CURRICULUM VITAE________________Indira TendolkarAssociate Professor in cognitive psychiatry (Nijmegen)Adjunct Professor in psychiatry (Essen)NeurologistAddressDepartment of PsychiatryHuispost 966Radboud University Medical CenterPostbus 91016500 HB NijmegenTel: +24-3613490Email: Researcher-ID: : detailsDate of Birth12th June 1968NationalityGerman of Indian originMarital StatusMarried, 2 childrenMain achievements in the last 5 years10/2015Elected member of the VENI committee of the Dutch Research foundation (NWO)06/2015Theme speaker of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and BehaviorTrack coordinator Master Course Cognitive Neuroscience of the Radboud University Nijmegen02/2015Elected Member of the plenary visitation committee for the residency programme in psychiatry of the Dutch Associations of Psychiatrists01/2015junior Principle Investigator at the Radboud University Medical Center01/2015Senior Scientist Erwin Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Essen Germany06/2012Adjunct Professor in Psychiatry University of Essen/Duisburg, Germany05/2012Elected Member of the Concilium Psychiatricum05/2011Director of the residency programme in Psychiatry of the Radboud University Medical Center Chair of the Board of directors of the residency programme in psychiatry in the East-Netherlands04/2011Associate Professor in Psychiatry of the Department of Psychiatry of Radboud University Medical CenterEducationSchool1978 - 1987 Grammar School: St. Hildegardis-Gymnasium, Duisburg, Germany1987: 'A' Levels: combined grade: 1.6Medical School1987-1993University of Aachen, Germany1993/94Compulsory Shadow House Officer Year:Psychiatry, University of Zurich, Switzerland General Surgery, St. Antonius-Hospital Eschweiler, Germany Internal Medicine, St. Antonius-Hospital Eschweiler, GermanyMedical Degree04/1994: German state medical examination first classPostgraduate Qualification05/1995Medical Doctor: University of Aachen, Germany: first class. Title of M.D. thesis: “Role of leukocyte activation in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy” (Magna cum laude)09/1997EEG Certificate of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology02/2000Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training in Neurology07/2002Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy06/2006German Habilitation degree. Habilitation topic: “Neurophysiological correlates of declarative memory deficits in patients with schizophrenia”01/2007Certificate of Completion of training in “Interpersonal Psychotherapy” at the RINO in Amsterdam including the permission to work as an independent IPT-psychotherapist 11/2007Certificate of Completion of consultancy on “women’s leaderships” at the RINO in Amsterdam 04/2008Certificate of Completion of workshop on “problem-solving coaching” at the RINO in Amsterdam ` 04/2008Certificate of GCP exam (re-certification 2013)10/2012Certificate Health Management (one year post-graduate course)-MIBEG Cologne, Germany10/2014Basic Certificate Teaching of the Radboud University Medical CenterTheoretical teachingPractical clinical teachingSupervision of research internships11/2014Certificate RGS (Opleidingsvisitatie) Previous and current employers7/1994 - 9/1995Resident in Clinical Neurophysiology and NeurologyDepartment of Neurology II, University of Magdeburg, GermanyAdvisorProf. H.J. Heinze, M.D.OccupationGeneral neurology ward, outpatient clinic for epilepsies, dementias and multiple sclerosis-fMRI, ERP, MEG, quantitative structural MRI10/1995 - 10/1996Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Cognitive NeuroscienceDepartment of Psychology / Wellcome Brain Research Group, University of St Andrews, Great BritainAdvisorProf. M.D. Rugg, Ph.D.Occupation-Electrophysiology of human memory11/1995 – 2/1998Resident in Clinical Neurophysiology and NeurologyDepartment of Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Magdeburg, GermanyAdvisorProf. H.J. Heinze, M.D.OccupationGeneral neurology ward, outpatient clinic for epilepsies, dementias and multiple sclerosis-fMRI, ERP, MEG, quantitative structural MRI02/1998 – 11/2003Resident and Research Fellow in PsychiatryDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Cologne, GermanyAdvisorProf. J. Klosterkoetter, M.D.Occupation-clinical work on open and closed ward in general psychiatry, outpatient clinic, early psychosis diagnosis and psychotherapeutic education-neurophysiological research (implementation of an own electrophysiology lab) Since 12/2003Staff member in PsychiatryDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands2003-2011Staff member in