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INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FUNCTIONAL PROGRAM TEMPLATEThe Functional Program Templates are optional tools facilities may use to help meet the construction requirements at OAC 310:667 for Hospitals. The functional program describes the project. It includes the “General Functional Program Template” that addresses the requirements at 310:667-41-1(e) AND additional PROJECT-SPECIFIC TEMPLATES that address the requirements for different areas/departments/hospital types.Things to note prior to completing the Functional Program Template:A functional program is required if the project involves:A mechanical/electrical change;A structural change; orA functional change.Instructions:Complete the “General Functional Program Template” for each project.Include the project title over the heading at the top right of the page. Use a consistent project title on all documents submitted for the project. This will help avoid confusion between projects.After completing the “General Functional Program Template,” select and complete the project-specific functional program template(s) as they apply to your project.Provide an answer for each element that is required in the template. If an element DOES NOT apply to your project, provide a brief explanation as to why it does not apply.Submit the General Functional Program Template and the project-specific template(s) together as one Functional Program for the project.The project-specific functional program templates are based on the requirements found in the Oklahoma Administrative Code 310:667 Subchapter 49 for General Medical Surgical Hospital Construction Requirements. To access OAC 310:667 follow the steps below: the Administrative Rules tab located at the top of the screen.Then in the box labeled Online Services click on the View Code link below it.Scroll down and select Title 310: Oklahoma State Department of Health.Then Scroll down and select Chapter 667: Hospital Standards.Scroll down and select Subchapter 49: General Medical Surgical Hospital Construction Requirements.Then click Section 310:667-49-6—Psychiatric Nursing Unit.If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Oklahoma State Department of Health at (405) 271-5288 or email OSDH at planreview@health. with a subject title of Functional Program Question.OAC 310:667-49-6 - General Medical Surgical Hospital Construction Requirements – Psychiatric Nursing UnitOklahoma State Department of Health, Protective Health Services, Medical Facilities ServiceFacility Name: Click here to enter facility name.Project Title: Click here to enter project title. Date: Click here to enter a date. Contact person: Click here to enter text.Contact person’s phone number: Click here to enter text.Contact person’s email: Click here to enter text.280225514795500Is this a first submittal?Yes ? No ?If no, please indicate the number of submittalsNarrative Program Element310:667-49-6(a) “When part of a general hospital, these units shall be designed for the care of inpatients. Non-ambulatory inpatients may be treated in a medical unit until their medical condition allows for transfer to the psychiatric nursing unit. Psychiatric care in a medical unit shall meet requirements at OAC 310:667-49-2(a)(5). Provisions shall be made in the design for adapting the area for various types of psychiatric therapies.Please provide your description here: 310:667-49-6(b) The environment of the unit shall be characterized by a feeling of openness with emphasis on natural light and exterior views. Various functions shall be accessible from common areas while not compromising desirable levels of patient privacy. Interior finishes, lighting, and furnishings shall suggest a residential rather than an institutional setting. These shall, however, conform with applicable fire safety codes. Security and safety devices shall not be presented in a manner to attract or challenge tampering by patients.Please provide your description here: 310:667-49-6(c) Details of such facilities shall be as described in the approved functional program. Each nursing unit shall provide the following:Patient rooms. The standard noted in OAC 310:667-49-2(a)(1) shall apply to patient rooms in a psychiatric nursing unit except as follows:A nurse call system is not required, but if it is included, provisions shall be made for easy removal, or for covering call button outlets.Please provide your description here: Bedpan-flushing devices may be omitted from patient room toilets.Please provide your description here: Handwashing stations are not required in patient rooms.Please provide your description here: Visual privacy in multi-bed rooms; e.g., cubicle curtains, is not required.Please provide your description here: The ceiling and the air distribution devices, lighting fixtures, sprinkler heads, and other appurtenances shall be of the tamper-resistant type.Please provide your description here: Each patient room shall be provided with a private toilet that meets the following requirements:The door shall not be lockable from within.The door shall be capable of swinging outward.The ceiling shall be of tamper-resistant construction and the air distribution devices, lighting fixtures, sprinkler heads, and other appurtenances shall be of the tamper-resistant type.Please provide your description here: Service areas. The standards noted in OAC 310:667-49-2(a)(2) shall apply to service areas for a psychiatric nursing unit with the following modifications:A secured storage area shall be provided for patient belongings that are determined to be potentially harmful (e.g., razors, nail files, cigarette lighters) this area shall be controlled by staff.Please provide your description here: The medication station shall include provisions for security against unauthorized access.Please provide your description here: Food service within the unit may be one, or a combination, of the following:A nourishment station.A kitchenette designed for patient use with staff