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Daicoff’s Master Bibliography – Empirical Only

Empirical Studies on Lawyers

AALS Committee Report, Report of the AALS Special Committee on Problems of Substance Abuse in Law Schools, 44 J. Legal Educ. 35, 40, 63, citing The Guiding Principles: There is Light at the End of the Tunnel for Substance Impaired Lawyers, Jan.-Feb. 1991, at 12.

ABA Comm. on Impaired Attorneys, Survey of State and Local Assistance Programs, (1991)

ABA Comm. on Professional Discipline, Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems (1987).

ABA Comm. on Professional Discipline, Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems (1988).

ABA Comm. on Professional Discipline, Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems (1989).

ABA Comm. on Professional Discipline, Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems (1990).

ABA Comm. on Professional Discipline, Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems (1991-92).

ABA Comm. on Professional Discipline, Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems (1993-94).

ABA Comm. on Professional Discipline, Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems (1995).

ABA Comm. on Professionalism, "...In the Spirit of Public Service: A Blueprint for the Rekindling of Lawyer Professionalism (1986), reprinted in 112 F. R. D. 243, 248.

ABA Comm. on Women in the Profession, Basic Facts From Women in the Law: A Look at the Numbers (1995).

ABA The Report of At the Breaking Point: A National Conference on The Emerging Crisis In the Quality of Lawyers' Health and Lives -- Its Impact on Laws Firms and Client Services (Apr. 5-6, 1991).

ABA Young Lawyers Div. Survey, Career Satisfaction 12 (1995).

ABA Young Lawyers Div. Survey, The State of the Legal Profession: 1990, (1991).

Don S. Anderson, Jon S. Western, & Paul R. Boreham, Conservatism in Recruits to the Professions, 9(3) Austl. & N.Z. J. Soc. 42-45 (1973).

Alexander Astin, Prelaw Students-A National Profile, 34 J. Legal Educ. 73 (1984).

Jeff Barge, Fewer Consider Law, Schools Report Applications Declining, A.B.A. J., June 1995, at 24.

Murray R. Barrick & Michael K. Mount, The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis, 44 Personnel Psychol. 1 (1991).

Connie J. A. Beck, Bruce D. Sales, & G. Andrew H. Benjamin, Lawyer Distress: Alcohol Related Concerns Among a Sample of Practicing Lawyers, 10 J. L. & Health 1, 18 (1995-6).

Phyllis W. Beck & David Burns, Anxiety and Depression in Law Students: Cognitive Intervention, 30 J. Legal Educ. 270, 285-286 (1979).

Susan J. Bell & Lawrence R. Richard, Do You Really Want to be a Lawyer? 152 (2d ed., Peterson's Guides 1992).

G. Andrew H. Benjamin et al., The Prevalence of Depression, Alcohol Abuse, and Cocaine Abuse Among United States Lawyers, 13 Int'l J. L. & Psychiatry 233 (1990).

G. Andrew H. Benjamin, Alfred Kazniak, Bruce Sales, & Stephen B. Shanfield, The Role of Legal Education in Producing Psychological Distress Among Law Students, Am. B. Found. Res. J. 225 (1986).

G. Andrew H. Benjamin, Bruce Sales, & Elaine Darling, Comprehensive Lawyer Assistance Programs: Justification and Model, 16 Law & Psychol. Rev. 113 (1992).

Stephen B. Shanfield & G. Andrew Benjamin, Psychiatric Distress in Law Students, 35 J. LEGAL EDUC. 65, 68-69 (1985).

Barbara S. McCann, Joan Russo, & G. Andrew H. Benjamin, Hostility, Social Support, and Perceptions of Work, 2 J. OCCUP. HEALTH PSYCHOL. 175, 175, 178, and 180 (1997)

Gary Blankenship, Members Concerned About Public's Perception of Lawyers, Fla. B. News, July 15, 1995 at 10.

Bryan Bogoch, Gendered Lawyering: Difference and Dominance in Lawyer-Client Interactions, 31(4) L. & Soc=y Rev. 677-712, 700-03 (1997).

Martin J. Bohn, Psychological Needs of Engineering, Pre-Law, Pre-Medical, and Undecided College Freshmen, 12(5) J. C. Student Personnel 359-361 (1971).

Warren G. Brantley, Attitudes Toward Marijuana Among Law Students: The South's Future Lawyers, 6(2) J. Drug Educ. 113 (1976).

