Valencia Community College

Valencia Community College

General Psychology Syllabus – Psych 1012

Instructor: Valerie Campbell

Phone: Office 407.931.3199


Texts: Pasterino, E. & Doyle-Portillo, S. (2006). What is Psychology? Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. (required)

Doyle-Portillo, S. (2006). Study Guide for What is Psychology? Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. (not required)

Classes do not meet Sept 1 and Nov 26-30

Course Overview:

This course is an introduction to the science of psychology and is structured to given an overview of the broad range of subjects that make up “psychology.” Therefore, this course covers many areas including careers in the field, how biology changes behavior, the power of genetics and environment, what motivates us, development throughout the lifespan, how personality is formed, psychological disorders and therapeutic treatment.

Student Requirements:

Attendance Note that this is a considerable amount of information for one semester, therefore attendance is mandatory. Any student missing more that three classes will be expected to withdraw from class and receive a grade of W. The instructor may chose to give a grade of F, WF or WP after mid-semester. It is also your responsibility to obtain information you have missed, including announcements and class notes if you are absent.

Makeup exams will not be given. The only exception will be made at your instructor’s discretion and only with evidence to document that the absence could not be avoided. With the instructor’s approval, an essay exam may be given. The same is true of homework.

Cheating & Plagiarism Students are expected to do their own work and write in their own words. When a student presents another person’s words as the students work, this is plagiarizing and will result in an F on that paper. It is important to state information in your own words and give credit to the author (see “Home Work Guidelines” if you are unsure how to do this.

Class Conduct Class with start at the scheduled time. Should a student be late, please enter quietly and do not disturb the class. Students are expected to sign in/out if the come in late to leave early. Excessive tardiness or leaving early will affect the student’s grade. Arriving late for class during an exam will cost five points on that exam.

Turn off all electronic instruments before entering class. This includes cell phones and computers. The only allowance for electronic devices in class will be for students with disabilities. Texting, using a cell phone or camera, etc. in class will result in five points off your final grade for each offense.

Discussions are encouraged in class and participation will add to your grade. Respect between students is expected. Disrespect to other students or the professor will not be tolerated and may be grounds for removal from class.

It should be noted that some concepts covered in class may be considered controversial by some. It is expected that students be aware of differing views within the diverse Valencia culture. Students are expected to be open to the ideas of others, which will enhance the quality of learning for everyone and broaden awareness of many issues.

Academic Requirements All students are required to read the test and will be tested on it. Be aware that some information on tests is available only by attending class, and may not be in the book.

Four tests will be given, including a mid-term and a final. Each of the four tests is of equal weight and will contain questions addressing the previous chapters. Quizzes will be given on current chapters to help prepare for the tests. Once again, there will be no make up exams unless the student can prove that the absence was completely unavoidable.

Each student is responsible for an Experimental Research Project on a subject of interest to you in psychology. This will be addressed in depth during the first few classes. Please explore the book, your own interests or experiences for ideas on a subject you might like to research. Since psychology encompasses personal learning as well as academic learning. Please feel free to be creative and explore your interests. Some possible project ideas will be presented in class, but do not feel limited by them.

Once you have determined an area of interest to you, you will design a research project. The project will be an experiment that you design, carry out and present to the class. This will be discussed in depth with your professor. Be aware of ethical concerns.

The research project will be presented other class on the date assigned to you. Your date will match the chapter in the book that it most closely illustrates. Presentations will be five minutes long. Please see accompanying pages for details of what is required of you and when.

Please note that this class will also address the Valencia Core Competencies of “to communicate, think, value and act.” These competencies will be addressed through assignments, reading and discussion.

Grading The grading system is as follows:

Test One 100 points

Test Two 100 points

Test Three 100 points

Test Four/Final 100 points


4 assign/25 pts each 100 points

Presentation/Final research 100 points

Total 600 points

These grades will be added, then divided by six, to be worth the following:

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 59 and below

Note: Since attendance important, if a student has a borderline grade (i.e. 79, 89) class participation will be taken into account when calculating the student’s final grade.


Please remember that I am here to help you. Feel free to contact me by phone, e-mail or after class if you need to arrange an appointment. A website will also be available for the class with information and internet links that may help you with your presentations, your personal interests or with research.

Details of this syllabus are subject to change.

