Yesim aksu - Özgeçmişim - Cvlogin

606742450482500Ad SoyadKi?isel BilgilerAd SoyadSinem Gültekino?ullar?Do?um Tarihi03.02.2000Do?um YeriAYDINMedeni DurumuEVL?Askerlik DurumuTecilli?leti?im BilgileriAdres?rnek sok. ?rnek Sitesi A Blok D.12 ?rneksemt 12345 ?rnek?ehirTelefon0216 9999999Cep554 0000000E-Postacv-?? DeneyimiHaziran 2013 -cv-hazirlama Senior LawyerFollow up new regulations related to corporate governance, commercial & corporate law and e- commerce & consumer law Review, prepare, terminate all type of contracts (including but not limited to labor contracts, share purchase agreements, distribution agreements, lease contracts, vendor agreements, credit agreements, sponsorship agreements and service level agreements)Prepare board packages [including board resolutions, meeting minutes and make necessary appointments and notifications to the regulatorE?itim Bilgileri2002 - 2006XYZ University - (Formal Education) Law School, Law (Turkish)Grade: XXSayfa 1 / 32002-1999ABC Anadolu LisesiSeminerler ve Kurslar2003XXX Hukuk SemineriBurslar ve Projeler2002-2006Ba?bakanl?k %100 E?itim Bursu2003Hukuk ?dülüYabanc? Dil?ngilizceyazma ?ok iyi, konu?ma ortaAlmancayazma orta, konu?ma ba?lang??YetkinliklerBilgisayarMicrosoft OfficeDerneklerGen? Hukuk Derne?iEk BilgilerEhliyetB S?n?f?ReferanslarCan Kariyerxxxxx Hukuk Bürosu Tel:E-mailDi?erHobilerTiyatroSayfa 2 / 3Sigara Kullan?m?Kullanm?yorumSayfa 3 / 3 ................

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