Ottomar L. Braun & Robert A. Wicklund, The Identity-Effort Connection, 24(1) J. Experimental Soc. Psychol. 37 (1988).

John M. Burman, Alcohol Abuse and Legal Education, 47 J. Legal Educ. 39, 41-43 (March, 1997).

Campbell, The Attitudes of First-Year Law Students at the University of New Mexico, 20 J. Legal Educ. 71 (1967).

Jean Campbell, Differential Response for Female and Male Law Students on the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory: The Question of Different Sex Norms, 23(2) J. Counseling Psychol. 130-135 (1976).

Paul D. Carrington & James J. Conley, The Alienation of Law Students, 75 Mich. L. Rev. 887 (1977).

Jill Chanen, Class of '87: Big Money, Less Satisfaction, 16 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1 (1993).

Charlotte Chiu, Do Professional Women Have Lower Job Satisfaction Than Professional Men? Lawyers as a Case Study, 38(7/8) Sex Roles 521- 537, 530-31 (1998).

Leonard H. Chusmir, Law and Jurisprudence Occupations: A Look at Motivational Need Patterns, Com. L. J., May 1984, at 231-235.

L. R. Cole, unpublished raw data cited by Richard, 1994 unpublished dissertation at p. 238 (MBTI study of law students at Vermont Law School in 1991).

John Collins, Maryellen Reardon, & L. K. Waters, Occupational Interest and Perceived Personal Success: Effects of Gender, Sex-Role Orientation, and the Sexual Composition of the Occupation, 47 Psychol. Rep. 1155 (1980).

Comment, Anxiety and the First Semester of Law School, 1968 Wis. L. Rev. 1201 (1968).

Jane W. Coplin & John E. Williams, Women Law Students' Description of Self and the Ideal Lawyer, 2(4) Psychol. Womens= Q. 323-333 (1978).

James M. Dabbs, Elizabeth Carriere Alford, & Julie A. Fielden, Trial Lawyers and Testosterone: Blue-Collar Talent in a White-Collar World, 28(1) J. Applied Social Psychol. 84-94, 87-88 (1998).

Susan Daicoff, Lawyer, Know Thyself: A Review of Empirical Research on Attorney Attributes Bearing on Professionalism, 46 Am. U. L. Rev.1337, 1403-1410 (1997).

L. F. Davis, 1991 (unpublished program handouts from May 2, 1991 program) cited by Richard, 1994 at 238 (MBTI study of law students)

Dorothy H. Deegan, Exploring Individual Differences Among Novices Reading in a Specific Domain: The Case of Law, 30:2 Reading Res. Q. 154-170, 158, 160-61 (April/May/June 1995).

Jo Dixon & Carroll Seron, Stratification in the Legal Profession: Sex, Sector, and Salary, 29(3) Law & Soc=y Rev. 381 (1995).

William W. Eaton, James C. Anthony, Wallace Mandel, Roberta Garrison, Occupations and the Prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder, 32(11) J. Occupational Medicine 1079, 1081 (1990).

Amiram Elwork , Stress Management For Lawyers (1995).

Amiram Elwork, Stress & Lawyers: Predictors of Addiction, Summer Institute of Addictions Studies, Attys' Track, (Aug. 2, 1995).

Amiram Elwork, Ph.D. & G. Andrew H. Benjamin, Ph.D., J.D., Lawyers in Distress, 23 J. Psychiatry & L. 205, 207-208 (1995).

Howard S. Erlanger & Douglas A. Klegon, Socialization Effects of Professional School: The Law School Experience and Student Orientation to Public Interest Concerns, 13 L. & Soc=y Rev. 11 (1978).

Howard S. Erlanger, Charles R. Epp, Mia Cahill, & Kathleen M. Haines, Law Student Idealism and Job Choice: Some New Data on an Old Question, 30(4) L. & Soc=y Rev. 851-864 (1996).

Leonard D. Eron & Robert S. Redmount, The Effect of Legal Education on Attitudes, 9 J. Legal Educ. 431, 520-521 (1957).

