Psychology Syllabus 2006-07

Psychology Syllabus

Jessica Ewald

Course Objective: Psychology is a semester class intended to provide a broad, general introduction to psychology. The course will emphasize how the basic subject matter of psychology has been attained by scientific methods. We will also examine patterns and variations of human behavior and the process of human development. The course will help students see how psychological knowledge can be applied to improve the quality of life.

Expectations: Students are expected to attend class regularly, prepared to discuss and expand on previously assigned topics. Students should be prepared to invest some amount of outside time into class preparations and the completion of assignments.

Grading: Grades will be based on a point system. The breakdown is mostly categorized on individualized summative assessments and ongoing formative assessments. The following rules will be consistently recognized, as emphasized with the PFHS grading policies:

• Summative assignments, such as tests, quizzes, projects, and Interactive Workbook (assessments which measure students understanding and mastery of content): 100%

• Formative assignments, such as individualized and collaborative assessments, including class work, homework, progress projects, and progress quizzes (assessments and activities which allow students and teacher to gauge progress toward mastery): 0%

Tests/Quizzes: Reading and review quizzes are very common, and are a part of the summative assignments 100%. Reading comprehension and retention is a life skill. Tests will be given at the end of each unit and will normally include multiple-choice questions and a variety of short answers/essays. If the quiz/test is “open note,” then there will NOT be an opportunity for a retake. If the quiz/test is “closed note,” then there WILL be an opportunity for a retake, if the student so chooses (see Test Retake on the reverse side). There will also be a Quarter Test to reflect all information learned within the quarter. Most quizzes/tests will be closed note, therefore opportunity for retake will be reflected.

Absences for Quizzes/Tests: If the student is absent on the day of the quiz or test, he/she will take Test Form C, which includes short answer and essay, rather than multiple choice, to ensure he/she has still retained the information despite their absence.

Projects: Interactive Workbooks will be graded as a quarter project. In addition, there will be a number of smaller projects throughout each quarter to be completed outside of class.

Homework: Expect it if the student does not finish the class work in the appropriate amount of time given. Most assignments involve reading and analysis and will be completed in the Interactive Workbook. Homework is relevant to class discussions, reading quizzes, and Socratic Seminars. Homework is also an opportunity to become disciplined, organized, and prepared. Homework will NOT be graded; however, any time it is assigned it WILL be reflected in the quiz in the next class period, which falls into the summative category. Failing to do the assignment(s) will definitely affect grades. All assignments are expected to be completed for the workbook grade at the conclusion of the quarter. In my opinion, the completion of homework is also an indication of one’s work ethic. Be prepared!

Test Retake of Summative Assessments- This only applies to tests. Students are eligible to retake any test given within the quarter. The grade the student receives on the retake will replace the first grade they earned (unless the score is worse). Retakes are always given in a different format to ensure mastery of the subject and not memorization skills (mostly done in short answer or essay format). In order to retake a test, the student must have all formative assessments completed for that unit from within the workbook. The student will have the whole quarter to retake a test but all retakes must be done ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE END OF THE QUARTER. Retakes are not available for quizzes, as quiz replacement grades will be applied from the test scores. Retakes are also not available for the Interactive Workbook.

Main topics: Scientific Method

Biology & Behavior

Learning & Cognitive Processes

Human Development

Personality Theories

Human Adaptation & Social Psychology

Abnormal Psychology (time permitting)

This course provides one half of one of the elective credits required for a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma. Please be sure to reference my introductory letter for more detailed information about the class.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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