. |12/5/06 |Debby Lane 336-922-9799 |

| | | |Application form, 2 letters of recommendation, essay, photos | | |

| | | |of recent work | | |

|Presbyterian College Southeastern or Dillard Elliott |General |$7000 |SAT 1100/ACT 24, 3.0 GPA |12/5/06 |800-476-7272 or online at |

|Scholarship | | | | | |

|Presbyterian College Quattlebaum Scholarship |General |Full tuition, room and |3.75 GPA, 1350 SAT/31 ACT, interview |12/5/06 |800-476-7272 or online at |

| | |board | | | |

|Presbyterian College Belk Scholarship |General |$10600 |SAT 1200/ACT 27, 3.5 GPA |12/5/06 |800-476-7272 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Presbyterian College-John I. Smith Scholarship |General |$14000 |SAT 1300/ACT 29, 3.7 GPA |12/5/06 |800-476-7272 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|UNC Asheville University Laurel Academic/Merit |General |Varies |Top 10% of class, 3.5 GPA, SAT 1250+, ACT 28+, challenging |12/8/06 |Online at |

|Scholarship | | |senior curriculum, interview | | |

|Greensboro College-Honors Scholarship |General |Up to full tuition |Must attend Greensboro College; all applications are |12/15/06 |800-346-8226 or online at |

| | | |considered | | |

|Greensboro College-Dean’s Scholarship |General |Up to ½ tuition |Must attend Greensboro College; all applications are |12/15/06 |800-346-8226 or online at |

| | | |considered | | |

|Greensboro College-Trustee Scholarship |General |Up to ¾ tuition |Must attend Greensboro College; all applications are |12/15/06 |800-346-8226 or online at |

| | | |considered | | |

|Livingstone College Teacher Education Scholarship |Education |Varies |African-Americans who desire to enter teaching profession; |12/15/06 |704-797-1034 or online at |

| | | |essay; application, SAT/ACT scores, 3 references | | |

|Livingstone College Merit, Honor, Trustee, Presidential |General |$5000-full tuition |3.0 GPA with 1000 SAT/22 ACT to 1250 SAT/27 ACT |12/15/06 |704-797-1034 or online at |

|Scholarships | | | | | |

|Hispanic Scholarship Fund |General |$1000-$2500 |Must be of Hispanic heritage; applications are evaluated on |12/15/06 |877-473-4636 or 415-808-2376 |

| | | |academic achievement, letter of recommendation, personal | | |

| | | |statement, financial need | | |

|Queens University of Charlotte-Presidential Scholarship |General |Full tuition |Academics, leadership, endorsement |12/15/06 |704-337-2212 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Queens University of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Scholarship |General |Full tuition |Resident of Mecklenburg County, 1st time freshman who will be|12/15/06 |704-337-2212 or online at |

| | | |living on campus; leadership, scholarship, citizenship; must | | |

| | | |maintain 3.5 GPA | | |

|Washington and Lee University-George Washington Honor |General |Full tuition, room and |Selection based on school record, testing results, record of |12/15/06 |Apply at |

|Scholarship | |board, stipend |achievement and leadership in extracurricular activities | | |

|Washington and Lee University-Edwin A. Morris Honor |General |Renewable for 4 years |Must be a North Carolina resident who demonstrates exemplary |12/15/06 |Apply at |

|Scholarship | | |academic and extracurricular activities | | |

|Burger King/McLamore Foundation |General |$1000 |Maintain a 2.5 gpa, work part-time @ least 15 hrs/wk. |12/15/06 |Online |

|Scholarship Program | | |Demonstrate participation in community service, | | |

| | | |extracurricular activities. Financial need | | |

| | | | | | |

|AXA Achievement Scholarship |General |$10,000-$25,000 |Applicants must demonstrate: ambition & drive; determination |12/15/06 |Online |

| | | |to set and reach goals; respect for self, family, & | | |

| | | |community; and ability to succeed in college. | | |

| | | |axa- | | |

|American Legion National High School National High |General |$250-$18000 |US citizen; essay about some aspect of the Constitution of |12/16/06 |919-832-7506 |

|School Oratorical Contest | | |the US with emphasis on the duties and obligations of a | | |