L. D. Eron, Effect of Medical Education on Medical Students, 10 J. Med. Educ. 559-66 (1955).

L. D. Eron, The Effect of Medical Education on Attitudes: A Follow-up Study, J. Med. Educ. 33 (1958).

Sue Farron, Margaret Llewelyn, and Kath Middleton, Public Perception of the Legal Profession: Attitudinal Surveys as a Basis for Change, 20 J. Legal Prof. 79 (1995-96) (reporting the results of a British survey on attitudes towards lawyers).

Patricia Spencer Faunce, Personality Characteristics and Vocational Interests Related to the College Persistence of Academically Gifted Women, 15 J. Counseling Psychol. 31, 1968.

Ronald H. Frederickson, Jun Chih Gisela Lin, & Shaomin Xing, Social Status Ranking of Occupations in the People's Republic of China, Tawain, and the United States, 40(4) Career Dev. Q. 351 (1992).

Irene H. Frieze, Scott Bailey, Patricia Mamula, & Mira Moss, Life Scripts and Life Planning: The Role of Career Scripts in College Women's Career Choices, 5(1) Imagination, Cognition & Personality 59 (1985-6).

Lawrence P. Galie, An Essay on the Civil Commitment Lawyer: Or How I Learned to Hate the Adversary System, 6 J. Psychiatry & L. 71-87 (1978).

Richard Gater, Michele Tansella, Alisa Korten, et al., Sex Differences in the Prevalence and Detection of Depression and Anxiety Disorders in General Health Care Settings, 55 Archives Gen. Psychiatry 405 (1998).

William H. Gates, Lawyers' Malpractice: Some Recent Data About a Growing Problem, 37 Mercer L. Rev. 559-567 (1986).

Glater, Jonathan D., Law School Beckons as Economy Slows, N.Y. Times August 24, 2001.

Peter G. Glenn, Some Thoughts About Developing Constructive Approaches to Lawyer and Law Student Distress, 10 J. L. & Health 69, 1995-96.

Jacqueline Golding, Andrea Resnick, & Faye Crosby, Work Satisfaction as a Function of Gender and Job Status, 7(3) Psychol. Women Q. 286 (1983).

Jonathan Goodliffe, Alcohol and Depression in English and American Disciplinary Proceedings, 89 Addiction 1237, 1243 (1994).

Michael D. Goodman & Karen C. Gareis, The Influence of Status on Decisions to Help, 133(1) J. Soc. Psychol. 23 (1993).

Thomas M. Goolsby, Jr., Law School Selection and Performance and Subsequent Admission to Legal Practice, 28 Educ. & Psychol. Measurement 421 (1968).

Robert H. Gordon & Georgia Bauer, Social Class Bias of Practicing Attorneys, 57 Psychol. Reports 931-935 (1985).

Elizabeth H. Gorman, Moving Away from “Up and Out”: Determinants of Permanent Employment in Law Firms, 33 Law & Society Rev. 3, 637-665 (1999).

Robert Granfield, Learning Collective Eminence: Harvard Law School, 33(4) Soc. Q. 503-520, 518 (1992).

James L. Hafner & M. E. Fakouri, Early Recollections of Individuals Preparing for Careers in Clinical Psychology, Dentistry, and Law, 24 J. Vocational Behav. 236-241 (1984) (Summarizing Adler's ideas).

Peter W. Hahn & Susan D. Clayton, The Effects of Attorney Presentation Style, Attorney Gender, and Juror Gender on Juror Decisions, 20(5) Law & Hum. Behav. 533-554 (1996).

Susan Brodie Haire, Roger Hartley, & Stefanie A. Lindquist, Attorney Expertise, Litigant Success, & Judicial Decisionmaking in the U.S. Courts of Appeals, 33 Law & Society Rev. 3, 667-685 (1999).

M.J. Hamilton, J.D., Ph.D., F. Pepitone-Arreola-Rockwell, Ph.D., D. Rockwell, M.D., & C. Whitlow, M.A., Thirty-five Law School Suicides, J. Psychiatry & L. 335-344, (Fall 1983).

Andrew V. Hansen, Alcoholism in the Lawyer's Context, 7 Legal Ref. Serv. Q. 231, 236 (1987).

Peter D. Hart Research Associates, Inc., A Survey of Attitudes Nationwide Toward Lawyers and the Legal System, (Jan. 1993).

Jack Hartnett & Gayle Secord, Perception of Unethical Behavior in an Attorney as a Function of Sex of Observer and Transgressor, 61 Perceptual & Motor Skills 1159-62 (1985).

