Dulaney High School

AP Psychology Summer Project


Congratulations! You have been chosen by your instructors to compete against the smartest kids across the United States. You have all accepted this challenge and we promise to take your commitment very seriously. As the year progresses we will be asking you for feedback on how to adjust the course so that we can maximize your learning. This summer you will be reading the first 3 chapters in an online psychology textbook, taking notes, writing an essay, and working with a research article.

We ask that you join . The site is free.

Sign Up as a student. This is free. Use the access code below. Once you have signed up, go to the courses tab and navigate to the course: AP Psychology Summer 2015.

Access code: 92B7D-CQPX3

Once you have joined, you can access a copy of the instructions, textbook pdf file, and the assignment turn-in. Go to the Courses tab at the top of the page and navigate to AP Psychology Summer 2015. Submit your work to the assignment: (Maranville or Swam depending on your schedule) Summer Assignment Turn-in 2015. The site allows you to add files and comments. We can comment on your work as well. To see our comments, all you need to do is open the file again.

Part I: Reading and taking notes

Go to the following website for the PDF of the textbook.

We expect you to take careful notes on the first three chapters, pages 6-146. A good guideline to use would be if you had an open book quiz on any section would you score above a ninety with the use of your notes. During the first month of school you will be taking quizzes and unit exams on the information included in these three chapters. These notes should be typed and double spaced.

Part II: Write an essay

Essay: In Psychology essays, you need to first define the term that is given. Then, provide an example that applies to the given situation. Finally, you then need to explain the example. You do not need a thesis statement, an introductory paragraph, or a conclusion.

A researcher designs a study to investigate the effect of feedback on perception of incomplete visual figures. Each participant stares at the center of a screen while the researcher briefly projects incomplete geometric figures one at a time at random positions on the screen. The participant’s task is to identify each incomplete figure. One group of participants receives feedback on the accuracy of their responses. A second group does not. The researcher compares the mean number of figures correctly identified by the two groups.

A. Identify the independent and dependent variables in the study

B. Describe how each of the following terms relates to the conclusions that can be drawn based on the research.

a. Random assignment

b. Statistical significance

C. List and define two ethical guidelines the research must follow.

D. Describe two areas of the brain that subjects would utilize during the study.

Example: An independent variable is the variable being manipulated in the experiment. The independent variable in this study is feedback. One group received feedback the other did not. (You may use this in your essay)

Part III: Read a research article and write an abstract

Go to the Schoology course page: AP Psychology Summer Assignment 2015. Open and read the pdf file: “Obey at any Cost”. Then compose and type a brief abstract of the research presented. Summarize the article in three paragraphs. What is the hypothesis? How did they conduct the study? What were the results? Do not worry about a thesis or introduction, get to the point. This should be a page maximum, 12 point font, double spaced.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail us. We check our e-mail regularly. If you are not sure about what we expect on the outline feel free to e-mail us your first couple of pages of notes and we will give you comments. If you e-mail your completed project before July 31, we will give you feedback and a chance to fix any mistakes in your essay or notes without a penalty.

FINALLY, we encourage you to participate in the discussion on the course page on if you have any concerns about the project.

June 19-July 24th July 25th-August (when you get your schedule)

Email: Mr. Maranville Email: Ms. Swam

tmaranville@ kswam@

Due Date = August 10, 2015 via The reason for this is that we want to be able to give you your notes back graded by the first week of class. Of course you can turn in the assignment early, if you are finished.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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