Classwork: STUDY GUIDE Chapter 6: The Muscular System Name:

1. Which type of muscle is found attached to bones? Is this type of muscle voluntary or involuntary?

2. Which type of muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs? Is this type of muscle voluntary or involuntary?

3. Which muscle type is found only in the heart? Is this type of muscle voluntary or involuntary?

4. What is the term for smooth muscle contractions that propel substances through hollow organs?

5. Name 4 muscle functions:

a. c.

b. d.

6. The type of muscle contraction in which the muscle shortens but tension remains the same is:

7. The type of contraction in which the muscle does not shorten (same measurement), no movement occurs, is:

8. When a person cannot take in oxygen fast enough for the demand and the muscle is no longer able to contract, this is:

9. When oxygen supply has been depleted, ATP is created without oxygen by the process of:

10. During anaerobic glycolysis, the substance produced that makes muscles sore is:

11. The type of exercise, such as jogging, that improves endurance is:

12. A constant state of partial muscle contraction is called:

13. Wasting away due to disuse (use it or lose it) of muscle is called:

14. The point at which a muscle attaches to the bone that doesn’t move is the:

15. The point at which a muscle attaches to the moveable bone (pulled toward the origin):

16. Decreasing the joint angle, or bending, is a body movement called:

17. Increasing the joint angle, or straightening, is a body movement called:

18. Extending a joint beyond the anatomical position is called:

19. Movement around a longitudinal axis is: Moving the distal end of a limb in a circle is:

20. Moving a limb away from the midline is: Moving a limb toward the midline is:

21. Elevating the back of the foot, or pointing the toes upward, is:

22. Elevating the calcaneus, causing the toes to point downward is:

23. Turning the sole of the foot medially is: Turning the sole of the foot laterally is:

24. Moving the thumb to touch the tips of the fingers is:

25. A superior movement (shrugging the shoulders) is: An inferior movement is called:

26. Rotating the radius laterally, or turning the palm anteriorly, is:

27. Rotating the radius medially, or turning the palm posteriorly, is:

28. The main muscle responsible for a movement (the agonist) is called the:

29. Muscles that reverses a movement are: Muscles that assist the prime mover are:

30. A type of synergist that holds a bone in place at the origin while the insertion bone is moved is a:

31. Muscle development in babies occurs in a (head to tail) direction.

32. Sheet-like tendons that connect large areas of muscle to bone are called:

33. The muscle that covers the frontal bone, raises the eyebrows, wrinkles the forehead:

34. Muscle that originates at the posterior end of the cranial aponeurosis, pulls scalp posteriorly:

35. Muscle around the eye, functions in squinting, blinking, winking:

36. Muscle around the mouth, functions to close and protrude the lips (kissing):

37. Muscle across the cheek cavity, used when whistling and sucking:

38. Muscle that inserts at the corners of mouth and originates at the cheekbone, used for smiling:

39. Muscle that originates on temporal bone, inserts into mandible; prime mover to close the jaw:

40. Originates on the temporal bone, inserts into mandible; synergist for jaw closure:

41. Originates on the sternum & clavicle, inserts into the mastoid process, flexes and rotates the head:

42. Originates in the pubis, inserts at ribcage, and flexes the vertebral column (as when doing situps):

43. External diagonal muscle of the lateral abdominal wall, rotates and bends the trunk laterally:

44. The fibers of this muscle run at a right angle to the external oblique, deep to the external oblique, rotates and bends the trunk laterally:

45. The deepest of the abdominal muscles, fibers run horizontally across abdomen, compresses abdominal contents:

46. The muscles located between the ribs are: Which ones expand the ribcage outward?

47. The upper back muscle that elevates the pectoral girdle:

48. Extends and adducts the humerus posteriorly, called the “swimmer’s muscle”:

49. Two-headed arm muscle, prime mover for flexion of forearm:

50. Arm muscle that inserts into the olecranon process, extends the forearm (antagonist):

51. Muscle that covers the upper chest; flexes and adducts the humerus:

52. Muscle that inserts into the lateral humerus, prime mover for abduction of the arm:

53. What movement of the arm is produced when the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles act synergistically?

54. A deep composite muscle of the iliacus and psoas muscles, functions in hip flexion:

55. Large buttocks muscle that inserts into gluteal tuberosity of the femur, extends the hip:

56. Smaller buttocks muscle, safer for intramuscular injections of more than 5 mL:

57. The group of muscles of the medial thigh that pull the legs toward the midline:

58. A weak hip flexor, rotates thigh laterally (crisscross apple sauce!):

59. The three posterior thigh muscles (group) together are called the:

60. Name the three individual muscles of this group:

a. b. c.

61. The action of this posterior three-muscle group is:

62. The four anterior thigh muscles (group) that insert into tibial tuberosity, together are called the:

63. The action of this anterior four-muscle group is:

64. Name the four individual muscles of this group:

a. c.

b. d.

65. The two-bellied calf muscle that inserts into the calcaneus is the:

66. The action of this calf muscle is:

67. This calf muscle inserts into the heel bone via the (name of tendon):


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