ColdFusion 2018 Test

| |Outside Activity Reports |

|[pic] | |

| |Of Collateral Employment and |

| |Conflicts of Interest |

|First Annual OAR Reports Due June 10, 2008 Integrity Matters |

For use by employees unable to submit at


This annual report covering the prior twelve months must be submitted no later than June 10 by all University of Cincinnati full-time salaried and hourly employees as well as adjunct faculty at 50% FTE or greater.

The University supports the engagement of its faculty and staff in outside professional activities and community service. UC also respects the privacy of its employees and does not seek to regulate off-campus activity unrelated to university employment. [pic] Show MoEmployees have the right to engage in collateral employment and activities as long as the university obtains sufficient information to meet its legal and ethical obligations. 

The Outside Activity Report (OAR) seeks to protect the integrity of the university and its employees from real or perceived conflicts arising from outside relationships. Ohio and federal mandates also require faculty and staff to disclose their external activities and relationships annually for review and approval. Employees should complete a new OAR whenever significant changes occur in activities between annual reports.

Please review the descriptions and examples of collateral employment and conflicts of interest before answering the introductory questions.

Collateral Employment and Activities (Circle Yes or No for each question)

1. Do you currently receive pay for work done outside the scope of your normal UC employment or do you expect to receive such pay in the coming year? Answer “Yes” even if the only pay for work outside normal employment was for service inside the University. YES NO

2. Do you currently have or do you expect to have in the coming year unpaid activities outside the scope of your normal UC employment that are so extensive or scheduled in a way that the time required might interfere with performance of your UC responsibilities? Answer "No" if none or if the only such activity was uncompensated volunteer service outside the University that did not involve any conflict with your UC employment. YES NO

Affirmation. I affirm that by answering no to the above questions I have no collateral employment or activity that must be disclosed. I also affirm that if significant changes in activities occur during the coming year I will update this form.

Signature ________________________________________________ Date________________

Do not sign if you must complete a Collateral Employment Report.

Answer the Conflict of Interest Questions on Page 2.

Conflict of Interest (Circle Yes or No for each question)

1. Have you received outside compensation from any agency or individual seeking to profit from paid work that you perform for UC? YES NO

2. In consulting or other outside employment have you used information or procedures that might involve a conflict of interest with assigned University responsibilities? YES NO

3. Do you have non-university professional or income-producing activities involving UC faculty or staff? YES NO

4. Do you or does any member of your family have a director or managerial role or a significant financial interest with a business enterprise or entity that does business with the university?


5. Do you or does any member of your immediate family have any other relationships, commitments, or activities that might present or appear to present a conflict of interest with your UC appointment? Such relationships may include financial interests or trusteeships or uncompensated activities whether or not you believe the conflict is manageable. YES NO

6. Employees who are engaged in research should answer “Yes” if any of the following situations apply. Answer “No” if you are not engaged in research or if none of the situations apply.

a. Do you or does any member of your family have a financial interest (including consulting) with a business enterprise or entity that funds or sponsors your university-based research or scholarly activity?

b. Do you or does any member of your family have a director or managerial role or a financial interest with a business enterprise or entity in your field of research or scholarly activity?

c. Do you have or are you applying for research funding from a source or entity in which you have a significant financial interest that would reasonably appear to be affected by the funded research?

d. Do any graduate or undergraduate students, visitors, or others collaborating in your research have any potential conflicts of interest of which you are aware?

e. Does your research with human subjects require a research protocol approved by the Institutional Review Board?

YES (one or more of the above apply) NO (not engaged in research or none apply)

Affirmation. I affirm that by answering no to the above questions I have no conflict of interest that must be disclosed. I also affirm that if significant changes in activities occur during the coming year I will update this form.

Signature ________________________________________________ Date________________

Do not sign if you must complete a Conflict of Interest Report.

Certification: No collateral employment or activity or conflict of interest is reported and to the best of my knowledge no conflict of interest or commitment exists.

Unit Head Signature _______________________________________ Date_______________

(Retain this form until the Online OAR system permits you to provide an electronic approval for review)

| | Outside Activity Reports |

|[pic] | |

| |Of Collateral Employment and Activity |

|First Annual OAR Reports Due June 10, 2008 Integrity Matters |

For use by employees unable to submit at

Collateral Employment and Activity Report

This form must be submitted for each activity in which you are currently engaged as well as for those planned for the coming year. Use a separate form for each activity.

Organization or person for whom the activity is being performed or will be performed:


Dates and description of the activity: ______________________________________________


Total hours spent or planned to be spent on the activity each week: _______________________

What university resources are being or will be used? _________________________________


If university resources were or will be used, what provision has been made for compensation/ reimbursement of any substantial cost to UC?



