You are expected to search for and find known and existing e-Book publishing companies then compare this with the case study-supplied which is Cobb Publishing and e-books

There suggested reference sites at the end of this document and also in my website.

The main question to consider is: How one of these e-Book publishing companies and the anticipated Cobb Digital Publishing Section in terms of Development and Running with specific reference to:

• Background information about the Two Companies (Cobb Publishing and your chosen one)

•Current IT system of the Two Publishing Companies (list of hardware and software with simple explanation about the purpose of each)

•How a digital publishing company works, from start, publication, distribution/posting/uploading and actual use of the digital book / e-book

• Problems highlighted in the Cobb Publishing Company from the case study

• Which other company (companies) provide digital publishing apart from these two.


▪ The work will be done in class once a week during one of the double lessons. During class hours I will offer support to those that need.

▪ Minimum number in-text reference, is ten (10) - remember you will be expected to provide in-text references (citation) during your mock and during the final exam

▪ A comparison and contrast between Red Cobb Publishing Company and the e-book publishing Company that you identified needs to be emphasized throughout.

▪ Editing: Grammar checked , spell checked and proof read work to be submitted

▪ Formatting: The format should be Arial, double spaced, font size 11 for paragraphs, 12 for subtitles, main title and font colour black.

▪ Submission: Electronic copies only – I need to check for plagiarism! To be in MS word format.

▪ Referencing: Use the MLA referencing style for both in text and bibliography- MS word 2007 and 2010 has got an automated way of doing this – ask me in class if you don’t know how.

B: DURATION OF THIS TASK: 4 WEEKS EXACTLY (You got one bonus week)

The work is due 28th November 2013 before 3pm via TurnItIn and dropbox. (So that I can check for plagiarism, mark it properly and include the marks in your term 1 grades)

C: WORD COUNT: 1500 (+ - 100) WORDS


TITLE: The Cobb Publishing Company And [YOUR CHOSEN ONLINE BUSINESS]: A Comparison in terms of Development and Running of Digital Publications

Paragraph 1: Background information about the two Publishing companies (overview)

Paragraph2: Current IT systems in the two Publishing companies

Paragraph3: How the two companies were developed (or expect to develop) e-books

Paragraph4: How the two Publishing companies currently run (or expect to run) their digital publications.

Paragraph 5: Problems highlighted in The Cobb Publishing Company

Paragraph 6: Other Digital Publishing companies that provide similar products

Paragraph7: Provision of security in these digital publication websites

Paragraph 8: Looking ahead

Paragraph 9: My personal, general, opinion about Developing and Running an e-book publishing company

LAST PAGE: BIBLIOGRPHY (in MLA style please!)


- Each paragraph will be marked out of 10 giving 90%

- There will be +5 bonus (or -5 penalty) marks for editing and formatting (e.g. Using the template, bibliography, grammar, spelling, having a TOC and Page numbering).

- There will be +5 bonus point submission within time or -1 penalty point each day for late submissions up to a maximum of 5 days then thereafter ZERO marks will be awarded.

- There will be 0% mark for any sort of plagiarism detected or for work not submitted within 5 days past the deadline.

- This work will contribute 30% towards your Term1 grade (Term1 test contributes 50%, and AI 20%).

- This work will contribute 10% towards your year mark (Term1 test contributes 5%; mock exam contributes 70% and AI 15%). The year mark is converted to the predicted grade at the start of term2.


Week Date Task

01 24 Oct Digital Publishing Company identified and work started

Sources of info (citations and references) identified

Template structure done

First paragraph completed

28th October – 3rd November: One week half term break (continue working)

02 07 Nov First three paragraphs completed

Work on the 4th paragraph started

03 14 Six paragraphs completed

The next three paragraphs completed

Work on the 7th paragraph started

04 21 Nine paragraphs completed

The final 3 paragraphs completed

05 28 Case study work completed and submitted by 28th November 2013

I repeat: The work is due 28th November 2013 before 3pm. Thereafter, penalties begin to apply automatically








REMEMBER: The SATs are on 7th and 8th December (one week after the due date of this work) and your mocks begin on day one of opening term 2 – you are therefore advised to plan properly.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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