Higher Self Bookstore

Spiritual Inspirer?March 2018313 E Front St?? ? ? ? ?|?? ? ? ??Traverse City, MI 49684?? ? ? ?|? ? ? ??(231) 941-5805Greetings & Blessings from?Higher Self?This month we thought we’d get “Pun –y”, so…If you’re ready for some “March Madness”, join us for our Tucson Gem Show Reveal and discover the new and unusual items we brought back to share with everyone. If you feel like “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”, we’ve got you covered – visit our Spring Metaphysical Fair on?March 17th?for tapping into the upcoming Equinox and it’s energetic impact on you; stock up on candles and incense to push away the winter blues; check out the new books, card decks, and classes to end the winter blahs; and keep on using those essential oils to keep your whole family healthy and upbeat. If you “March to the beat of your own drummer”, we probably have your song playing on our store iPod, so come on in, say hello to our wonderful store staff, to our regular and guest teachers, and to our intuitive regulars and guests. Oh, and we’ve got a double dose of crystal classes this month with Intro to Crystals and Grids and Crystal Reiki Training, Thanks for being a part of the Higher Self vibes!??Your Higher Self Crew - Jeff, Jo, Zach, Mike, Kafi, Chelsea, and Madieplus all of our wonderful readers.Higher Self Musingsright000?March at the Higher Self brings us great joy and a lot of excitement because we will be sharing our (Jeff & Jo’s) finds, the “treasures” we discovered at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. This weekend,?March 2, 3, & 4, we hold our Gem Show Reveal, and everyone is invited! Crystals and Stones create a fascination, an unexplainable draw, for those of all ages. Amateur and budding geologists can check out the new and unusual stones we discovered and brought back. If the energy and vibration of stones draw you, come and take in the feeling of the crystals. Oh, and the treasures aren’t limited to crystals and stones – we found dream catchers, brass bowls, aromatherapy bracelets and pendants, wooden carvings, animal totem items, jewelry, and so… much… more…!On a deeper level, all of these treasures hold energy, vibration, and purpose. Our goal is to support the journey of each person who visits the Higher Self, to provide the inspiration, guidance, and tools for each individual trip into self-discovery and self-fulfillment. Did you know that historically, crystals and stones have always provided the energy of transformation? Pharaohs and rulers, indigenous Shaman and medicine people, Aaron’s breast plate – there are these and so many other examples of men and women creating change with the energetic assistance of crystals. The use of sound and scent is used to alter our brainwaves and to assist with connecting to a greater power, thus to a greater understanding of our “I Am” ourselves and our purpose on earth. In our modern technological environment, the use of orgonite, Shungite, Galena, and other EMF transmuting materials helps to protect our physical bodies from unseen electronic energies and maintain physical well-being. The addition of natural décor elements positively change the way a room or work place feels. Mental and emotional balance reduces stress which is why we advocate aromatherapy, meditation/mindfulness, and wearing natural gemstone jewelry. This list continues, so if you’re curious about the intention, the purpose, behind any of the treasures we reveal, or about any of the items we carry at the Higher Self, please ask. This is your journey, and we gratefully thank you for including us as you continue your travels. May you always think well, live well, be well…?Blessings and Be well !!? Jeff & Joleft000Intuitive Readingswith Linda DolanSaturday, March 3rd10:00 - 7:00pm?Linda is an Intuitive Reader and Medium who has worked with her Angels and Spirit Guides for more than 25 years. She works with Angel Oracle Cards and has the gift of helping people obtain direction and insight. Linda finds that working with her Angels and Guides allows her the opportunity to open the spiritual realm to help others work through past, present and future issues. She also has the gift to connect with loved ones that have crossed over, and give messages they may have. She can help you to recognize your own abilities using spirit guides and angels that want to help you along your life path. Her ability to work with the spiritual world has helped many people over the years and she hopes it will help you as well. Call for an appointment $120 for an hour Reading - $60.00 1/2 hour.?