Psychology 11 @ OSS – Hill

Psychology 12 Course Outline

Teacher: Mr. A. Hill – Room: 106 – Block: C

Contact Information

Email: or ahillsd53@

Twitter: @mrhillsd53

Web page: mrhillsd53.

(Scan QR image for web page link)

Textbooks: Understanding Psychology (Kasschau)

- Online Resources found at psychology.

Materials required (each and every day):

- Textbook

- Binder & Loose Leaf Lined Paper

- Writing Utensils

Goals, Philosophy & Rationale of Psychology 12

Goals & Philosophy:

Psychology is the study of what defines a human being. Behavior, biology, and social forces act upon the individual and have their part to play in developing the person we think of as "I".

This course will explore topics in the study of the human mind and the forces that help shape it into the organ that determines our individual natures. What students will gain from this course is an understanding of the underlying reasons for human behaviour. By doing so, they will also be able to appreciate with enhanced significance the meaning and reason behind their own actions and the actions of others.

Psychology 12 is a student self-guided introduction to the scientific study of human behavior. The course will be academic in nature and will include topics that are accepted as standard in first year college psychology courses.

Psychology 12 Rationale:

In numerous programs at colleges and universities, psychology is a required course in a student’s first year of study. Students have expressed an interest in taking psychology and have an inherent interest in understanding more about them and about human behavior in general.

Course Topics & Learning Outcomes:


CHAPTER 1: Introducing Psychology

- Why Study Psychology?

- A Brief History of Psychology

- Psychology as a Profession

CHAPTER 2: Psychological Research: Methods and Statistics

- What is Research?

- Problems and Solutions in Research

- Statistical Evaluation


CHAPTER 3: Infancy to Childhood

- Physical, Perceptual, and Language Development

- Cognitive and Emotional Development

- Parenting Styles and Social Development

CHAPTER 4: Adolescence

- Physical and Sexual Development

- Personal Development

- Social Development

- Gender Roles and Differences

CHAPTER 5: Adulthood to Old Age

- Adult

- Old Age

- Dying and Death


CHAPTER 6: Body Behavior

- The Nervous System

- The Brain

- The Endocrine System

- Heredity And Environment

CHAPTER 7: Altered States of Consciousness

- Sleep and Dreams

- Hypnosis and Meditation

- Drugs and Consciousness

CHAPTER 8: Sensation and Perception

- Sensation

- The Senses

- Perception


CHAPTER 9: Principles and Applications

- Classical Conditioning

- Operant Conditioning

- Social Learning

CHAPTER 10: Memory and Thought

- Taking In and Storing Information

- Retrieving Information

CHAPTER 11: Thinking and Language

- Thinking and Problem Solving

- Language

CHAPTER 12: Motivation and Emotion

- Theories of Motivation

- Biological and Social Motives

- Emotions


CHAPTER 13: Psychological Testing

- Characteristics of Psychological Tests

- Intelligence Testing

- Measuring Achievement, Abilities, and Interests

- Personality Testing

CHAPTER 14: Theories of Personality

- Purposes of Personality Theories

- Psychoanalytic Theories

- Learning Theories

- Humanistic and Cognitive Theories

- Trait Theories


CHAPTER 15: Stress and Health

- Sources of Stress

- Reactions to Stress

- Coping With Stress

- Stress In Your Life

CHAPTER 16: Psychological Disorders

- What Are Psychological Disorders?

- Anxiety Disorders

- Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders

- Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders

- Personality Disorders and Drug Addiction

CHAPTER 17: Therapy and Change

- What Is Psychotherapy?

