Policy Brief Topics

Writing samples must be single-sided, double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font, and may not exceed 5 pages. All work must be original and have a clear policy application.

1. Three source garbage for a Canadian city: costs and benefits

2. The property taxes – how much?

3. Sales Tax Harmonization

4. Fixed or floating exchange rates: (Canadian Case)

5. Legalizing marijuana: the economic case

6. The World Bank: the failure of big projects

7. Contagion of Banking Crises: Prevention

8. Professional sports franchises: the economics of subsidization

9. Economics of aging: the need to plan for adjustments to the Canadian health care system

10. Privatizing public pensions

11. Minimum wage: Costs and Benefits

12. Living wages

13. Competition: Private provision in Canada’s health care system

14. A flat tax: equity vs. efficiency

15. Canadian Wheat Board: should its monopoly continue

16. Gun control

17. Ethanol

18. Energy – food trade-off

19. Private pensions: time for reform

20. The American Auto Bailout – Successes or Failure

21. Impact of NAFTA on the environment

22. Innovation and economic growth: the role of R&D and patents

23. Regulation and economic growth

24. Stable labour markets: a source of economic growth

25. Cluster theory: Canadian examples

26. Asset price bubbles: the when, where, what, and why

27. Real Estate Bubbles – this time really will be different.

28. Corruption and economic growth: the negative correlation

29. Aquaculture

30. WTO: winners and losers in Canada

31. Managing fresh water

32. Small countries: fixed or floating exchange rates

33. Curbside recycling – why or why not?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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