50+ Ideas For Demonstration Topics

Name: _______________________________________CommunicationsMrs. DeckerPart 2: PresentationsEvery good presentation contains some common elements:IntroConclusionVisual Aids Body language/appearanceI don’t want to talk about all of them, so we will divide the class into 3 groups to present on these elements. Each group will give a presentation on their topic. Each person must contribute to creating the presentation and each person must speak during the presentation.After we learn about the elements that go into a good presentation, we will give some presentations ourselves:Celebrating Our HeritageTravel AgencyDemonstration PresentationCommunicationsMrs. DeckerPresentations: Celebrating Our HeritageDue Date: This presentation provides your audience a clear understanding of your ideas on a subject. The subject I would like to you to choose deals with your family’s heritage or a culture of your choice. What I would like you to discuss is any one aspect of your culture of choice. My dad’s family comes from Czechoslovakia, but I have never been there and don’t know much about the culture. I might choose to research and discuss Czech food, dance, history, people, customs, or traditions. Ask your parents where your family originated, and choose one aspect of that culture about which to inform the class. If you do not want to choose your particular background, or if there is a culture you are interested in researching, then feel free to choose this. What I am hoping is that you will be able to show the class a new, interesting aspect of a culture of which the class might not have knowledge. The speech should be of interest to you because the material presented should be relevant to your lives. It is incumbent upon you to provide this material with its accompanying interest – in order for your audience to be interested as well. You as the speaker are charged further with the serious responsibility of KNOWING WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, knowing more about it, in fact, than anyone in your audience does. For this reason, your talk demands that you study not one, but SEVERAL sources of information. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should you be satisfied to glance hurriedly through an article, jot down a few notes, and then present on that.Believe it or not, occasions for the informative speech are many. They occur on the lecture platform, in the pulpit, in the classroom, at business meetings, wherever you find reports being made, instructions given, or other ideas being presented by means of lectures and discussions. The point to bear in mind is that any time information is disseminated, an occasion for an informative speech arises.Examples: marriage customs, peculiar customs, sports, dance, music, history of… To prepare for this speech you must know and follow certain fundamentals of preparation. These consist of the following steps: choose your subjectanalyze the occasiondiagnose the audiencegather your materialorganize and support your main points with evidenceoutline your speech on paper or on note cardspracticeHow to PrepareIf you wish to organize your thoughts logically, you should decide early what objective you hope to attain and what reaction you want from this particular audience. Next, if you wish, you may divide your discourse into three conventional parts: an introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Some speakers break down their talks by using various combinations of the following steps:1. gain attention2. make audience want to hear your ideas3. present your ideas4. tell why this material is important to your listeners and how it affects themThe working of your talk may be accomplished by writing it out in full from the outline and by considerable practice. YOU MUST REHEARSE (at least four times) to fix the proper steps and the order of the content, along with desirable stage appearance and bodily action.You should use notes. I would like you to talk extemporaneously. Your notes should be phrases, or single words that have a particular meaning to you. Whatever notes you hold in your hand should be brief, concise, meaningful, and entirely familiar. A glance should be sufficient for you to gather their full meaning so you may speak fluently yet logically. DO NOT write out your speech in full sentences (either in notes or on slides) and read it verbatim. Information must be accurate. You audience should know where you get your material. You must identify these sources and authorities. HINTSOnly have three or four main points, but address each well with examples, illustrations, analogies, and facts. Do not be afraid to inject humor and anecdotes into your thought to add interest.Be sure your speech moves ahead. Do not allow the speech to drag or become stalemated.Please put effort toward an interesting introduction and an equally effective conclusion.Length of Speech: 2-3 minutes CommunicationsMrs. DeckerPresentations: Travel AgencyDue Date:Your Task: You and a partner(s) have an opportunity to present information together to the large group. Presenting with others is a whole different ballgame. You have to be rehearsed, prepared, and learn how to work off of one another in a seemingly effortless performance.The situation…You