DATE June 19, 2012

TIME: 10:00 a.m.

PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street

3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, Maryland 21202-3651

PRESENT: Gregory Restivo, Vice Chairman, Industry Member

Kevin McLeod, Industry Member

Karl Kraft, Chief Boiler Inspector

Brian Wodka, Industry Member

ABSENT: Harold Norris, Chairman, Consumer Member

Loretta Johnson, Consumer Member


Gae Herzberger, Administrative Aide

Sloane Fried Kinstler, Assistant Attorney General

Steven Smitson, O & P Licensing

Donald Maloney, W. L. Gore & Associates


Mr. Restivo called the regularly scheduled Board of Stationary Engineer’s business meeting to order at 11:45 a.m.


Motion (I) was made by Mr. McLeod, seconded by Mr. Wodka and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2012, business meeting as written.


The Board discussed the idea of issuing wallet and wall-sized licenses with photographs. The Board reviewed several samples that PSI provided of different licenses that are used in other States. The Board agreed to request PSI provide a cost proposal to the Board for issuing licenses with photographs.


The Board received four letters from individuals requesting information regarding gas turbines, stationary engineers and steam boiler certificates, temporary license, and electrical and HVAC repair. Mr. Smitson will respond to these requests on the Board’s behalf.


There were no complaints to report



The Board reviewed the examination statistics submitted by PSI for the month of May 2012, and the cumulative statistics. Below are the examination results:

|Stationary Engineers |Candidates tested |Passed |Failed |Pass % |

|Grade 1 |8 |2 |6 |25% |

|Grade 2 |5 |2 |3 |40% |

|Grade 3 |5 |3 |2 |60% |

|Grade 4 |17 |8 |9 |47% |

|Grade 5 |4 |2 |2 |50% |

|Totals |39 |17 |22 |44% |

The Board reviewed the exam statistics, which show an increase in the number individuals who passed the exam. The Board members would like to meet with a representative from PSI to review exam questions. Mr. Smitson will contact PSI to schedule a time for the Board to meet with a PSI representative.

MEETING: Boiler Board:

The members discussed scheduling another joint meeting with the Maryland Board of Boiler Rules. Mr. McLeod suggested that the Boards suggest meeting on August 21, 2012 or September 11, 2012 at the Laurel location. Mr. Smitson agreed to contact staff at the Division of Labor and Industry to schedule the meeting.

NEW BUSINESS: Legislative Proposals

The Board reviewed possible legislative proposals for the 2013 legislative session. Following a discussion, the Board determined that it will not submit legislative proposals to the Office of the Secretary for the upcoming session. Instead it will focus on promulgating regulations regarding posting licenses and making licenses available upon request by an inspector. The Board will also seek additional information regarding continuing education.


Mr. McLeod shared with members the responses to several questions submitted by an individual regarding boilers, licensees, maintenance repair and inspectors. Mr. McLeod will submit this information to staff to be posted on the Frequently Asked Questions on the website.


The Board approved two applications to take the 1st Grade Stationary Engineer examination.

The Board approved three applications to take the 3rd Grade Stationary Engineer examination.

The Board approved one application to take the 5th Grade Stationary Engineer examination.

The Board placed in pending four applications to take the Stationary Engineer examination as additional information is needed to fully evaluate the application.


Motion (IV) was made by Mr. McLeod, seconded by Mr. Restivo and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 12:06 p.m.

_____________________ __________

Gregory Restivo, Vice Chairman Date

_____With Corrections

_____Without Corrections


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