(231) 941-5805?Navigating the Spiritual RealmSunday, March 4th10:30am - 12:30pmwith Brandaleen Johnson?As we evolve we are becoming more sensitive to the energies around them including the spirit realm.? Many people are having what they think may be a physical or mental experience when it may actually be a spiritual experience. In this workshop Brandaleen will share the tools and techniques needed in order to be in control of our human experience. This course is imperative for any developing intuitive, medium, or highly sensitive people such as empaths and is a pre-requisite to Brandaleen's intuition and mediumship development courses! You will learn about various spiritual protection tools and techniques; have an understanding on how we receive information from spirit, how to change or stop spirit from communicating or interfering with you as well as how to strengthen and broaden this communication. Bring your journal. Cost: $20?Here’s Your Sign: Understanding PiscesWednesday, March 7th6:30 - 8:30pmwith Zach Weisbarth?Join Astrologer Zach Weisbarth for the next installment of "Here's Your Sign" where we will be investigating in depth everything Pisces. While our Sun is in this sign we will explore what the archetype Pisces represents in our consciousness, how we can work with that energy, what it means to have Pisces in our personal charts, and how we can deepen our connection to this Energy. Cost $15?Crystal Reiki Training(2-day class)Saturday?&?Sunday, March 10th & 11th10:00am - 5:30pmwith Jeff Currier?In this crystal healing course, you will learn how to use Reiki with crystals to create balance in your mental/emotional fields as well as balancing your chakras. Join Jeff, our Geologist, Reiki Master and Shamanic Practitioner.? He will explain how crystals can be used to change and enhance the energy around us including our homes, meditation areas, and workplaces for healing and manifesting. As part of your class registration you'll receive a 30-page manual and a crystal kit including all 55 stones needed for the exercises in class plus a fabric case to keep them in. This is a two-day intensive course. In this crystal healing course you will learn: How to clear the aura and strengthen the etheric field? |? How to balance and activate the chakras? |? How crystal energy can cleanse the mental and emotional field? |? How to use crystal energy and Reiki to develop healthy mental and emotional processes? |? How to work with crystals to send healing energy to the earth? |? Methods to step out of ego and into higher consciousness? |? How to cleanse, program and nurture your crystals 3 powerful crystal healing formations? |? An introduction to crystal grids for distant healing.?Prerequisite training: Reiki Level II.?? Cost:? $300.?Pre-Registration Required?March Metaphysical FairSaturday, March 17th10:00am – 6:00pm?Join us for an awesome opportunity to gain some guidance and direction as this weekend is the New Moon, Spring Equinox, and St. Patrick’s Day! We will be offering a full day with over a dozen readers to help you in many areas, so bring your friends and stop down for a day of fun. Get the most out of your session by having your questions ready! Cost: $10 for 10 minutes (with some exceptions).?Here's who's confirmed to be there this month:?Barry?Whitecrow – Animal Totem Readings;?Brandaleen?– Psychic Medium;?Jeff?– Shamanic Divination;?Kafi?– Tarot Readings;?Kirk?– Numerology & Astrology Charts and Readings; Lady?Beth?– Intuitive & Tea Leaf Readings;?Linda?- Angel Card Reader, Psychic Medium;?Marilyn?– Psychic Medium;?Mike?– Aromatherapy Scent Tent;?Nancy?– Intuitive Reader, Medium;?Norma?–Tarot Readings, Angel Oracle;?Pat?– Reflexology (“Foot Fix-Up”);?Rodasi?– Intuitive Reader;?Zach?– Shamanic AstrologyMeet Your Spirit GuidesWednesday, March 216:00 – 7:30pmwith Brandaleen JohnsonMeeting your spirit guides is one of the first steps in developing your intuition and a key factor in accessing more synchronicity and guidance in your life. Your guides have always been with you and they are excited to start working with you in a larger capacity. In this workshop you will learn: What is a spirit guide, what they do for you, how to approach meeting them, signs they have already influenced you, how they have been communicating with you up until now, and the different ways you can communicate with them. We will have a guided meditation to meet them and time for Q&A. Bring your journal. Cost: $15?left000Healings & Readingswith?Donna Lakes?Friday, March 23rd11:00am – 5:00pmDonna Lakes has been doing energy healings for over twenty years. She uses her intuition to identify your beliefs that are blocking you, in order to heal and change your life. Your perceptions will completely change and you will create a new relationship with yourself that is supportive and encouraging. You will come into self-acceptance, self-approval, and ultimately self-love. You will reclaim disassociated parts of yourself and become whole, perhaps for the first time in your life. Donna will be offering individual sessions for intuitive healing, inner child healing, and past life healing. Cost: $125 an hour. Please call?