Final Examination Study Guide Template

MKT/578 Final Examination Study Guide

This study guide prepares you for the Final Examination you complete in the last week of the course. It contains practice questions, which are related to each week’s objectives. Highlight the correct response, and then refer to the answer key at the end of this Study Guide to check your answers.

Use each week’s questions as a self-test at the start of a new week to reflect on the previous week’s concepts. When you come across concepts that you are unfamiliar with, refer to the Student Guide for that particular week.

Week One: The Field of Public Relations – Definition and Scope

Objective: Describe the origin and evolution of the public relations field.

1. A conspicuous, but often negative, public relations practice that took hold in the 1880s was

a. rallying citizens to buy U.S. savings bonds to support war efforts

b. employing a secretive third-front approach to advocate for a cause

c. employing techniques associated with press agentry

d. use of rumors in order to receive some ink on radio

Objective: Describe the origin and evolution of the public relations field.

2. The strength of the public relations field stems from

a. its roots in democracy

b. its significance in enhancing democracy

c. its significance in altering the ranks of management

d. its significance in protecting management from encroachment by unqualified leaders

Objective: Describe the origin and evolution of the public relations field.

3. Professor Marshall McLuhan has become known for

a. predicting unimaginable growth in computer-related equipment

b. predicting the earth would become a global village

c. predicting the death of the newspaper

d. predicting the emergence of mass communication

Objective: Explain the scope, functions, and objectives of public relations.

4. A major difference between public relations and marketing/advertising is

a. marketing and advertising promote an organization

b. public relations promotes an entire organization, including its people, products, and services

c. marketing and advertising promote an organization's individuals rather than its products or services

d. public relations promotes only a product or a service

Objective: Explain the scope, functions, and objectives of public relations.

5. Twisting messages to create the impression of performance is

a. an agreed-upon ethical practice in public relations

b. how to preserve hard-earned credibility

c. how to provide reporters with balanced information

d. a manifestation of spin

Objective: Explain the scope, functions, and objectives of public relations.

6. To be successful, a public relations professional should have the predisposition to

a. disclose rather than withhold information

b. avoid responding to false accusations from an irate consumer

c. avoid confronting situations before they escalate

d. disclose how business works

Week Two: Internal and External Stakeholders in the Public Relations Process

Objective: Identify the public relations needs of the organization related to internal stakeholders.

7. The ideal, initial step leading to implementation of an effective employee communications program should begin with

a. planning

b. research

c. objective setting

d. brainstorming

Objective: Identify the public relations needs of the organization related to internal stakeholders.

8. Suggestions to improve employee relations include

a. finding a mechanism to recognize deserving employees for their contributions

b. ways to demonstrate what a great workplace workers are in

c. covering up any negative comments about an employee's performance

d. advocating for employees who want anti-activist communication

Objective: Identify the public relations needs of the organization related to internal stakeholders.

9. The most beneficial form of research for effective employee communications is

a. longitudinal attitude survey

b. an exclusively external communications audit

c. an internal communications audit

d. a cross-sectional attitude survey

Objective: Identify the public relations needs of the organization related to external stakeholders.

10. Indications that corporate social responsibility has become broadly accepted among enlightened organizations include their

a. funding clean water and air projects

b. enforcing policies in the interest of all employees

c. searching for more jobs for more minorities

d. enhancing the quality of life for the poor and hungry

Objective: Identify the public relations needs of the organization related to external stakeholders.

11. Peaceful coexistence between organizations and communities where they operate requires which of the following skills?

a. Negotiating or mediating if there's a significant problem between organizations, communities, and their members

b. Taking for granted what communities likely know and think about a specific organization

c. Keeping confidential what the organizations' points of view are on public matters

d. Protecting confidentialities the organization has disclosed

Objective: Identify the public relations needs of the organization related to external stakeholders.

12. The federal agency that most vigorously enforces consumer protection is

a. SEC

b. FTC

c. FDA

d. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Week Three: Legal and Ethical Issues in Public Relations

Objective: Evaluate the legality of public relations messages and practices.

13. Which principle established in the U.S. Constitution often leads to conflicts between lawyers and public relations practitioners?

a. Freedom to own firearms

b. Freedom of speech

c. Feedom to own property

d. Freedom of information

Objective: Evaluate the legality of public relations messages and practices.

14. One person's definition of obscenity

a. may force the media to disregard deep-held beliefs

b. may force a defendant to use "no comment" as a legitimate response to media inquiries

c. may force courts to suppress information

d. may force another person to claim there is a violation in freedom of expression

Objective: Evaluate the legality of public relations messages and practices.