James M. Hedegard, The Impact of Legal Education: An In-Depth Examination of Career-relevant Interests, Attitudes, and Personality Traits Among First-Year Law Students, 4 Am. B. Found. Res. J. 791, 804-805 n. 34, 814, 825, 835 (1979).

Marilyn Heins, Shirley Nickols Fahey, & Roger C. Henderson, Law Students and Medical Students: A Comparison of Perceived Stress, 33 J. Legal Educ. 511-525 (1983).

M. Heins, S. N. Fahey, L. I. Leiden, Perceived Stress in Medical, Law, and Graduate Students, 1984: 59 J. Med. Educ. 169-79 (1984).

John P. Heinz, Kathleen E. Hull, & Ava A. Harter, Researching Law: An ABF Update, "Content With Their Calling? Job Satisfaction in the Chicago Bar, 9 Am. B. Found. Pub. 1 (1998).

Karin F. Helmers, Deborah Danoff, Yvonne Steinart, Marco Leyton, & Simon N. Young, Stress and Depressed Mood in Medical Students, Law Students, and Graduate Students at McGill University, 72:8 Acad. Med. 708-714, 710-11 (August 1997).

Gary A. Hengstler, Vox Populi, The Public Perception of Lawyers: ABA Poll, A.B.A. J., Sept. 1993, at 60, 62.

Shari Hodgson & Bert Pryor, Sex Discrimination in the Courtroom: Attorney's Gender and Credibility, 55 Psychol. Rep. 483 (1984).

John M. Houston, Danielle M. Farese, & Terence J. La Du, Assessing Competitiveness: A Validation Study of the Competitiveness Index, 13(10) Personality & Individual Differences 1153-1156 (1992).

Kathleen E. Hull, The Paradox of the Contented Female Lawyer, 33 Law & Society Rev. 3, 687-702 (1999).

Kathleen E. Hull & Robert L. Nelson, Assimilation, Choice, or Constraint? Testing Theories of Gender Differences in the Careers of Lawyers, 79 Social Forces 1, 229-264 (September 2000).

Susan E. Jackson & Jon A. Turner, Correlates of Burnout Among Public Service Lawyers, 8 J. Occupational Behav. 339 (1987).

Sandra Janoff, The Influence of Legal Education on Moral Reasoning, 76 Minn. L. Rev. 193 (1991).

Dirk Johnson, More Scorn and Less Money Dim Law's Lure, N.Y. Times, Sept. 16 (or 22), 1995, at A1.

Robert A. Kagan, Do Lawyers Cause Adversarial Legalism? A Preliminary Inquiry, 19 L. & Soc. Inquiry 1, 37 (1994).

Alan N. Katz & Mark P. Denbeaux, Trust, Cynicism and Machiavellianism Among Entering First-Year Law Students, 53 J. Urb. L. 397-398 (1976).

Robert F. Kelly & Sarah H. Ramsey, The Legal Representation of Children in Protection Proceedings: Some Empirical Finding and a Reflection on Public Policy, 34(2) Fam. Rel. 277, 282 (1985).

Suzanne C. Kobasa, Commitment and Coping in Stress Resistance Among Lawyers, 42 J. Personality and Soc. Psychol. 707 (1982).

Russell Korobkin & Chris Guthrie, Psychology, Economics, and Settlement: A New Look at the Role of the Lawyer, 76 Tex. L. Rev. 77 (Nov. 1997).

Dennis W. Kozich, Stress is Taking its Toll on Wisconsin Attorneys, Wis. Law., Apr., 1989, at 12.

Craig Kubey, The Three Years of Adjustment: Where Your Ideals Go, 6 Juris Dr. 11, 34 (1976).

Zina Kunda, Lisa Sinclair, & Dale Griffin, Equal Ratings but Separate Meanins: Stereotypes and the Construal of Traits, 72 J. of Personality and Social Psychol. 4, 720-734 (1997).

Lawrence J. Landwehr, Lawyers as Social Progressives or Reactionaries: The Law and Order Cognitive Orientation of Lawyers, 7 Law & Psychol. Rev. 39 (1982).

Georgina W. LaRussa, Portia's Decision: Women's Motives for Studying Law and Their Later Career Satisfaction as Attorneys, 1 Psychol. Women Q. 350-364 (1977).

