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Soc213(001) Social Deviance Bogart Test02B 04/18/00

Part01: Text (Thio) Items: Old Item

Ch. 08: Mental Disorder


01. The vast majority of the mentally ill _____. A. are schizophrenics B. cannot be cured C. require hospitalization at some time in their lives D. most of the time a psychiatrists has difficulty differentiating them from the mentally healthy E. have some degree of obsessive-compulsion (p. 159)

02. _____ disorder is to brain damage as _____ disorder is to psychological and social factors. A. functional, organic; B. psychoanalytic, anxiety; C. organic, functional; D. psychotic, neurotic; E. obsessive-compulsive, psychophysiological. (p. 160)

03. Which of the following statements is true of depression? A. people born after 1955 are more than three times as likely to have a major depression than their grandparents; B. African Americans are more prone to depression than Jewish Americans; C. symptoms include anxiety and agitation; D. symptoms include aggression and lack of conscience; E. it is greater among men than among women. (p. 169)

04. The mentally ill, regardless of age or education, are _____ in the U.S. today. A. institutionalized B. incurable C. regarded as touched by the divine D. stigmatized E. given social security benefits (p. 171)

05. _____ are to depression and anxiety as _____ are to antisocial personality, paranoia and drug and alcohol abuse. A. lower classes, upper classes; B. Puerto Ricans, Cubans; C. African Americans, Asians; D. Hispanics, Asians; E. women, men. (p. 178)

Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance

06. Which of the following is not a social factor associated with persons engaging in extramarital sex? A. premarital sex B. being male C. being less religious D. lower income E. having strong social networks (p. 194)

07. _____ occurs in a(n) _____ environment, and almost always involves a more powerful person victimizing the less powerful (best answer). A. Sexual harassment, workplace; B. Sexual harassment, workplace;

C. Prostitution, brothel; D. Prostitution, workplace; E.

Prostitution, urban. (p. 196)

08. According to Perkins (1991) which of the

following statements about prostitutes is correct? A. prostitutes are addicted to sex, B. prostitutes are addicted to drugs, C. prostitutes are unable to attain an orgasm, D. prostitutes are generally indifferent to their clients, E. prostitutes were sexually abused as children. (p. 198)

09. In _____ countries, numbers of youngsters are forced or tricked into prostitution by pimps, parents, or poverty. A. rich; B. Western; C. Scandinavian; D. poor; E. Western countries with legalized prostitution. (p. 200)

10. _____ are less educated, more likely to shoot drugs and get AIDS, and more often arrested by the police than other types of prostitutes. A. call girls; B. streetwalkers; C. house prostitutes; D. baby pros; E. massage parlor prostitutes. (p. 199)

Ch. 10: Homophobia and Its Targets

11. The Reproductive Norm would indicate that _____ is NOT deviant? A. mutual masturbation, B. sex between married people, C. protected sex between married people, D. oral sex, E. premarital sex. (p. 221)

12. Prison inmates who engage in same-sex acts, Lesbians Until Graduation, married women with lesbian lovers on the side, who identify as heterosexual, are referred to in your text as (best answer): A. bisexuals; B. contingents; C. trades; D. situationals; E. closet cases. (p. 228)

13. Although lesbians are similar to heterosexual women in embracing motherhood, they are unlike other women in that they are less likely:

A. to spend much time shopping; B. to be interested in relationships and love; C. to accept the traditional female role D. to have an extensive network of friends; E. to be monogamous. (p. 232)

14. Which of the following statements is not true of gays? A. Almost all parents of gays are heterosexual. B. Children of gays are no more likely than other children to be gay. C. The majority of gay men are involved in long-term relationships characterized by power equality between the partners. D. Gays tend to be far less religious than straights. E. Most studies show no psychological disadvantages for children raised by lesbians or gays. (P. 235)

15. Lesbians and gays are generally _____ than straights. A. better educated; B. less well educated; C. less religious; D. more likely to be republican; E. more likely to live in rural areas. (p. 237)