control of heating and cooking devices.A kitchen service within the unit including a handwashing station, storage space, refrigerator, and facilities for meal preparation.Please provide your description here: Storage space for stretchers and wheelchairs may be outside the psychiatric unit, provided that provisions are made for convenient access as needed for disabled patients.Please provide your description here: In a psychiatric nursing unit, a bathtub or shower shall be provided for each six (6) beds not otherwise served by bathing facilities within the patient rooms. Bathing facilities shall be designed and located for patient convenience and privacy.Please provide your description here: A separate charting area shall be provided with provisions for acoustical privacy. A viewing window to permit observation of patient areas by the charting nurse or physician may be used if the arrangement is such that patient files cannot be read from outside the charting space.Please provide your description here: At least two (2) separate social spaces, one (1) appropriate for noisy activities and one (1) for quiet activities, shall be provided. The combined area shall be at least forty (40) square feet (3.72 square meters) per patient with at least one hundred-twenty (120) square feet (11.15 square meters) for each of the two (2) spaces. This space may be shared by dining activities.Please provide your description here: Space for group therapy shall be provided. This may be combined with the quiet space noted above when the unit accommodates not more than twelve (12) patients, and when at least two hundred twenty-five (225) square feet (20.90 square meters) of enclosed private space is available for group therapy activities.Please provide your description here: Patient laundry facilities with an automatic washer and dryer shall be provided.Please provide your description here: The following elements shall also be provided, but may be either within the psychiatric unit or immediately accessible to it unless otherwise dictated by the program:Room(s) for examination and treatment with a least one hundred-twenty (120) square feet (11.15 square meters). Examination and treatment room(s) for medical-surgical patients may be shared by the psychiatric unit patients. These may be on a different floor if conveniently accessible.Please provide your description here: Separate consultation room(s) with at least one hundred (100) square feet (9.29 square meters) each, provided at a room-to-bed ratio of one consultation room for each twelve (12) psychiatric beds. The room(s) shall be designed for acoustical and visual privacy and constructed to achieve a noise reduction of at least forty-five (45) decibels.Please provide your description here: Psychiatric units each containing at least fifteen (15) square feet (1.39 square meters) of separate space per patient for occupational therapy, with a total area of at least two hundred (200) square feet (18.58 square meters), whichever is greater. Space shall include provision for handwashing, work counter(s), storage, and displays. Occupational therapy areas may serve more than one (1) nursing unit. When a psychiatric nursing unit contains less than twelve (12) beds, the occupational therapy functions may be performed in the noisy activities area, if at least an additional ten (10) square feet (0.93 square meter) per patient served is included.Please provide your description here: A conference and treatment planning room for use by the psychiatric unit.Please provide your description here: Isolation room. The standards of OAC 310:667-49-2(a)(3) for isolation rooms do not apply to a psychiatric nursing unit. Psychiatric beds shall not be included in the bed count ratio to establish the number of beds required for medical airborne infection isolation.Please provide your description here: Seclusion treatment room. There shall be at least one (1) seclusion room for up to twenty-four (24) beds or a major fraction thereof. If a facility has more than one (1) psychiatric nursing unit, the number of seclusion rooms shall be a function of the total number of psychiatric beds in the facility. Seclusion rooms may be grouped together.The seclusion treatment room is intended for short-term occupancy by a violent or suicidal patient. Within the psychiatric nursing unit, this space provides for patients requiring security and protection. The room(s) shall be located for direct nursing staff supervision. Each room shall be for only one (1) patient.Please provide your description here: The seclusion treatment room shall have an area of at least sixty (60) square feet (5.57 square meters) and shall be constructed to prevent patient hiding, escape, injury, or suicide. Where restraint beds are required by the functional program, at least eighty (80) square feet (7.43 square meters) shall be required.Please provide your description here: Special fixtures and hardware for electrical circuits shall be used.Please provide your description here: The ceiling height shall be at least nine (9) feet (2.74 meters).Please provide your description here: Doors shall be at least three (3) feet eight (8) inches (1.12 meters) wide, and shall permit staff observation of the patient while also maintaining provisions for patient privacy.Please provide your description here: Seclusion treatment rooms shall be accessed by an anteroom or vestibule that also provides direct access to a toilet room. The toilet room and anteroom shall be large enough to safely manage the patient.Please provide your description here: Where the interior of the seclusion treatment room is padded with combustible materials, these materials shall be of a type acceptable to the local authority having jurisdiction.Please provide your description here: The room area, including floor, walls, ceilings, and all openings shall be protected with not less than one-hour-rated construction.”Please provide your description here: ................

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