the acute psychiatry team 2007-2015Setup and coordination neuropsychiatric outpatient clinic as well as participation in multidisciplinary day clinics for Parkinson’s disease (Dept. of Neurology) and geriatric patients (Dep. of Geriatrics) 2009-2011Interim head of the consultation psychiatry of the UMC St Radboud with the supervision of an interdisciplinary team of 1 psychiatrist in specialization and one general practitioner during specialization, 2 advanced nurse practioner’s and one nurse2011-2015Setup and coordination old age psychiatry outpatient clinic2015-Consultation and liaison psychiatryManagement experience 06/09-09/09Development of work concept for doctors and nurses and reorganization of the consultation psychiatry to fulfill the needs of the DRG-system05/11-Human Resource Management with respect to residents in psychiatry02/12-12/12Set-up Old age psychiatry compartiment at the department of psychiatry both with respect to patient care and educationResearch activities?description (max one A4) of the research area and the interestsIndira Tendolkar focuses of her research on the so-called declarative memory system, the neural circuit that enables us to remember consciously past events and facts- a crucial ability in every-day life. To this end, IT has developed novel experimental designs testing neutral and emotional forms of declarative memory using a wide array of electrophysiological and neuroimaging methods. While exploring the fundamental cognitive neuroscience of emotional and non-emotional forms of declarative memory in one line of research, IT has also focused on the causal relationship between a dysfunction of this memory system and important psychiatric disorders. In Nijmegen, I. Tendolkar has set up a line of research aiming to identify the brain regions related to the development and maintenance of depression. Initially, IT?s research group focused on structural and functional changes of the declarative memory system early in the course of depression and has recently extended their work unraveling the neural underpinnings of chronic and even treatment resistant depression. Her group provided first evidence that the functional activity of brain regions mediating declarative memory is altered both as a function of state or trait early in the course of depression. Moreover, IT has been able to extend ongoing research on the neural correlates of memory bias in depression by showing that remitted patients still show a reduced neural capacity to memorize positive events within the amygdala, a finding that can help optimizing cognitive behavioral therapies of depression and recently has initiated a line of reserahc related to cognitive bias modification. Within this clinical applied line of research, IT has also conducted a row of functional imaging studies investigating the effect of acute mood on declarative memory formation. Using structural and resting state MRI techniques, the research group has focused on chronic depression in particular en for example the effects of ECT. To study the impact of childhood adversity on neurocognitive vulnerability factors of anxiety and depression,, Indira Tendolkar is collaborating on the “Brain Imaging and Genetics” (BIG) project initiated by Prof. Guillén Fernández and his Cognitive Neurology and memory group at the FC Donders Centre. The last two years IT has extended her stress related research from adulthood to healthy elderly trying to understand what causes vulnerability and resilience in elderly in reaction to acute stressors.grant acquisition: 1998Travel grant provided by the Federal Research Council of Germany (DFG TE-321/1-1)1999-20021 year research grant from the intramural research program “K?ln Fortune” to I. Tendolkar for the investigating long term memory deficits in schizophrenia2-year research grant to I. Tendolkar (DFG TE-321/2-1). Title: "Neurophysiological correlates of long term memory deficits in schizophrenia"1-year research grant from the intramural research program “K?ln Fortune” to I. Tendolkar for the investigating the relationship between antisaccade deficits and visuo spatial working memory deficits in schizophrenia(the sum of these grants equals 1, 5 fte PhD-student for 4 years)2005-20094-year research grant from the intramural research program of the University medical Center of the Radboud University Nijmegen to I. Tendolkar for the investigating the neural correlates of memory bias in patients with a depression(equals 1fte PhD-student for 4 years)4 year collaborational grant with the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Nijmegen for investigating