15. The umbrella term to describe slander and libel is

a. freedom of expression

b. obscenity

c. defamation

d. tastelessness

Objective: Evaluate the ethicality of public relations messages and practices.

16. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) invested $100,000 to revamp its code of ethics largely in response to a survey of 1,700 public relations executives in which it was revealed that

a. 50% said they had lied on the job

b. factual misrepresentation within the profession runs rampant

c. 44% had felt uncertain about the ethicality of their behavior

d. huge cultural discrepancies exist regarding concepts of right and wrong and telling the truth in general

Objective: Evaluate the ethicality of public relations messages and practices.

17. The enlightened self-interest model for ethical practice is based on the principle of

a. balancing the role of department advocate with the needs of the organization

b. realizing that an organization does well by doing good

c. advocating for society is more important than advocating for the organization

d. assuming counterbalancing messages are in the best interest of an organization

Objective: Evaluate the ethicality of public relations messages and practices.

18. Implementation of formal codes of conduct:

a. helps a company effectively circumvent the fallout of any of its possible unethical behavior

b. tends to increase the confidence of the public in the company, especially investors and shareholders

c. ensures that a company will always disclose the truth to the public at large

d. helps a company avoid government regulation

Week Four: Public Relations Messages for Print Media, Television, and Radio

Objective: Select appropriate media for public relations messages.

19. Which of the following is a benefit publicity has over guarantees associated with advertising?

a. Reach

b. Third-party endorsement

c. Placement of information provided to media

d. Frequency

Objective: Select appropriate media for public relations messages.

20. Which of the following is true about the phrase "the medium is the message"?

a. It means the content is most important.

b. It means the medium chosen to convey the message is more important than the content of the message or the person delivering the message.

c. It is associated with the communication theorist Elmo Roper.

d. It is why public relations people insist on accuracy and truthfulness.

Objective: Create public relations messages for print media.

21. The activity of trying to place positive publicity in media, for example trying to convince an editor to consider the publicity as newsworthy, is referred to as

a. selling

b. advocating

c. pitching

d. positioning

Objective 4.2: Create public relations messages for print media.

22. Which of the following occurs if a message is coherent?

a. A public changes its attitude.

b. A public is motivated to take the action sought.

c. A public crystallizes its attitude.

d. A public may do nothing.

Objective: Create public relations messages for television and radio.

23. A reason executives tend to be uncomfortable about interviews is due to their

a. discomfort with their personal appearance.

b. distrust of liberals.

c. inexperience of being put on the spot.

d. failure of public relations professionals to help prepare them.

Objective: Create public relations messages for television and radio.

24. For a successful a media interview

a. bluff if you don't know an answer.

b. welcome naïve questions.

c. look to go off the record.

d. provide promised information whenever you have time to.

Week Five: Public Relations Messages for Web-based and Social Media

Objective: Create public relations messages for web-based media.

25. Which of the following is the principal benefit from having a Web site?

a. Access to the oldest social media tool

b. Ability to offer information to the public in an organized, consolidated manner

c. Elimination of roadblocks to reaching potential or current customers

d. Ability to monitor what others are saying about your organization

Objective: Create public relations messages for web-based media.

26. How much time visitors spend and how many pages they view on a website is a characteristic of

a. interactivity

b. stickiness

c. static

d. linkedness

Objective: Create public relations messages for social media.

27. Despite all the clamor about social media, public relations practitioners must seriously bear in mind, social media is only

a. a fad

b. a trend

c. a strategy

d. a tool

Objective: Create public relations messages for social media.

28. Which of the following pertain generally to IM?

a. Is a form of information management used in business

b. Is an offline, linear form of communication

c. Is especially popular among Generation Next

d. It limits accessibility to one other person

Week Six: Public Relations Planning

Objective: Develop public relations plans.

29. Which of the following dictates public relations objectives and strategies?

a. Public relations programs

b. The broad environment in which the business operates

c. The overall objectives of the business

d. The advertising and marketing strategies above all else

Objective: Develop public relations plans.

30. The section of a public relations plan that provides an overview is referred to as

a. the management briefing

b. the executive summary

c. the situation analysis

d. the message statement

Answer Key

1. c

2. a

3. b

4. b

5. d

6. a

7. b

8. a

9. c

10. b

11. a

12. b

13. b

14. d

15. c

16. c

17. b

18. b

19. b

20. b

21. c

22. d

23. c

24. b

25. b

26. c

27. d

28. c

29. c

30. b


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