| | | |citizen to our governmnet | | |

|American Automobile Association (AAA) Travel High School|General |$25000 |Compete in an online 40-question multiple choice quz |12/31/06 |Sign up and find a practice test |

|Challenge | | | | |at travelchallenge |

|National Center for Learning Disabilities-Anne Ford |General |$10000 |Open to high school seniors who have an identified learning |12/31/06 |Online at |

|Scholarship | | |disability (ADD/ADHD must provide documentation of a specific| |awards/index.cfm or |

| | | |learning disability); GPA 3.0, financial need, | |email AFScholarship@ |

|Clemson National Scholars |General |Full tuition |High academic achievement; must apply for admission to |12/31/06 |864-656-2287 or online at |

| | | |Clemson | | |

|Cabrini College Alumni Recognition Scholarship |General |Full tuition |Top 10% of class; minimum SAT 1200; 3 essays, interview |12/31/06 |800-848-1003 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Davidson College-Belk Scholarship |General |Unspecified |Leadership, extraordinary academic ability, community service|January | |

|Colonial Dames of America Florence Kidder Memorial |General |$1000-$4000 |Selection based on character of applicant, grades, |January |Contact Helen Penter |

|Scholarship | | |scholarship need, and merit of individual essay | |704-367-7251or email |

| | | | | |helen.penter@ |

|East Carolina Scholarships |General |$250-$7500 |Varies |January |252-328-6055 or |

|Johnson and Wales University |General |$500-full tuition |Recipe contest and/or must be a member of a National Student |January |800-342-5598 x2345 |

| | | |Organization (DECA, FBLA, JA) | | |

|Kings College |General |$1000 |Open to students with the highest scores on the scholarship |January |Contact admissions office |

| | | |exam; must attend Kings College | |704-372-0266 |

|Lorillard Tobacco Company Youth Smoking Prevention |General |$10000 |Open to teens who choose not to smoke |January |Online at |

| | | | | | |

|National Society Sons of the American Revolution-George |General |$250-$3000 |Citizen of the US or a legal alien; essay will be judged for |January |Online at or email |

|S. Stell M. Knight Essay Contest | | |historical accuracy, clarity of thought, organization, | |rhanners@carolina. |

| | | |grammar, documentation | | |

|Sallie Southall Cotton Scholarship |General |$1500-1stplace |Female applicant will be judged on: scholastic record (top |1/1/07 |See Counselor |

| | |$750 2ndplace |25%), intellectual promise. Demonstration of ambition, | | |

| | | |leadership ability, & financial need. | | |

|Duke University-Benjamin N. Duke Leadership Awards |General |Full tuition plus summer|Open to NC and SC students who have demonstrated outstanding |1/2/07 |Online at |

| | |enrichment |academic qualifications and leadership | | |

|University of North Carolina at Greensboro Merit Awards |General |Range: |Must present a minimum 1200 SAT (CR and math) or 27 ACT and a|1/05/07 |See Counselor |

|Program | |$2500-full tuition |minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA | |Online |

| | | | | | |

|Gates Millennium Scholars |General |Determined by financial |African American, Indian, or Hispanic US residents with a |1/12/07 |See Counselor |

| | |need |cumulative GPA of 3.3. Must enroll for the 1st time at a | |Online |

| | | |college or university. Must be involved in community service| | |

| | | |or extracurricular activities. Must meet the Federal Pell | | |

| | | |Grant eligibility criteria | | |

| | | | | | |

|Wal-Mart Sam Walton COMMUNITY Scholarship |General |$1000 nonrenewable for |Must be a graduating high school senior and may not be a |1/12/07 |Applications are available online|

| | |the 1st year of |Wal-Mart or Sam’s Club employee or the child or legal | |from November 1, 2006-January 12,|

| | |undergraduate study |dependent of an employee | |2007 |

|Elk’s National Foundation “Most Valuable Student” Award |General |$1000-$15000 |Must be a high school senior, US citizen. Selection based on|1/13/07 |Online at |

| | | |scholarship, leadership, financial need | | |

|Education is Freedom |General |$2000 |Open to students who have been a US resident for 1 year, must|1/15/06 |866-EIF-EDUCATE or |