Certification In submitting this report, I affirm that the above is true to the best of my knowledge. I also affirm that if at any time in the coming year I accept additional outside activity that requires approval, I will submit an updated collateral employment form.


Number of collateral employment forms accompanying this report: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Collateral Employment and Activity Review

Certification: Based on the activity reported and to the best of my knowledge and in my judgment, no conflict of commitment exists in the performance of this individual’s obligations to the unit, college, and university.

Unit Head Signature ________________________________________ Date______________________

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|[pic] |Outside Activity Reports |

| |Of Conflicts of Interest |

|First Annual OAR Reports Due June 10, 2008 Integrity Matters |

For use by employees unable to submit at

Conflicts arising from Financial Relationships

Outside financial relationships including activities such as consulting, employment, stock holding or stock options, royalty payments, honoraria, or similar relationships with a firm or individual doing business with the University may create a financial conflict of interest arising from an individual’s opportunities to benefit from either research or other activities conducted in the course of his/her responsibilities as a member of the institution.

University Rule 10-17-08 governs Conflicts of interest in the conduct of research including studies with human subjects who must be informed of possible financial gain resulting from the project as well as financial collaboration with UC faculty, staff, students, post-docs, or collaborators

Please describe describe in detail and number separately (1,2,3 . . .) each potential conflict of interest. For each item indicate what steps if any have been taken to manage or avoid the possible conflict. Attach additional pages if necessary.




Financial interests in companies commercializing UC discoveries, inventions or patents.

If you are the creator of a discovery or invention that is owned by the University and you desire to acquire an equity or other financial interest in a corporation or other entity to which the University has assigned, licensed, transferred, or sold its interests in the discovery or invention, you must complete a conflict management plan to address potential conflicts of interest. The conflict management plan is described in detail in University Rule 10-17-09 and may be attached to this report at the time it is submitted.

Certification In submitting this report, I affirm that the above is true to the best of my knowledge. I also affirm that if at any time in the coming year I have a potential conflict of interest I will submit an updated Conflict of Interest Report.


Based on the activity reported and to the best of my knowledge and in my judgment:

a. ___ No conflict of interest exists.

b. ___ A conflict of interest may exist, but is being managed by the unit. (Attach an explanation, sign form and forward to unit’s dean or other administrator for review.)

c.___ A conflict of interest that warrants further review may exist. (Attach an explanation, sign form and forward to unit’s dean or other administrator for review.)

Unit Head Signature ________________________________________ Date________________________


UC Board of Trustee Rules are available online at

University employees may engage in collateral employment and activities consisting of service within the university that is outside the scope of the individual's normal employment or outside the university during the normal work week so long as it is approved in advance and does not represent a conflict of commitment. Collateral employment and activities must be reported and approved whether performed more or less than one day per week.

Examples are provided below to illustrate excerpts from different UC rules and policies governing collateral employment by a) Faculty and Librarians and b) other employees.

Employees uncertain whether their activities must be reported should seek guidance from the academic unit head or administrative supervisor.

Faculty and Librarians See Rule 30-21-02 []

“Faculty members and librarians may engage in collateral employment consisting of institutional and/or non-institutional effort, including work of a consulting nature, . . . “

“’Institutional effort’ is service within the university or with an affiliated institution that is outside the scope of the faculty member’s or librarian’s normal employment.”

Example of a Non-Reportable Activity Summer School Teaching

Example of a Reportable Activity: Additional teaching outside the home college during the regular academic year

“’Non-institutional effort’ is the service faculty members and librarians provide outside the university during the normal work week for which they receive non-university compensation. Non-institutional effort that meets the criteria . . . will normally be permitted by the university for full-time faculty and librarians to the extent that such activities do not exceed an average of one day of the normal work week.” (Note: Academic unit heads provide final guidance when questions arise.)

Examples of Non-Reportable Activities

• Uncompensated, volunteer service outside the University that does not involve any time conflict with U.C. responsibilities

• Receiving honoraria, stipends, and/or royalties for published scholarly works and other writing, creative works, lectures, and/or presentations.

• Receiving honoraria for serving as a special reviewer or on a review panel for academic, governmental, or not-for-profit organizations.

• Accepting honoraria for commissioned papers and occasional lectures.

• Receiving payment for reasonable travel and lodging expenses related to presentations of scholarly work or to a person’s academic endeavor.

• Summer employment whether academic or non academic for faculty with a nine month appointment

Examples of Reportable Activities:

• Teaching for another institution

• Consulting arrangements that provide an honorarium and/or per diem for expenses

• Substantial unpaid, volunteer activity that might interfere with UC responsibilities

• Extensive coursework as a student that might interfere with UC responsibilities

“The provision of patient care by college of medicine clinical faculty is an essential and integral part of the responsibilities of such faculty. . . . Participation in a practice plan that is approved by the dean of the college of medicine shall be deemed to be in compliance with this rule. Any other activities of college of medicine faculty, whether institutional or non-institutional in character, may be approved only if they meet all the requirements of this rule.”

