Section for Community and Health Systems Support

| |

|Division Office: Harold Kirbey, Director 751-6080; Kerri Tesreau, Deputy 526-0219 |

|Lori Brenneke, Special Projects Coordinator 526-0219 Patty Osman, PHIN Coordinator 526-0219 Haroun Kamara, Grants Coordinator, Chief 526-0219 |

|Office of Emergency Coordination, Jody Starr 526-9711 |State Epidemiologist, Dr. George Turabelidze 314-877-2826 |

|Center for Local Public Health Services, Jo Anderson, Director 751-6170 |Office of Financial and Budget Services, Jeff Zoellner, Chief 751-9071 |

|Section for Healthy Families and Youth (HFY) |Section for Community Health Services and |Section for Environmental Public |Section for Disease Prevention (DP) (573) |Section of Epidemiology for Public Health |

|(573) 751-6253 |Initiatives (CHSI) |Health (EPH) |526-4780 |Practice (EPHP) |

|Cindy Rackers, Administrator |(573) 522-2806 |(573) 751-6141 |Ken Palermo, Administrator |(573) 522-2808 |

| |Steve Cramer, Administrator |Vacant, Administrator | |Cherri Baysinger, Administrator |

O:\DCPH Operations\DCPH References and Procedures\1.0 Introduction and Organization Structure\Organization Charts 1/17/17

|Section/Bureau/Office |Title |Managers |Clerical |Phone |

|Division of Community and Public Health (DCPH) |Division Director |Harold Kirbey |Stacy Kempker |751-6080 |

|DCPH Deputy Division Director, Systems and Services Manager |Deputy Div. Director |Kerri Tesreau |Jessica Bell |751-6252 |

|Office of Emergency Coordination (OEC) |Chief |Jody Starr |Jessica Bell |751-6252 |

|Grants Coordination Unit (GCU) |Chief |Haroun Kamara |Christine M. Smith |526-0219 |

|PHIN Coordinator |  |Patty Osman |Christine M. Smith |526-0219 |

|Special Projects |  |Lori Brenneke |Christine M. Smith |526-0219 |

|Section for Healthy Families & Youth (HFY) |Administrator |Cindy Rackers |Jackie Sloan |751-6253 |

|Bureau of Genetics and Healthy Childhood (GHC) |Chief |Sharmini Rogers |Joyce Davis |751-6214 |

|Bureau of Community Food & Nutrition Assistance (CFNA) |Chief |Sarah Walker |Patti Trinklein |751-6250 |

|Bureau of WIC & Nutrition Services (WICNS) |Chief |Susan White |Dora Crawford |751-6265 |

|Section for Community Health Services and Initiatives (CHSI) |Administrator |Steve Cramer |Roselyn Wood |522-2806 |

|Bureau of Special Health Care Needs (SHCN) |Chief |Lisa Crandall |Roselyn Wood |751-6241 |

|Adult Brain Injury Unit (ABIU) |Program Coordinator |Venice Wood |Ellen Whittington |751-6234 |

|Information and Logistics Unit (ILU) |Program Coordinator |Vacant |Roselyn Wood |751-6241 |

|Bureau of Cancer and Chronic Disease Control (CCDC) |Chief |Sandy Hentges |Roselyn Wood |522-2806 |

|Bureau of Community Health and Wellness (CHW) |Chief |Pat Simmons |Kathleen Gregory |522-2820 |

|Section for Environmental Public Health (EPH) |Administrator |Vacant |Tracy Henson |751-6141 |

|Bureau of Environmental Epidemiology (BEE) |Chief |Jonathan Garoutte |Vi Prenger |526-4911 |

|Bureau of Environmental Health Services (BEHS) |Chief |Eric Hueste |Anna Baker |751-6111 |

|Section for Disease Prevention (SDP) |Administrator |Ken Palermo |Victoria Stuart |751-6439 |

|Bureau of Communicable Disease Control & Prevention (CDCP) |Chief |Rachael Hahn |Jadrien Bopp |751-6268 |

|Office of Veterinary Public Health (OVPH) |Chief |Dr. Howard Pue |Victoria Stuart |526-4780 |

|Bureau of Reportable Disease Informatics (BRDI) |Chief |Rebecca Mickels |Amanda Branson |526-5271 |

|Bureau of HIV, STD & Hepatitis (HIV/STD) |Chief |Nicole Massey |Elyssa Luebbering |751-6475 |

|Bureau of Immunizations (BI) |Chief |Alicia Davis |Paula Whithaus |526-7688 |

|Section of Epidemiology for Public Health Practice (EPHP) |Administrator |Cherri Baysinger |Lynette Jackson |522-2808 |

|Office of Epidemiology (OOE) |Chief  |Venkata Garikapaty |Lynette Jackson |522-2808 |

|Bureau of Vital Statistics (BVS) |Chief |Loise Wambuguh |Peggy O’Neal |751-6272 |

|Bureau of Health Care Analysis and Data Dissemination (BHCADD) |Chief |Andrew Hunter |Peggy O’Neal |751-6272 |

|Bureau of Vital Records (BVR) |Chief |Joyce Luebbering |Kayla Schwartze |526-0348 |

|Center for Local Public Health Services (CLPHS) |Chief |Jo Anderson |Jackie McCoy |751-6170 |

|Office of Financial & Budget Services (OFABS) |Chief |Jeff Zoellner |Cheryl Schweitzer |751-9071 |


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