Welcome back to a new school year from the Butler PTA!

The Butler PTA is a volunteer organization of parents that supports your child’s education. This

back-to-school packet contains the following:

• PTA Membership/Volunteer Forms

• Butler PTA Fundraisers

• Butler PTA Board Members and Event Coordinators lists

• Butler PTA Calendar


Funds field trips and enrichment programs to enhance, elevate and diversify each Butler students’

school experience (approximately $8,000/year).

Arts & Enrichment Programs funded by the PTA in years past have included.

|Kindergarten: |Higgins Armory, Wilson Farms, Habitat (plants and animals lifecycles), |

| |Author Norah Dooley, Chiao Bin Huang (Chinese ribbon dancer) |

|First Grade: |Blue Hills Observatory, Habitat (frogs program), Weatherman Joe Venuti, Author Norah Dooley, Franklin|

| |Park Zoo |

|Second Grade: |Author Debbie Miller (Alaska Iditarod), John Kenney (Alaskan sled dogs), Gail LaRocca (Africa |

| |adventure speaker), Habitat (soil program) |

|Third Grade: |Museum of Science (electricity), Plimoth Plantation (Native Americans) |

|Fourth Grade: |Discovery Museum (sound workshop), Harvard Museum (rocks and minerals), Museum of Science (sound |

| |through science and music) |

|Grades 1–4: |Historical Perspectives—Abe Lincoln presentation |

Sponsors a variety of family-oriented and community-building events. Some of which are:

(approximately $2,000/year).

Fall/Spring Picnics Book Fair/Ice Cream Social Talent Show

Ice Skating Night Fourth Grade Moving On Art Show

Library Nights Teachers’ Appreciation Luncheon Color Day

Funds teachers’ instructional expenses, textbooks, and library books (approximately $6,500/year).

Capital Improvements ($3,000)

Bruce MacDonald Campership Fund ($3,000)


|Become a member! |Volunteer for an event and/or fundraiser |

|Donate to the funding appeal |Collect and drop off box tops |

|Attend monthly PTA meetings |Participate in our fundraisers |

| | |


Parent support and involvement are vital to the Butler PTA success!

Last year, the PTA invested approximately $65 per student (and numerous volunteer hours) to provide the rich variety of programs, events and instructional support mentioned above! The PTA is pleased and proud to be able to organize and offer a rich variety of programs. However, the PTA is YOU… this parent volunteer organization can only be effective with your support!

To join the PTA, volunteer your time, and/or donate to the Funding Appeal, please fill out the attached Membership Form and return it to your child’s teacher.

We welcome your support! We are always looking for more volunteers, and look forward to an exciting year together!

Thank you!

Deborah Clark – Butler PTA President

and 2009-10 PTA Board

REMINDER: Each year the PTA earns $300 from box tops like these:

You can help by simply clipping the 10¢ Box Tops coupons from hundreds of products. Send them

to school with your child, or drop them in the Box Tops container located outside the school’s main

office. Questions? Contact Gerri Strickler (617.489.1629)

It’s so easy! We can earn money for our school by doing what we already do – shop! Simply go to and join, it’s free; then start shopping with the 789 Merchants. All of the proceeds go to our school to help enrich your child’s educational experience. Happy Shopping!!

Introducing the PTA Rewards Card, the world’s largest discount

program. Save hundreds of dollars a year while helping support

our PTA. There are more than 250,000 retail offers for you to

choose from. You can even use it on vacation and save even more.

Log onto and purchase a card. The more

we sell the more we earn.

Thank you for supporting your child’s learning through Butler PTA sponsored programs!

Yes, I will do my part!

Butler PTA Membership &

Funding Appeal Form

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

Student Name(s):__________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________ Email: ________________________________________________

______ I would like to join the Butler PTA. Here is my annual $25 membership fee.

______ I would like to donate to the “Bruce MacDonald Campership Fund”

______ I would also like to support the Funding Appeal with a donation of

______ $200 Platinum Sponsor

______ $100 Gold Sponsor

______ $75 Silver Sponsor

______ $50 Bronze Sponsor

______ $______ (other)

_______ If you would like your donation to remain anonymous please put a check on the line.

Make your donation go twice as far! Ask your employer if they have an employee “matching grant” program. Your donation to the Butler PTA is eligible for a matching gift if your employer offers this type of program.

