Psychology IB Internal Assessment Packet

Psychology IB Internal Assessment Packet

Title Page: See template below

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|Title of Your Study |

|(should be specific to your topic and study) |

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|Candidate Name: |

|Candidate Number: |

|Psychology IB SL |

|Date, month and year of submission: |

|Word Total: (do not count abstract or appendices) |

Table of Contents: List each key section and the page to find it on.

Abstract: (do not write this until the end of your experiment)

|State what you are studying. |

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|Describe the aim of your study. |

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|Briefly describe the method of your study. |

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|List some details about the participants and where the research was conducted. |

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|Briefly state your results. |

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|Write your conclusion. |

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|Maximum of 200 words. |

Introduction: (2 marks)

|Describe the topic your research relates to. |

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|Provide the author(s) and date of the study you are replicating. |

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|Describe the study being replicated. |

|Aim: |

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|Procedure: |

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|Findings/Results: |

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|Conclusions: |

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|Why do you think this study is worth replicating? What value does this research have in understanding human behavior? |

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|Clearly state the aim of your own study (put in terms of independent and dependent variables). |

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Method: Design (2 marks)

|Explain the design you chose (independent samples or repeated measures) and what it looks like for your experiment. |

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|State and describe the two conditions of your experiment. |

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|Explain why you chose this design (ex. To avoid order effects). |

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|Describe the controls you have undertaken to avoid extraneous variables (ex. By giving a standardized briefing to participants). |

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|Identify your independent variable and dependent variable. |

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|Document how ethical guidelines were followed (explain how consent was obtained, how the briefing and debriefing were carried out, etc.) Copies should be in the |

|appendix. |

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Method: Participants (2 marks)

|Describe the participants. (How many, age, gender distribution, and the population from which they were drawn) |

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|Describe the sampling procedure you used (random, opportunity) and explain why it was necessary. |

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|Describe how you allocated (assigned) your participants to your two conditions. |

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Method: Materials

|List all the materials you used. Include blank copies in the appendices. (consent form, briefing instructions, debriefing, any forms or worksheets) Don’t include |

|basic materials such as chairs, pencils, desks, etc. |

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Method: Procedure (2 marks)

|Describe how you developed your materials. |

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|Carefully and accurately describe your procedure in chronological order (can be bullet points). Make sure to reference ethical issues. Must have enough detail to |

|replicate the study. |

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Results: (4 marks)

|Place a table of all raw data in your appendix, not in your report. |

|Calculate the central tendency of your data (mean, median, or mode). Show calculations in your appendix. You should use the mean. |

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|Calculate the measure of dispersion (standard deviation or range). Show calculations in your appendix. You should use Stand. Dev. |

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|Describe your results clearly in narrative form (written paragraph). Yes, this is repetitive. |

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|Display your results in a graph (pie, bar or line). Make sure to label all axes on the graphs, columns on tables and give clear titles. |

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|Explain why you chose the specific descriptive statistic you did (include the description of type of data used – nominal/ordinal/interval/ratio and the |

|experimental design.) |

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Discussion: (6 marks)

|Relate the results of your study to the results of the study cited in the introduction. How do they compare? (support or contradict?) |

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|Explain why you think you got your results. |

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|Evaluate your design and the methods (strengths, how limitations may have affected the outcome, possible extraneous variables you hadn’t foreseen). Do NOT say |

|anything about sample size, such as “should have used larger sample size.” |

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|Describe how you would modify/improve this study. |

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|List possible suggestions for further research that may have arisen but was not dealt with in the actual study. |

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|Summarize your results and give a brief conclusion. |

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References: Include the one reference to the original study in MLA format. This should be its own separate Works Cited page.


• Include blank copies of all forms used.

• Each item should be clearly labeled.

• Raw data tables

• Calculations for statistics

Presentation: (2 marks)

• Each section must have a proper heading

• Page numbers

• Include a table of contents

• Word Limit 1,000-1,500 words (only count the words in the body of your paper, not the abstract, reference or appendices)

• Correct format (Title page, table of contents, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, references, appendices)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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