Curriculum Committee Meeting - West Virginia Northern ...

Curriculum Committee Meeting

October 8, 2010

Committee : Cresap, Glenn, Baricska, Riter, Folger, Rychlicki, Slider, Winland, C. Kefauver, L. Soly, S. Tabor

Not present: Herrington

Presenters: Ramsey, Riley, Lucki, Glenn, Cresap

|Topic |Discussion |Follow-up |

|September Minutes |No corrections |Motion to approve: N. Glenn |

| | |Second S. Baricksa |

|First Reading |R. Lucki stated that unlike some of the other Health Science programs, |Add pre/corequisite of ENG 101 to ST 104. |

|Surgical Technology, CP, AAS |Surgical Technology is required to have a certain number of clinical hours. | |

|T. Ramsey/R. Lucki |N. Glenn suggested that instead of a restricted elective, SOC be listed as a | |

| |Restricted Social Science Elective. D. Cresap asked about numbering and N. | |

|Move |Glenn said she would check on that. N. Glenn asked if BIO 117 is offered in | |

|Psych 105 from first spring to second fall. |the spring and the group concurred that it is. D. Cresap asked if there | |

|BIO 117 from first fall to first spring |would be any prerequisite changes due to the addition of the summer course. | |

|Change |T. Ramsey said there would not. N. Glenn asked about ENG 101 being a | |

|SOC 125 to a restricted elective |pre/corequisite for ST 107. T. Ramsey said ENG 101 is needed for ST 104. It| |

|Credit hours for ST 104 and ST 107 change from 9 each to 4 hour |was suggested that the prerequisite of ENG 101 be placed on ST 104 then it | |

|lecture and 5 hour lab each. (adding lab course) |will not have to be on ST 107 since ST 104 itself is a prerequisite to ST107.| |

|Add |It was mentioned that these changes appear to increase the credit hours in | |

|ST Intersession to first fall |the both the CP and AAS programs from 35 to 39 and 63 to 67. R. Lucki felt | |

|ST Clinical Practices I (lab to ST 104) to first fall |that that would not be a problem. | |

|ST Clinical Practices II (lab to ST 107) to first spring | | |

|ST Clinical Internship to first summer (4 credit hours) | | |

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| | |Motion to approve first reading: S. Baricska. |

|First Reading | |Second L. Soly. |

|Standards of Academic Progress | |Motion carried. |

|Nancy Glenn |N. Glenn recapped adjustments that were discussed at the September meeting: | |

| |using semester GPA of 2.0; three semesters on warning; fourth semester | |

| |probation –hours limited to 5. She also asked if we are not going to count | |

| |summer. There was some discussion about whether to treat summer as any other| |

| |semester and compute the GPA for SoAP or to disregard it. The group decided | |

| |to count summer so that students on probation would not be able to “sneak” in| |

| |12 hours for summer when they have not had fall or spring semesters. C. | |

| |Kefauver asked why 5 hours was chosen for probation and it was explained that| |

| |5 hour was selected for financial aid purposes. At the September meeting, J.| |

| |Fike explained to the committee that when we limit hours to 6 to 11, the | |

| |students actually end up getting more money back via financial aid refund for| |

| |doing less coursework than when we limit them to 5 which eliminates loan | |

| |eligibility. | |

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| |N. Glenn presented for K. Herrington. It was stated that K. Herrington had | |

| |sent the MCG to West Liberty University to look at from the perspective of | |

| |the effect it would have on our 2+2. | |

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|First Reading | | |

|Human Services, AAS; Human Services ECCE, AAS; AA, | |Motion to approve first reading: C. Kefauver. |

|2+2s: Psychology/Social Work to WLU; Social Work to BC and FSU; | |Second: S. Tabor |

|Mental Health to FSU | |Motion carried. |

|K. Herrington (N. Glenn presented) | | |

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|Rename/Upgrade MCGs: | | |

|HS 100 | | |

|HS 206 | | |

|Remove | |Motion to approve first reading: S. Rychlicki. |

|HS 202 from the catalog | |Second: L. Soly. |

|PSYC 200 as a restricted elective in ECCE program only | |Motion carried. |

|Add | | |

|HS 206 as a pre/corequisite to HS 205 in place of HS 202 | | |

|HS 206 as a prerequisite to HS 204 for generalist students only | | |

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|First Reading |D. Cresap stated that she made some changes last year and that this is really| |

