Loudoun County Public Schools

Independent Science Research – How to Find and Use References ISR you will be developing your own research project and providing scientific argumentation to defend your research question. This will require evidence obtained through analysis of your data and through citing other research and results. Each one of you enters this classroom with different experiences in terms of research. Some of you may be quite familiar with formal journal articles, while others may have never seen one before. In order for me to determine how I can best assist you in developing your research skills, I need to have an understanding of where you are at in terms of research right now. You will receive a grade on this assignment, part of which will be based on accuracy and part of which will be based on effort. Please type your answers and hand in separately (make sure your paper is labeled for each Part and for each question number). All articles & resources needed for this assignment can be found on our Google Classroom Page. This assignment is due (typed, 12 pt, DS) on Monday, Sept 12.Part 1How to Read a Scientific PaperLog onto the following site and observe HOW TO READ A SCIENTIFIC PAPER. Use the arrow to proceed. on “WHY?” and then answer the following question:List and explain the four reasons why a scientific paper or journal should be read.Click on “HOW?” and answer the following question:List and explain the three items that will be helpful in understanding the scientific paper.Continue through the tutorial and then answer the following question:Summarize the six parts that are listed under the anatomy of a scientific paper. Be sure to list the parts of the paper in the correct order.Additional questions:Which section of a journal should be read first? WHY?Which section of a journal should be read last? WHY?What is the most basic format to use when referencing journals according to this website?What is plagiarism? How can it be avoided?Part 2How to cite references using APA formatAll assignments throughout the year are to include a proper references page (previously called Bibliography) using the APA documentation style. Refer to and write the citations for the following sources:A book entitled Industrial Enzymes: Structure, Function and Applications. It was edited by Julio Polaino and Andrew P. MacCabe. It was published in Amsterdam by Springer Netherlands in November 2010. A page entitled “What is photosynthesis?” on a website entitled Photosynthesis. The page was written by MJ Farabee and was last updated in 2007. You accessed the website on November 23, 2014A journal article entitled “Function of Mitochondrial Stat3 in Cellular Respiration” was published in Science in February 2009 in volume 323 number 5915. The article can be found on pages 797-797. This article was written by Joanna Wegrzyn, Ramesh Potla, Yong-Joon Chwae1, Naresh B. V. Sepuri, Qifang Zhang1, Thomas Koeck, Marta Derecka, Karol Szczepanek, Magdalena Szelag, Agnieszka Gornicka, Akira Moh, Shadi Moghaddas, Qun Chen, Santha Bobbili1, Joanna Cichy, Jozef Dulak, Darren P. Baker, Alan Wolfman, Dennis Stuehr, Medhat O. Hassan, Xin-Yuan Fu, Narayan Avadhani, Jennifer I. Drake, Paul Fawcett, Edward J. Lesnefsky, and Andrew C. Larner. This article was accessed on November 21, 2014. Laura Parker wrote an article entitled “Treading Water” for National Geographic. The magazine is published by the National Geographic Society as was in the February 2015 issue. This magazine was read on January 18, 2015. Joseph Kraut wrote an article entitled “How do enzymes work?” that was published in the journal Science in October 1988. The article was found in volume 242 and spanned pages 533-540. This article was accessed on October 7, 2014Part 3Reading and Understanding a Scientific Journal ArticleRead the abstract, introduction, and materials and methods of the following article:“Estimating the short-term recovery potential of little brown bats in the eastern United States in the face of White-nose syndrome”Answer the following questions:AbstractCreate 2 general questions (not specific to this article) that authors answer when writing an abstract section – you can refer to other articles for help.IntroductionHow is the introduction set up? Is it general to specific or specific to general? Do you think there is any benefit to this?Materials and MethodsWhat is the format of this section? Address whether it is written in bullet points or paragraph form, is divided into various sections or is one continuous section, and whether or not figures are included (HINT: must check if it is referenced in the text to determine whether or not figures belong to this section).Summarize the goal of this section in 3-4 sentences. (i.e. what is the purpose of including this section in the paper?)ResultsHow do the figures help to explain the data discussed in the results section?What elements are included on each of the graphs to help the reader understand the information presented on the graphs?Works Cited: Write out APA citation for articlePart 4Evaluating Web SourcesYou have been asked the following research questions: What is causing bee decline? Listed are four web sources for you to use to answer this question. For each web source use the Web Site Evaluation Worksheet to consider the accuracy of each site. Fill out and submit a Web Site Evaluation Form for each web source (list the web source and label and answer the questions 1-5 for each Source). Source #1:Honey Bee Gut Microbiome is Altered by In-hive Pesticide Exposures. #2:Millions of Honeybees Killed in S.C. following aerial Zika spray. #3:Why is beekeeping so hard? #4:Neonic Pesticide Link to Long-term Wild Bee Decline find your own peer reviewed article that addresses the research questions:Cite the article in APA format. Give a brief (1-2 sentences ) description of the findings and tell me the search engine that you used to find the article. ................

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