the neural correlates of mood induction (Prof. Eni Becker principle investigator)(equals 1fte PhD-student for 4 years)2007-2010100.000 Euro Eli-Lilly grant “Tackling the effect of duloxetine on brain function in mood specific emotional processing in healthy volunteers: an fMRI study bridging pharmacotherapeutical and cognitive psychological approaches to depression” in collaboration with Dr. Robbert Jan Verkes (Pompe Stichting Nijmegen) and Prof. Guillen Fernàndez (FC Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen)(equals 1fte PhD-student for 2 years)2008-2010100.000 intramural grant “Genes to remember” in collaboration with Dr. Barbara Franke (Department of Anthropogenetics, Nijmegen) and Prof. Guillen Fernàndez (FC Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen)(equals 1fte Post-Doc for 2 years)200910.000 Euro start-up grant “Psychosocial Network in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease” from the Dutch Parkinson Association in collaboration with Dr. Rianne Esselink (Department of Neurology)2011-2017180.000 Euro intramural PhD grant on stress and aging (AGIKO)2012-2017Helmholtz grant together with Prof. Norris, Erwin-Hahn Institute and Prof. Wiltfang, Department of Psychiatry, University of Goettingen on fMRI and spectroscopy in healthy elderly and type 2 Diabetes, 530.000 € - 2014-2018Radboud PhD grant on neurocognitive effects of electroconvulsive therapy using resting state fMRI and GABA-spectroscopy (2014-2018), 180.000 € (AGIKO)2015-2019Radboud PhD grant on neural underpinnings of negative schemas in depression and their modification, 180.000 € (AGIKO)supervision of Postdocs, PhD students, master studentssince 1998co-promotion of 6 medical theses at the Medical faculty of the University of Cologne, Germany (2 with Magna cum laude)since 2004(co-)promotion of 4 master (2 with Magna cum laude)co-promotor 6/2009 Guido van Wingen12/2012 Philip van EijndhovenPromoter3/2013 Jennifer Arnold since 2010post-doc supervision2010-2012 Dr. Lotte GerritsenSince 2013 Dr. Philip van EijndhovenOngoing supervision:Peter Mulders (1st promoter due 2018)Daphne Everaerd ( 2nd promotor due 2017)Jan Willem Thielen (2nd promoter due 2017)Martin M?bius ( 2nd promoter due 2016)Teaching activities1994-1998Teaching of nurses in neurology and psychiatrysince 1998Lectures on Psychiatry and Neurology for medical students at the University of Cologne, Germanysince 2001Lectures on “Cognitive Neurosciences in Psychiatry” at the University of Colognesince 2004Coordinator of “Cognitive Neurosciences in Psychiatry” for the Master Course Cognitive Neurosciences at the University of Nijmegen, Netherlandssince 2004Lectures on Psychiatry for medical students at the University of Nijmegen, Netherlandssince 2006Adjunct lecturer at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cologne Medical Center 2007-2010Mentor of medical students during their master phase in Nijmegen 2009-2012Member of the educational board of the Donders Graduate School Master Course Cognitive Neurosciences at the University of Nijmegen, Netherlandssince 2010Coordinator educational research meetings for Phds and post-docs at the Department of Psychiatry of Radboud University Medical Center since 2011Coordinator of the theoretical courses for residents in psychiatrysince 2015Track coordinator “Learning, memory and plasticity” Master Course Cognitive Neurosciences at the University of Nijmegen, NetherlandsPatient care activitiesspecific function in patient careInterim-Head of the consultation psychiatry of the UMC St Radboud with the supervision of an interdisciplinary team of 1 psychiatrist and one general practitioner during specialization, 2 advanced nurse practioner’s and one nursespecific expertisebeing a neurologist and psychiatrist by training IT has developed a specific expertise in the topspecialism of neuropsychiatry in particular focusing on neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. She has developed the psychiatric screening at the local Parkinson Day Clinic, an internationally recognized Center of Excellence. Together with dr. Esselink from the Department of Neurology she has set up a workgroup that deals with the treatment of psychosocial problems of patients with Parkinson. At this point she has embarked on a collaboration with the Department of surgery to investigate the aspects of healing environment on course and outcome of surgical diagnostics and intervention.Memberships of professional societies11/2005-Dutch Society of Psychiatrists11/2010-Society for Biological PsychiatryGoverning board and committee activitiesat local levelMember of