Abnormal Psychology 2372

Treatment of Psychological Disorders


Project Description:

You will work as a team to understand and conclude possible treatment outcomes for a psychological disorder. Each team will choose a specific psychological disorder that you will research and present to the class. In addition, each team will present a case study of a well-known person who displays the symptoms and behaviors of the disorder. A representation of a disorder is one of the best tools in helping us better understand what a disorder may look like or how it may be expressed.

Project Objectives:

The purpose of this activity is to assist you in better understanding psychological disorders. At the end of the task, each group member should be able to:

1. Identify the causes and/or origin of the assigned disorder

2. Identify the specific diagnostic criteria of the assigned disorder

3. Provide clinical examples/case studies of the assigned disorder

4. Comment on current treatment for the assigned disorder

Collectively, at the end of the task, each member will learn the following tools:

1. Identify and research the multiple factors that contribute to a disorder

2. Compare the DSM-IV to DSM-V & identify the diagnostic criteria for disorders. Highlight any major changes from the previous to the current diagnostic criteria.

3. Understand case studies, containing the history and current symptoms, as a learning tool

Group Roles:

Each student has been assigned to a group of 3 members. Each member in the group has a specific role and responsibility. Each member’s contributions will be used in the final project. Please decide among yourself which role each group member will be responsible for.

Historian Coordinator-

This member will research the history and causes of the disorder. This will include the factors that contribute to its development. Factors that need to be included are biological, psychological, and social/environmental factors. You must cite where your information comes from on the provided citation sheet.

Diagnostic Coordinator-

This member will research the specific criteria needed to diagnosis an individual with a disorder, based on the DSM-V (DSM-IV when materials aren’t available). Additionally, you will need to include the symptoms that will be expressed by the disorder. That is, you will include the behaviors and interactions that an individual with the disorder will demonstrate. You must cite where your information comes from on the provided citation sheet.

Case Study Coordinator-

This member will identify a well-known individual with the disorder. You will need to research the biographical history of the client, including factors that you think might have contributed to the disorder. Along with the history, you will need to include current symptoms and/or behaviors that client is displaying. You must cite where your information comes from on the provided citation sheet.

Project Requirements

Each group will need to develop a PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation based on the information researched by the group members. Therefore, there should be slides representing information gathered from EACH group member. Individual members are responsible for contributing the slides to the Final Group Presentation. The whole group will be given 6 minutes for the presentation. This provides each member of the group about 2 minutes of presentation time. You may include a video in your presentation but it must be cited and cannot exceed 3 minutes in length, and cannot be in place of your talking time.

Assessment of Group Project

Each student will be assessed based on his or her slide contributions and individual presentation. You will also receive a daily work grade during group work days. A rubric will be available with scoring information.

Topic Choices

1. Schizophrenia Spectrum & Other Psychotic Disorders (87)

2. Bipolar & Related Disorders (123)

3. Depressive Disorders (155)

4. Anxiety Disorders (189)

5. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (235)

6. Trauma & Stressor Related Disorders (265)

7. Dissociative Disorders (291)

8. Feeding & Eating Disorders (329)

9. Substance-Related & Addictive Disorders (481)

10. Personality Disorders (645)

From these categories, pick one disorder. There are quite a few disorders within each category. Read through the descriptions and come to a consensus with your group members about your chosen disorder. Keep in mind you need to complete a case study for your disorder. That may influence your options. Once your group as selected a topic and disorder, you cannot change it.

Workdays will be given in class to complete this assignment. The expectation is that you use your time productively to work on THIS assignment (not work for other classes). You will receive a daily work grade in addition to a presentation grade.


January, 6th, January 8th, January 12th, January 14th


January 19th

Total Points: 50 points (25 points individual score, 25 points group score)



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