COURSE OVERVIEW - IB Computer Science

Welcome to Integrated Mathematics 2Nature of the CourseThis is the second year of a two-year integrated mathematics course in Elementary Algebra, Geometry and Advanced Algebra. It is intended for students who have successfully Integrated 1 Mathematics and who are planning to take IB Mathematics Standard Level in Grade 11. The goals are the attainment of an adequate understanding of significant algebraic and geometric concepts, the ability to solve word problems, the acquisition of necessary manipulative skills and the appropriate use of the graphing calculator. Teachers: Mr. Thomas Santowski, Mr. Justin Robertson, Ms. Pamela MakunjaEmails: SantowskiT@, RobertsonJ@, MakunjaP@Blogs: , , ’s school mission is to enable students to become effective global citizens of the 21st century. We provide and environment to enable students to become: effective communicators, knowledgeable and skilled learners, self-directed and balanced individuals and inquiring, reflective problem solvers and responsible, caring and ethical contributors to their communities. Our classroom reflects these goals and is based around a student-centered, inquiry-based learning where students are expected to be actively involved in, and take responsibility for their learning. Students are expected to be able to gain a deep understanding of concepts to allow them to be able to apply their knowledge and skills to new and unfamiliar situations.HomeworkStudents can expect to have no more than 30-40 minutes of homework at any one time, working in a focused manner and not multi-tasking. If they cannot complete the homework within that time frame they should STOP and come to class ready to seek assistance as to why they found it difficult. Mistakes are considered to be an important part of the learning process. We expect students to use homework as a time to practice and consolidate their learning; perfection is not expected, but effort and reflection upon their learning is. Homework completion will be recorded for each unit in Powerschool and will be 4% of their final grade. Homework will be posted on the blog. Students who are absent are expected to check the blog to stay up to date with homework.Assessment We will be using a variety of assessment strategies, whether it be the regular tests, quizzes or other creative methods through which you can demonstrate your mastery of skills/concepts (i.e. model building, producing videos/movies, teaching peers, etc ...)Your evaluation throughout the course will be composed of the following assessment criteria:Knowledge /Understanding of Skills and Concepts - 35%Application of the skills /concepts in Modeling Scenarios – 35%Thinking /Inquiry /Problem Solving related to either Pure or Applied Math – 15%Your ability to communicate your Knowledge – 15%Semester Exam – You will sit for a Semester Exam at the end of the second semester. Special Note: Students will have opportunities to regain half their marks back for both tests and quizzes through corrections in tutorial time. This is optional, but highly recommended.EquipmentEach student will be expected to have all their equipment each lesson including:Blue/black/red pens and pencils, either a notebook plus a folder to keep handouts, or a ring binder for both notes and handoutsGraphing Calculator (available for sale at school if needed)Laptop (optional but helpful)Topic OverviewSemester 1Semester 2Linear FunctionsTrigonometryExponential FunctionsStatisticsQuadratics FunctionsProbabilityThe assessment categories/criteria for this course are clarified on the table below, including the mark allocation for each criterion:CategoryClarificationDetailsKnowledge & Understanding35 %Procedural Knowledge & Conceptual UnderstandingKnowledge of content (e.g., facts, terms, procedural skills, use of tools)Understanding of mathematical conceptsApplication35 %Selecting Tools and Strategies; Making ConnectionsApplication of knowledge and skills in familiar contextsTransfer of knowledge and skills to new contextsMaking connections within and between various contexts (e.g., connections between concepts, representations, and forms within mathematics; connections involving use of prior knowledge and experience; connections between mathematics, other disciplines, and the real world)Thinking, Inquiry, Problem Solving15 %Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proving, ReflectingUse of planning skills:understanding the problem (e.g., formulating and interpreting the problem, making conjecturesmaking a plan for solving the problemUse of processing skills:carrying out a plan (e.g., collecting data, questioning, testing, revising, modeling, solving, inferring, forming conclusions)looking back at the solution (e.g., evaluating reasonableness, making convincing arguments, reasoning, justifying, proving, reflecting)Use of critical/creative thinking processes (e.g., problem solving, inquiry)Communication15 %Communicating, RepresentingExpression and organization of ideas and mathematical thinking (e.g., clarity of expression, logical organization), using oral, visual, and written forms (e.g., pictorial, graphic, dynamic, numeric, algebraic forms; concrete materials)Communication for different audiences (e.g., peers, teachers) and purposes (e.g., to present data, justify a solution, express a mathematical argument) in oral, visual, and written formsUse of conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline (e.g., terms, symbols) in oral, visual, and written formsResources Text : Mathematics for the International Student Pre-Diploma MYP5 PLUSA PDF of the textbook is located on the school's Student Resources under?High School/Mathematics/Textbooks/ myp5plus-2ed.pdf.Our class BLOG is also an important of the learning that will be going on in the classroom. Please become familiar with its use.TutorialsAll students are welcome to attend tutorials which are available in the classroom after school each week Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Tutorials are a time for students to clarify any questions they have from lessons, homework and/or assignments. Students may voluntarily attend, although in some cases attendance may be required at the request of the teacher to catch up on homework or to make up quizzes or tests due to absence. Please arrive on time to take full advantage of these tutorial sessions. Please note that our tutorial room is different from our normal lesson room.Mr Robertson, Room 3030Tuesday, Thursday, Friday2:30 – 2:50 PMA Final RemarkIf you are in need of help outside of our regular class time, feel free to contact me at any point. My schedule is posted in our classroom and on the blog. If there are any points that you are not clear about DO NOT WAIT. Come and see me as soon as possible or I can contacted via email. Success in this class depends on joint effort on both our sides. Those who put in this effort should find the material within their grasp. Those who continually find excuses to put off work will probably struggle with the material. I look forward to an exciting and successful year with each of you. ................

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