|MAS, CP, AAS |just a bit of clean up from then. L. Soly mentioned that in the current | |

|D. Cresap |catalog, BA 117 and BA 120 are listed as prerequisites to MAS 151 and they | |

| |should be pre/corequisites. | |

|Remove | | |

|MAS 150 as a prerequisite to MAS 151 and MAS 153 | | |

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| |V. Riley introduced this grant funded training and explained that the funds | |

|First Reading |come from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The funding is to be | |

|Healthcare Information Technology Training (ARRA) Skill set |used to train those currently employed in a healthcare or information | |

|V. Riley |technology profession to convert medical records to an electronic format. | |

| |She went on to say that the curriculum is prescribed by the Office of the |Motion to approved first reading and waive second: |

|New Skill set |National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. There was no |N. Glenn. |

|Grant-funded training to be completed in six months. WVNCC is |development done by WVNCC, although D. Cresap, R. Lucki, and D. Goeddel did |Second: C. Kefauver |

|offering training in four of the six available roles. Grant |attend a curriculum training conference in August. This will be the first |Motion carried. |

|period is April 2010 to April 2012. |academic skill set that we have offered. | |

| |N. Glenn mentioned that it would be a nice area of emphasis for the Board of | |

| |Governors AAS and offered to print certificates of completion for the | |

| |training. She then asked if there will be more than course descriptions in | |

| |the catalog. There is a catalog layout prepared for it. S. Rychlicki asked | |

| |which role would serve a small medical office best. D. Cresap replied that | |

| |the Trainer would be the best one for a small office. V. Riley also stated | |

| |that there have been Regional Extension Centers (RECs) established by a | |

| |similar grant and that they have some funds for smaller offices to assist | |

| |with training and implementation. The RECs are working with employers to | |

| |determine what they need. | |

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| |V. Riley began with a history of the College’s partnership with Wheeling | |

| |Hospital and explained that the appropriate forms have been filed with the | |

| |Joint Review Commission on Education in Radiologic Technology and are under | |

| |review. The hospital’s accreditation term is through 2016 and no problems | |

| |are anticipated in having the transfer approved. | |

| |N. Glenn asked if we would be continuing the degree completion program with | |

| |OVMC and other hospitals. V. Riley said that we would. R. Lucki stated that| |

|Radiological Technology, AAS |while Wheeling Hospital was only able to accept 10 students, that we will be | |

|Transfer of existing technical components from Wheeling Hospital|able to accept 20 due to our various clinical affiliations. | |

|to WVNCC. |N. Glenn stated that we would need program outcomes for the catalog. L. Soly| |

|R. Lucki, V. Riley, (M. Kahl, M. Stephens) |asked if all classes will be in Wheeling. Classes will be on the Wheeling | |

| |campus, but there are clinical sites near all of our campuses, for example, | |

| |Moundsville, Glen Dale, Barnesville, Washington. | |

| |L. Soly stated that this will be great for the Weirton campus as Eastern |Motion to approve first reading and waive second: N.|

| |Gateway has a two year waitlist. We will likely be able to gain some |Glenn. |

| |enrollment from there. |Second: C. Kefauver |

| |M. Kahl stated that we need to add a prerequisite of Radiography III to |Motion carried. |

| |Radiography Seminar. N. Glenn asked if there would be a “C” or better grade | |

| |requirement in the program. R. Lucki said there will be. | |

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| |R. Lucki stated that the course will not be AHS, but rather NUR. N. Glenn | |

| |stated that the catalog/curriculum layout is needed. R. Lucki replied that | |

| |L. Shelek may have that. N. Glenn asked if there would be a prerequisite of | |

| |instructor permission. S. Baricska said there would not be, but that the | |

| |course is for nursing majors. | |

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| |Friday, November 12, 2010 D. Cresap is expecting something from HIT to come | |

| |through. | |

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|First Reading | | |

|AHSXXX Nursing Care Plan Construction | | |

|S. Baricska, R. Lucki | | |

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|Add: | | |

|New course to assist nursing students in the construction of | | |

|care plans. | | |

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|Next Meeting | | |

| | |Motion to approve first reading: N. Glenn. Second: |

| | |S. Baricska. |

|Adjournment | |Motion carried. |

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| | |Motion to approve first reading: N. Glenn. Second: |

| | |L. Soly. |

| | |Motion carried. |

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| | |Motion to adjourn: N. Glenn |

| | |Second: C. Kefauver |

| | |Motion carried, meeting adjourned. |


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