Judith A. Lau, Lawyers vs. Social Workers: Is Cerebral Hemisphericity the Culprit?, 62 Child Welfare 21 (1983).

A. Luna, E. Osuna, L. Zurera, MV Garcia Pastor & L. Castillo del Toro, The Relationship Between the Perception of Alcohol and Drug Harmfulness and Alcohol Consumption by University Students, 11:3 Med. Law 3-10 (1992).

Kathleen S. Mayers, When Attorneys Contribute to Emotional and Behavioral Problems in their Mentally Ill Clients, 12 American J. of Forensic Psychol. 1, 55-65 (1994).

Barbara S. McCann, Joan Russo, & G. Andrew H. Benjamin, Hostility, Social Support, and Perceptions of Work, 2 J. Occup. Health Psychol. 175, 178, and 180 (1997).

Roseanna McCleary & Evan L. Zucker, Higher Trait- and State-Anxiety in Female Law Students Than Male Law Students, 68 Psychol. Rep. 1075-1078 (1991).

Daniel N. McIntosh, Julie Keywell, Alan Reifman, & Phoebe C. Ellsworth, Stress and Health in First-Year Law Students: Women Fare Worse, J. Applied Social Psychol. 24:16, 1474-1499 (1994).

Heather M. McLean & Rudolf Kalin, Congruence Between Self-Image and Occupational Stereotypes in Students Entering Gender-Dominated Occupations, 26(1) J. Behav. Sci. 142-162, 153-154 (1994).

Robert G. Meadow & Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Personalized or Bureaucratized Justice in Legal Services: Resolving Sociological Ambivalence in the Delivery of Legal Aid for the Poor, 9 Law & Hum. Behav. 397-413 (1985).

Paul Van R. Miller, Personality Differences and Student Survival in Law School, 19 J. Legal Educ. 460-67 (1967).

Eun-Yeong Na & Elizabeth F. Loftus, Attitudes Toward Law and Prisoners, Conservative Authoritarianism, Attribution, and Internal-External Locus of Control: Korean and American Law Students and Undergraduates, 29(5) J. of Cross-Cultural Psychol. 595-615, 598-99, 601-02, 605-606, and 611 (September 1998) (reporting data collected in 1996).

Barbara Nachmann, Childhood Experience and Vocational Choice in Law, Dentistry and Social Work, 7 J. Counsel. Psychol. 243-244, 248 (1960).

Frank L. Natter, The Human Factor: Psychological Type in Legal Education,h 3 Res. Psychol. Type 55-67 (1981).

Nomalanga Nefertari, Dysfunction in the Law Office, Do You Recognize Anyone Here?, Law Prac. Mgmt., May-June 1994, at 48-51.

Michael J. Patton, The Student, The Situation, and Performance During The First Year of Law School, 21 J. Legal Educ. 10, 43-45 (1968).

Ruth Piller, Majority of Lawyers Here Claim Job Satisfaction/Poll Uncovers Some Concerns However, Hous. Chron., Feb. 15, 1992, at 124.

Project, Gender, Legal Education, and the Legal Profession: An Empirical Study of Stanford Law Students and Graduates, 40 Stan. L. Rev. 1209 (1988).

Vernellia R. Randall, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, First Year Law Studies and Performance, 26 Cumb. L. Rev. 63, 80-81, 86-87, 91-92, 96-97 (1995-6).

Stephen Reich, California Psychological Inventory: Profile of a Sample of First-Year Law Students, 39 Psychol. Rep. 871-874 (1976).

Stephen Reich, Strong Vocational Interest Blank Patterns Associated With Law School Achievement, 39 Psychol. Rep. 1343-1346 (1976).

Lawrence R. Richard, How Personality Affects Your Practice, A.B.A. J., July 1993, at 74.

Lawrence R. Richard, Psychological Type and Job Satisfaction Among Practicing Lawyers in the United States (1994) (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Temple University).

Linda M. Rio, Time For an Ideality Check: If You Had Your Ideal Job, Would You be Satisfied?, Barrister Mag., Spring 1995, at 13, 15 (Discussing ABA/YLD National Survey of Career Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction (1984 and 1990)).

Jason M. Satterfield, John Monahan, & Martin P. Seligman, Law School Performance Predicted by Explanatory Style, 15 Behav. Sci. & L. 95-105 (1997).

