AC4OH Agenda OHP State of Nevada Health Program



Meeting Minutes – DRAFT

June 4, 2021

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Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Board members will be attending remotely. Members of the public will also participate via teleconference and Zoom link.

Board Members Present In Person and Via Phone:

Dr. Lisa Collier

Dr. Tina Brandon-Abbatangelo

Dr. David Cappelli

Ms. Terri Chandler

Ms. Mary Liveratti

Dr. Bryce Putnam

Board Members Not Present:

Ms. Cara Kirby-Lutes

Dr. Max Coppes

Ms. Cathie Davenport

Mr. Benjamin Prohaska

Ms. Kelly Taylor

Department of Health and Human Services Staff:

Ms. Robyn Gonzalez, Policy Specialist DHCFP

Ms. Paula Pence, Policy Specialist DHCFP

Dr. Antonina Capurro, State Dental Health Officer, DPBH

Ms. Jessica Woods, State Interim Public Health Dental Hygienist, DPBH

Ms. Loretta Moses, Executive Administrative Assistant, DPBH

Public Participants:

Ms. Michele Reeder, Executive Director, Nevada Dental Association

Xania Pyne, Liberty Dental Plan

Eduardo Menchaca, Liberty Dental Plan

Ms. Syd McKenzie, Oral Health Nevada, Secretary

Francine Flores, Research & Grant Coordinator, School of Dental Medicine, UNLV

Jessica Clausen,

Linda Anderson,

Nina Trijillo,

Stacy Smith,

Alexandra Neal,

|1. Agenda Item |Call to Order |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| |Roll Call |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| | |Interim Chair |

|Discussion |Dr. Collier called the State Advisory Committee for Oral Health (AC4OH) meeting to order. Roll | |

| |call taken and quorum reached. | |

| | | |

| |Public comment: | |

|2. Agenda Item |Guest Speaker – Dr. Ricks, Chief Dental Officer, |Rear Admiral Timothy Ricks, DMD, MPH, FICD, |

| |U.S. Public Health Service |Assistant Surgeon General of the United States |

| | | |

| |“Oral Health in America: contemporary Issues |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| |Affecting Oral Health in the Next Decade” |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| | |Interim Chair |

|Discussion |Dr. Collier introduce guest speaker, RADM Timothy L. Ricks. Dr. Ricks gave a presentation. | |

| | | |

| |Public comment: None | |

|3. Agenda Item |Recess |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| | |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| | |Interim Chair |

|4. Agenda Item |Approval of April 23, 2021 Minutes |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| | |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| | |Interim Chair |

|Discussion |Dr. Collier asked for roll call. Roll call taken and quorum reached. Dr. Collier asked for | |

| |approval of the April 23, 2021 meeting minutes presented. Ms. Chandler motioned to approve; Dr. | |

| |Putnam second the motion. All those in favor-all, any opposed-none, any abstensions-0. Motion | |

| |passed. | |

| | | |

| |Public comment: None | |

|5. Agenda Item |AC4OH and Oral Health Year in Review |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| | |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| | |Interim Chair |

|Discussion |Dr. Collier gave review of AC4OH and Oral Health. | |

| |Continuing to evaluate the Endodontics access crises | |

| |Upcoming Strategic planning retreat will help us to set goals and address how the AC4OH | |

| |committee will proceed in serving the citizens of the state of Nevada | |

| |Continue to fluoride varnish and sealants | |

| |Committee would like to see a focus on Emergency Room non-traumatic dental procedures. Dr. | |

| |Capurro gave a recap on work on the non-emergency redirect program with Liberty. | |

| |Committee would like to see a focus on a Certification program for Dental Hygienist to place | |

| |Silver dimming fluoride in IRT. Dr. Cappelli offered a UNLV partnership in the education. | |

| | | |

| |Public comment: None | |

|6. Agenda Item |Recommendation for Appointment of Members |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| |for Open Positions |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| | |Interim Chair |

| |Discussion and Possible Advisory | |

| |Committee Recommendations | |

|Discussion |Dr. Collier presented the following individual Curriculum Vitae for recommendation for | |