Ch. 11: Illegal Drug Use

16. ____ kill 60 times as many Americans as do all the _____. A. Heroine and cocaine, downers; B. Marijuana and downers, heroine and cocaine derivatives; C. Alcohol and tobacco, illegal drugs combined; D. Prescription drugs, illegal drugs combined. (p. 248)

17. After users develop a tolerance for _____ depression is likely to set in, followed by intense paranoia. A. methamphetamine B. marijuana C. valium D. tobacco E. alcohol (p. 255)

18. Currie (1993) suggested that the age group

_____ has the highest rate of drug use in the United States. A. 36 and over, B. 25-35, C. 18-25, D. 12-17, E. 0-12. (p. 256)

.19. African-American students in secondary school are now _____ their white peers to use drugs. A. more likely than; B. less likely than; C. just as likely as. (p. 256)

20. According to your text, without the compulsion to use drugs for _____ , users tend to remain occasional users rather than become addicted to drugs. A. social activities B. sexual activities C. recreational activities D. dealing with difficult, intractable problems E. rites of passage for youths. (p. 263)

Part02: Text (Thio) Items: Newly Constructed

Ch.08: Mental Disorder

21. Cherry and Cherry (1973) stated that _____ is so prevalent it is called “the common cold of mental illness”. A. Schizophrenia, B. paranoia, C. obsessive-compulsive behavior, D. depression, E. anxiety reaction. (p. 158)

22. Which of the following is a classification of a functional disorder? A. Schizophrenia, B. anxiety reaction, C. personality disorder, D. depressive reaction, E. all of the above. (pp. 160-163)

. 23. Which of the following is a Psychotic disorder? A. Psychopathic personality, B. Anxiety reaction, C. Obsessive-compulsive behavior, D. Depressive reaction, E. none of the above. (pp. 161-162)


24. Which of the following best fits into a classification where mental illness is common? A. an upper-class white, B. a woman living in the suburbs, C. an upper-class Hispanics, D. city dwelling Asian, E. a poor man. (pp. 166-167)

25. Which of the following is NOT a method used by the court system to institutionalize the mentally ill? A. allowing the defense of insanity, B. denying the right to trial, C. denying probation and parole, D. involuntary commitment proceedings, E. none of the above. (pp. 172-174)

Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance

26. According to Slosser (1997), which adult venue brings in more money that opera, ballet, jazz and classical music combined? A. adult book stores, B. phone sex lines, C. strip clubs, D. adult cable programming, E. none of the above. (p. 189)

27. The Canadian government has ruled that pornography dehumanizes and degrades women. United States feminists argue that pornography violates the fourteen amendment which guarantees A. freedom of individual expression, B. freedom of the press, C. equal access, D. equal protection, E. none of the above. (p. 192)

28. Liberals find pornography distasteful, and _____ censorship because they view pornography as _____. A. applaud, horrific; B. are indifferent to, economically beneficial; C. oppose, harmless; D. oppose, healthy; E. none of the above. (p. 192)

29. According to the National Opinion Research Center (1994) an individual is more likely to have extramarital sex if they possess which of the following social characteristics? A. female, B. regular church attendance, C. household income between $30,000 and $39,999, D. those that had premarital sex, E. none of the above. (p. 195)

30. A _____ is a type of prostitute that is most likely to dress well and adhere to a code of ethics. A. house prostitute, B. child prostitute, C. street walker, D. call girl, E. none of the above. (p. 202)

Ch. 10: Homophobia and Its Targets

31. Which of the following is a characteristic of homophobia? A. antigay attitude, B. prejudice against gays, C. discrimination against gays, D. negative feeling toward gays, E. all of the above. (p. 221)

32. Which of the following statements is true? A. all gays walk like women, B. most child molesters are heterosexual, C. gays play one “role” either the dominant or submissive partner, D. same-sex orientation is a mental illness, E. gays and lesbians have an unfulfilled, unnatural sex life. (pp. 225-226)