Psychology Class 1012 Schedule and Due Dates

Wednesday Reading Assignment Due

8/27 Chapter 1 Consider ideas for research

(College closed Sept 1)

9/3 Chapter 2

9/10 Chapter 3 p 147-149 Homework 1 due

Chapter 4 Ideas for experimental research handed in on paper and discussed in class

9/17 Chapter 5 Exam 1 Chapters 1-4

9/24 Chapter 6 Presentations begin

10/1 Chapter 7 p 298-9, 324-335 Homework 2 due

Chapter 8

p 353, 360-372, 328-381

10/5 Chapter 9 Review for exam

10/8 Chapter 10 p 444-475 Exam 2 Chapters 5-8

Chapter 11 p 486-490, 496-498, 508-512

10/15 Chapter 12 Homework 3 due

10/22 Chapter 13 Review for exam

10/29 Chapter 14 Exam 3, Chapters 9-12

11/5 Chapter 15

11/12 Chapter 16 Absolute last week of presentations

11/19 Review for Final exam Homework 4 due

11/26 Thanksgiving Holiday (11/26)

12/5 Review for Final Exam NOTE! Students not present for Final Exam

will receive an “F” for the class

Final Exams: MW Class: Mon Dec. 8 6:00 Room 1-244

W Class: Wed Dec 10 7:00 Room 1-244

- Schedule subject to change –

Homework Assignments

Homework is to be written in the form defined on the attached “Homework Guidelines.” Each paper is to be at least two pages in length (about 500 words). All homework assignments are worth twenty-fine points each and total one-hundred points.

Homework MUST be handed in on date due. Extensions will not be granted so be sure to check the class schedule!

Homework 1

Find research in a newspaper, journal, magazine, on television, the internet, etc. and evaluate it for the following criteria:

1. What are you being asked to believe?

2. Who will this research benefit?

3. Who did the research?

4. What population was used?

5. How large was that population and was it large enough of a sample to get accurate results?

6. What type of study was it?

7. Are the limitations of the study addressed?

8. Could there be other reasons for the study’s findings?

9. What are your general thoughts about this study and do you agree with the study’s findings?

10. List the source (see Homework Guidelines)

Homework 2

Find information on a biological psychological disorder, meaning a disorder that a person is born with, which is not created by the environment. Examples include bipolar, ADHD, cyclothymia, schizophrenia, Down’s syndrome, autism, learning disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, processing disorders, etc.). Address all of the following:

1. Explain the criteria for this disorder.

2. Explain the biology behind this disorder.

3. Do you think you would “label” yourself negatively if you had this disorder?

4. Do you think others would label you? Why or why not.

5. Have you ever known someone with this disorder?

6. Would this disorder change your value system, how you think, act and communicate (all of which are Valencia core competencies).

7. How would this disorder affect your school life?

8. How might it affect your peer relationships and relationships at home?

9. What kind of help would be available for you?

10. List your source(s)

Homework 3

Some psychological disorders are created by the environment; people are not born with them. This can include the personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, dysthymia, depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse related disorders, intermittent explosive disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, pedophilia, sexual addiction and many others. Research these and chose one to research (there are many so don’t be limited by the text book).

1. Explain the criteria for this disorder.

2. Have you known someone with this disorder?

3. Do you think you would “label” yourself negatively if you had this disorder?

4. Do you think others would label you? Why or why not.

5. Explain how the environment created this disorder.

6. Would this disorder change your value system, how you think, act and communicate (all of which are Valencia core competencies).

7. If you had this disorder, how would this disorder affect your school life?

8. How might it affect your peer relationships and relationships at home?

9. What kind of help would be available for you?

10. List your source(s)

Homework 4

Find information on a psychological therapy used in the past or one that is relatively new. Do not use psychoanalytic, humanistic, behavioral or cognitive therapies, since we’ve already covered these in class.

1. Describe the therapy.

2. How was the therapy first invented – what inspired the theorist?

3. When was it first used and is it still being practiced?

4. What is the theory behind why this therapy works?

5. Is special training needed for practitioners of this therapy?

6. What population benefits most from this therapy?

7. How is it done?

8. What research is available to prove that the therapy is or isn’t effective?

9. What do you personally think of this therapy, and would you use it yourself if it was necessary?

10. List your source(s)

11. You’re done! Congratulations!



Homework #

Homework Guidelines

The above example shows how I would like students to set up homework

assignments. The expectations for all written papers, which all professors will expect

students to know, are listed below.

Be sure to indent each paragraph, and don’t skip lines between paragraphs. Set

your computer up for double spacing and 12 font (this is 12 font). Avoid fancy fonts;

Times Roman (this font) is usually part of the expected format. The homework text should consist of at least 250 words. Use spell check or a dictionary when necessary.

Be sure to use correct grammar. If you are unsure, ask someone to help you or e-mail your paper to me to check out. I will send it back to you with corrections. This will improve your grade and help you in later classes.

Always quote research sources. When quoting in the middle of a paragraph there are specific formats to follow such as, “Be sure to use a comma and then quotation marks.” (Author, date, page #). Also, Campbell (2007) stated, “Be sure to read the assigned chapters,” and that is what I did. (page #)

At the end of a research paper, list your bibliography. This is your list of sources. Quote web sites accurately and as they are listed. This is because I am an overachiever and will look them up. Students with false website sources will get a zero (0) for the paper. Students who use “cut and paste” for papers and present the work as their own, are guilty of plagiarism, will also get a zero for the assignment, and face further consequences.


