Heily Aktuglu

- Vitalism- School of thought which embodied ideal that the soul is responsible for life.

(Soul leaves so does life)

- Sun centered (heliocentric) view by Copernicus

- Phrenology=mental characteristics can be localized to lumps on head

Jennifer Amick

- What is the concept of imageless thought? How do necessary and sufficient causes

Affect each other?

- During the Middle Ages how did the class system effect the way education was spread? Answer (kings to peasants)

- Wundt was interested in how people report using only introspection.

Maureen Aro

- If contributory cause is present then the possibility for the corresponding event exists

(i.e. The event doesn’t necessarily exist)

- William Harvey-identifies circulatory system which reinforces use of the scientific


Sara Ashcraft

- Aristotle: Same methods should be used to study the soul that are used to study the

Natural sciences. Why?

- Nicholas Copernicus is credited with the heliocentric view of universe. (sun is


- Weber came up with the two-point threshold.

Kristine Bailey

- Hippocrates most important work described the disease epilepsy.

- The black plague wiped out 1/3 of the world.

- Broca conducted most famous case study in the history of psychology-The study on


Joseph Bartholomew

- Where did all learning take place in the middles ages? Answer: Monasteries

- Lashley believed that saying you are ignorant is better than professing something


- Pierre Flourens investigated the brain empirically using ablation

Alison Bowen

- Roger Bacon proposed a new idea that without experiment it is impossible to know

And understand that something is true.

- Flourens ablation which includes precise removal of a small part of the brain so

Deficits can be attributed to that part of the brain.

Erin Camp

- Middles Ages: Peasants farmed while nobility waged war. Not much time for

Philosophical thought.

- Hippocrates: 4 humours are responsible for illness.

- Master’s and Johnson developed the Human Sexual Response Cycle

- Luigi Galvani showed that neural activity is electrical.

Christina Cartwright

- Who said that argument is not enough, but experience is? Answer: Roger Bacon.

- Roger Bacon also said that without experiment it is impossible to know anything thoroughly.

- Descartes proposed the idea of rationalism-using deductive reasoning to come

Up with laws to explain natural phenomenon.

- Weber’s law describes the relationship between a stimulus and individual perception.

Sara Cowling

- Who discovered the “practice effect”? Who also discovered “state dependent


- Johannes Gutenberg is credited with creating “movable type” which led to potential

For knowledge being realized.

- Who was the first to investigate psychological response to physical stimuli?

Anthony Craven

- Who proposed 2 kinds of experience? Answer: Roger Bacon (External sense and

Divine inspiration)

- What is Newton’s most recognized achievement? Answer: the laws of motion “for

Every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”

- Helmholtz developed this for examining the retina? Answer: the ophthalmoscope

Jacob Cresman

- Around what year did dissection become common?

- Luigi Galvani showed that neural activity is electrical.

John Delamar

- Don’t put Descartes before the horse!

- Positivism: Belief that the only thing worth studying is observable behavior.

- Empiricists claim knowledge can be obtained through observation and inductive


- Franz Joseph Gall-brought phrenology to world wide attractions

Mary Edmonds

- Bacon’s 2 ways to acquire knowledge: Reason and experiment.

- Aristotle said that the soul begins all movement.

- Gall founded phrenology-determining person’s traits by the lumps on their head.

Melissa Garganta

- Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press greatly affected the world. How?

- Positivism contrasted both Bacon and Descartes and based radical behaviorism.

- William Harvey set the standard for scientific research in physiology.

Nicholas Hahn

- In the Middle Ages learning only took place in religious settings.

- Lippershey accidentally discovered the fundamental principles of the telescope,

Galileo investigated and improved this instrument to see the universe.

- Flourens also wrote of the brain as interconnected, integrated systems that

Functions with a common action.

Ruth Halls

- Who coined the phrase: Philosophy? What earth shaken view did he prefer?

- What is the definition of philosophy?

- How did the Renaissance happen?

- 1/3 of the world population died of the black plaque.

- New production of books (#185 books in five years).

- Folks wanted books and a new interest in reading, thus scientific studies reoccurred.

- 1879- the founding of psychology=opening of Wundt’s lab of Leipzig.

Jessica Henderson

- Socrates believed knowledge was innate and evil resulted from ignorance.

- Kahneman & Tversky: more will opt for a sure thing over probability.

- Vesalius wrote “Fabrica” the first anatomy book based on experiment.

- Effects of ablation depend on the amount of tissue removed (Flourens).

Ms. Humphrey

- Aristotle began discussion of Causation:

1. Material Cause

2. Efficient Cause

3. Formal Cause

4. Final Cause

Anthony Laverick

- The crusades spread Christianity throughout the world, at a great cost to all.

- How did Broca’s research influence study of the brain?

- Cattell’s area of research under Wundt at Leipzig was?

Drew Link

- How is learning by means of external senses and thorough argument of others,

Ineffective as a means of learning certainties?

