PSR Policies

General Information

All classes meet Sundays* 10:00am to 11:15am.

*Please refer to the PSR calendar for the dates.

The PSR Resource Office is open Tuesday – Thursday 9:00-2:00 and Friday 9:00-12:00.

PSR Director is Suzanne Corso.

PSR Administrative Assistant is Marcy Fleming


Email: psr@

Phone: 871-1431

Mailing address: 1728 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, AL 35209

Communication Policy

We are attempting to save money for the Church by reducing our postage costs. To that end, we will be using email as much as possible. Please be sure that the PSR email address is saved in your address book, and that we have a good email address for you.

Registration Policy

Our Lady of Sorrows PSR Registration can be completed online. Please see the “Registration Info and Forms” link on our homepage at . We ask that families register their students each year by completing a PSR Registration Form. Registration is open from July 20nd to Aug. 11th.

Registration fees are requested at the time of registration to help offset the cost of textbooks, supplies and resources. If a family is in need of a scholarship, please speak with the Director of Religious Education, Suzanne Corso. Please be assured that any discussions will be held in the strictest confidence. No child will be withheld from PSR classes because of financial issues.

If the family registers after the registration deadline, there may be a delay in the student receiving his/her textbook and being placed in a class.

Attendance Policy

Consistent attendance will allow your child to receive the most benefit from the PSR program. Most of the curricula include lessons that build upon the previous lesson. If a student must be absent, please notify the catechist or the PSR office at:

psr@ , or 871-1431.

***If your child is receiving a sacrament this year for either First Communion (2nd grade) or Confirmation (8th grade), they may not miss more than 4 classes. If your child misses more than 4 classes, permission from Msgr Muller will be needed for your child to receive the sacrament.

**Please remember: PSR class is not a substitute for Sunday Mass. As Catholics, we have in the Eucharist the immeasurable gift of drawing closer to God as we participate in the Sacramental Celebration of Christ’s Pascal Mystery, “the source and summit of Christian life.”

Discipline Policy

Respect towards others and their property is expected from every PSR student. An orderly atmosphere enhances students’ ability to learn. Catechists will attempt to correct any disruptive behavior that occurs in the classroom. If the behavior continues, parents will be notified.

Sacramental Preparation Policies

• Baptism: If your child has not been baptized, parents should speak with the DRE, Suzanne Corso. She will help the parents make the necessary arrangements for preparation, etc.

• First Reconciliation and First Eucharist: The usual time for preparation for these sacraments is in the 2nd grade. If students are older than 2nd grade, please bring this to the attention of the DRE, Suzanne Corso. She will work with parents to set up a preparation program. Regardless of the child’s age, however, he or she must have been enrolled in religious education classes for a full year prior to the year of sacramental preparation. Students can miss no more than 4 classes. If more is missed, permission from Msgr. Muller is needed for your child to receive the sacrament.

• Confirmation: The usual time for preparation for Confirmation is the 8th grade. Students who are in high school who have not celebrated Confirmation should contact Suzanne Corso. She will talk with you about options for a preparation program. As with the other sacraments, students should attend religious education classes for a full year prior to the year of sacramental preparation. Students can miss no more than 4 classes. If more is missed, permission from Msgr. Muller is needed for your child to receive the sacrament.

• Parents will be given the schedule of sacramental preparation meetings, retreats, workshops, etc. at the beginning of the school year.

Safety Procedures

• Your child’s safety is very important to us. It is in this spirit that we must require that children in grades pre-K through 2nd be picked up at their classrooms by an adult.

• There will be a volunteer each Sunday to direct traffic in the parking lot. Please follow his directions and use the designated crosswalks.

• Children will not be allowed to leave class early without a note from their parents.

Inclement Weather Policy

In the event of severe weather PSR classes will be cancelled.


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