Unit 1: People & Places in SW Asia - Atlanta Public Schools

3738880-37465Name: ___________________________Date: __________ Period-2nd 3rd 4th 6th 00Name: ___________________________Date: __________ Period-2nd 3rd 4th 6th 7th Grade Milestone Spring break Guide AFRICA: People & Places of Africa300164535553650825500217009800463296040144704987925365696546196257575550Locate (label) these countries: Dem Rep of Congo, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, and South SudanLocate (label) these physical features: Sahara Desert, Sahel, Congo River, Niger River, Nile River, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, Atlas Mts., Kalahari Desert People in the _________________ are usually nomadic herders and live near oasisPeople in the Sahel do subsistence _________________ & nomadic herding and live in cities that still have some _________________People in the savanna do a lot of work in ______________ reserves, some _________________ etc.People in the rainforest __________, and use the forest to create medicines and harvest _________Arabs—live in _________________ Africa; see Unit 1Ashanti—live in _________________ Africa, known for _________________, and their religion is a combination of spiritual and supernatural Bantu—considered to be the first people of Africa, _________________ is still widely spoken, began in _________________ Africa and migrated in _________________, Swahili—found on the _________________ coast of Africa, traded with India and the Middle East, language has Arab partsDeforestation—cutting down of _________________ and creating unusable landDesertification—when land becomes permanently _________________ for farming Conflict & the Shaping of Modern AfricaColonization of Africa_________________ powers lured by natural resources and new markets for _____________Berlin Conference—Africa __________ not based on _____ groups and treated Africans badlyWhen European powers left, people were not ready to take care of themselves and _______ struggles ragedAfrica has never _________________Nationalism—belief that your group is _________________ and you deserve to ________ yourselves (have your own country)Nationalist movementKenya—British colony, Jomo Kenyatta, Mau Mau, ________________ fight for independenceNigeria—British colony, __________ fight for independence, groups were favored over othersSouth Africa—British colony, early independence, Boers, _______________ began afterwardsApartheidracial _________________ in South AfricaFW de Klerk supported it but then worked with Nelson _________________Mandela was a black man who fought against _________________After apartheid ended in ___________, de Klerk was elected president and Mandela was VP.Eventually Mandela was elected the first black _________________ in 1994Pan-Africanism—movement that people of _________________ decent should band together so African nations can be _________________.Education is slowed down by gender _________________, war, _________________ etc.When a government is _________________, they do not help their peopleThey don’t give _________________ to combat _________________They don’t help when there are ____________ and often use that ______ for the governmentDrinking water is often contaminated by cholera and pollution Government & Corruption in Africa_________________________________________________ ___________________ Democracy________________________________________ Democracy ____________________________-2540432435005930265648970Most Freedom020000Most Freedom-305899649510Least Freedom020000Least FreedomKenyaRepublicDemocratic _________________Place on ruler—around a ___ because in recent years they’ve had rigged elections, citizens can criticize the government in limited amountsSudanDictatorshipAutocratic _________________Place on the ruler—around a ___, crimes against humanity in Darfur, no freedoms, somewhat Islamic stateSouth AfricaRepublicDemocratic _________________Place on ruler—around a ___ because citizens have freedom of press, universal suffrageEconomic Hardship vs. Economic Promise in Africa South Africa is more _________________than _________________Kenya is moving toward _____________ but government corruption keeps it more ______________Human capital—_________________that do work, if you _________________in your people they will be healthier smarter and work harderNatural resources—gift of _________________, Africa has lots of natural resources but can’t _________________them like they should, they are often unequally distributedCapital resources—____________, machines, technology etc, that are used to make ____________, if you invest in these things your country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will go upEntrepreneurship is bringing together human natural and capital resources to take _________________ in _________________The higher the _________________rate the better standard of _________________People & Places of Southern & Eastern Asia2687320836930001660525128778000116713015754350050050701063388Locate (label) these countries: China (A), India (B), Indonesia (C), Japan (D), North Korea (E), South Korea (F), Vietnam (G)Locate (label) these physical features: Ganges River (H), Huang He River (I), Indus River (J), Mekong River (K), Yangtze River (L), Bay of Bengal (M), Indian Ocean (N), Sea of Japan (O), South China Sea (P), Yellow Sea (Q), Gobi Desert (R), Taklimakan Desert (S), Himalayan Mountains (T), Korean Peninsula (U)Buddhism---Siddharta _________________founded, ____ noble truths, eightfold path, stop suffering, Karma, reincarnationHinduism—polytheistic (many gods), no _______, mainly India, reincarnation, karma, ________ RiverIslam—_________________, see Unit 1 for more detailsShintoism—mostly _________________, spirits called kami live in _________________, sumo wrestling, no founder, purityConfucianism—not a religion but a _________________because of no afterlife and no god, 5 key relationships, _________________behaviorMonsoons—seasonal _________________that cause a dry season and a rainy season; affect _________________, _________________, and _________________ Conflict & Revolution in Southern & Eastern AsiaChinaMao _________________CommunismGreat Leap _________________was meant to industrialize, but failedCultural Revolution was to get rid of old _________________, and persecuted intellectuals, artists, and the _________________Tiananmen _________________was supposed to change political restrictions, but ended up _________________many peopleIndiaMohandas _________________—helped the citizens of India gain their independenceLed _________________protest against the BritishIndia gained its independence from the British in _________________VietnamUsed to be a _________________ colonySet free from them and they became _________________Communism was threatening to spread, so ______ and others got involved to contain itDivided on the __________ paralleleventually all of _________________ became communist again after a losing battleKorea_________________ part became communist and invaded south (democratic)Domino Theory—the US was afraid if one _________________ in a region became communist others around it would tooUN forces came and pushed back in the _________________War of _________________ and _________________ happenedEventually stopped because of threat of _________________ weaponsStill divided on __________ parallelNorth still _________________, south _________________ republicJapanHad atomic bombs used on them in WWII (__________________ and __________________)Afterward, western nations, including the US, helped _________________ JapanBecause of _________________, advice, and giving of natural resources, ________________ was able to create an economic miracle.030480000Everything else…-244475775335Least Freedom020000Least Freedom5992495775354Most Freedom020000Most FreedomIndiaRepublicFederal _________________Place on the ruler—around an ___ because people are able to vote and rights are equalizingChina_________________ stateUnitary autocracyPlace on the ruler—around a ___ because it is extremely restrictive, you are either for the communist party or you are against it, control of mediaJapan_________________ monarchyUnitary democracyPlace on the ruler—around a ___ because people vote, there is a constitution that protects citizens, emperor has a ceremonial roleEconomic systems of…China—_________________North Korea—_________________Japan---more _________________ than _________________India—more _________________ than _________________For additional information, support, assistance, and/or practice please visit the teacher’s website below: addition, you can e-mail me @ HYPERLINK "mailto:lthompson@atlanta.k12.ga.us" lthompson@atlanta.k12.ga.us ................

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