EXAMPLE SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY The following is an example of a large restaurant corporation’s Social Media Policy, provided by the New Mexico Restaurant Association without comment or endorsement.? Please use the statement for reference only in developing your company’s Social Media Policy Statement.Policy Statement:Social networking through the use of Internet-based and other electronic social media tools isintegrated into everyday life. We expect you to act responsibly, exercise good judgment andrespect confidentiality when communicating information that identifies “Insert Company”. Werecognize that your participation in social media is a personal activity; however, as an employee, you are a representative of “Insert Company” and you have a responsibility to protect the Company and its brands at all rmation you place on the internet can easily become available to our guests, prospective employees, and general public. As a “Insert Company” employee and representative of the Company, you should always present our company in a positive light. Therefore, it is important to observe the following guidelines when participating in social media communication.Any social media activity that you participate in is not permitted at work unless working withsocial media websites or accessing these websites is required for your job. This includes, andthese guidelines cover, all social media platforms including, but not limited to:_ Social Networking Sites (i.e., Facebook, Myspace, Foursquare, Linkedin)_ Micro-blogging sites (i.e., Twitter)_ Blogs (including Company and personal blogs as well as comments)_ Video and Photo Sharing Websites (i.e., Flickr, YouTube)_ Forums and Discussion Boards (i.e., Google Groups, Yahoo! Groups)_ Online Encyclopedias (i.e., Wikipedia, Sidewiki)Employees participating in social media on their own time must observe these guidelines:??Represent your own views: If you comment about “Insert Company”, employees,suppliers, or guests on the Internet, you must clearly identify yourself as speaking on your own behalf, and not as a representative of the Company. You should clearly state that the views you express are yours alone and do not necessarily reflect those of the Company.For example: “The views expressed on this website/webblog/post are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of “Insert Company”.”??Protect confidential information and relationships. Online postings and conversations are not private. Realize that what you post will be around for a long time, and could be shared by others. Given that, you may not disclose confidential or other proprietary information belonging to “Insert Company” to individuals outside the Company. Employees should not share “Insert Company” confidential information internally if the recipient doesn’t have a need to know the information._ You may not use Company logos or trademarks without the prior written consent of the Company._ Obtain permission before posting pictures of others, or before posting copyrightedinformation.??No negative or disparaging comments. “Insert Company” will not tolerate the posting ofobscene, harassing, offensive, negative, derogatory, misleading or defamatory comments about the Company, its products, employees, customers, vendors, partners, affiliates, and others (including competitors). You must refrain from posting items that could reflect negatively on the Company or otherwise embarrass the Company, including comments, allegations or other posts about drug or alcohol abuse, theft or misappropriation, profanity, off-color or sexual humor, and other inappropriate conduct.Don't use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conduct that would not otherwise be acceptable in the “Insert Company” workplace. You could be held legally liable or responsible for any content you post or write on-line.??Monitoring. “Insert Company” reserves the right to monitor websites or weblogs. TheCompany may require that employees confine their website or weblog commentary to topics unrelated to the Company.??Violation of Policy. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to andincluding termination. All blogs and other public internet communication are subject to other “Insert Company” policies, including but not limited to those contained in the EmployeeHandbook; internet, computer use and email policies; Official Facebook Guidelines created by Marketing; equal employment opportunity policy; and policies prohibiting harassment and discrimination. Violations of this policy, or allegations of inappropriate blogging/social networking, should be immediately reported to a supervisor or “Insert Company” Director of Human Resources ................

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