College of Nursing Florida Atlantic University
List 1: “ very early publications on care and transcultural nursing.” The items from the original folder are archived in Series 3 in chronological order. See folder number noted for each.Part A: Articles PublishedLeininger, M. (1980). Envisioning transcultural nursing into the 20th century. Presented at 6th National Transcultural Nursing Conference, Snowbird, UT, September 24-26, 1980. (Folder 2-3.1)Leininger, M. (1980). Transcultural implications for perinatal care. Presented at National March of Dimes Symposium “Future Directions in Perinatal Care, Baltimore, Maryland, October 1, 1980. (Folder 2-59)Shubin, S. (1980, June). Nursing patients from different cultures. Nursing80, 79-81. [extensive quotations from Leininger] (Folder 3-91)Leininger, M. (1980). Transcultural nursing: A new subfield. Health Clinics International, 2(1), 3-4. (Folder 3-90) Leininger, M. (1979). Transcultural nursing: A look to the future from the past. Presented at 5th National Transcultural Nursing Conference, Snowbird, Utah, September 1979. (Folder 3-273)Leininger, M. (1979). Reflections on the development and implementation of standards for nursing practice. In Collaborative research and its implementation in nursing. Proceedings, 2nd European Nurse Researchers Conference (pp. 123-138). Published by Danish Nurses Organization. [Folder 3-81)Leininger, M. (1979). Development of nursing research centres to advance and improve nursing practice and education. In Collaborative research and its implementation in nursing. Proceedings, 2nd European Nurse Researchers Conference (pp. 177-186). Published by Danish Nurses Organization. (Folder 3-82)Leininger, M. (1979). Health and generalized nursing care of some Indochinese refugees. Presented at symposium “A transcultural look at health care: East Asians with pulmonary disease”, for Lung Association of Mid-Maryland, Bethesda, MD, November 16, 1979. (Folder 2-46)Leininger, M., & Holt, J. (1979). Accreditation: An essential, demanding, and important task of the CBHDP Board of Review. Memo to Members, Council of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Programs. National League for Nursing. [statement as part of the Fall 1979 newsletter issue] (Folder 3-83)Leininger, M. (1978). Creating and maintaining a nursing research support center. In: PRN: The Adelphi Report, pp. 35-60. Garden City, NY: Adelphi University. (Folder 3-71)Leininger, M. (1979). Transcultural nursing: A new subfield to generate nursing and health care knowledge. Presented at Scholarly Lecture Series, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, October 4, 1978. Presented at workshop “Transcultural Nursing with Madeleine Leininger”, May 31, 1979 [workshop location unknown] (Folder 2-35)Leininger, M. (1980). Caring: A central focus of nursing and health care services. Nursing and Health Care, 1(3), 135-143, 176. (Folder 3-93)Leininger, M. (1978). Political nursing: Essential for health service and educational systems of tomorrow. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 2(3), 1-16. (Folder 3-75)Leininger, M. (1977). Changing foci in American nursing education: Primary and transcultural nursing care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 3, 155-166. (Folder 3-74)Leininger, M. (1978). Nursing in the future: Some brief glimpses. Vital Signs [Student Nurses’ Association of Utah]. [3-part article, in March, April and May issues] (Folder 3-80)Leininger, M. (1977, November). Issues in nursing: A learning challenge. Vital Signs [Student Nurses’ Association of Utah], p. 7. (Folder 3-69)Leininger, M. (1977). Territoriality, power, and creative leadership in administrative nursing contexts. In Power – Use it or lose it (Publ. No. 52-1675, pp. 6-18). NY: National League for Nursing. (Folder 3-63)Leininger, M. (1977). Futuristic approaches to nursing care of the elderly with a transcultural focus. 2nd National Transcultural Nursing Conference, Snowbird, UT, September 1977. Proceedings, pp. 131-150. Salt Lake City: University of Utah College of Nursing. (Folder 3-66)Leininger, M. (1977). Roles and directions in nursing and cancer nursing. 2nd National Conference on Cancer Nursing, St. Louis, Missouri, May 9-10, 1977. Proceedings (pp. 6-16). St. Louis: American Cancer Society. (Folder 3-64)Leininger, M. (1977). The phenomenon of caring. Part V: Caring: The essence and central focus of nursing. American Nurses’ Foundation. Nursing Research Report, 12(1), 2, 14. (Folder 3-68)Leininger, M. (1977). Transcultural nursing and a proposed conceptual framework. 