Chapter 1: Introduction Module 1.1: What is Psychology?

Chapter 1: Introduction Module 1.1: What is Psychology?

Psychology 100 Introduction to Psychology

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Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

How can you study the mind? ? Metaphor: "Black Box"

? Can observe what it does, how it responds, but can't see inside

? How do you study it? ? Self reports ? Find a way to open it ? Study how it behaves

? Example: how long does it take to respond to different stimuli?


Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

What do psychologists do? ? Clinical ? Applied ? Research


Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

Defining and Describing Psychology ? Root word: "Psyche" = Soul or breath

(Greek) ? Scientific study of behavior and the mind

? Scientific: depends on observation ? Behavior: Observable actions ? Mind: subjective experiences such as

thoughts, emotions


Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

Fig. 1.1


Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

Clinical Psychologists ? Main goal: Diagnose and treat

psychological problems ? Clinics, private practice ? Similar to: ? Counseling psychologists

? Deal less with disorders, more with specific adjustment issues like marriage problems

? Psychiatrists ? Medical doctors specializing in psychological problems



Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

Applied Psychologists

? Not involved with psychological disorders ? Main goal: Apply psychology to practical

problems in the real world ? Examples:

? School psychologists ? Industrial/organizational psychologists ? Human factors psychologists


Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

Research Psychologists

? Main goal: Conduct experiments to learn about behavior and the mind

? Work in universities, colleges, research institutes

? Specialties: ? Biopsychologists ? Personality psychologists ? Cognitive psychologists ? Developmental psychologists ? Social psychologists


Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

Fig. 1.2

Psyc 100 ? Introduction to Psychology

Fig. 1.3





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