Forensic Psychology - Pearson

Forensic Psychology


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Pozzulo, Joanna.

Forensic psychology/Joanna Pozzulo, Craig Bennell, Adelle Forth.¡ª1st ed.

??p. cm.

ISBN 978-0-205-20927-9¡ªISBN 0-205-20927-0

1. Forensic psychology. I. Bennell, Craig. II. Forth, Adelle E. III. Title.

RA1148.P69 2013



10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 10:??? 0-205-20927-0

ISBN 13: 978-0-205-20927-9

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This book is dedicated to our many students

who challenge our thinking and inspire us.

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Brief Contents

Chapter 1

An Introduction to Forensic Psychology 1

Chapter 2

Police Psychology

Chapter 3

The Psychology of Police Investigations 52

Chapter 4


Chapter 5

Eyewitness Testimony

Chapter 6

Child Victims and Witnesses

Chapter 7

Juries: Fact Finders

Chapter 8

The Role of Mental Illness in Court 189

Chapter 9

Sentencing in the United States: Practices and Public Opinions 209



Chapter 10 Risk Assessment

Chapter 11 Psychopathy






Chapter 12 Assessment and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency 283

Chapter 13 Intimate Partner Violence 304

Chapter 14 Sexual and Homicidal Offenders 328


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About the Authors


Chapter 1 An Introduction to Forensic Psychology 1

What Is Forensic Psychology? 2

? In the Media The Reality of Reality TV


The Roles of a Forensic Psychologist 4

? Box 1.1 Researcher Profile: Dr. Curt Bartol 5

The Forensic Psychologist as Clinician 6

The Forensic Psychologist as Researcher 7

? Box 1.2 Other Forensic Disciplines


The Forensic Psychologist as Legal Scholar 8

The Relationship Between Psychology and Law 9

Psychology and the Law 9

Psychology in the Law 9

Psychology of the Law 10

The History of Forensic Psychology 10

Early Research: Eyewitness Testimony and Suggestibility 10

Early Court Cases in Europe 12

Advocates of Forensic Psychology in North America 13

Forensic Psychology in Other Areas of the Criminal Justice System 14

? Box 1.3 Biological, Sociological, and Psychological Theories of Crime 14

Landmark Court Cases in the United States 16

Signs of a Legitimate Field of Psychology 17

Modern-Day Debates: Psychological Experts in Court 17

? Box 1.4 Influential U.S. Court Cases in the History of Forensic Psychology


The Functions of the Expert Witness 19

The Challenges of Providing Expert Testimony 19

Criteria for Accepting Expert Testimony 20

? CASE STUDY: You Be the Judge 22

? Box 1.5 Daubert in Action: New Jersey vs. Fortin (1999¨C2000)


Chapter 2 Police Psychology 25

Police Selection 26

? In the Media Using Social Media to Recruit Police Officers 27

A Brief History of Police Selection 27


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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