| | | |have at least 3.0 GPA, financial need, community service | | |

|Microsoft Scholarship |Computer Science, |Full tuition for one |Targeted towards female, minority, or disabled students |1/15/07 |Online at |

| |Math, Engineering |year | | |college/scholar|

| | | | | |ships |

|Phi Delta Kappa |Education |$1000-$5000 |Rank in upper 1/3 of class, essay, references, academic |1/15/07 |812-339-1156 or online at |

| | |(international)and $500 |achievement | |edfnd |

| | |(local) | | | |

|USDA/1890 National Scholars Program |Agriculture, Food, |Full scholarship |3.0 GPA, 1000+ SAT or 21 ACT, attend one of 17 historically |1/15/07 |336-334-7709 or online at |

| |and Natural | |black land-grant universities | | |

| |Resources | | | | |

|Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) National |General |$1000 |Must reside in participating area, show academic performance,|1/17/07 |800-738-5219 or online at |

|Scholarship Program | | |financial need, and community involvement | | |

|NC Association of Educational Office Professionals, Inc.|General |Range: |Senior who has applied for admission in post-high school |1/24/07 |See Counselor |

|Scholarships | |$200-$1200 |program and US citizen. | | |

|National Association of Hispanic Journalists |Print or Broadcast |$1000-$5000 |Open to Hispanic students pursuing a career in journalism |1/28/07 |Online at or |

|Scholarships |Journalism | | | |202-662-7145 |

|UNC-Pembroke Chancellor’s Scholars Program |General |Varies |Academic record, recommendations, top 10% of class |February |800-822-2186 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Bobby Phills Scholarship Fund |General |$5000 |Must attend school in Charlotte area, GPA 3.0, submit entry |February | or call |

| | | |form/essay; recommendations; financial need | |704-333-2013 |

|Jagannathan Scholarship |General |Up to $3500 |NC resident; must attend a UNC system university; 3.5 GPA |February |Online at|

|New Horizons Scholars Program |General |$2500 |Open to Hispanic and African-American students who have |February |866-3HORIZON |

| | | |Hepatitis-C or are dependants with the disease; GPA 3.0 | | |

|Ortho Carolina Student Athletic Trainer Scholarship |Sports Medicine |$2000 |Graduating senior with experience in sports medicine and |February |Contact Becky Jenkins |

| | | |athletic trainingt | |704-373-0544 |

|Junior Achievement Scholarship-Walt Disney Co. |Business or Fine |Full tuition plus $200 |Must be or have been active in Junior Achievement; letters of|2/1/07 |Contact Jill Cara 704-563-4868 or|

| |Arts |for incidental fees |recommendation | |online at programs |

|University of Tennessee Alumni Andrew D. Holt |General |$20000 |Academic merit and leadership; must be admitted to a UT |2/1/07 |865-974-3011 |

|Scholarship | | |campus by 2/1 | | |

|Eddie & Jo Allison Smith Foundation NCHSAA Clary Medal |General |$1000 |Applicant is pursuing 4 yr degree. Must have participated in |2/9/07 |See Counselor |

| | | |2 or more athletic teams at their high school, & 3.2 gpa. | |Online |

| | | |Demonstrated athletic excellence, extracurricular | | |

| | | |involvement, & service. | | |

| | | | | | |

|Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship |General |To Be Determined |Must have a minimum of 1100 on SAT (math and cr), unweighted |2/9/07 |One nomination per counselor-see |

| | | |GPA of 3.5, graduate in 2006-2007 school year | |your counselor if you are |

| | | | | |interested |

|Charlotte Metro Area Relocation Council (CMARC) |General |$1000 |Seniors who have relocated more than 50 miles and changed |2/12/07 |See Counselor |

| | | |schools due to their families relocation during grades 9-12 &| | |

| | | |have at least 3.0 gpa | | |

| | | | | | |

|Wikoff Scholarship |General |Unspecified |Open to children of employees of Wikoff Color Corp. and its |2/15/07 |Online at |

| | | |subsidiaries with at least 2.5 GPA | | |

|Crowder Scholarship |General |Up to $1000 |Students whose parents have been employed for at least 3 |2/15/07 |Foundation for the Carolinas |