the Regional Medical Ethical Commission (Arnhem-Nijmegen)at national levelMember of the concilium psychiatricum of the NVvPMember of the plenary visitation committee of the NVvPat international levelMember of the Board of Professors and Associate Professors of the Medical Faculty of the University of Essen-DuisburgBord member of an international consortium on neurobiology of electroconvulsive therapy Reviewing for and editorships of scientific journalsAd hoc reviewerActa Scand Psychologica, Biological Psychiatry, Brain, Brain Research, DFG (German Research Council), Hippocampus, NeuroImaging, Neuropsychologia, International Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Psychiatry Research, Schizophrenia Research, ZonMW (Dutch Health Research Council)Scientific Organizer46. Annual Meeting of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Brain Imaging in Bonn, October 3rd to 7th 2001 (Co-organizer)“Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Meeting” in Nijmegen, April 12th to 13th, 2005 (Co-organizer)Symposium at the annual meeting for Dutch Psychiatrists about the neurobiology of depression in Maastricht, April 11th to 13th, 2007 Symposium at the annual meeting for Dutch Psychiatrists about structural MRI in Psychiatry in Amsterdam, April 10th to 12th, 2008 Symposium at the annual meeting for Dutch Psychiatrists about structural MRI in Psychiatry in Amsterdam, April 1st to 3rd, 2009 Local Psychiatry Symposium Nijmegen, June 9th 2009: “Cognitive Neuroscience in Psychiatry”Symposium at the annual meeting for Dutch Psychiatrists about functional and structural brain changes in depression in Maastricht, March 31st to April 1nd, 2010 Symposium at the annual meeting for Dutch Psychiatrists about vulnerability factors of depression in Amsterdam, March 30th to April 1st, 2011Symposium on neuromodulatory therapies at the annual meeting of the Society of Applied Neurosciences, January 31st, 2014Symposium on aging in Apeldoorn, January 29th, 2015Symposium on the Neuroplasticity induced by electroconvulsive therapy at the human system level Society for Biological Psychiatry in Toronto, March 14th to 16th, 2015Invited lectures?nationalInvited lecture at the Open Day 07/2005 of the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging NijmegenInvited lecture at the second A. Guiora Annual Roundtable Conference in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Max-Planck-Institute Nijmegen 10/2007Invited lecture at the Dutch Figon days 10/2012Invited lecture at the Dutch Neurological Association 02/2013?internationalInvited lecture at the “Neuroscientific Symposium of the University of Cologne” 10/2006Invited lecture at the “World Congress of Biological Psychiatry” 05/2011Invited lecture at the Neuroscientifc meetings of the University of G?ttingen 05/2015Prizes and awards-Experience abroad1993/94 Compulsory Shadow House Officer Year in Zürich, Switzerland10/1995 - 10/1996Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Cognitive NeuroscienceDepartment of Psychology / Wellcome Brain Research Group, University of St Andrews, Great BritainSince 12/2003Working as clinician/researcher with a German-Indian Background at the Radboud University Medical Center NijmegenResults of scientific research h- factor 24selection top publications past five yearsEveraerd D, Klumpers F, van Wingen G, Tendolkar I, Fernández G. Association between neuroticism and amygdala responsivity emerges under stressful conditions.Neuroimage. 2015 112:218-24 Impakt Faktor: 6.4> top 5 subject category “neuroimaging”Bus BA, Molendijk ML, Tendolkar I, Penninx BW, Prickaerts J, Elzinga BM, Voshaar RC. Chronic depression is associated with a pronounced decrease in serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor over time. Mol Psychiatry 2015 20(5):602-8 Impakt Faktor: 15.1> top 5 subject category “psychiatry”Kroes MC, Tendolkar I, van Wingen GA, van Waarde JA, Strange BA, Fernández G. An electroconvulsive therapy procedure impairs reconsolidation of episodic memories in humans. Nat Neurosci 17(2):204-6 Impakt Faktor: 14.9> top 5 subject category “neuroscience”van Eijndhoven P, van Wingen G, Katzenbauer M, Groen W, Tepest R, Fernández G, Buitelaar J, Tendolkar I. Paralimbic cortical thickness in first-episode depression: evidence for trait-related differences in mood regulation.Am J Psychiatry 2013 170(12):1477-86 Impakt Faktor: 12.3> top 5 subject category “psychiatry”van Wingen GA, Tendolkar I, Urner M, van Marle HJ, Denys D, Verkes RJ, Fernández G. Short-term antidepressant administration reduces default mode and task-positive network connectivity in