| |appointment of AC4OH members for open positions for the term 7/1/21-6/30/23 term. | |

| |Dr. Collier asked for approval of Jose R. Cucalon Calderon, MD, FAAP to the AC4OH Committee to | |

| |the 7/1/21-6/30/23 term. Dr. Brandon Abbatangelo motioned to approve; Dr. Cappelli second the | |

| |motion. All those in favor-all, any opposed-none, any abstensions-0. Motion passed. | |

| |Dr. Collier asked for approval of Tina Brandon Abbatangelo, DDS to the AC4OH Committee to the | |

| |7/1/21-6/30/23 term. Dr. Cappelli motioned to approve; Dr. Putnam second the motion. All those | |

| |in favor-all, any opposed-none, any abstensions-0. Motion passed. | |

| |Dr. Collier asked for approval of Terri Chandler, RDH to the AC4OH Committee to the | |

| |7/1/21-6/30/23 term. Dr. Cappelli motioned to approve; Dr. Brandon Abbatangelo second the | |

| |motion. All those in favor-all, any opposed-none, any abstensions-0. Motion passed. | |

| |Dr. Collier asked for approval of Lisa Collier, DDS to the AC4OH Committee to the 7/1/21-6/30/23| |

| |term. Ms. Chandler motioned to approve; Ms. Liveratti second the motion. All those in favor-all,| |

| |any opposed-none, any abstension-1 (Dr.Collier). Motion passed. | |

| |Dr. Collier asked for approval of Bryce S. Putnam DMD to the AC4OH Committee to the | |

| |7/1/21-6/30/23 term. Dr. Cappelli motioned to approve; Ms. Chandler second the motion. All those| |

| |in favor-all, any opposed-none, any abstensions-0. Motion passed. | |

| | | |

| |Public comment: None | |

|7. Agenda Item |Recommendation for Appointment of Vice Chair to Serve on the Advisory Committee on the State |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| |Program for Oral Health |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| | |Interim Chair |

| |Discussion and Possible Advisory Committee Recommendations | |

|Discussion |Table the appointment of vice-chair to October 1, 2021, AC4OH meeting. | |

| | | |

| |Public comment: None | |

|8. Agenda Item. |Recommendations for Future Agenda Items |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| | |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| | |Interim Chair |

|Discussion |Recap of legislation that has passed. Presentation by Dr. Capurro | |

| |Create standing legislative sub-committee that meets on laws passed and regulations to be | |

| |written. DAG advice neded. | |

| |Dr. Collier asked for approval on a special strategic planning meeting on Friday, July 23, 2021 | |

| |at 9:00am to discuss details on the format, location, and dates for the Strategic Planning | |

| |Session(s). Ms. Chandler motioned to approve; Dr. Brandon Abbatangelo second the motion. All | |

| |those in favor-all, any opposed-none, any abstensions-0. Motion passed. | |

| | | |

| |Public comment: None | |

|9. Agenda Item. |Public Comment |Lisa Collier, DDS |

| | |Chief Dental Officer, Community Health Alliance |

| |Public Comment will be taken during agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under|Interim Chair |

| |this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. The| |

| |Chair may elect to allow public comment on a specific agenda item when that item is being | |

| |considered. | |

|Discussion |Ms. Syd McKenzie thanked Dr. Collier for continued service and leadership as Interim Chair. | |

| |Ms. Liveratti also congratulated Dr. Collier and all the members for their service. She stated | |

| |she is moving out of the state; however, she is a phone call away if ever we need her. | |

|10. Agenda Item. |Adjournment | |

|Discussion |Dr. Collier asked for adjournment. Ms. Liveratti made a motion to adjourn at 11:07am. Dr. | |

| |Brandon Abbatangelo second the motion. All in favor any opposed- none, any abstentions-0. Motion| |

| |passed. | |

| | | |

| |Public comment: None | |


Advisory Committee on the State Program for Oral Health (AC4OH) Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2021

Page 4 of 5


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