(231) 941-5805?to schedule an appointment with Donna. Read more about Donna Lakes at her website:?ART - Advanced Reiki TrainingSunday, March 25th10:00am – 5:00pmwith Jo & Jeff Currier?Learn Advanced Reiki along the banks of the Boardman River. This one day intensive includes: the Usui Master symbol and attunement which increases the strength of your Reiki energy and increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols; a Reiki meditation that strengthens the mind and expands consciousness; and advanced techniques for using Reiki to solve problems and achieve goals. You'll learn about the use of crystals and stones with Reiki and how to make a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged. Finally, an exercise will be given for those planning to take Reiki Master training.?You must take ART if you want to take Reiki Master. Prerequisite: Reiki 1 & 2. Cost: $250 - Pre-registration is required.?Vows, Curses & WordsThursday, March 29th6:30 – 8:00pmwith Jeff Currier?Words are powerful forms of expression and powerful energies. When words are combined with intense emotion, the emotion acts as fuel for the word, the greater the emotion, the greater the fuel.? An intention puts things into motion universally. Life force is also fuel. Learn about the power of Vows, Cursing and the impact of words and how we can unintentionally be impacting ourselves and others.? We will also cover ways to undo those unintentional acts.? Cost: $20?Learn to JourneySaturday, March 31st11:00am – 5:00pmwith Jeff Currier?Learn to do Shamanic Journeying!? Journeying is a life changing technique that anyone can do. Learn how to go deep within to connect with your inner self, the divine, and the spirit world. Shamanic Journeying is the oldest method used by mankind to connect spiritually to all that is for personal empowerment, divination and healing. Journeying shows you how to travel to non-ordinary reality, connecting to the web of life, connecting to other realms, and the divine to receive information for personal growth and development, healing as well as divining information to the questions that you may have. This is a hands-on, experiential class that gives you tools to create connections for divine guidance in your life. Cost: $75?Looking Ahead to April...Native American Flute CircleSunday, April 1 @ 4:45 – 6:00 pm?Shakti Women’s Spirituality Study GroupFriday, April 6 @ 6:00 - 7:30pm?with Rodasi Campbell?Lori Irvin: Medical IntuitiveSaturday, April 7 @ 10:00am – 7:00pm?Here’s Your Sign – Understanding AriesThursday, April 12 @ 6:30 – 8:30pm?with Zach Weisbarth?Reiki Share?- Now the 2nd?Wednesday?of each monthWednesday, April 11 @ 7:00 – 8:30pm?Journey Circle?- Now the 4th?Wednesday?of each monthWednesday, April 25 @ 7:00 – 8:30pm?with Jeff CurrierClick?HERE?to book a class!?Check out our services...?Psychic Tarot/Oracle ReadingsReiki HealingShamanic HealingHypnotherapyShamanic DivinationHouse/Land ClearingAromatherapy ConsulationScent TentChakra BalancingSound HealingAstrology Readings?Click?HERE?or call?(231) 941-5805?to schedule an appointment!?Click here for an?on-going, updated version of theHigher Self Bookstore?upcoming classes & events. Namaste.Tucson Gem Show RevealFriday?-?SundayMarch 2nd - 4thOpen - Close?March at the Higher Self brings us great joy and a lot of excitement because we will be sharing our (Jeff & Jo’s) finds, the “treasures” we discovered at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. This weekend,?March 2, 3, & 4, we hold our Gem Show Reveal, and everyone is invited! Crystals and Stones create a fascination, an unexplainable draw, for those of all ages. Amateur and budding geologists can check out the new and unusual stones we discovered and brought back. If the energy and vibration of stones draw you, come and take in the feeling of the crystals. Oh, and the treasures aren’t limited to crystals and stones – we found dream catchers, brass bowls, aromatherapy bracelets and pendants, wooden carvings, animal totem items, jewelry, and so… much… more…!Shakti Women's Spirituality Study GroupFriday, March 2nd6:00 – 7:30pm with Rodasi Campbell?In these women's spirituality classes, women will experience circling with other women in sisterhood, sharing in ritual, ceremony and being lavished in the "beauty way." She will experience deep, vulnerable sharing and hold space for the same. There will be interesting teachings on Moonlore, Herblore, Herstory & the Rise of the Divine Feminine. This is primarily an experiential class, however, so all teaching will be woven into the experiences of guided journeying, sacred empowerment acts, talking stick and rites of passage. We will follow the wheel of the year, the moon, and the call of the spirit from month to month. Stay tuned for each month's topic.?Each class will be a $15 love donation with a sliding scale option. Any questions can be directed to Rodasi:?sacredtc@?or Rodasi Campbell on?Facebook.?Native American Flute CircleSunday, March 4th4:45 – 6:00pm(First?Sunday?Each Month)?Come one come all whether you play or listen this flute circle is open to everyone no matter your level of expertise with the Native American Flute. ?FREE community munity?Meditation?