- Bacon proposed using empiricism to answer scientific questions

- Weber was interested in how people perceive sensations of their skin.

Heather MacLean

- Socrates: logical syllogism- All A’s are B’s and all B’s are C’s then all A’s are C’s.

- What is the difference between cause and reason?

- Three Phases of thought- theological, metaphysical, and positive.

Benjamin Manning

- Gutenberg developed movable type printing press.

- Galileo proved heliocentric view with movement of sunspots.

- Helmholtz invented the myograph, which measured muscular contractions.


Janie Matthis

- Kahneman & Tversky found that people would pick a sure thing over probability.

- Aristotle’s causes:

1. material

2. efficient

3. formal

4. final

- William Harvey was the first to show that blood circulates and is pumped by the


Casey Maultsby

- Using experimental methodology proposed by Bacon, truth was taken away from

Intellectuals with fame, and put into the hands of anyone who observes and discovers truth through experience.

- Bacon believed that man could solve his worldly problems through science.

- One of the most important contributions of Ernst Weber was the idea of two point

Discrimination, concerning how much distance must be between two stimuli before

You can detect the existence of two stimuli.

Brenda McGrath

- Locke published, Two Treatises in Government.

- Hippocrates concluded correctly the right side is controlled by the left side.

- Bacon- 4 obstacles to truth-

1. tribe

2. cave

3. theater

4. market place

- Aphasia-unable to say words, but can read and understand words.

Aaron Mitchell

- Aristotle believed the soul had 5 uses (what makes us human)

1. grow (vegetive soul)

2. sense

3. remembering

4. desiring

5. thinking

- Wundt-founder of modern psychology with first psychology lab at Leipzig and

Sought after the properties of consciousness.

Mettia Parrish

- Sufficient cause different from contributing cause.

- Bacon’s obstacles of truth.

Andrew Richardson

- Psychology is a very young science. It didn’t begin until the 1660’s.

Christopher Roberts

- Name three British empiricists mentioned in Chapter 2 of the text?

- List and briefly define Bacon’s Idols

1. tribe-biological weaknesses and senses

2. cave- Lack of education

3. theater-feel this one in yourself

4. market place- language was to ambiguous properly garnish truth

- What brought about the dismissing of phrenology.

Jennifer Roberts

- Contributory cause: contributes but is not necessary or sufficient

- Necessary cause: if the event is present, the cause is present.

- Positivism-all knowledge must be obtained through basic description

Tamara Rosenbloom

- What did Aristotle believe were the 5 functions of the soul?

- The importance of Ben Franklin’s study of electricity was that he used a Baconian method. Knowledge of how nature works (lightening) leads to control of nature (lightening rod).

- David Ferrier’s homunculus was a map according to the body’s nerve endings

Shanell Ryan

- What is the difference between necessary and sufficient cause?

- Auguste Comte believed that all knowledge must be obtained through basic description. Observe and make predictions based on observation.

- Helmholtz best remembered for his measurement of speed of the neural impulse.

Alysa Smith

- Johannes Gutenberg perfected the moveable printing press.

- During the Scientific Revolution the world became urbanized, people began to travel, mass production began. Science was formed.

- Ferrier located hearing in the temporal lobe.

Sara Smith

- Zeitgeist is the influence created by the spirit or culture of times.

- D.L. Rosenhaun showed that the environment can play into the label of specific mental illnesses.

- Cattell believed that psychology labs were just as important if not more than biological because they are generally expanding on new findings to make advantages in the area of interest.


Justin Spicer

- Kings of Bacon’s time were in the most part unable to read.

- Aristotle said the body and soul are intertwined.

- Wundt- 2 definitions of psychology “science of mind” and “inner sense”

Regina Stidham

- Aristotle and the Anima interpretation.

- Who was Broca’s famous patient brain deficit?

Christina Stokley

- Where did everyone go to learn? And who were forbidden to go there?

- What was Galileo’s method for arriving at scientific laws and generalizations?

- Who was Spurzheim and what is he known for?

Jessica Stone

- Class structure of the Middle Ages? Peasants, clergy, lesserlord, vassals, kings

- Effects of contiguity: you remember things when closer together in time and space=Gestalt

- Francois Magendie found that nerves have functions (sensory and movement).

Megan Thacker

- According to Socrates, all knowledge is obtained through logical thought.

- During the Middle Ages, the majority of people were uneducated.

- Johann Spurzheim took phrenology into mainstream society.

Ashley Williamson

- Who coined the term “philosophy”? Answer: Pythagoras

- Psychology resulted from philosophy because philosophers first thought about the mind.

- Auguste Comte’s view of positivism didn’t allow inferences.

- Helmholtz used the myograph to measure the speed of a neural impulse (90 ft/second).

Lisa Womble

- Philosophy- Phil-love Sophia-knowledge

- Expressive aphasia- people can’t speak but can express what they want to say.

- Descartes-first great psychologists in modern age.


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