33. The best term that describes a lower-class teenaged boy that lets older men perform oral sex on him for money is a A. situational, B. trade, C. street hustler, D. bisexual, E. none of the above. (p. 227)

34. Marcus (1933) defined “coming out” in all of the following stages EXCEPT A. coming out, B. commitment, C. sensitization, D. dissociation, E. these are all stages of coming out. (p. 232)

35. “Sexual Orientation Disturbance” is characterized by which major classification of theory that attempts to explain why some individual are homosexual while others are heterosexual? A. Psychiatric Theory, B. Biological Theory, C. Sociological Theory, D. Natural Theory, E. none of the above. (p. 243)

Ch. 11: Illegal Drug Use

36. Unlike today, in the 17th century people would be put to death in China and Turkey for A. drinking alcohol, B. smoking hashish, C. smoking opium, D. eating psychedelic mushrooms, E. smoking tobacco. (p. 248)

37. Smoking cocaine in the form of crack has a more powerful effect most likely due to A. administration, B. purity, C. dosage, D. drug mixing, E. habituation. (p. 249)

38. Marijuana is A. physically addictive but not psychologically addictive, B. both physically and psychologically addictive, C. psychologically addictive but not physically addictive, D. neither physically nor psychologically addictive, E. there is no consistent evidence to prove or disprove either form of addiction. (p. 250)

39. “_____ is addictive, most users do not become addicts” according to Thio. A. marijuana, B. cocaine, C. crack, D. heroin, E. crystal. (p. 252)

40. Utilizing deviance theories, drug abuse can best be explained with all of the following EXCEPT A. being a member of a drug-using subculture, B. lack of attachment to conventional persons or institutions, C. association with others that use drugs, D. minimizing withdrawal distress, E. easy access to drugs. (p. 266)

Part 3: Video Items (old)

V08: MPD and Abuse—The Search for Satan

41. In the video, The Search for Satan, there is mention of a best seller entitled, _____, which related the experience of a young whose unhappiness was traced to satanic ritual abuse by her family. A. A. Michele Remembers, B. Losing Their Identity, C. Theresas Story, D. A Road Less Traveled, E. Satanic Cult Rituals.

42. One mother, Patty, describes the therapy for her kids as _____ where the kids were able to _____. A hypnotic regression; unconsciously reveal past abuses, B. group sessions; talk with other kids about what happened, C. sticker sessions; use stickers to tell yukky secrets, D. role playing; act out what they remembered, e. drawing sessions; draw pictures of what they remembered.

43. Before being committed to psychiatric treatment, Mary worked as a _____. A. store clerk. B. small business owner. C. full-time housewife and mother. D. telecommunications technician. E. school teacher.

44. At Rush North Side Presbyterian Medical Center, Mary was evaluated by

_____ who used an analogy of _____ to describe Mary’s condition in lay

terms. A. Dr Bennett Braun, rolling marbles B. Dr Roberta Sachs,

shattered vase pieces C. Dr Judith Peterson, scattered toothpicks D. Dr

Meredith Shriner, crashing waves D. Dr Jack Leggett, blowing leaves

45. Patty Burgess became suspicious of Dr Braun’s treatment when the doctor discussed her son’s description of how he _____. A. ritually sacrificed small animals near his home. B. was physically abused by his father. C. taken part in sacrificial cross burning. D. was sexually abused by Patty. E. had stabbed a man in the belly and his guts popped out.

V09: TailHook


46. The annual convention of naval aviators, Tailhook, received attention in 1991 when _____. A. the Admirals Panel discussed the U.S. Navys position regarding women pilots in combat jets. B. Lieutenant Paula Coughlin blew the whistle on improper sexual conduct, C. the Secretary of the Navy personally awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross to naval aviators for their actions in the Gulf War, D. all night parties got too rowdy, E. Ensign Rebecca Hansen levied charges of sexual misconduct against Lieutenant Larry Meyer.