| | | |years with construction companies in Mecklenburg County that | |704-973-4500 |

| | | |are members of Carolinas Association of General Contractors; | | |

| | | |must have at least 2.0 GPA | | |

|Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Scholarships |Political Science, |Range: |Various scholarships in different areas offered through the |2/15/07 |See Counselor |

| |Nursing, |$200-$5,000 |organization. | | |

| |Medical | | | | |

|National Co-Op Scholarship Program |General |$5000 |GPA 3.5, must attend one of the NCCE colleges-Antioch, |2/15/07 |Online at or see |

| | | |Drexel, Johnson & Wales, Kettering, CW Post Campus of Long | |counselor for application |

| | | |Island U, Northeastern, Pace, Rochester Institute of | | |

| | | |Technology, U of Cincinnati, U of Toledo, Wentworth Institute| | |

| | | |of Technology | | |

|North Carolina National Teenager Scholarship Pageant |General |Varies |Must be at least 16, permanent resident, never have been | |Www. |

| | | |married or have had children | | |

|Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, |General |$500 |Females planning to pursue post-secondary education at a |2/20/07 |Email owa@ |

|Inc.-Hopie Perry-Louvenia Young Scholarship | | |4-year college/university | | |

|Charlotte Post’s Senior of the Year |General |Senior of the Year |African-American student with weighted GPA 3.25 |2/27/07 |Contact Charlotte Post-Bob |

| | |$2000; runner up $1000 | | |Johnson 704-376-0496 |

|Best Buy-Dollars For Scholars |General |$1000-$2000 |Community service, grades, essay, extracurricular activities |March |Online at |

|NC Lions Foundation William L. Woolard Educational Grant|General |Up to $1500 renewable |Seniors who are children of certified visually impaired |March |Contact Annette Ballard |

|Program | | |parents. Financial need, GPA, SAT scores | |800-662-7401 or online at |

| | | | | | |

|Sallie Mae Fund-Various Scholarships |General |$500-$5000 |Financial need |March |Online at |

| | | | | | |

|Charlotte Women’s Bowling Association and the Charlotte |General |$1750 |Senior in a CWBA/CBA high school who is a member in good |3/1/07 |George Pappas, fax 704-525-9937 |

|Bowling Association | | |standing of the junior bowling association or whose parent is| | |

| | | |a member in good standing | | |

|Pfizer Epilepsy Scholarship Award |General |$3000 |Open to high school seniors who have epilepsy |3/1/07 |800-292-7373 |

|Spina Bifida Association of America Scholarship Fund |General |$2000-$20000 |Open to high school seniors who have spina bifida |3/1/07 |202-944-3285 |

|UNC-Chapel Hill Carolina Covenant Progam |General |100% of financial need |Must obtain admission to Chapel Hill and apply for financial |3/1/07 | |

| | | |aid by 3/1 | | |

|USA Funds-Access to Education Scholarships |General |$1500 |Must show financial need |3/1/07 |Online at |

|Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache Scholarship |General; |$7500 |Must be an outstanding scholar-athlete |3/3/07 |Www. |

| |Scholar-Athlete | | | | |

|Love Our Children USA- Darko Rapotez Memorial College |General |Up to $5000-$10000/year |Open to students who have aged out of the foster care system;|3/12/07 |Online at |

|Scholarship for Aged Out Foster Youth | | |3.0 GPA | |schola|

| | | | | |rship.php or email |

| | | | | |info@ |

|Charlotte Business and Professional Women’s Scholarship |General |$500 |Open to graduating senior female students; financial need, |3/15/07 |Contact Catherine Mullins |

| | | |GPA, academic performance, extracurricular activities and | |704-552-0311 or Sandy Falls |

| | | |community involvement | |704-532-8073 |

|Friendship Force of Charlotte Scholarship |Int’l Studies or |$1000 |Graduating senior; weighted GPA 3.5; SAT 1000, community |3/15/07 |Contact Shirley Brown |

| |Foreign Language | |involvement, financial need | |704-752-8998 |

|Professional Construction Estimators Association |Construction or |$1500 |Academic ability, financial, need, plan to enter construction|3/15/07 |Professional Construction |