are a travel agent and you have to persuade the class to visit a destination of your choice. Now, if you choose a tropical island with a gorgeous beach, everyone is going to want to visit your destination. Therefore, rather than choosing someplace tropical, I’d like you to be creative and find a destination that is different and unique! You may choose a state in the United States that you’ve always wanted to visit! You may create posters, a power point presentation, brochures, or bring in local flavors to the class… whatever you can think of that will enhance your speech. I encourage CREATIVITY and ORIGINALITY!Include as much information as you see fit to PERSUADE the class that your destination is the destination to visit! You can include information about:kayaking, hiking, bird watching, relaxing by the ocean,attractions, lodging, dining, events, state parks,beaches, history, culture, antiques, country roads, shore dinners, casinos, B&B's, kids? entertainment,wonders of the world, authentic American Heritage sites, magnificent modern art, amazing amusement parks, extraordinary architecture,scenic views, sprawling farms,museums etc.The presentation has to be 5 minutes long PER PERSON in the group. Let me know what I can do to assist (as far as materials, location, etc.)CommunicationsMrs. DeckerPresentations: DemonstrationDue Date:Time Limit: This is the final presentation you will give. It can/will be fun!The goal of your demonstration should be:To demonstrate a process and give the audience information while using visual aids,To show how to do something or how something is done,To show how to make something, orTo show how something worksChoose for something you know about, and it should be easier to demonstrate. If you can't come up with good public speaking topics for a demonstration/presentation speech, then use the subjects listed below for inspiration. Now, ask yourself: Which of your choices have enough potential to offer your audience valuable information?50+ Ideas For Demonstration TopicsUse this list of demonstrative speech topics to develop your own topics for a demonstrative speech. It can be anything you like, as long as you are able to present the steps of the demonstration:SAMPLE TOPICS:to cook a pie - or whatever you like to cookspeech topics related to your favorite sportsto fix a flat tire to create a Halloween mask to clean your car to play piano to dress like a princess to play a computer gameto organize a surprise party to print a digital photo to eat oysters to register for voting to read music notes to learn playing guitar to use your breath when you sing to make your garden full of flowers year around to build a good web siteto clean your swimming pool to clean your golf clubs to make a fast summer salad to make a new candle of old ones to make your own wedding dress to organize your wedding to make a watercolor to build a shedto prevent injury to develop the best serve in a tennis game to knot a carpet to speak a foreign language to become a good actress to write a film script to write a business-like letter to make honey to train your brains to dry your hair to celebrate different cultural holidays to use the cruise control to make a genealogical tree to start a bed & breakfast to become a policeman to make a dancing show to make a sweet dessert to snow board/skateboard to make a golf swing - or demonstration etc.*Keep in mind that demonstrations can be done outdoors and that it will likely be very nice weather out...Another way of inventing demonstration speech topics is by associating. Look at the general categories below. Can you come up with any good how to demonstrative speech ideas?Food and Drink, Household, Sports, Recreation, Health & Beauty, Home Improvement, Decoration, Cars, Government Science, Nature, College Games, Culture, etc.My four tips for topics for demonstration speeches: (before you select and refine the sample topics for demonstrative speech presentations)Consider your time frame,your personal skills and abilities,your own interests,and (of course) creative visual aids for clarifying the topic of your public speaking speechPurpose of Your Demonstration TopicsDetermine the specific purpose of your speech topics. State it in one simple sentence. For example: I want to demonstrate how to __________________ .Central Demonstration Topic IdeaDetermine the central idea of your demonstration speech text. In other words: a clear demonstration speech topic statement. Describe what your demo presentation is about and why you want to share it.Example: It is important to preserve family recipes and this project is the best way in which to do that...Introduce Your Demonstration TopicsOnce you have decided on a demonstration speech topic, write an attractive, effective and interactive attention getting introduction. Think about these sample introductions:Tell them what you are going to teach them.Tell them why you choose to demonstrate this topic.Then tell them why your listeners should know how to do it.Tell them that they are going to do it themselves in a couple of minutes and that the only thing your audience has to do is follow your instructions.Your Demonstrative Topics OutlineYou've picked out a good demonstration speech topic? Present and demonstrate it to your listeners