Kurt M. Saunders & Linda Levine, Learning to Think Like a Lawyer, 29 U.S.F. L. Rev. 121 (1994).

Stephen B. Shanfield & G. Andrew H. Benjamin, Psychiatric Distress in Law Students, 35 J. Legal Educ. 65, 68-69 (1985).

Leo J. Shapiro & Associates, Public Perceptions of Lawyers Consumer Research Findings, ABA Section on Litigation, April 2002.

Richard Sheehy & John J. Horan, Effects of Stress Incoculation Training for 1st-Year Law Students, 11 Int’l J. of Stress Mgmt. 1, 41-55 (2004).

Kennon M. Sheldon & Lawrence S. Krieger, Does Legal Education have Undermining Effects on Law Students? Evaluating Changes in Motivation, Values, and Well-Being, 22 Behav. Sci. Law 261-286 (2004).

Edwin S. Shneidman, Personality and "Success" Among a Selected Group of Lawyers, 48(6) J. Personality Assessment 609, 613-615 (1984).

Lawerence Silver, Anxiety & The First Semester of Law School, 4 Wis. L. Rev. 1201-1216 (1968).

Roy M. Sobelson, The Ethics of Advertising By Georgia Lawyers: Surveys and Analysis, 6 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 23 (1989).

Norman Solkoff, The Use of Personality and Attitude Tests in Predicting the Academic Success of Medical and Law Students, 43 J. Med. Educ. 1250-1253 (1968).

Norman Solkoff & Joan Markowitz, Personality Characteristics of First-Year Medical and Law Students, 42 J. Med. Educ. 195, 197 (1967).

Soonpa, Nancy, Stress in Law Students: A Comparative Study of First-Year, Second-Year, & Third-Year Students, 36 Conn.L.Rev. 353, 353-383 (2004).

Janet S. St. Lawrence, Melanie L. McGrath, Mark E. Oakley, & Susan C. Sult, Stress Management For Law Students: Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention, 1 (4) Behav. Sci. & L. 100-101, 106 (1983).

Robert Stevens, Law Schools and Law Students, 59 Va. L. Rev. 551, 598, 652-663 (1973).

Janet Taber, Marquerite T. Grant, Manny T. Huser, Rise B. Norman, James R. Sutton, Clarence C. Wong, Louise E. Parker, & Claire Picard, Project , Gender, Legal Education & the Legal Profession: An Empirical Study of Stanford Law Students & Graduates, 40 Stan. L. Rev. 1209 (1988).

June Louin Tapp & Felice J. Levine, Legal Socialization: Strategies For an Ethical Legality, 27 Stan. L. Rev. 1 (1974).

Wagner P. Thielans, Jr., Some Comparisons of Entrants to Medical and Law School, in The Student Physician (Robert K. Merton, George G. Reader, & Patricia L. Kendall , eds.) 140-41 (1957).

Wagner P. Thielans, Jr., The Influence of the Law School Experience on the Professional Ethics of Law Students, 21 J. Legal Educ. 587, 590-591 (1969).

A. Thorne & H. Gough, Portraits of Type: An MBTI Research Compendium (Consulting Psychologists Press 1991) (Palo Alto, CA) (grant) cited by Richard, 1994 at 238 (MBTI study of law students)

Stephen L. Wasby & Susan S. Daly, AIn My Father=s Footsteps: Career Patterns of Lawyers, 27 Akron L. Rev. 355-395, 358 and 391-393 (1994).

James J. White, Women in the Law, 65 Mich. L. Rev. 1051, 1069 (1967).

Judith White and Chris Manolis, Individual Differences in Ethical Reasoning Among Law Students, 25:1 Soc. Behav. & Personality 19-48, 21-30, 33, 39-41 (1997).

Thomas E. Willging & Thomas G. Dunn, The Moral Development of the Law Student: Theory and Data on Legal Education, 31 J. Legal Educ. 306 (1981).

Sue Winkle Williams & John C. McCullers, Personal Factors Related to Typicalness of Career and Success in Active Professional Women, 7(4) Psychol. Women Q. 343, 350-351 (1983).

Janet W. Wohlberg, Donald Rosen, & Linda Mabus Jorgenson, New Developments in Response to Boundary Violations: Proceedings of the Harvard Residency Teaching Day, 5 Harvard. Rev. Psychiatry 1, 28-35 (1997).



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