| |Engineering | |industry. Must attend a university in NC or SC and major in | |Estimators Association |

| | | |construction or engineering | |704-987-9978 |

|Youth Harbor Nana Fund Scholarship |General |$500 |2.5 GPA; community service |3/15/07 |Online at or |

| | | | | |704-372-2363 |

|Matthew C. Graziadei Achievement Award |General |$1000 |Open to seniors with disabilities |3/18/07 |Online at |

| | | | | |ecac- |

|Latin American Women’s Association |General |$500-$1000 |1st or 2nd generation Hispanic student to attend 2yr or 4 yr |3/21/07 |Www. or see counselor |

| | | |college/university; open to males and females with an | |for application |

| | | |unweighted GPA of at least 3.0 | | |

|Jiffy Lube Road Trip Scholarship Program |General |$2000 |Must be a senior attending an accredited high school in |2/28/07 |See your counselor for |

| | | |Charlotte and planning to attend a 2yr, 4 yr, technical or | |applications |

| | | |professional program in 2007/2008 | | |

|Beta Nu Lambda Chapter Scholarship-Alpha Phi Alpha |General |$1000 |Open to minority male seniors; GPA 2.7 |3/24/07 |Contact James D. Worsley |

|Fraternity | | | | |704-336-5954 |

|Alpha Kappa Alpha Rho Psi Omega Chapter Scholarship |General |$1000 |Open to minority male and female seniors planning to attend a|3/31/007 |See counselor for application |

| | | |HBCU | | |

|Chevrolet/Michelle Kwan REWARDS Scholarship |General; athletic |$5000 |Female; GPA 3.2, academic and athletic excellence, community |3/31/07 |888-377-5233 |

| |involvement | |service, financial need; must continue athletics in college | | |

|Alpha Zeta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma |Education |$1000 |Open to females with school and community honors; must write |March |Contact June Davidson |

| | | |essay “Why you wish to become a teacher” | |704-365-1549 |

|KFC Colonel’s Scholars Program |General |Up to $5000/yr |Seniors who plan to attend earn a bachelor’s degree, 2.75 |3/31/07 |Online |

| | | |gpa, US citizen, & have entrepreneurial spirit. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Chi Eta Phi Sorority |Nursing |$1000 |Financial need, grades, essay, recommendations |4/1/07 |Online at |

|Greater Charlotte Alliance of Black School Educators |General |$1000 |High school seniors in good standing; GPA 2.8; minority |4/1/07 |Contact Karen Hodge Thomas (704) |

|(GCABSE) Scholarship | | |students are encouraged to apply | |545-9587 or email |

| | | | | |karen_hodge_thomas@ |

|ECPI College of Technology |General |$1500-$3000 |Must be a high school senior planning to attend ECPI |4/15/07 |704-357-0077 |

|Herman Hoose Scholarship |General |$1000 |Must be a current member of Charlotte Metro Credit Union; |4/15/07 |Charlotte Metro Credit Union |

| | | |academic achievement, financial need, career goals considered| |Attn: Scholarship Committee 718 |

| | | | | |Central Ave. Charlotte, NC 28204 |

|We Beat the Street Scholarship Contest |General |$1500 |Submit 1,000 word essay stating personal experiences in |4/15/07 |See counselor for details |

| | | |overcoming adversity in order to reach a goal | | |

More Websites to Explore

Bell Labs Fellowships for Underrepresented Minorities


Student Inventors Scholarships


Student Video Scholarships


Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarships


Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships

Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships


Brand Essay Competition


Xerox Scholarships for Students

Sports Scholarships and Internships


National Association of Black Journalists Scholarship (NABJ)


Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary)


Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

Financial Aid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid Scholarships

Presidential Freedom Scholarships


Microsoft Scholarship Program

Wired Scholar Free Scholarship Search

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students

BOEING scholarships

Easley National Scholarship Program

Maryland Artists Scholarships

Actuarial Scholarships for Minority students

Siemens Westinghouse Competition


GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds

ScienceNet Scholarship Listing

Roothbert Scholarship Fund

QuestBridge College Match Scholarship Locator


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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