_____ My employer has a “Matching Grant” program.

_____ Please contact me for details or

_____ I have enclosed the necessary form for completion

$________ Total Amount Enclosed

Please make check payable to Butler PTA

All fee and donations are tax deductible

Thank you for supporting the Butler PTA and your child’s education!

Yes, I will do my part!

Butler PTA Volunteer Form

Name ______________________________________________________________________________

Phone ______________________________ Email (optional) _________________________________

I might be interested in volunteering on the following Committee(s). Please circle up to three.

|Standing Committees |Event Committees | |

|After School Enrichment |Art Show |International Fair* |

|Arts & Enrichment |Book Fair |Library Nights |

|Funding |Box Tops for Education |Picture Day |

|Hospitality |Color Day |Talent Show |

|Library |Fall/Spring Clean-ups |Teachers’ Appreciation Luncheon |

|New Family Sponsor |Fall/Spring Picnics |Movie Night* |

|Nominating |Food Drive | |

|Publicity |Ice-cream Social | |

|School Directory |Ice Skating Night | |

*Many volunteers needed! Descriptions of events are enclosed. Please return to your child’s teacher by September 28.

Butler PTA Fundraisers

Shop for Butler! Each time you buy a Shaw’s $50 gift card from us, the PTA will receive 5% to put towards funding field trips, library books, and more! The gift cards work like cash at Shaw’s and Star Market stores. The Shaw’s fundraiser is all year long. You can purchase a card(s):

1.) At PTA meetings and events.

2.) By mail: fill out the form below and send it with your check in an envelope marked “Shaw’s”

to school with your child. Card(s) will be delivered to your home.

Name ______________________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________

Phone ______________________________ Email (optional) __________________________________

Quantity of cards _____ x $50 = Total $_______

Please make check payable to Butler PTA. Questions? Contact Kathy Craig (617.484.1668)

Thank you for supporting your child’s learning through Butler PTA sponsored programs!

Butler PTA Board


The Board meets monthly to schedule school events, plan agendas for PTA meetings, prepare a budget,

and seek ways the PTA can better serve the Butler School and community.

The officers listed below make up the PTA Board and are nominated at the end of each school year. The nominations are put to a vote at the final PTA meeting of the year, prior to the year they are to serve.

All PTA members are eligible to vote for the Board and are encouraged to run for any open positions.

President Deborah Clark 617.230.2445/smellibilligirl@

Oversee all PTA activities run by Coordinators, draft annual budget, set agendas for and run PTA meetings, write monthly newsletters, attend interschool PTA Presidents’ meetings.

Vice President Patrick Whittemore 617.448.9867/patrick.whittemore@

Runs PTA meetings in the absence of President(s). Manages volunteers for Standing and Event Committees.

Treasurer Devin Brown 617.484.7703/DevinBBrown@

Prepares annual budget. Manages incoming and outgoing funds. Reports regularly to PTA Board and members on financial status and advises on spending.

Secretary Camille Westover 617.297.2444/camillewestover@

Records minutes at Board and PTA meetings. Types and makes copies of minutes, submits minutes to President(s) for review, and posts them in advance of next meeting.

Arts & Enrichment Committee Emily Westover 617.484.2720/emily.westover@

Researches and coordinates arts and enrichment activities with teachers. Schedules speakers, field trips, and bus transportation. Works with other schools to combine activities. Writes grants to help secure funding for programs.

Funding Committee Kathy Craig 617.484.1668/samkathy@

Oversees and tracks annual membership drive and funding appeal. Organizes additional fundraisers (not including the auction), and acknowledges all contributions.

BEDP Committee Anne Mahon 617.484.2403/annemahon@

Meets monthly to oversee the operation of the PTA’s Butler Extended Day (BEDP), and Morning Care Programs (MC). Reports twice per year to the PTA General Meeting.