healthy individuals during rest.Neuroimage 2013 88:47-53 Impakt Faktor: 6.4> top 5 subject category “neuroimaging”van Eijndhoven P, van Wingen G, Fernández G, Rijpkema M, Pop-Purceleanu M, Verkes RJ, Buitelaar J, Tendolkar I. Neural basis of recollection in first-episode major depression.Hum Brain Mapp 2013 34(2):283-94 Impact Faktor: 6.3> top 5 subject category “neuroimaging”Gerritsen L, Tendolkar I, Franke B, Vasquez AA, Kooijman S, Buitelaar J, Fernández G, Rijpkema M. BDNF Val66Met genotype modulates the effect of childhood adversity on subgenual anterior cingulate cortex volume in healthy subjects.Mol Psychiatry 2012 17(6):597-603Impakt Faktor: 15.1> top 5 subject category “psychiatry”Gerritsen L, Rijpkema M, van Oostrom I, Buitelaar J, Franke B, Fernández G, Tendolkar I.Amygdala to hippocampal volume ratio is associated with negative memory bias in healthy subjects.Psychol Med 2012 42(2):335-43Impact Faktor: 6.2> top 5 subject category “clinical psychology”Rijpkema M, Everaerd D, Franke B, Tendolkar I, Fernández G. Sexual dimorphism in the basal ganglia. Human Brain Mapping 2012 33(5):1246-52Impact Factor: 6.3Urner M, van Wingen G, Franke B, Rijpkema M, Fernández G, Tendolkar I. Genetic variation of the alpha2b-adrenoceptor affects neural correlates of emotional memory formationHuman Brain Mapping 2011 32(12):2096-103Impact Faktor: 6.3> top 5 subject category “neuroimaging”Fitzgerald DA, Arnold JF, Becker ES, Speckens AE, Rinck M, Rijpkema M, Fernández G, Tendolkar I. How mood challenges emotional memory formation: An fMRI investigation.Neuroimage 2011 56(3):1783-90. Impact Faktor: 6.4 >top 5 subject category “neuroimaging”van Eijndhoven P, van Wingen G, Fernández G, Rijpkema M, Verkes RJ, Buitelaar J, Tendolkar I. Amygdala responsivity related to memory of emotionally neutral stimuli constitutes a trait factor for depression.Neuroimage 2011 54(2):1677-84Impakt Faktor: 6.4> top 5 subject category “neuroimaging”Ossewaarde L, Verkes RJ, Hermans EJ, Kooijman SC, Urner M, Tendolkar I, van Wingen GA, Fernández G. Two-week administration of the combined serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor duloxetine augments functioning of mesolimbic incentive processing circuits.Biol Psychiatry 2011 70(6):568-74 Impact Factor: 9.5> top 5 subject category “psychiatry”Subchronic duloxetine administration alters the extended amygdala circuitry in healthy individuals. van Marle H, Tendolkar I, Urner M, Verkes RJ, Fernández G, van Wingen GNeuroimage 2011 55(2):825-31.Impact Faktor: 6.4> top 5 subject category “neuroimaging”Further original scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journalsThielen JW, Takashima A, Rutters F, Tendolkar I, Fernández G. Transient relay function of midline thalamic nuclei during long-term memory consolidation in humans. Learn Mem 2015; 22(10):527-31.Impact Factor: 4.4Mulders PC, van Eijndhoven PF, Schene AH, Beckmann CF, Tendolkar I. Resting-state functional connectivity in major depressive disorder: A review.Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2015; 56:330-44. Impact Factor: 9.4Vrijsen JN, Tendolkar I, Arias-Vásquez A, Franke B, Schene AH, Fernández G, van Oostrom I. Interaction of the 5-HTTLPR and childhood trauma influences memory bias in healthy individuals. J Affect Disord 2015 ;186:83-9. Impact Factor: 3.3van der Veldt M, Lok P, Pop-Purceleanu M, Tendolkar I, van Eijndhoven P. Anxiety disorders during pregnancy and the post-partum period. Tijdschr Psychiatr 2015;57(6):415-23.M?bius M, Tendolkar I, Lohner V, Baltussen M, Becker ES. Refilling the half-empty glass - Investigating the potential role of the Interpretation Modification Paradigm for Depression (IMP-D).J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 2015;49(Pt A):37-43. Impact Factor: 2.3Ten Doesschate F, van Eijndhoven P, Tendolkar I, van Wingen GA, van Waarde JA. Pre-treatment amygdala volume predicts electroconvulsive therapy response.Front Psychiatry 2014 26;5:169.van Uden IW, Tuladhar AM, de Laat KF, van Norden AG, Norris DG, van Dijk EJ, Tendolkar I, de Leeuw FE. White matter integrity and depressive symptoms in cerebral small vessel disease: The RUN DMC study.Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2015 23(5):525-35 Impact Factor: 3.5Vogel S, Gerritsen L, van Oostrom I, Arias-Vásquez A, Rijpkema M, Jo?ls M, Franke B, Tendolkar I, Fernández G. Linking genetic variants of the mineralocorticoid receptor and negative memory bias: interaction with prior life adversity.Psychoneuroendocrinology 2014 40:181-90 Impact Factor: 5.6Tendolkar I, van Beek M, van Oostrom I, Mulder M, Janzing J, Voshaar RO, van Eijndhoven P. Electroconvulsive therapy increases hippocampal and amygdala volume in therapy refractory depression: a longitudinal pilot study.Psychiatry Res 2013 214(3):197-203Impact Factor: 2.9Lappeg?rd KT, Pop-Purceleanu M, van Heerde W, Sexton J, Tendolkar I, Pop G. Improved neurocognitive functions correlate with reduced inflammatory burden in atrial fibrillation patients treated with intensive cholesterol lowering therapy.J Neuroinflammation 2013 10:78 Impact Factor: 5.4Theysohn N, Qin S, Maderwald S, Poser BA, Theysohn JM, Ladd ME, Norris DG, Gizewski ER, Fernandez G, Tendolkar I. Memory-related hippocampal activity can be measured robustly using FMRI at 7 tesla.J Neuroimaging 2013 23(4):445-51 Impact Factor: 1.8van Oostrom I, Franke B, Arias Vasquez A, Rinck M, Tendolkar I, Verhagen M, van der Meij A, Buitelaar JK, Janzing JG. Never-depressed females with a family history of depression demonstrate affective bias. Psychiatry Res 2013 30;205(1-2):54-8 Impact Factor: 2.9Arnold JF, Zwiers MP, Fitzgerald DA, van Eijndhoven P, Becker ES, Rinck M, Fernández G, Speckens AE, Tendolkar I. Fronto-limbic microstructure and structural connectivity in remission from major depression.Psychiatry Res 2012 30;204(1):40-8 Impact Factor: 2.9Everaerd D, Gerritsen L, Rijpkema M, Frodl T, van Oostrom I, Franke B, Fernández G, Tendolkar I. Sex modulates the interactive effect of the serotonin transporter gene polymorphism and childhood adversity on hippocampal volume. Neuropsychopharmacology 2012 37(8):1848-55 Impact Factor: 6.7Muskens JB, Schellekens AF, de Leeuw FE, Tendolkar I, Hepark S.Damage in the dorsal striatum alleviates addictive behavior.Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2012 34(6):702Impact Factor: 3.1van Oostrom I, Franke B, Rijpkema M, Gerritsen L, Arias-Vásquez A, Fernández G, Tendolkar I. Interaction between BDNF Val66Met and childhood stressful life events is associated to affective memory bias in men but not women.Biol Psychol 2012 89(1):214-9 Impact Factor: 3.9Tendolkar I, Enajat M, Wezenberg E, Zwiers MP, Van Wingen G, de Leeuw FE, Pop G, Pop-Purceleanu M. 1-year Cholesterol lowering treatment reduces medial temporal lobe atrophy and memory decline in stroke-free elderly with atrial fibrillation: Evidence from a parallel group randomized trialInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2012 27(1):49-58Impact Factor: 2.1Tendolkar I, van Wingen G, Urner M, Verkes RJ, Fernández G. Short-term duloxetine administration affects neural correlates of mood-congruent memory.Neuropsychopharmacology 2011 36(11):2266-75 Impact Factor: 6.7van Uden IW, van Norden AG, de Laat KF, van Oudheusden LJ, Gons RA, Tendolkar I, Zwiers MP, de Leeuw FE. Depressive Symptoms and Amygdala Volume in Elderly with Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: The RUN DMC Study.J Aging Res 2011;2011:647869Impact Factor: 2.9van der Hoek TC, Bus BA, Matui P, van der Marck MA, Esselink RA, Tendolkar I. Prevalence of depression in Parkinson's disease: effects of disease stage, motor subtype and gender.J Neurol Sci 2011 310(1-2):220-4 Impact Factor: 2.5Bus BAA, Tendolkar I, Franke B, de Graaf J, den Heijer M, Buitelaar JK, Oude Voshaar RC.Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor: determinants and relationship with depressive symptoms in a community population of middle-aged and elderly people.World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2012 13(1):39-47Impact Factor: 5.6van Norden AG, de Laat KF, Gons RA, van Uden IW, van Dijk EJ, van Oudheusden LJ, Esselink RA, Bloem BR, van Engelen BG, Zwarts MJ, Tendolkar I, Olde-Rikkert MG, van der Vlugt MJ, Zwiers MP, Norris DG, de Leeuw FE. Causes and consequences of cerebral small vessel disease. The RUN DMC study: a prospective cohort study. Study rationale and protocol.BMC Neurol 2011 11:29. Impact Factor: 2.1Arnold JF, Fitzgerald DA, Fernandez G, Rijpkema M, Rinck M, Eling PA, Becker ES, Speckens A, Tendolkar I. Rose or black-coloured glasses? Altered neural processing of positive events during memory formation is a trait marker of depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011 131(1-3):214-23.Impact Faktor: 3.8Wouts L, Janzing JG, Lampe IK, de Vegt F, Kiemeney B, Tendolkar I, Buitelaar JK, Oude Voshaar, RC. The interplay of cerebrovascular disease, neuroticism and gender in late-life depression: a cross-sectional cohort study.International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2011 26(7):702-10.Impact Factor: 2.1Vissers CT, Virgillito D, Fitzgerald DA, Speckens AE, Tendolkar I, van Oostrom I, Chwilla DJ. The influence of mood on the processing of syntactic anomalies: Evidence from P600. Neuropsychologia 2010 48(12):3521-31.Impact Faktor: 4.8Groen WB, Teluij M, Buitelaar JK, Tendolkar I. Amygdala and hippocampus enlargement in adolescents with autism.The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2010 49;(6):552-560.Impact Factor: 4.9van Wingen GA, van Eijndhoven P, Cremers H, Pieters S, Tendolkar I, Verkes RJ, Buitelaar JK, Fernández G. Neural state and trait bases of mood-incongruent memory formation and retrieval in major depression. Journal of Psychiatry Research 2010 44(8);527-34.Impact Factor: 4.7van Wingen GA, Rijpkema M, Franke B, Tendolkar I, Buitelaar J K, Fernández G. