George Washington - White Plains Public Schools / Overview

Name _______________________________Date ___________________ Period ____________October LessonsBook 2 ReviewContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u George Washington PAGEREF _Toc420425468 \h 2Regents Review Questions PAGEREF _Toc420425469 \h 2Student Practice - Describe George Washington G.O. PAGEREF _Toc420425470 \h 5Jefferson & the Constitution – Strict & Loose Interpretation PAGEREF _Toc420425471 \h 6Regents Review Questions PAGEREF _Toc420425472 \h 6Student Practice – Checks and Balances Graphic PAGEREF _Toc420425473 \h 9The Supreme Court strengthens the Federal Government PAGEREF _Toc420425474 \h 10Regents Review Questions PAGEREF _Toc420425475 \h 10Student Practice – Supreme Court Wall PAGEREF _Toc420425476 \h 12Amendments and Elastics PAGEREF _Toc420425477 \h 13Regents Review Questions PAGEREF _Toc420425478 \h 13Student Practice - Amendments and Elastic Clause Compare & Contrast G.O. PAGEREF _Toc420425479 \h 15Monroe Doctrine PAGEREF _Toc420425480 \h 16Regents Review Questions PAGEREF _Toc420425481 \h 16Political Cartoons – The Monroe Doctrine PAGEREF _Toc420425482 \h 18Andrew Jackson PAGEREF _Toc420425483 \h 19Regents Review Questions PAGEREF _Toc420425484 \h 19Interpreting Graphics – Andrew Jackson PAGEREF _Toc420425485 \h 21Missouri Compromise PAGEREF _Toc420425486 \h 22Regents Review Questions PAGEREF _Toc420425487 \h 22Interpreting Graphics – Missouri Compromise PAGEREF _Toc420425488 \h 24Kansas Nebraska Act & Bleeding Kansas PAGEREF _Toc420425489 \h 25Regents Review Questions PAGEREF _Toc420425490 \h 25Interpreting graphics – Bleeding Kansas PAGEREF _Toc420425491 \h 27George WashingtonRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas1.????????“’Tis [It is] our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world….”— President George Washington,Farewell Address, 1796The United States was able to follow this advice from President Washington for several decades primarily because ofindustrial and agricultural self-sufficiencystrong support from other Western Hemisphere nationsgeographic isolation from Europepeaceful relations between the European powers2.????????In his Farewell Address, President George Washington advised the nation to avoid permanent alliances because he believed that the United Stateswould risk its security by involvement in European affairshad no need for the products or markets of Europepossessed military power superior to any European nationneeded to limit European immigration3.????????Alexander Hamilton believed that a major role of the Federal Government was toestablish and control public schoolssupport and encourage business and industrypromote the superiority of the agrarian way of lifelimit its activities by allowing the states to make important national decisions4.????????In United States history, the Cabinet and congressional committees developed as a result ofspecific provisions of the original Constitutionconstitutional amendmentsdecisions of the Supreme Courtcustom and precedentRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas5.????????The establishment of a Cabinet and political parties during the administration of George Washington best illustratesthe early development of the “unwritten constitution”the application of specific provisions of the United States Constitutionefforts to maintain a division of power between the three branches of governmentthe use of the amending process to the Constitution6.????????In 1794, President George Washington sent Federal troops into western Pennsylvania to deal with an uprising known as the Whiskey Rebellion. The significance of President Washington's action is that itstrengthened the power of local and state governmentsforced Congress to pass the Bill of Rightsshowed the strength of the Federal Government under the Constitutionweakened the power of the Federal Government to collect sales taxes7.????????Which Presidential action is an example of the unwritten constitution?appointing Justices to the Supreme Courtgranting pardons for Federal crimessubmitting a treaty to the Senate for ratificationconsulting with the Cabinet8.????????As Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton was most noted fordevising a plan to pay off the nation’s debtsbeginning a system to tax exportsarranging necessary loans from European nationsraising revenue from the sale of western landsRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas9.????????Which action during Washington’s administration led to the Whiskey Rebellion in western Pennsylvania?passage of a new excise taxestablishment of a presidential cabinetcreation of the Bank of the United Statesban on slavery in the Northwest Territory10.????????Which action did Alexander Hamilton support during the 1790s?restrictions on trade with Englanddistribution of free landcreation of the national bankelimination of the whiskey tax11.????????President George Washington set a precedent for all future presidents byappointing a career soldier to be Secretary of Warchoosing a friend to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Courtcampaigning actively for the officecreating a cabinet of advisorsAnswers1. 3 7. 42. 1 8. 13. 2 9. 14. 4 10. 35. 1 11. 46. 