held on Wednesday 13 June 2012 at the Brunswick Inn at 8.00 pm

|Sally Levitt |Black Cow |Nigel Coe |Bowling Green |

|John Wesson |Black Cow |Dave Bunting |Bowling Green |

|Richard Dobson |Black Cow |Les Hurst |Good Old Days |

|Dave Tagg |Miners Arms |Chris Willis |Good Old Days |

|Geoff Jackson |Miners Arms |David Edwards |JCB Lakeside |

|Roger Springthorpe |Miners Arms |Elizabeth Banks |JCB Lakeside |

|Steve Hatcher |Brunswick |Iwan Thomas |Royal Oak Ockbrook |

|Debs Simpson |Abbey B |Alan Smith |Burton Bridge Inn |

|Tony MacDonald |Labour Club |David Symons |Burton Bridge Inn |

1. Apologies for absence: Ian Robertson, Chris Simpson

2. Minutes of Annual Meeting held on Wednesday 15 June 2011 were read and agreed.

3. Matters arising – there were none

4. Review of 2011-2012 League Season

The season generally deemed to be more satisfactory this year due to:

The 4 division, 8 teams per division, set up enabled a maximum of games played. It was noted that this was due to the fortunate coincidence of just 32 teams in the league this year.

The pre-naming of the questions in two of the team rounds. However, care should be taken by the question setters not to give the round cryptic titles, neither should the titles be too descriptive. Ideally these titles should not be divulged before the toss.

5. Website Many thanks were expressed to Les for the maintenance of the site. Les had prepared the statistics on site usage and by far the most 'hits' scored were by visitors accessing the past questions pages. It was suggested that the questions should not be published on the web until it is confirmed that all the teams had played the match. Once published the questions could not be used for un-played matches.

6. Arrangements for the 2012 - 2013 League Season

Subs – not yet agreed for next season but Sally noted that the increased postage would be an extra cost. It was noted the non-publication of the year Book had saved £150 this year.

Summer Mini-League - David Edwards aired a suggestion that will be considered at the next committee meeting – to bring the league together, create a small summer league from May to September, say 5 teams – 4 playing and 1 compiling the questions for that week. He suggested the group to consist of the division leaders Barmote and Scarsdale (North) and top two teams of Dove (South) plus the winners of the Open Trophy, but negotiable. Where the teams selected thus declined to play for whatever reason, alternative teams may be approached.

There should be no cost to the league. Fixtures to be arranged informally.

A vote was taken (one vote per team represented) on Promotion/demotion of teams in Dove and Trent, 8 for – 2 against.

7. Charity Quiz Night held at the Royal Oak, Ockbrook., January 2012: a good evening, good venue. Abbey A was winning team and hopefully will arrange the evening next year.

£271 sent to Derby Nottingham Rutland Helicopter appeal.

Recommendations for 2013 - Iwan advised early booking if we wish to use the same venue in 2013.

8. Open Trophy and Plate Finals Night held at two of the finalists' pubs on Wednesday 25 April 2012.

There was not a great turn out of spectators at either venue (JCB Lakeside and Steam Packet.)

Open Trophy won by JCB Lakeside 75 v 57 Green Man.

Plate won by Steam Packet 71 v 61 Burton Bridge Inn.

9. Brain of Derbyshire held at the JCB Lakeside on Wednesday 2 May

An enjoyable evening including a 15-to–one type interlude. Suggested this was too drawn out and questions should get progressively harder earlier, or limit the lives allowed. Won by Stephen Cooke of New Inn.

Suggested that the Division awards and tropies be presented on this occasion rather than the AGM thus perhaps attracting more participants to the BoD.

10. Proposals for the AGM there were none.

11. Election:

Southern Area Match Secretary – Sally was proposed, seconded and agreed to stand.

Area Representatives: Iwan Thomas

12. AOB

The match played in 4th round of Open Trophy on 14 March between New Inn, Hasland and Miners Arms, Church Gresley.

A dispute occurred over this match. The New Inn phoned the Miners Arms at 7.20pm to say they would be late. They finally arrived at 9.20pm. The dispute had been dealt with by the committee and largely it was felt that this outcome was the best that can have been decided: the Miners Arms were awarded the match.

However, a member of the New Inn (not the Team Captain) had phoned and written a letter to Geoff Jackson after the match, expressing, in objectionable terms, what he thought of the Miners Arms claiming the match.

The Miners Arms team are aggrieved (to the extent that they are considering their membership of the league next season) that the wholly inappropriate behaviour of this New Inn team member has not been addressed sufficiently or censured.

It was agreed this matter will be taken forward to the next League committee meeting on 20 June.

The meeting closed at 9.25pm


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