47. How did Senator Durenberger define the problem in Rebecca Harmens case against the Navy? A. how to get Navy at the top to be responsive and answer his questions, B. documenting her claims about being sexually harassed, C. playing one group in the Navy against the other. D. neutralizing the role of the old guard, e. none of the above. (p. 5)

48. What did P.C., Boorda’s slogan for the Navy in the 90s stand for? A. public concern, B. people care, C. politically correct, D. power controversy, e. promotion canceled. (p. 7)

49. As the Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Arthur Stanley had a long record of accomplishments that include all of the following EXCEPT A. he had flown 500 missions in Vietnam, B. in the Gulf War he had commanded the largest American armada since World War II, C. he had received 11 Distinguished Flying Crosses, D. he attained the position of the most senior warfighter in the U.S. Navy, E. as Commander in chief of Pacific Forces (CINCPAC), he maintained a strong presence in Korea.

50. The final straw which led to Admiral Boorda taking his life was _____. A. stress from the Tailhook scandal. B. a sexual harassment case filed against him. C. his dishonor by wearing two V insignia which he had not earned, D. lack of support from the Old Guard. E. his loss of credibility due to Admiral Arthurs retirement.

V09B: “The Lost Children of Rockdale County’

51. According to a Dutch researcher who studied this episode, a transition point in the escalation of group sex was the sexual “sandwich.” It involved _____ male(s) and ______ female(s). A. 2, 1; B. 3, 1; C. 2, 2; D. 1, 3; E. 1, 2.

52. DJ, a central figure in this episode, says that his primary concern was to A. find an outlet for his anger, B. win McGill’s admiration, C. be popular, D. avoid embarrassing his policeman father, E. “get some help.”

53. Heather decides to sneak out late one night and drinks to the point of a blackout after which she realizes she has lost her virginity. This occurred at age A. 12, B. 13, C. 14, D. 15, E. 16.

54. Kevin (who enjoys a great deal of freedom to come and go at home) stops partying after A. his sister gets raped, B. his best friend dies in a car accident, C. his mother enters the hospital with depression, D. he overdoses on drugs, E. he becomes a “born again Christian.”

55. Following a town meeting, Kathleen Toomey MD expresses suprise that A. the teenagers who spoke seemed proud of themselves, B. the ministers wanted to hold a prayer service, C. the parents seemed unable to see their own responsibility in the matter, D. the media seemed to ignore the problem, E. the schools had not done a better job in educating teenagers to use condoms.

.* X V11.56b

56. In 1979, _____ became a partner in Escobars organization, and he was influential in convincing Escobar to _____. A. Carlos Leyter, use larger aircraft. B. Gustavo Salazar Pineda, set up legitimate businesses to move money. C. Juan Lozano, run for political office. D. Mermelstein, to buy Normans Key. e. Jaime Ramirez, use a group of paid hitmen.

57. According to Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of _____, Escobar did more good for the people than did the local government. A. Flying the Gauntlet, B. Drug Lords, C. Columbian Gold, D. The cocaine Kings, E. Evil Money.

58. Most critical to the creation of a big American market for Colombian cocaine: A. American movie stars, B. American drug policy under Reagan, C. American use of pot, D. American foreign aid to Columbia, E. American collusion with Panama’s dictator, Noriega.

59. Key factor that gave Escobar more control than other cartels to enforce discipline in Columbia. A. political office, B. MAS, C. investment in barrios, D. alliance with Nicaragua and Panama, E. linkages to organized crime in U.S.

60.According to the video, “The Godfather of Cocaine, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) used _____ to initially locate cocaine production facilities in Columbia. A. surveillance spy planes. B. interecepted communications, C. tranponders in ether shipments, D. paid informants, E. combined U.S. and Columbian military patrols.

