Public Speaking Activities - Mr. Robertson's …

Public Speaking Activities


Create your Public Speaking Character



              Public Speaking

              Officer Opening Ceremonies Parts



Materials needed:                                                                            Time:  60 Min.

              Character cutouts, large                                                                            

              6 Volunteers for introduction

              Character Worksheet

              Card Stock-Name Tags

              Characters-Name Tags

              Glue Sticks

              Crayons/Markers/Color Pencils


Interest Approach:


Before you start choose volunteers.  You will need six volunteers to play out the characters already created for public speaking. They are: Wendy Whisper, Hank the Hick, Monotone Monte, G.I. George, Shy Sally, and Temper Tammi. Ask these students to play a character before hand so they have time to practice their part. Pick students that will really play out the characters and be dramatic. 


Hang the large character cutouts on display in the front of the classroom as you introduce them. 


Hand out the character worksheet to each student.  Have Volunteers come up one at a time and give their memorized officer part, or The Pledge of Allegiance using the character voice assigned. Direct students to guess which speaker the volunteers are mimicking.  Also have students describe the speaker in a sentence or few words.  After all characters/speakers have gone, talk about each one and reveal their identity.


Character Name Tags: 

Students will create their own speaking character.  They should be directed to consider the type of speaker they want to become.  Discussion should follow the interest approach of what is good and not good characteristics of a public speaker.

1.  First, students will pick a character name.  Example: Creative Casey, Extraordinary Ernie, Bold Bonnie. 

2.  Then they can find a picture off the nametag pages to represent their character.  Color the picture cartoon they choose.

3.  Hand out card stock for a nametag and have students fold to sit in front of their desk. Direct students to write their new character name on the front and paste their character’s picture to the front as well. 

4.  On the inside of their nametags, have them use three statements to describe their newly created public speaking character.  Ask questions to help strike thoughts about the ultimate speaker they would like to be. 

5.  Students can share their nametags and descriptions with classmates.

6.  Display the nametags. Use their nametags each day.  Have them be the speaking character they created throughout other activities and speaking demos. 



·       Encourage students to call each other by their character


·       Teachers may record participation points on the back of their

nametags for other activities.

·       Have students turn assignments in with their character names.

·       Have a thesaurus and dictionary available for use.

·       Be one of the Interest approach characters to encourage


·       Create your own character as well as an example.


















Public Speaking Activities


Reading your Mind



              Public Speaking


Materials needed:                                                                          Time:  25 Min.

              Children’s Books


Interest Approach:

Read a Children’s book to the class as a demonstration.  Show students how you can read using action in your voice.  Be dramatic, descriptive, creative, and change your voice. Students will be doing the same to their group. 



Discuss with the class how to animate reading a children’s book.  What makes your voice and expressions interesting to listen too?  Write ideas on the board that are shared. 



Assign small groups and have each group pick a children’s book.  Have groups find their own spot on the floor around the classroom.  Student instructions are to read the book with animation in their voice and facial expressions.  They should switch persons every couple pages.




·  Children’s books can be checked out at your elementary school, or assign students to bring one.

·  Alteration: At the end have one person from each group perform a couple pages in front of all groups. 











 Public Speaking Activities


Alphabet Expressions



              Interest Approach to Public Speaking


Materials needed:                                                                      Time:  25 Min.

              A-Z Letters, or a Letter Dice


Interest Approach:

Public Speaking requires lots of different emotions and expressions to get points across to your audience.  Have letters in a drawing box, or use a letter dice.   Students will draw a letter and think of an emotion that starts with the chosen letter. Examples: E= Energetic, M= Mad, P= Professional. 

1.  Have all students draw, allow five minutes to think of their expression. 

2.  Put chosen letters back into the drawing box.

3.  Pull out letters randomly and have the student with that letter stand to say the following statement in their expression, inserting their expression.

“Let it be known, I am here and I am ______________.?!:);(”


4.  Continue drawing until everyone has gone.



Discuss with the class why it is important to show expressions during public speech. Have another student collect the ideas on a poster.  Discuss how we can get out of our comfort zones and show emotion.  Ask some students to share how they show expression in everyday conversations.  Identify ways that will carry over to speaking.



·  Students could rank each other on a scale of 1-5 to determine who expressed the most.

·  Ask students to identify the last time they felt like their expression, or other classmates chosen expression.





Public Speaking Activities

On your Soapbox



              Public Speaking                           

              Getting out of the box

              Ag. Issues


Materials needed:                                                                  Time:  20-45 Min.

              Box students can stand on, decorated with soap brands


Topic Items:                                                                                    

Town/community changes                              Official Dress               

Lunch Time/lunch items                               Girls being allowed

Prom                                                              Best Activities

School Requirements                                         Best Projects

Taking away rights and privileges                      Changing an FFA aspect


Explain what “Being on your soapbox” means.  Pick a subject that students will feel strongly about.  Do not pick a subject that will become a controversy. Step on the soapbox and tell everyone else you’re your really think.  There will be rules for this activity: No hard feelings and feelings will not leave the room.  No talking when you are not on the soapbox.  You can only tell others what you thin if you are on the soapbox.  Challenge your student’s opinions.  Take a risk, be professional, and get your students voicing an opinion. 



Discuss the fact that you are taking a risk every time you speak in front of people.  You fear that you will be judged; you fear that others will disagree.  You are risking your feelings, opinions, and sometimes even your morals.  People can have different opinions on matters.  Before you can ever make a call or decision you need to look at both sides of the situation.  Voicing your opinion is apart of life and speaking.  They need to discuss how to support each other as speakers and that having an opinion is a good thing. 



·  Make it a rule that everyone has to be on the soapbox.

·  End discussion and change subjects if matters are heated or dull.



Public Speaking Activities

Demo Day



              Public Speaking


Materials needed:                                                               Time: 10 Min./Student

              Assignment Instructions


Interest Approach:

Demonstrate how to do a task in five minutes. Examples: flower arrangements, pin bugs, use a rope, carve a pumpkin, cook something, restring a guitar, care for an animal, tricks, fixing something, etc. 



· Students will demonstrate to the class a skill, task, or talent.  This should be something that they are interested in and can share with others. 

· Students will write up the complete step-by-step process of their demonstration.

· Demonstration needs to be explained while student is caring out the task/skill.

· Demonstration needs to be around five minutes.

· Two minutes will be allowed for set-up. Students are to be ready when they are called.

· Three minutes will be allowed for questions afterwards.

·  Students are responsible for supplying all materials needed for the demonstration.


                            Preparation                           /10

                            Demonstration                       /20

                            Skill/Talent Chosen               /10

                            Questions                            /10

                            Step-by-Step Write-up          /20





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