Standing Committee Coordinators 2009–2010

The Standing Committees provide ongoing service to the PTA throughout the school year. Each position is vital to our success! Coordinators recruit and organize volunteers for each committee. Each Standing Committee Coordinator is appointed by the PTA Board.

After School Enrichment Deborah Clark 617.230.2445/smellibilligirl@

Manage all aspects of the program including: student registration, curriculum development, and financial transactions. Classes meet for six-week sessions throughout the school year.

Hospitality Coordinator Yuri Sung 617.489.2142/yurimsung@

Arranges for refreshments at PTA meetings and various kindergarten functions.

Information Technology

Coordinator Patrick Whittemore 617.448.9867/patrick.whittemore@

Coordinates with Secretary to publish PTA meeting minutes and other school information on the Butler website, belmont.k12.ma.us/butler

Library Coordinator Joanne MacIsaac 617.484.7686/joannemacisaac@

Recruits and trains volunteers to work in the library during school hours.

Welcome Committee Yuri Sung 617.489.2142/yurimsung@

Coordinate volunteers to sponsor new families attending the school. Organize New Family and Kindergarten picnics.

Publicity Coordinators Lisa Evans 617.489.1821/levans@

Take photos and write articles about school events for local newspaper.

Room Parent Coordinator Mary Christensen 617.489.4352/twogoofies@

Coordinates room parents and communicates duties. Hosts the beginning of the year room parent coffee meeting.

School/Warrant Committee Observer Anne Mahon 617.484.2403/annemahon@

Attends School Committee meetings and reports relevant information to the PTA. Attend School Committee meeting

School Directory Coordinator Karen Lilla 617.828.2258/karenlilla@

Kevin Cunningham 617.489.4881/kcunning@alum.mit.edu

Compiles student information, prints and distributes directory by October 31.

Event Coordinators 2009-2010

Each school year the PTA sponsors approximately 20 events (not including Arts & Enrichment programs). One or two Coordinators are needed to schedule and organize each event, as well as, recruit parent volunteers—it is only with the help of many volunteers that the events run smoothly and successfully. Coordinators are also responsible for finding new Coordinator(s) to take their place.

Art Show Helen Mosallam 617.489.2053/helenmosallam@

Noha Ahmed 617.484.6949/nohama@

Radhika Tavshikar 617.932.1670/radhika_milind@

Our most artistic event of the year! Enjoy viewing students’ artwork on display. The event features a guest performer and stations where students and families can create new art.

Book Fair* Irene Laing 617.489.0078/irene_laing@

Yumi Grassia 617.489.3465/yumigrassia@

Books, books, books! The two-day book sale for the Butler community is held in October and June. Proceeds go to the Butler Library Fund. Families are also invited to purchase books as gifts to the Library.

Color Day Sean D’Angelo 617-484-5254/sean.dangelo@

Ready, set, go! Students wear an assigned color–red, white, or blue–and compete in old-fashioned, outdoor games, including the

3-legged race, potato sack race, and tug-of-war. A favorite of many students! Parents are asked to bring fruit or cold beverages,

or supervise a relay station.

Fall/Spring Clean-ups Johanna Swift Hart 617.484.3530/johanna@

Bring your gardening tools! Butler families gather in the afternoon to clean up the school grounds.

Fall/Spring Picnic Johanna Swift Hart 617.484.3530/johanna@

Bring a picnic dinner and meet and mingle with parents while children have fun on the playground. Enjoy a popsicle for dessert!

Food Drive Lisa Oteri 617-484-8180/Lisa_Oteri@dfci.harvard.edu

Students are asked to bring non-perishable food items to school to be donated to the Belmont Food Pantry. This is a wonderful way to teach our children the importance of service while helping the Belmont community.

Box Tops For Education* Gerri Strickler 617.489.1629/gerri_gas@

Drop off box tops in the canister near the main office and watch our money grow to about $300/year.

Ice-Cream Social Deanna Witter Alexander 617.498.7891/deannawitter@

Vanilla or chocolate? The ice-cream social is held on the final night of the Book Fair in December. Enjoy a new book and an ice-cream sundae.

