Psychology Chapter 4 Review Guide Version 1 - Tipp City

Psychology Chapter 4 Review Guide Version 1.0

Review your notes; daily reviews; exit slips and `check up' quizzes; Also be sure to go over assignments such as "Teenagers and Sleep" and the New York Times article on sleep

1. When we say we are "conscious of" something what is that referring to? 2. What is selective attention? 3. What is the cocktail party effect? 4. What are intense, repetitive and novel stimuli? 5. What is direct inner awareness ? think red paint, black table. 6. What are human beings capable of having direct inner awareness of? 7. What is the preconscious? 8. What is the unconscious, according to Freud? 9. What does it mean to repress and suppress thoughts? 10. What does Freud mean when he says nonconscious? 11. What does it mean to develop a sense of self? 12. What does the waking state mean when discussing consciousness? 13. How long do most circadian rhythms last? What about when cues of day/night are removed? 14. What kind of medical test would your doctor order if you were having problems sleeping? 15. When your brain waves are high frequency, what is this telling about that person? 16. What are alpha brain waves? 17. How many stages of sleep are there? 18. Know the differences with the various stages of sleep? Example: If you wake up and barely feel like you have slept, what stage of sleep were you awakened in? 19. What are sleep spindles, in what stage are they emitted? 20. In what stages of sleep do we experience delta brain waves? 21. What is the name of the stage of sleep where we sleep the deepest and is the hardest to wake from? 22. In what stage of sleep are you most likely to dream vividly? 23. What areas of your life could sleep deprivation affect? 24. If you are deprived of REM sleep, what can this impact in humans? 25. In what stage of sleep are you most likely to have an nightmare? 26. According to recent research, dreams are a continuation of what? 27. According to Freud, what do dreams reflect? 28. What does the activation-synthesis model of dreaming say about dreaming? 29. Describe Insomnia. What are some mistakes people make when trying to fall asleep that might keep them up? 30. What is commonly mistaken for a sleep disorder? 31. Describe the following sleep disorders: narcolepsy, sleep apnea, sleep terrors, sleepwalking 32. What are some ailments that hypnotism may be used for today? 33. How does a personally typically get into a hypnotic trance? 34. Most people who are easily hypnotized also demonstrate what? 35. What is transcendental meditation? What kind of response does it lead to? 36. What is meditation? 37. What is mindfulness meditation? 38. Describe biofeedback. 39. Which bodily function can be controlled with biofeedback that was once thought to be involuntary? 40. What is the most popular drug on high school and college campuses?

41. What is the most crucial factor in substance abuse? 42. What are some symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?

43. What is substance dependence? 44. What are some reasons that people experiment with drugs? 45. If you have an inherited tendency to alcohol what does that mean? 46. What are some behaviors associated with binge drinking? 47. What do researchers believe to be the reason that alcohol lowers inhibitions? 48. What are opiates and opioids? 49. What natural pain reliever does the brain stop producing with regular use of opiates? 50. What are withdrawal symptoms of narcotics?

New Questions ? Study guide 2.0

51. You want to know the effects of each drug we discussed. 52. Know why some people would take some of the drugs we discussed for medical reasons. 53. What stimulant we discussed was first used by WWII soldiers? 54. What type of drug we discussed are most likely to be in diet pills? 55. What are the effects of amphetamines? 56. What is a legit medical use of amphetamines? 57. When amphetamines are abused, what can result? 58. What plant is cocaine derived from? 59. What famous product today once had cocaine in it? 60. Cocaine is a stimulate that produces ____. 61. What are the various ways that cocaine can be taken? 62. What hormone does nicotine stimulate? 63. What neurotransmitter releases as a result of nicotine? 64. What are some reasons people are addicted to nicotine? 65. What are withdrawal symptoms from nicotine? 66. Why is smoking during pregnancy bad? 67. What is an issue in women who smoke- what does it do to their bones? 68. What illnesses are connected with 2nd hand smoke? 69. What type of drug is marijuana classified as? 70. What are some impacts on users of marijuana? 71. What are some experiences users of LSD report? 72. Describe LSD flashbacks.


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