Influence of Heredity and Hormones on Human Behaviour

Influence of Heredity and Hormones on Human Behaviour

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May 31, 2008

Influence of Heredity and Hormones on Human Behaviour

Heredity is commonly defined as the process of passing down the biological traits from parent to offspring through genes. Aside from the environmental factors, the genes have been known to confer different degrees of influence on the development of diseases, characters, and behaviour in humans. The hormones on the other hand, are commonly known as the body’s chemical messengers that have effect on various processes in the body including the mood. Humans behave differently and studies found that both heredity and hormones affects human behaviour though in different ways. Further details by comparing and contrasting on how genes and heredity affect the human behaviour will make this subject clearer.

Knowing heredity, we develop an understanding that the genes inherited are the main foundation that makes a certain individual a distinct person. It is heredity that makes a person who he is and what he is. Every human has an inherited genes embedded in the body system which serve as the guidelines in the development of the individual’s distinct physical characteristics. The genes also shape the development the organ systems particularly the nervous system and the endocrine system. The most significant organ of the nervous system perhaps that is developed with the influence of the inherited genes is the brain. Giving a closer look, the genes actually are not capable of directly affecting the behaviour. (Johnston & Edwards, 2002) Factors that are known to have direct effect on the behaviour are sensory stimulation and physical influences. But knowing that the inherited genes has a great role to play in the development and functions of the nervous system and the endocrine system, it is where the genes come in rendering influences in human’s behaviour through in indirect way. It is not certain that inherited genes may or may not contribute a major influence on every person's personality but as a general rule, it can be perceived that heredity always take a part in shaping the individual’s behavior no matter how small is the influence. Now, we know that hormones are chemical messengers of the body that has major influence on all body processes. It was even believed once by the neurologists that everything in the body is under the control of the hormones, which is not true as many other factors including heredity and environmental factors have their certain share. It is however believed that hormone disorders can significantly cause modification in human behavior. We are aware that shifts of the hormonal balance make significant changes in body functions and have significant influence on the individual’s mood which affects the person’s behavior. For example, a shift of hormonal levels in women during menstruation can make significant change in their behavior. An increase in estrogen levels makes an individual emotional whereas an increase in man’s testosterone level can make a person increase the aggressiveness.

In comparison, bboth hormones and genes are similar for being extremely important in shaping up humans; in fact both are closely linked with each other as both rendered significant uncontrollable roles in the body development and its processes and functions. Let us explain on how the heredity and hormones are closely linked. The brain as we all know is an important part of the nervous system which is developed with great influence of the inherited genes. Though all brains accomplish the same functions, every individual brain possesses unique capabilities depending on the inherited genes. We know that learning is a major factor that later influences the brain’s capabilities and that include capabilities tons of information learned by an individual throughout his/her life. With whatever is learned by an individual greatly produces great influence on how the person behaves. Now, we know that hormones are secreted under the control of the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain. The hormones secreted under the brain control are essential in maintaining most of the body functions and that includes mood and emotion which we know are major components affecting how a person behaves along with many other vital functions. Since the structural formation of the brain is influenced by heredity and the structure of the brain formed are involved in secreting hormones, it is where the link between the heredity and hormone is seen. How well the heredity had influenced the formation of the brain structure defines how well such structure assume the role on controlling hormonal secretion which has a great influence with the human behavior.

The difference between the two is that the genes being not directly causing direct effect on behaviour while the hormones has the capability of rendering direct and actual influence on particular certain behaviours which include moods, emotion, s well as sexuality, alertness and many others.



Johnston, T.D. & Edwards, L. (2002). Genes, interaction, and development of behavior. Retrieved July 18, 2008 from


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