(book citation example)

Pasterino, E. & Doyle-Portillo, S. (2006). What is Psychology? Belmont,CA:Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

(journal citation example)

Barak Y, Savorai O, Mavashev S, et al: Animal-assisted therapy for elderly schizophrenic patients: a one-year controlled trial. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 9:439-42, 2001

(website citation with description example)

Valencia Community College website.

Professor Campbell’s Psychology 1012 General Psychology Syllabus

How to Compute Your Midterm Grade

Assignment Grade

Homework 1 + 2 total ______

Exam 1 ______

Exam 2 ______

Add for Total ______

Divide total by 4 for Midterm grade: ______

How to Compute Your Final Grade

Homework 1,2,3,4 total ______

Exam 1 ______

Exam 2 ______

Exam 3 ______

Exam 4 ______

Presentation ______

Add for Total ______

Divide total of grades by 6 for Final grade: ______

Examples of Experimental Research Projects

First, it is important that you come up with your own ideas for a study (note points for uniqueness and creativity). Before using any of the suggestions below, brainstorm some of the unique aspects or your own life, or questions about situations you have wondered about in the past. Remember that you need to have time to do this project, so if you come up with an idea that can be done at work or in places where you usually go (i.e. sports, hobbies, etc), the project will be easier for you to implement. In example---

If you are employed, is there a high rate of burn out on your job?

Do certain personality types do better at this job?

Are there certain questions that customers always ask you? Why?

Do you know someone who has been through a psychological experience that would be willing to talk to you about it (be aware of confidentiality issues here)

Do males and females have different types of communication? If so, what are they, and why do they exist?

Do you live or work in a culturally diverse area? If so, what are the ramifications of this?

Teachers are often willing to work with students who have questions about how children react to certain things, i.e. learning methods, sights and sounds (remember you will have to clear this with the principal, etc.)

Prisons are also often willing to work with students regarding projects.

What ramifications does child abuse (there are many different types) have on a person’s life? Why do some people become abusers while others do not?

What effect does color, sound, weather, etc, have on the mood of certain people?

There are many experiments you can do with memory (see the memory chapter).

How does a person’s upbringing, peer group, or moral values effect their perception of certain situations?

Who are the homeless, and how did they end up on the streets?

How do people overcome addictions? There are many groups who are willing to be interviewed regarding this.

What personality types are likely to go into certain careers, i.e. politics, law enforcement, business, music, military, etc., and why?

Is there a stigma about going to see a psychotherapist or counselor? Is it higher or lower among certain groups? Why?

This is an election year and there is a lot of psychological aspects to winning an election. Identify these methods and how they affect people. Are certain personality types drawn to particular political party affiliations or causes?

What is the psychology of the media? How does marketing affect us psychologically as consumers, as individuals, and/or as a nation?

What is “stereo-type threat” and does it really affect people? (See the social psych chapter)

Once you have an idea that you would like to explore, the next step is to ask yourself how you would make this into a psychological experiment. Some examples of experimental techniques are found in chapter one and include case studies, naturalistic observation, questionnaires, interviews, and correlational studies. When in doubt, ask your professor.

Research Project Final Paper - How to Get an “A"                Page 1

Name ___________________________________________Date ___________________

Subject of Presentation_____________________________________________________


Note: Page 1 & 2 of this form MUST be given to your professor at the time of your presentation. Without it, you will not receive a grade or credit for your project.

Students working in a group must fill out the rest of this page. Students working alone do not need to fill out the bottom half.

Name(s): Grade assigned by others in group (if applicable)





Names of group students responsible for:

Verbal delivery to class: ____________________________________________________




Visuals, etc.: ____________________________________________________________


Coordinator of Class Participation: ___________________________________________


Guest Speaker: ________________________________________________________________________

Other: __________________________________________________________________



Notes (Anything else important you would like me to know about your project):

Research Project Presentation - Page 2

To be handed in and filled out by Professor at time of Presentation

Requirements Possible Points Earned

Ability to hand this form to the teacher without being asked (1-5 pts)

Background info - research on previous studies done  (1-10 pts)

Hypothesis explained (1-5 pts)

Number & type of subjects:

At least 20 subjects required unless otherwise approved - the more subjects the higher your grade. Subjects should not be members of family or friends (unless approved) and should be as random as possible. They should be of mixed age, ethnicity, gender unless the project is concentrating on a specific group. (1-10 pts)

Where research took place and why this area was conducive to your research. (1-5 pts)

Research type and procedure explained in depth. (1-10 pts)

Records must be presented.

Theory explained; proved or disproved. (1-10 pts)

Implications for further research (1-5 pts)

Limitations addressed (1-10 pts)

Organization (1-5 pts)

Visual, auditory, guest, etc. (1-10 pts)

Creativity and uniqueness (1-5 pts)

Above & beyond the usual (1-15 pts)

Five minute approx. time limit

(Unless previously approved) (1-5 pts subtracted)

Date of presentation: ________________ (10 points subtracted for class late)

Project Grade:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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