held on Wednesday 13 June 2018 at the Red Lion, Hollington DE6 3AG

at 8.00 pm

|Attendee |Pub |Attendee |Pub |

|Sally Levitt |Red Lion |Alan Smith |Burton Bridge Inn |

|Richard Dobson |Red Lion |Dave Symons |Burton Bridge Inn |

|Les Hurst |Dew Drop Inn A |Tony MacDonald |Duke of Clarence B |

|Chris Willis |Dew Drop Inn A |Anne MacDonald |Duke of Clarence B |

|Dennis Slater |Square & Compass |Stephen Hatcher |Royal Oak Ockbrook |

|John Hustler |Cliff Inn |Gordy Taylor |Royal Oak (O) |

|Sylvia Taylor |Cliff Inn | | |

Apologies for absence:

|Iwan Thomas |Royal Oak Ockbrook |Craig Robbins |Royal Oak Ockbrook |

|Debs Simpson |Duke of Clarence A |Nigel Coe |Bowling Green |

|David Edwards |Son of Lakeside | | |


1. Apologies for absence: as above

2. Minutes of Annual Meeting held on Wednesday 7 June 2017: taken as read

3. Matters arising: none

4. Review of 2017-2018 League Season:

Generally agreed that the League Season ran smoothly.

However, the Plate competition, on occasions, suffered with late communication of results when, in particular, home pubs needed to be notified of the extra matches. The venue of the Finals didn’t seem to have been widely known.

5. Website: Again, many thanks to Les for continuing to maintain our site. He reported that over half of the ‘hits’ related to people accessing our past questions.

Gordy said he had been using the neighbourhood pages of Facebook to publicise the League although it had probably not borne fruit. He encouraged others to try! Les said there was no point in the League having a Facebook page because it was run similarly to our site is anyway and would involve duplication of work.

6. Arrangements for the 2018 - 2019 League Season

Ideally 1 new team would be welcome.

Two points/ reminders to be taken to the next committee on Monday 18 June:

The annual prompt to team to express their availability for next season.

David Edwards letter received concerning changes to the wording of three rules.

7. Review of the Chairman's Charity Quiz Night held on 4 October 2017

Recommendations for 2018-19:

We must be sure to book the venue early.

The Quad and R-R Social Club were recommended as possible Derby-based venues.

8. Open Trophy and Plate Finals Night held at the Royal Oak, Ockbrook on Wednesday 9 May 2018

Winners: Open Trophy – Royal Oak, Ockbrook (65 v 59 Bowling Green)

Plate – Bradley House (66 v 43 Punch Bowl)

The evening went well. Buffet paid for by league

9. Awards Evening and Brain of Derbyshire held at the Royal Oak, Ockbrook on Wednesday 16 May 2017

Brain of Derbyshire winner: David Edwards (sets questions for next year)

Barmote division winner: Strutt Club and runner up Square & Compass

Trent division winner: Royal Oak Ockbrook and runner up Dew Drop A

Buffet sponsored by Geoff Mumford, owner of Burton Bridge Inn.

Suggestion that 14 – 1 was too long. ? 1 peg only.

Should semi- and finalists be allowed to take part? On this occasion they were because the general attendance was low.

10. Proposals for the AGM: none

11. Area Representatives: no further volunteers.

12. AOB:

Thanks expressed to Sally for being a match secretary for 25 years.

(Gratefully received.)

Meeting closed at 8.40pm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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