Examples of Non-Reportable Activities

• Participating in a University approved practice corporation.

• Payments for clinical research to an approved practice corporation or to a department fund for salary or other expenses of conducting clinical trials.

• Volunteer faculty with academic titles and no UC compensation need not report

Example of a Reportable Activity:

• Compensated testimony as an expert witness in litigation.

All other salaried and hourly employees: See Rule 30-21-03

“A university employee may engage in collateral employment only during the time the employee is not scheduled for work at the university and provided that the appropriate vice president approves such collateral employment and agrees that the collateral employment:

▪ Does not interfere with nor is inconsistent with the performance of the individual's university duties; and 

▪ Does not raise questions of conflict of interest in connection with other interests or work with which the individual, or the university is involved.”

Examples of Reportable Activities:

• Consulting or work for outside agencies by UC attorneys, police officers or others

• Extensive coursework as a student that might interfere with UC responsibilities


UC Board of Trustee Rules are available online at

All salaried and hourly employees See Rule 10-17-03

As public servants UC employees must observe the highest ethical standards avoiding any activity or interest that might violate Ohio ethics laws forbidding disclosure or use of Confidential Information without appropriate authorization as well as Soliciting or accepting improper compensation. Faculty and staff

• will not use their positions to secure any item or benefit that would not ordinarily accrue to them in the performance of their official duties.

• will not accept any compensation from any other agency or individual for work performed in the course of their employment by the University.

• in consulting or other outside employment must not use information or procedures that might involve a conflict of interest with assigned University responsibilities.

Employees Conducting Research See Rule 10-17-08

Individual researchers must annually review their activities in order to identify situations that may present a conflict of interest. Unavoidable conflicts must be managed with an approved plan. Public trust requires full disclosure to assure confidence in the judgment of scholars and clinicians and in the dedication of academic institutions to the integrity of the research enterprise. That transparency reinforces the public understanding that scholars are honest and conduct their research with the highest standards and integrity. See the online Researcher’s Gateway for policies and procedures of Sponsored Research and the Institutional Review Boards.

Activities and Financial Relationships Not Subject to Reporting

• Receiving royalties for published scholarly works and other writings.

• Accepting honoraria for commissioned papers and occasional lectures.

• Receiving payment for reasonable travel and lodging expenses related to presentations of scholarly work or to a person’s academic endeavor.

• Earning income from passive investments such as interest or dividends from banks, mutual funds, or stocks and bonds.

• Participating in a University approved clinical practice corporation.

• Payments for clinical research to an approved practice corporation or to a department fund for salary or other expenses of conducting clinical trials.

Reportable Activities and Financial Relationships: (representative, not all-inclusive)

• Assigning students, postdoctoral fellows, or other trainees to projects sponsored by an entity in which an employee or a member of his/her family has a financial interest.*

• Serving on the board of directors or an advisory board of a business from which an employee or a member of his/her family receives sponsored research support or with which the university has a contractual relationship.

• Assuming any position in a not-for-profit business engaged in commercial or research activities.

• Serving as an officer, director, or trustee, or having ownership or management in businesses related to one’s professional field.

• Conducting research externally that could be conducted within the university or a university-approved affiliated corporation.

• Conducting applied and/or clinical research on a technology developed by the investigator or a member of his/her immediate family* or a faculty member or other employee of the institution.

• Receiving either personally or by a family member of honoraria exceeding $5,000 annually, for serving as director or other executive with the sponsor of his/her research or for acting as scientific advisor or consultant,

• Conducting applied and/or clinical research on a technology owned by a business in which the investigator or a member of his/her immediate family holds stock, stock options, or similar interests.

• Conducting applied and/or clinical research on a technology owned by a business in which another faculty member or other employee of the institution holds stock, stock options, or similar interests.

• Conducting applied and/or clinical research on a technology owned by a business in which another faculty member or other employee of the institution holds a position of senior management officer, or directory of the company.

Reportable Activities involving Research with Human Subjects

Having any financial interest or relationship with a company whose procedure, technique, product, or software is being tested in a human research protocol or which may appear to conflict with the protection of subjects of human research or which should be disclosed to subjects in order to secure informed consent. Researchers submitting protocols using human subjects must disclose all interests that may be perceived as a conflict with the best interest of the subject in order for the research to be considered for approval. See the onlinw policy on Investigator Conflict of Interest in Human Subjects Research

*“Family” includes spouse and the parents, children, brothers and sisters of either the employee or the employee’s spouse

*“Financial Interest” means anything of monetary value, but does not include salary, royalties or other remuneration from UC.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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