step by step. So, outline the steps of your topic. Show the activities or moves you have to make in a logical chronological order. Describe the details. Be clear. Don't think the audience will understand your demonstration speech topics immediately. Conclude each step.Demonstrative Outline SampleTOPICWhat your demonstrative speech is about, the theme or subject of your talk.GENERAL PURPOSETo demonstrateSPECIFIC PURPOSE or PURPOSE STATEMENTThis purpose statement is to clearly state your specific goal or purpose. To persuade that ... or to inform on ... Speech outline sample: The purpose of this demonstration speech is to persuade my audience how to pack light for an international backpacking travel trip.CENTRAL IDEA or THESIS STATEMENTIn the thesis statement you should describe in one sentence your purpose and speech topic. In our example: Packing light for an international trip will mean freedom.THE SUPPORTING MATERIALSList here in the demonstrative speech outline your sources, bibliography and possible visual aids. In our example: Backpack and suppliesINTRODUCTIONGet the AttentionStart with a statement that catches the attention of the listeners immediately. How to Greet ThemIf they don't know who you are, and you are not being introduced, then you have to introduce yourself at this point in your presentation. And tell why you are the best person to give this demonstration speech.Preview the Main PointsIntroduce in one sentence the main topics of your demonstrative speech.Tell What's In It for ThemState why your presentation is useful to your listeners. Offer a benefit. Example: Packing light for an international trip will mean flexibility and can avoid wrinkled clothes.BODY SECTIONMain Point IWhat props, examples, quotes, statistics, reasons, arguments, evidence, visuals can support your main points? Use them to construct your sub points.Main Point IIMain point IIICONCLUSIONSummaryRecap the main points, steps or action sequences.CloserTry to find an original sentence or eye-opener to help the audience remember your demonstrative speech.Don't forget to use transition sentences, word and phrases. Help your listeners to hop fluently from the introduction text to the body part, and from the body to the concluding part of this demonstrative speech outline.Delivery of Your Demonstration Speech TopicsFirst and for all: think about the rules and time limit of the public speaking assignment. And apply these eight public speaking speech tips for delivering your demonstration speech topics:Visual aids, like objects, actual items, models or drawings can help you. Include personal stories and examples to illustrate your topics for a demonstrative speech.Provide each audience member materials and ingredients with which to practice (if applicable). Be sure everyone is participating (or listening).Look around you and see if your audience is following you.Ask yourself if someone in the audience has to assist with your demonstration.Close your speech with a memorable summary.Ask if there are any questions about your demonstrative speech topic ideas.By now, you developed a blueprint for good demonstration speech topics.Time Limit: IF YOU ARE A NO SHOW, NO PROBLEM (BUT YOU WILL RECEIVE NO GRADE)!Sample Demonstrative Presentation OutlineUse the demonstrative speech outline below to help you organize your steps and make writing your demonstration speech easier.General Purpose: To demonstrateSpecific Purpose: To demonstrate how to properly groom your dog. Central Idea: You can save money and bond with your pet in a big way if you groom your dog yourself.Introduction: How much money do you spend on getting your dog groomed? $30, $40, $50 or more? Today I will demonstrate how to properly groom your dog and help you save money as well as bond more strongly with man's best friend.Transition: Okay, let’s get ready by gathering everything we will need.Body: (Use at least 3 main points)1. Gather Materialsa. Brushes (explain different types of brushes for different dogs)b. Towelsc. Nail Clippers (explain how to clip nails without cutting the quick)d. Cottone. Special Ear Wash for Dogsf. ShampooTransition: Now that we have all the grooming equipment, we need a dog! Here Fido!2. Grooming stepsa. Brush dog to get rid of excess and matted hairb. Clean ears with Cotton and Ear Washc. Wash/dry dogd. Clip nails3. After Groominga. Praise Fido for being such a trooperb. Give Fido a treatc. Pet Fido for a short while and do the bonding thingTransition: Doesn't he look great?!?Summary:Grooming your dog is pretty simple. Simply gather all the materials you need, then brush out the excess or matted hair, clean the ears, wash/dry Fido then clip his nails. After the grooming is the most important step so don't forget to praise and pet your dog!Conclusion:Although grooming your own dog may take a bit more time than just leaving him at the groomer's, doing it yourself is a great way to save money and for the two of you to connect more deeply. What could be better than that!Using a demonstrative speech outline will help you to organize your ideas and the flow of your demonstration. This will help you to feel relaxed and confident in presenting your demonstration or how to speech. Have fun! ................

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