1st National Transcultural Nursing Conference, Snowbird, Utah, September 1977. Proceedings, pp. 1-18. Salt Lake City: University of Utah College of Nursing. (Folder 3-70)Leininger, M. (1977). Culture and transcultural nursing: meaning and significance for nurses. National League for Nursing workshop “Cultural dimensions in the nursing curriculum”, Atlanta, Georgia, September 20-22, 1976. Proceedings, pp. 85-90. New York: NLN. (Folder 3-62)Leininger, M. (1977). Cultural diversities of health and nursing care. Nursing Clinics of North America, 12(10), 5-18. (Folder 3-65)Leininger, M. (1976). Two strange health tribes: The Gnisrun and Enicidem in the United States. Human Organization, 35(3), 253-261. [also several pages from 1971 draft, and 2-page outline of “Subcultures of nursing and medicine: Conflicts and possible resolution”, with holographic notes] (Folder 3-58)Leininger, M. (1976). Doctoral programs for nurses: Trends, questions, and projected plans. Nursing Research, 25(3), 201-210. (Folder 3-60) [see also Series 4, Subseries 3 for the study reported here that was supported by American Association of Colleges of Nursing]Leininger, M. (1974). ). Cultural interfaces, communication and health implications. Keynote: An Adventure in Transcultural Communication and Health, University of Hawaii School of Nursing, Honolulu, June 17-21, 1974. [complete volume is also archived] (Folder 3-51)Leininger, M. (1975). Editorial: Transcultural nursing presents exciting challenge. The American Nurse, 7(5), [pp. unknown]. (Folder 3-54)Leininger, M. (1974, December). Conflict and conflict resolutions: Theories and processes relevant to the health professions. The American Nurse, pp. 17-21. (Folder 3-49)Leininger, M. (1975). Conflict and conflict resolution. American Journal of Nursing, 75(2), 292-296. (Folder 3-49)Leininger, M. (1973). Leadership in nursing: Challenges, concerns, and effects. 2nd Conference on Nursing Administration: The Challenge: Rational Administration in Nursing and Health Care Services. Proceedings, (pp. 35-53). Tempe: Arizona State University College of Nursing. (Folder 3-46)Leininger, M. (1974). Scholars, scholarship, and nursing scholarship. Image[Sigma Theta Tau National Honor Society of Nursing], 6(2), 5-14. (Folder 3-50)Leininger, M. (1974). The leadership crisis in nursing: A critical problem and challenge. Journal of Nursing Administration, 4(2), 28-34. [reprinted in Fundamental Issues in Nursing, JNA, 1975, pp. 62-68.] (Folder 3-52)Leininger, M. (1973). Health care delivery systems for tomorrow: Possibilities and guidelines. Washington State Journal of Nursing, Winter, pp. 10-16. (Folder 3-39)Leininger, M. (1973). Witchcraft practices and psychocultural therapy with urban U.S. families. Human Organization, 32(1), 73-83. (Folder 3-42)Leininger, M. (1972). This I believe...about interdisciplinary health education for the future. AORN Journal, 89-104. [every other page is missing from 2-sided photocopy] (Folder 3-34)Leininger, M. (1971). This I believe...about interdisciplinary health education for the future. Nursing Outlook, 19(12), 787-791. (Folder 3-30)Mental Health Services and the Changing University Community Task Force. (1972). Quality of Educational Life: Priorities for Today (13 pp.). Boulder, CO: Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE). [M. Leininger was Task Force member] (Folder 3-35)Leininger, M. (1972). Using cultural styles in the helping process and in relation to the subculture of nursing. Psychiatric Nursing Bulletin [Illinois Psychiatric Institute, Chicago], pp. 43-61. (Folder 3-28)Leininger, M. (1970). Some cross-cultural universal and non-universal functions, beliefs, and practices of food. In J. Dupont (Ed.), Dimensions of nutrition. Boulder: Colorado Associated Universities Press. [reprinted in M. Leininger (Ed.), Transcultural nursing : Concepts, theories, and practices (p. 203-219), New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1978.] (Folder 3-24)Leininger, M. (1971). Dean proposes educational teamwork. Health Science Review [University of Washington], 1(2), 4. (Folder 3-27)Leininger, M. (1971). Some anthropological issues related to community mental health programs in the United States. Community Mental Health Journal, 7(1), 50-61. (Folder 3-29)Leininger, M.M. (1969). Conference on the nature of science in nursing: Introduction: Nature of science in nursing. Nursing Research, 18(5), 388-389. [See also Journals, series 12: Nursing Research, 17(6), pp. 486.] (Folder 3-22)Leininger, M. M. (1979). Ethnoscience: A promising research approach to improve nursing practice. Image, 3(1), 2-8. Republished in Diers, D., & Donley, R. (1983). The best of Image, a collection of classic articles originally published in Image, the journal of Sigma Theta Tau (pp. 7-10). