Hunting Outlook Hunting Outlook

2018 Upland Game Hunting Outlook

The following forecast is based on spring and summer upland-game population surveys, including the July Rural Mail Carrier Surveys, and the Northern Bobwhite Whistle Count Survey. In addition, biologists from several districts provided input on regional weather events that could have impacted populations and general habitat conditions. The descriptions below reflect the best available information regarding the relative abundances of small and upland game species among the regions of Nebraska, but cannot be used to predict hunting conditions or local population densities at any single location within a region. Public land and lands open to public hunting through the Open Fields and Waters program can be found in the Public Access Atlas, available online at .

RING-NECKED PHEASANTS The statewide index for pheasant abundance from the July Rural Mail Carrier Survey (see reverse) were similar to 2017, but regional indices were mostly lower. The Panhandle and Southwest regions will again provide the best opportunities for pheasants, with public land access higher in the Southwest. Indices were higher than their 5-year means in the Panhandle, Sandhills, and Southwest, indicating harvest opportunities in those areas should be better than typical over the past 5 years. Spring weather was unseasonably cold, possibly leading to a delay in the onset of nesting. A late April snowstorm also affected parts of the state, but there were no reports of mass mortality events and the snow was short lived on the ground. Survey results provide only a broad-scale assessment of abundance. At local scales, pheasant abundance might be higher or lower than region-wide estimates suggest for a given region. Pre-hunt scouting is encouraged.

NORTHERN BOBWHITE The bobwhite statewide abundance indices from the July Rural Mail carrier survey and the whistle count survey were lower than in 2017, but regional indices were a bit mixed for both surveys (see reverse). The best opportunities for bobwhites should be found in the Republican, Southeast, and East Central bobwhite regions. Regional indices for these regions were also above the 5-year means, indicating hunting opportunities for bobwhites in these regions should be at least comparable to the past 5 years. Although snowfall in other areas of the state was above average, in the primary quail range snowfall was lower than average. However, the colder spring conditions may have delayed the onset of nesting, affecting production. Survey results provide only a broad-scale assessment of relative abundance and at local scales, within regions, bobwhite abundance might be either higher or lower than regional estimates suggest. Scouting before heading afield is encouraged.

PRAIRIE GROUSE (SHARP-TAILED GROUSE & GREATER PRAIRIE-CHICKEN) Statewide, indices of prairie grouse abundance were higher than in 2017, and were higher than the 5-year average. Regionally, indices were up in the Central, Panhandle, and Sandhills regions, and were lower elsewhere (not shown). The best opportunities for prairie grouse will be in the Sandhills and Central regions. Rainfall during the spring and summer has reversed the effects of last year's drought in the Sandhills, and abundant vegetation and insects were available to nesting and brooding hens. However, precipitation over the nesting season was above normal and might have negatively affected production.

See back of sheet for regional survey results

Pheasant Survey Units:

2018 Upland Game Bird Survey Results





Northeast Southeast

Region Central Northeast Panhandle Sandhills Southeast Southwest Statewide

% Change from*:

2017 July Rural


Mail Carrier

















OVERALL Abundance

Rank (1 = Best)

6 4

1 3 5


Top Counties (Based on July Rural Mail Carrier Survey)

Greeley, Sherman, Howard Burt, Colfax, Pierce, Madison, Dixon

Sheridan, Dawes, Cheyenne, Deuel, Morrill

Blaine, Thomas, Cherry Nemaha, Hamilton, Thayer, Saunders

Perkins, Hitchcock, Chase, Red Willow, Dundy

Bobwhite Units:

1. West Platte 2. Republican 3. North Central 4. Northeast 5. East Central 6. Southeast





5 6




2017 Bobwhite Whistle Count

2017 Rural Mail Carrier Survey

2013-2017 Average RMCS

Abundance Rank

(1 = Best)

Top Counties (Based on July Rural Mail Carrier Survey)

West Platte





Adams, Gosper, Keith, Dawson, Chase






Webster, Harlan, Franklin, Furnas

North Central





Greeley, Sherman, Valley, Loup






Boone, Colfax, Madison, Nance

East Central





Clay, Thayer, Hamilton, York, Merrick






Saline, Richardson, Jefferson, Pawnee





* For low-ranked regions, large percent changes in indices might not translate into noticeable changes in hunting conditions.


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