- Psychoanalysis and Humanistic Therapy

- Cognitive and Behavior Therapies

- Biological Approaches to Treatment


CHAPTER 18: Individual Interaction

- Interpersonal Attraction

- Social Perception

- Personal Relationships

CHAPTER 19: Group Interaction

- Group Behavior

- Conformity and Obedience

- Conflict and Cooperation

CHAPTER 20: Attitudes and Social Influence

- Attitude Formation

- Attitude Change and Prejudice

- Persuasion

CHAPTER 21: Psychology: Present and Future

- Careers In Psychology

- Psychology’s Contributions

Psychology 12 Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course students will have:

• explored and obtained basic information in topic areas

• developed an understanding of approaches to psychology

• developed an understanding of the workings of the body and mind

• developed a better understanding of personality and individuality

• developed skills related to conducting research on-line and in the field

• developed critical thinking about topic areas

• developed an understanding of the concept of mental wellness

• developed an understanding of personal growth and development

• explored ways in which people can improve the quality of their life

• learned to understand individual differences in people

• learned about the development of personality and self

• stimulated his/her curiosity about human behavior

Class Rules & Expectations


Students are expected to attend class every day. If a student is absent for any reason, he/ she is expected to complete the day’s assignment for homework. Missing too many classes/assignments will result in time spent in the ‘PIT’, or may result in removal from the course.

If you miss, or are going to miss a class, daily work will be posted online (see web page address above), as well as in class ahead of time for the coming week. I will not take in assigned work for marks, however, given assignments will be counted in regards to your re-test capabilities, more on that later… Due to the nature of this course, keeping up to date is VERY important!

I will be checking your daily worksheets for completion on a daily basis. In order to write unit tests they, along with unit vocabulary must be complete. If you do not finish both tasks, you will forgo your opportunity to write re-tests along the way.


Classroom Expectations:

Each student is expected to be in class and ready to start with all required materials once the 2nd bell rings. If you are not in your seat with all of your needed supplies, you are considered late. Being late means you need a late slip, and we all know where you have to go and get a late slip…

Food in Class:

Please refrain from bringing full meals into the class. I am okay with snack food – in moderation – loud, smelly, and distracting food choices will be removed (along with their owner) from class. Violate this rule too many times and zero food will be tolerated. Beverages are okay, just make sure that they are in a sealable container. I don’t think we should have to discuss this any further, this is your first warning…

Classroom Behaviour:

We will follow a seating plan, this is done to ensure you are working in a productive environment. If there is ever a TOC, you must follow the seating plan or you may find yourself marked as “away”. From time to time I will switch up the seats; favorable seating is something that must be earned. There is a ‘penalty box’ – again time spent in here can be looked at as earned, when you get out is also up to you, and me…

The course will be highly interactive. One which will require the students to be prepared to participate willingly, positively, and

enthusiastically in class discussions.

Students must be supportive of one

another’s opinions and willingness to

speak. Students are asked to work

cooperatively in the preparation,

research and presentation of group


Technology in the Classroom:

To ipod or not to ipod, that is the question? If we are doing a work session where you are working independently I see no problem listening to your personal music – as long as it does not disturb your neighbours, or disrupt my lecture time.

Texting/social media is not allowed. If you are caught texting etc. in class, you phone is mine for the remaining class time. Repeat offenders will lose their phone for a longer period of time; some offenders will have their phone sent to the office for an undetermined amount of time. Please do not test me on this; this is your only warning…

Neatness & Organization:

Marking and maintaining an organized class is the responsibility of the teacher. Ensuring your work is presented in a legible and professional manner is yours, please do your best to keep your binder/workbook and assignments neat and organized. Keep track of all handouts, lose them and you’ll lose the work you have completed… (This is an important task, as you will see shortly…)

Assigned Values for Course Work

Assignments: Assignments for marks include any assignments that we do outside of the workbook. That being said, expect homework daily.  It will be checked for completion regularly, I will keep an eye on you!  Any given work not completed in class is to be completed prior to next class.  Students are responsible for obtaining information on missed assignments due to absences.


Tests and Quizzes: A test will be given at the end of each chapter. For any student who missed a test, they must write at the earliest opportunity possible. Quizzes may be given on a regular basis to gauge the level of understanding amongst the class; these will not be worth marks. If these quizzes are not taken seriously, i.e. homework is not being completed; these quizzes will be factored in for marks as well. 

I do offer re-tests, however, these are not a “given”, you must earn the right to take a re-test. If I feel that students are not giving 100% effort in their original test, then the re-test is not permitted. YOU MUST BE UP TO DATE ON ALL WORK IN ORDER TO WRITE A RETEST!!!


Final Exam: This will be scheduled for the exam period. It will cover everything we undertook in Psychology 12. It is kind of a big deal!






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