|Tomorrowland, Resource Revolution |

|Project Overview |

|Subjects/Course: |Science |Teacher(s): |Green/Smith |Duration: | |

| |English/Language Arts, Social Studies |Grade Level: |5th | | |

|Project Idea Summary |Students will imagine, research, plan, experiment, and design a dream city that will solve the problem of our depleting energy sources. Through hands-on activities, experiments, and |

| |research students will examine how humans modify or adapt to their environments and how cities form around and utilize their natural resources. Using their ongoing research and technology|

| |resources, students will create a tourism proposal for their sustainable dream city, along with a working model, and a labeled visual design of their working model. |

|Driving Question | If the non-renewable resources run out, there will be a resource revolution. Will it lead to population growth or decline? How can we/you create a utopian city plan, a Tomorrowland that|

| |will sustain life into the future? |

|TEKS to be taught and assessed: |

|ELA: 5.1- Reads grade level text with fluency and comprehension; 5.2-Understands new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing |

|5.7-Understands & makes inferences and draws conclusions about the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction and provides evidence from text to support their understanding; 5.9- Reads |

|independently for sustained periods of time and produces evidence of their reading |

|5.10-Analyzes, makes inferences and draws conclusions about the author's purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provides evidence from the text to support their understanding; 5.11- Analyzes,|

|makes inferences and draws conclusions about expository text and provides evidence from text to support their understanding; 5.13-Understands how to glean and uses information in procedural texts and documents;5.14-|

|Uses comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning; 5.15- Uses elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and |

|publishing) to compose text, 5.18 Writes expository and procedural or work related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes; 5.20- understands the function of and uses |

|the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing; 5.21- Writes legibly and uses appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions ; 5.23 Asks open ended research questions |

|and develops a plan for answering them; 5.24- Determines, locates, and explores the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically records the information; 5.25- Clarifies research |

|questions and evaluates and synthesizes collected information; 5.26- Organizes and presents their ideas and information according to the purpose of the research and their audience; 5.27- Uses comprehension skills to|

|listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings; 5.28-Speaks clearly and to the point using the conventions of language; 5.29- Works productively with others in teams |

|Science: 5.1 Conducts classroom and outdoor investigations following home and school safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices; 5.2 Uses scientific methods during laboratory and outdoor|

|investigations; 5.3 Uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions; 5.4 Knows how to use a variety of tools and methods to conduct science inquiry; 5.6 Knows that energy occurs in |

|many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns, and systems; 5.7 Knows Earth's surface is constantly changing and consists of useful resources; 5.9 Knows that there are relationships, systems, and cycles within |

|environments |

|Social Studies: 5.5 Understands important issues, events, and individuals in the United States during the 20th and 21st centuries; 5.6 Uses geographic tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data; 5.8 Understands |

|the location and patterns of settlement and the geographic factors that influence where people live; 5.9 Understands how people adapt to and modify their environment; 5.13 Understands patterns of work and economic |

|activities in the United States; 5.23 Understands the impact of science and technology on society in the United States; 5.24 Applies critical thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety |

|of valid sources, including electronic technology; 5.25 Communicates in written, oral, and visual forms; 5.26 Uses problem solving |

|ART: (5.1) Perception. The student develops and organizes ideas from the environment. (5. 2) Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a variety of media with |

|appropriate skill |

|21st Century Competencies to be taught and assessed: |Major Products & Performances |Presentation Audience: |

|Collaboration |Group: |Class |

|Communication (Oral Presentation) |Proposal City Plan |School |

|Creativity & Innovation |3-D Working Model |Community |

|Critical Thinking |Visual Representation |Experts |

| |Individual: |Web |

| |??????????? |Administration |

| |

|Entry Event to | “Winning the Future”- Alternative Energy |

|launch inquiry | |

|and engage students: | |

|Reflection Methods |Formative Assessments |Summative Assessments |

|Assessments |(During Project) |(End of Project) |

| |Concept Maps |Written Product(s), with rubric: Energy Proposal |

| |Class Discussion |Oral Presentation, with rubric |

| |Journal/Learning Log |Self-Evaluation |

| |Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes |Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with |

| |Rough Drafts |rubric: working model and application to school plan |

| |Practice Presentations |Peer Evaluation |

| |Note-facts | |

| |Checklists | |

| |Other: Tiger Team Log | |

|Resources Needed |On-site people, facilities: |Science Teachers, Energy Experts, Architect |

| |Equipment: |Recycled materials |

| |Materials: | |

| |Community resources: |local energy company |

| | |gas experts |

| |

|Project Teaching and Learning Guide |

|Project: Resource Revolution |Course/Semester: 5th Grade/Spring |

| | |

|Knowledge and Skills Needed by Students |Scaffolding / Materials / Lessons to be Provided |

|to successfully complete culminating products and |by the project teacher, other teachers, experts, |

|performances, and do well on summative assessments |mentors, community members |

|Darwin Quote | |Sir Charles Galton Darwin, 1952 Power Point |

|Energy Debate |( | |

|Sources of Energy Review | | |

|What are the alternative energy sources? | |Internet resources, Non-Fiction sources, Expert |

| |( | “Winning the Future”- Alternative Energy |

| | | |

|How does the energy grid work? | |Internet resources, Non-Fiction sources, Expert |

| |( | |

|How does energy work? How much energy produced by source? | |Experiments, Internet sources, non-fiction sources |

|How does the energy grid work? |( | |

|Is the energy source viable for our future community? Availability- local? How much energy produced by| |Energy Analysis, Internet sources, non-fiction sources, experiments |

|source, Cost/Affordable, Materials- what makes it work? Replacement or repair costs? Safety? |( | |

|Efficiency? Natural resources in the area? What impact will it have on the environment? | | |

|What are the energy infrastructures made from? How are they made? How do they work? Where must they | |Internet resources, Non-fiction sources, Expert |

|be located? What is the available land size? What time frame will be needed to build? How long will |( |Plan Blueprint, create model, supplies, tools needed |

|the infrastructure last? | | |

|What is a proposal? How does one construct a proposal? Budget? Replacement plan? | |Internet resources, Non-fiction sources, Expert |

| |( | |

| | | |


|Project Calendar |

|Thursday 1/7 |Thursday 1/14 |Thursday 1/21 |Thursday 2/18 |Thursday 2/25 |

|Introduction |Energy Analysis Review |Research a design for the working model and|Construct working model |Construct working model |

|Discuss and analyze Darwin quote. |Energy Grid |begin blueprint |Finish diagram. |Speaker- Mr. Aldis |

|Energy Debate |Energy Speakers | |Create concept map of energy source. |Discuss energy efficiency. |

|What we know? What we need to know? |Group Assignments |Conduct research on energy source. | |Finish concept map. |

|Sources of Energy Review | |Create diagram of energy power plant and | | |

| | |label with description of procedure. | | |

|Thursday 3/3 |Thursday 3/10 |Thursday 3/31 |Thursday 4/7 |Thursday 4/14 |

|Speaker |Create diagram of working model and how it |Introduce proposals |Determine parts of a proposal |Creative Project- Rough Draft and Final |

| |works, with materials labeled | | |Draft |

|Create diagram of working model | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Thursday 4/21 |Thursday 4/28 |Thursday 5/5 | | |

|Presentation Rough Draft- Speech |Presentation Speech- Rough and Final Draft |Presentation | | |

| |Presentation Practice | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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