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau. [both versions are archived] (Folder 3-21)Leininger, M.M. (1968). The research critique: Nature, function, and art. Nursing Research, 17(5), 444-449. (Folder 3-15)Leininger, M.M. (1968). The research critique: Nature, function, and art. In M. Batey (ed.), Communicating nursing research: The research critique (pp. 20-32). Boulder, CO: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). [includes draft and several formats] (Folder 3-17)Leininger, M.M. (1968). Cultural differences among staff members and the impact on patient care. Excerpts from presentation at Minnesota League for Nursing Annual Work Conference, February 2, 1968. Minnesota League for Nursing Bulletin, 16(5), 5-9. [Folder 3-18]Leininger, M.M. (1968). The significance of cultural concepts in nursing. Keynote at Minnesota League for Nursing Annual Work Conference, February 2, 1968. Minnesota League for Nursing Bulletin, 16(3), 3-12. [Whole issue is included; also published in Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 2(1), 52-59.] (Folder 3-16; Folder 3-158)Leininger, M. (1967). Culture concept and its relevance to nursing. In [author unknown] The impact of illness on the individual ( pp. 39-46). [this is The challenge of nursing: A book of readings (Chapter 6, pp. 39-46). St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby Co., 1973 (Folder 3-44)Part B: Chapters PublishedLeininger, M. (1978). The futurology of nursing: Goals and challenges for tomorrow. In N. Chaska (ed.), Views through the mist: The nursing profession (pp. 383-400). NY: McGraw-Hill. (Folder 3-78)Leininger, M. (1978). ). Professional, political, and ethnocentric role behaviors and their influence in multidisciplinary health education. In A. Hardy & M. Conway (Eds.), Role theory: Perceptions for health professions, pp. 251-271. NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts. (Folder 3-73)Leininger, M. (1977). Transcultural nursing: A promising subfield of study for nurses. In A.M. Reinhardt & M.D. Quinn (eds.), Current practice in family-centered community nursing (pp. 50). St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby. (Folder 3-67)Leininger, M. (1976). Conflict and conflict resolutions: Theories and processes relevant to the health profession. In M. Leininger (ed.), Transcultural health care issues and conditions (Health care dimensions), (pp. 165-183). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. (Folder 3-56)Leininger, M. (1976). Towards conceptualization of transcultural health care systems: Concepts and a model. In M. Leininger (ed.), Transcultural health care issues and conditions (Health care dimensions), (pp. 3-22). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. (Folder 3-61)Leininger, M. (1975). Health care delivery systems for tomorrow: Possibilities and guidelines. . In M. Leininger (ed.), Barriers and facilitators to quality health care (Health care dimensions), (pp. 83-94). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. (Folder 3-53)Leininger, M. (1974). Humanism, health, and cultural values. In M. Leininger & G. Buck (eds.), Health care issues (Health care dimensions), (pp. 37-60). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. (Folder 3-47)Leininger, M. ( 1973). Nursing in the context of social and cultural systems. In P.H. Mitchell (ed.), Concepts basic to nursing (pp. 34-45). NY: McGraw-Hill. (Folder 3-37)Leininger, M., Little, D., & Carnevali, D. (1973). Primex: The professional nurse, responsible, accountable, reaching out and taking an active frontline position in primary health care. In M.E. Auld & L.H. Birum (eds.), The challenge of nursing: A book of readings (pp. 237-242. St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby. (Folder 3-38) [see also Amer J Nurs 1972 version in Folder 3-33]Leininger, M. (1969). Critique: The young child’s response to hospitalization: Separation anxiety or lack of mothering care? In Batey, M.V. (ed.), Communicating nursing research: Problem identification and the research design (pp. 26-40). Boulder, CO: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). (Folder 3-19)Leininger, M. (1971). Anthropological approach to adaptation: Case studies from nursing. In J.F. Murphy (ed.), Theoretical issues in professional nursing (pp. 77-102).. NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts. (Folder 3-31) Part C: Selected Prefaces and ForewordsLeininger, M. (1972). Foreword. In Meeting consumers’ demands for maternity care. Proceedings of a conference for nurses and other health care professionals, Seattle, WA, September 16, 1972. Proceedings, (pp. i – iii). (Folder 3-32)Leininger, M. (1978). Foreword. In L.S. Bermosk & S.E. Porter (eds.), Women’s health and human wholeness (pp. vii-xi). NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts. (folder 3-89)Leininger, M. (1974). Preface. In M. Leininger (ed.), Transcultural health care issues and conditions (Health care dimensions) (pp. v-vi). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. (Folder 3-48)Leininger, M. (1978). Forward [sic]. In J. Watson, Nursing: The philosophy and science of caring. Boston: Little, Brown. (Folder 3-72) ................
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