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism affects memory formation and retrieval of biologically salient stimuli. Neuroimage 2010 15;50(3):1212-1218.Impact Factor: 6.4Tesink CMJY, Buitelaar JK, Petersson KM, van der Gaag RJ, Kan CC, Tendolkar I, Hagoort P. Neural correlates of pragmatic language comprehension in autism spectrum disorders.Brain 2009;132(7):1941-52Impact Factor: 9.6Qin S, Rijpkema M, Tendolkar I, Piekema C, Hermans EJ, Binder M, Petersson KM, Luo J, Fernández G. Dissecting medial temporal lobe contributions to item and associative memory formationNeuroImage 2009;46(3):874-81Impact Factor: 6.4van Eijndhoven P, Van Oijen K, Van Wingen G, Rijpkema M, Oude Voshaar R, Buitelaar J, Fernandez G, Tendolkar I. Amygdala volume is state dependent in the early course of depressionBiological Psychiatry 2009;65(9):812-8Impact Factor: 9.5Tendolkar I. How semantic and episodic memory contribute to timing in autobiographical memory.Language Learning 2008;58(s1):143-47Impact Factor: 1.6Van Norden AGW, Fick WF, de Laat KF, van Oudheusen LJB, van Uden IWM, Tendolkar I, Norris DG, Zwiers MP, de Leeuw FE. Subjective cognitive failures are associated with hippocampal atrophy in non-demented elderly with white matter lesions. The RUN DMC study .Neurology 2008;71(15):1152-9Impact Factor: 8.3Tendolkar I, Arnold J, Petersson KM, Weis S, Brockhaus-Dumke A, van Eijndhoven P, Buitelaar J, Fernández G. Contributions of the medial temporal lobe to declarative memory retrieval: Manipulating the amount of contextual retrieval.Learning and Memory 2008;15(9):611-7Impact Factor: 5.1Brockhaus-Dumke A, Schultze-Lutter F, Bechdolf A, Mueller R, Tendolkar I, Pukrop R, Klosterkoetter J, Ruhrmann S. Sensory gating in schizophrenia: P50 and N100 gating in unmedicated subjects at risk, first-episode and chronic patients. Biological Psychiatry 2008;64(5):376-84Impact Factor: 9.5Tendolkar I, Arnold J, Petersson KM, Weis S, Anke Brockhaus-Dumke, van Eijndhoven P, Buitelaar J, Fernandez G. Probing the neural correlates of associative memory formation: A parametrically analyzed event-related functional MRI study.Brain Research 2007;1142:159-68 Impact Factor: 2.5Takashima A, Petersson K M, Rutters F, Tendolkar I, Jensen O, Zwarts M J, McNaughton BL, Fernandez G. Declarative memory consolidation in humans: A prospective functional magnetic resonance imaging study. PNAS 2006;103(3):756-61Impact Factor: 9.4Pukrop R, Schultze-Lutter F, Ruhrmann S, Brockhaus-Dumke A, Tendolkar I, Bechdolf A, Matuschek E, Klosterk?tter J. Neurocognitive Functioning In Subjects At Risk For A First Episode Of Psychosis Compared With First- And Multiple Episode Schizophrenia. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2006;28(8):1388-407Impact Factor: 2.2Brockhaus-Dumke A, Tendolkar I, Pukrop R, Schultze-Lutter F, Klosterkoetter J, Ruhrmann S. Impaired mismatch negativity (MMN) generation in prodromal and schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research 2005;73(2-3):297-310Impact Factor: 4.2Tendolkar I, Ruhrmann S, Brockhaus-Dumke A, Pauli M, Mueller R, Klosterkoetter J. Neural correlates of visuo-spatial attention during an antisaccade task in Schizophrenia: an ERP study. International Journal of Neuroscience 2005;115:681-98Impact Factor: 0.9Tendolkar I, Weis S, Guddat O, Fernández G, Brockhaus-Dumke A, Specht K, Klosterk?tter J, Reul J, Ruhrmann S. Evidence for a dysfunctional retrosplenial cortex in patients with schizophrenia: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study with a semantic perceptual contrast. Neuroscience Letters 2004;369(1):4-8Impact Factor: 2.2Weis S, Specht K, Klaver P, Tendolkar I, Willmes K, Ruhlmann J, Elger CE, Fernandez G. Contextual retrieval and item recognition are dissociated within the human medial temporal lobeNeuroReport 2004;18:2729-33Impact Factor: 1.9Tendolkar I, Ruhrmann S, Brockhaus A, Wirtz K, Klosterkoetter J. Neural correlates of temporal context discrimination.Biological