& SatsangEvery?Tuesday?March 6, 13, 20 & 277:00 – 8:30pm?Join your local community members for a free meditation class. Suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators, this class is open to people of all backgrounds and traditions. Just drop in… Feel free to bring friends! All are welcome!?FREE community event.?Reiki ShareWednesday, March 14th7:00 - 8:30pm?Our Reiki Share is open to everyone…those who are curious and those experienced. Reiki Share is offered at no cost, all free will donations are given to local community charities.Just drop in . . . feel free to bring friends!?Cost: Free — Benefit: Priceless?* Please Note: Reiki Share will take place on the second?Wednesday?of every month starting in MarchIntro to CrystalGrids?& StonesThursday, March 15th6:30pm - 8:30pmwith Jeff Currier?So you love the crystals and stones and have bought a few -- now what do you do with them?? In this course we will show you how you can incorporate crystals in your home, work, and personal life. We will look into the following topics: Crystal Grids, Laying of Stones, Gem Essence, Pendulums, Muscle Testing, and much more.? Bring any of your crystals you'd like to the class to work with them on what is presented. Cost: $20.?Mind-Body Resources for Stress and Pain ManagementMonday, March 19th6:00 – 8:00pmwith Barbara Welcer, RN?Join Barbara Welcer, RN for an evening of hands on training in the art of energy medicine. This training in mindfulness and energy medicine encourages resiliency during times of imbalance. We will learn energy spiral meditation, breath work and re-framing of our thoughts, words and reactions. Create an everyday practice with these resources. Cost: $20?Deeksha Blessing and Meditation?Thursday, March 22nd6:00 – 7:30pmwith Jane Hale?Jane Hale went to India in 2006 to receive training from Sri Ama Bhagavan, the founders of Oneness Blessing, to be in service of giving Deeksha to others.? Deeksha is a transmission of divine energy which begins a process of beneficial neurobiological shifts within the brain. Jane has spent the majority of her life engaged in movement therapy and the healing arts.? She has been facilitating Deeksha in various settings, through the higher self, for over 10 years.? Cost: By DonationComing Home to YourselfSaturday, March 24th1:00pm – 4:00pmwith Donna Lakes?In this very powerful workshop we will be working on the path towards self-acceptance and self-love. This workshop with help you create a new relationship with yourself by teaching you to release the self-judgment and inner critic within. This workshop includes a lecture, exercises and meditation, along with a group healing.Donna is a powerful intuitive healer and spiritual life coach. She works with all aspects of your being- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. She is gifted with psychic abilities utilizing her spiritual senses as she works with you. She has the ability to channel and communicate with angels, spirit guides and those who have crossed over. In this class you will learn about: Self-realization, Self-acceptance, self-approval, & self-worth, allowing your authentic self to show, a reconditioning of the self, and Self-love. Cost: $60. Read more about Donna Lakes at her website:??left000Journey CircleWednesday, March 28th7:00 – 8:30pmwith Jeff Currier?Journey Circle – Connect to All That Is the fourth?Wednesday?of each month.? Journeying is an ancient technique to connect with spirit for healing and direct revelation. Journeying allows you to connect to the past, present, and future for personal and community healing as well as for healing the earth. When we gather as a group the effect and impact is much more powerful and profound. You must be trained in how to Journey to participate. If you have any questions about your ability to participate, please call and talk to Jeff.? FREE community event.?Ingesting Essential OilsFriday, March 30th6:30pm – 8:30pmwith Mike Currier?Join Certified Aromatherapist, Mike Currier, as he talks about one of the hot topics in aromatherapy ingesting oils.? You will learn about how the body processes oils when ingested, what chemicals oils are made of, what specific situations call for ingestion, how to safely prepare oils for ingestion, as well as dispel some common misconceptions and share toxicity data too.? This is one class you don’t want to miss!! Cost $20?2018 Reiki TrainingReiki MasterSaturday?&?Sunday, May 19 & 20@?10:00am – 5:30pm?Reiki 1 & 2Saturday?&?Sunday, June 2 & 3?@?10:00am – 5:30pmClick?HERE?to book a Workshop!???FOLLOW US??CONTACT US???Email?|?Website?|?@higherself?Newsletter Editor: Madie Begley? ................

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