Part 4: Video Items (new)

61. Mary felt she might _____ when her insurance ran out. A. commit suicide, B. live life under a bridge as a bag woman, C. never see her husband again, D. be committed to a state institution, E. disappear among the homeless in another city. (p. 1)

62. Mary’s problems included A. seizures, B. panic attacks, C. a childhood learning disability, D. depression, E. all of the above. (p. 1)

63. In Children at Risk Geraldo Rivera interviewed A. members of Satanic cults, B. families of cult members, C. well known therapists, D. clergy from Marys church, e. academics who studied cults by infiltrating them. (p. 2)


64. Marys friends _____ A. were afraid she was dead, B. kept in touch with her through her school, B. sent her frequent letters, C. organizing a group in her church, D. collected money for her medical expenses. (p. 4)

65. Children in MVD treatment were rewarded for A. telling good stories,

B. telling on each other, C. doing well on their lessons, D. their therapy art work, E. eating well and good behavior at meals. (p. 4)

V09: TailHook

66. The oldest Navy taboo is A. women aboard ship, B. women in the Navy,

C. homosexuals aboard ship, D. women Commanders, E. homosexual commanders.

(p. 1)

67. Tailhook include all but A. receiving awards, B. the latest flight technology, C. drinking, D. female leg-shaving, E. women as colleagues. (p. )

68. Karen Hultgreen emphasized that for a woman to fly a jet airplane it took A. technological skills, B. a lot of muscle, extra training, D. a good crew, E. cooperation on deck. (p. 3)

69. Navy priorities after Hultgrens funeral included A. recruiting and training women, B. restricting flight time for women, C. setting higher standards for women, D. increasing flight time for women, E. promomting more women. (p. 7)

70.Bourda _____ A. was part of the warrior culture, B. was apolitical, C. opposed women flying fighters, D. had no experience as a seaman, E. became chief of Naval operations. (p. 4)

V010: The Transformation

71. Robby and Jim express their belief that A. “The Lord confirmed he

[Ricardo] was the right one [to be discipled].” B. “He [Ricardo] has suffered enough and can now look foward to God’s blessing.” C. “Eunuch’s enjoy a very special place in His [God’s] love.” D. “We do not share their [our denomination’s] views on homosexuality.” E. “We just could not bear to think of him [Ricardo] dying on the street.”

72. In a dramtic exchange, Ricard says, “I just hate them.” He is referring to A. the members of his original church, B. his breasts, C. his sexual urges, D. all the sins of his youth, E. his parents.

73. The person who we see most clearly confronting Ricardo with the suggestion that “the transformation” may not be clear cut and over with is A. Terry Lenton, B. Carlos Aparicio, C. Robby, D. Betty, E. Hugo.

74. When Ricardo (helping Terry) presses Gigi to “Come with us; we have a place for you.”, Gigi responds A. “I cant’ right now.” B. “How would I support myself?” C. “I tried going straight before and it did not work.” D. “You know what the problem is.” E. “Do you trust him [Terry] that much?”

75. Toward the close of his life, we see Ricardo expressing dread that he will A. lose Betty, B. be unable to pay his bills, C. grow thin and ugly, D. have to face God, E. not know what he is doing.

V11: Cocaine Cartel

76. Escobars move of the headquarters of the cocaine business to Nicaragua followed _____ . A. the US government sponsored raid on his hacienda, B. Seals turning informant to avoid prison, C. threats from other members of the cartel, D. some of the above, E. none of the above.

77. Pablo Escobar is remembered in _____. A. a foreign film, B. a wax museum, C. a novel, D. the presidential palace, E. the national archives. (p. 1)

78. According to the video what gap in the drug distribution was filled by the development of the drug cartel in the city of Medellin? A. heroine, B. marijuana, C. cocaine, D. alcohol, E. none of the above.

79. Escobar is portrayed as all but a _____. A. national folk hero, B. ruthless, C. strategic thinker, D. devoted family man, E. statesman.


80. Lamb, the American ambassador, suggests that Colombians did not perceive cocaine as a Colombian problem because A. Hispanidad, B. they didnt use cocaine, C. it was just another export product, D. U.S. citizens were the consumers, E. all of the above.



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