Psychology 2004;66(3):235-55Impact Factor: 3.9Fernández G, Specht K, Weis S, Tendolkar I, Reuber M, Fell J, Klaver P, Ruhlmann J, Reul J, Elger CE. Intrasubject Reproducibility of presurgical language lateralization and Mapping Using fMRINeurology 2003;60:969-75Impact Factor: 8.3Fernandez G, Weis S, Stoffel-Wagner A, Tendolkar I, Beyenburg S, Reuber M, Fell J, Ruhlmann J, Reul J, Elger CE. Neural plasticity during the menstrual cycle is hormone, task and region specificJournal of Neuroscience 2003;23(9):3790-5Impact Factor: 7.5Pukrop R., Matuschek E, Ruhrmann S, Brockhaus-Dumke A, Tendolkar I, Bertsch A, Klosterk?tterJ. Dimensions of working memory dysfunction in schizophreniaSchizophrenia Research 2003;62(3):259-68Impact Factor: 4.2Tendolkar I, Ruhrmann S, Brockhaus A, Prukrop R, Klosterkoetter J. Remembering or Knowing: Electrophysiological evidence for an episodic memory deficit in schizophrenia.Psychological Medicine 2002;32:1261-71Impact Factor: 4.7Sailer M, Heinze HJ, Tendolkar I, Decker U, Kreye O, Rolbicki U, Münte TF. Influence of cerebral volume and lesion distribution on event-related brain potentials in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 2001;248:1049-1055 Impact Factor: 2.5Tendolkar I, Rugg MD, Fell J, Vogt H, Scholz M, Hinrichs H, Heinze HJ. A magnetoencephalographic study of brain activity related to recognition memory in healthy young human subjects. Neuroscience Letters 2000;280:69-72.Impact Factor: 2.2Tendolkar I, Schoenfeld A, Scholz M, Golz G, Fernández G, Kühl KP, Ferszt R, Heinze HJ. Neural correlates of recognition memory with and without conscious recollection in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and healthy controls. Neuroscience Letters 1999;263:45-48Impact Factor: 2.2Tendolkar I, Rugg MD. Electrophysiological dissociation of recency and recognition memory. Neuropsychologia 1998;36: 477-90Impact Factor: 4.1Fernández G, Weyerts H, Tendolkar I, Smid HOGM, Scholz M, Heinze HJ. Event-related potentials of verbal encoding into episodic memory: Dissociation between the effects of subsequent memory performance and distinctiveness. Psychophysiology 1998;35:709-20Impact Factor: 3.3Fernández G, Weyerts H, Schrader-B?lsche M, Tendolkar I, Smid HOGM, Tempelmann C, Hinrichs H, Scheich H, Elger CE, Mangun GR, Heinze HJ. Successful verbal encoding into Episodic memory engages the posterior hippocampus : A parametrically analyzed functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of Neuroscience 1998;18(5):1841-7Impact Factor: 7.5Confavreux C, Hutchinson M, Hours MM, Cortinovis-Tourniaire P, Moreau T and the Pregnancy in Multiple Sclerosis Group (including Tendolkar I.)(1998). Rate of pregnancy-related relapse in multiple sclerosis. Pregnancy in Multiple Sclerosis Group. N Engl J Med 1998;339(5):285-91 Impact Factor: 51.3Tendolkar I, Doyle MC, Rugg MD. An event-related potential study of retroactive interference in memory. NeuroReport 1997;8:501-6Impact Factor: 1.9Weyerts H, Tendolkar I, Smid HOGM, Heinze HJ. ERPs to encoding and recognition in two different inter-item association tasks. NeuroReport 1997 8:1583-8 Impact Factor: 1.9Haas J, Sailer M, Duezel E, Tendolkar I, Wurster U. Liquorfiltration in Multiple sclerosis: an experimental therapy. Neuropsychiatrie 1995;9:109-11Impact Factor: 1.1reviews, editorials and lettersFernández G, Tendolkar I. The rhinal cortex - 'gatekeeper' of the declarative memory system. Trends Cogn Sci 2006 10(8):358-62Impact Factor: 9.4Fernández G, Tendolkar I. Integrated brain activity in medial temporal and prefrontal areas predict subsequent memory performance: human declarative memory formation at the system level Brain Research Bulletin 2001 55:1-9Impact Factor: 1.7books and book chaptersJabben N, Tendolkar I. Cognitieve stoornissen bij depressie en bipolaire stoornissen, Leerboek Klinische Neuropsychologie 2012 ISBN13 9789461054449Oostroom I, Tendolkar I, Speckens A, Eling P. Cognitive biases in depression, Leerboek Cognitieve Neuropsychiatrie 2011 ISBN13 9789053526859Fernández G, Tendolkar I. Declarative Memory Consolidation In: R?sler F, Ranganath C, R?der B & Kluwe RH (Eds.). Neuroimaging of Human Memory. Oxford University Press 2007 ISBN13 9780199217298Fernández G, Tendolkar I. Imaging cognitive function of the parahippocampal region. In: Witter MP & Wouterlood FG (Eds.). The parahippocampal region, organisation and role in cognitive functions. Oxford University Press 2002 ISBN13 9780198509172number of abstracts>80 abstracts, which have been published in special editions of journals ................

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