Ice Skating Night Ted Sung 617.489.2142/teds@

A winter skating party at the Skip Viglirolo Rink in Belmont.

International Fair* Joanka Sayer 617.932.1760/joanka.sayer@

Lee Acherson 617.484.1910/Leland_Ackerson@uml.edu

Celebrate Butler’s diverse community! Play games, sample ethnic foods, and learn about cultures from around the world.

Library Nights Lisa Oteri 617.484.8180/ola774@

Kerry O’Connell 617.489.1068/hubert.vale@

Once upon a time…Several times throughout the school year, authors and guest speakers visit Butler to share stories for all to enjoy.

Picture Day * Lisa Gibalerio 617.489.4881/lgibalerio@

Joan Craig 617.484.3790/oceanview105@

Say cheeeese! Each fall students have their pictures and classroom pictures taken.

Talent Show Al Halliday 617.484.8517/alasdair@

Devin Brown 617.484.7703/devinbbrown@

Students sing, dance, read poetry, play musical instruments and demonstrate many other talents—a proud day for students and their families. Bravo!

Teachers’ Appreciation Lisa Gibalerio 617.489.4881/lgibalerio@

Luncheon Marilyn Westgate 617.489.1145/m.westgate@

Thank you teachers! For all their hard work throughout the year, we host a luncheon in their honor.

Movie Night at “The Butler” * Joan Craig 617.484.3790/oceanview105@

Kathy Craig 617.484.1668/samkathy@

Bring your favorite blanket and pillow to snuggle up with as you watch a family friendly film.

Recycle Day * Deborah Clark 617.230.2445/smellibilligirl@

Head out to those garages, into the forbidden closets and damp and scary basements to find those old, out dated electronics to recycle.

* notes a fundraiser

~ Butler PTA Calendar ~



Fall Picnic: Monday, Sept. 14 (6-8pm)

Curriculum Night: Monday, Sept. 21 (K-2) Tuesday, Sept. 22 (3-4) (7-8pm)

Room Parent Coffee: Wednesday, Sept. 23 (8:45-9:30am)

Picture Day: Thursday, Sept. 24


PTA Meeting: Monday, Oct. 5 (7-9pm)

Fall Clean-up: Thursday and Friday, Oct. 1 and 2 (2:45-4pm)

Book Fair: Thursday, Oct. 29 (8am-3pm) and Friday, Oct. 30 (8am-3pm/6-8pm)

Ice Cream Social: Friday, Oct. 30 (6-8pm)


PTA Meeting: Monday, Nov. 2 (7-9pm)

Library Night: Wednesday, Nov 4 (6:30-8pm)

Movie Night: Tuesday, Nov 10 (6:30-8:30pm)


PTA Meeting: Monday, Dec. 7 (7-9pm)


PTA Meeting: Monday, Jan 4 (7-9pm)

Ice Skating Night: TBA (7-9pm)

International Fair: Saturday, Jan 30 (10am-2pm)


PTA Meeting: Monday, Feb. 1 (7-9pm)

Library Night: Tuesday, Feb. 9 (6:30-8pm)


PTA Meeting: Monday, March 1 (7-9pm)

Art Show: Wednesday, March 3 (6:30-8:30pm)

Food Drive: Monday, March 15 through Friday, March 19


PTA Meeting: Monday, April 5 (7-9pm)

Talent Show: Saturday, April 10—(2-4pm)

Library Night: Thursday, April 29 (6:30-8pm)


PTA Meeting: Monday, May 3 (7-9pm)—Nominations for board members

Teachers’ Appreciation Luncheon: Wednesday, May 12

Spring Clean-up: Thursday and Friday, May 20 and 21 (2:45-4pm)

Color Day: Friday, May 28 (9am-12pm)


PTA Meeting: Monday, June 7 (7-9pm)—Vote on board members

Recycle Day: Saturday, June 5 (9am-1pm)

Book Fair: TBA (8am-3pm) and TBA (8am-3pm/6-8pm)

Spring Picnic: Monday, June 14 (6-8pm)

Note: For a listing of school holidays, vacation weeks, and early release days, visit



School Year


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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