3 Student Practice - Describe George Washington G.O.Directions – Describe Washington’s effect on the Presidency of the United States.34607517589500Jefferson & the Constitution – Strict & Loose InterpretationRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas1.????????On what grounds would strict constructionists of the United States Constitution have questioned the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?It violated the guarantee of states’ rights.The president was not specifically given the power to purchase new land.Congress was opposed to expansion west of the Mississippi River.The Constitution applied only to the original thirteen states.2.????????Which geographic advantage did the United States gain by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803?warm-water ports on the Atlantic coastrich fishing areas in the Great Lakesfull control of the Mississippi Rivervast coal reserves in the region west of Pennsylvania3.????????Base your answer to the question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.If the Great Plains were shown in this map, they would be located mostly inFrench LouisianaSpanish Mexicothe Oregon Countrythe original thirteen statesRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas4.????????Base your answer to this question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.The Louisiana Purchase was important to the United States because itexpanded the nation’s boundary to the Pacific Oceanremoved the Spanish from North Americaclosed the western territories to slaverysecured control of the Mississippi River5.????????Alexander Hamilton’s proposal to create a national bank and Thomas Jefferson’s proposal to purchase the Louisiana Territory were criticized because both actions wouldplace too much power in the hands of Congressviolate protections in the Bill of Rightsincrease foreign influence in the United Statesrequire a loose interpretation of the Constitution6.????????As a strict constructionist, President Thomas Jefferson questioned the constitutional right toreceive diplomats from foreign nationspurchase the Louisiana Territorygrant pardons to convicted criminalsveto legislation passed by CongressRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas7.????????In the early 1800s, the Mississippi River was important to the United States because itserved as a major highway for tradeled to wars between Great Britain and Spaindivided the Indian territories from the United Statesserved as a border between the United States and Mexico8.????????A geographic and economic motivation for the Louisiana Purchase (1803) was the desire toannex Californiasecure land for the Erie Canalcontrol the port of New Orleansown all of the Great Lakes9.????????Farmers in the Ohio River valley gained the greatest economic benefit when the United States acquired theOregon TerritoryGadsden PurchaseLouisiana TerritoryMexican Cession10.????????A major reason President Thomas Jefferson authorized the Lewis and Clark expedition was toclaim California for the United Statesexplore a route to the Pacific Oceanremove British outposts from United States landestablish settlements in the Southwest1. 2 6. 22. 3 7. 13. 1 8. 34. 4 9. 35. 4 10. 2Student Practice – Checks and Balances Graphic66992512192000What action did Jefferson take that labels him as a loose interpreter of the Constitution?The Supreme Court strengthens the Federal GovernmentRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas1.????????Under Chief Justice John Marshall, the Supreme Court strengthened its authority byapplying judicial review to state and national lawschanging the operation of the electoral collegeincreasing the number of Justices on the Courtexpanding the freedoms included in the first amendment2.????????Why did Thomas Jefferson withhold the essential documents needed to swear in the “midnight judges” when he took office?He wanted to change the rules about appointing judges first.He was a Democratic-Republican who did not want to have so many Federalist judges in place.He thought the judges were not qualified to be sworn in.He was angry that the Federalist Supreme Court had chosen the judges without his consent.3.????????Which action is an example of judicial review?The president proposes a bill to reduce the powers of the federal courts.A state court finds a defendant guilty of murder.The Supreme Court declares a federal law unconstitutional.The Senate approves a president’s nominee for the Supreme Court.4.????????"It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is…."—?Marbury?v.?Madison?, 1803This statement expresses the Supreme Court’s claim thatcourts must abide by a strict interpretation of the Constitutionfederal laws must be approved by the courts before they can take effectthe judicial branch must have a role in the amendment processthe power of judicial review belongs to the courtsRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas5.????????What was a significant effect of Supreme Court decisions under Chief Justice John Marshall (1801–1835)?The powers of the federal government were increased.The extension of slavery was limited.The president’s use of the veto power was restricted.The states were given more control over interstate commerce.6.????????Which power did the United States Supreme Court gain through the Court’s decision in?Marbury?v.?Madison?judicial reviewhearing appeals from lower federal courtsdeciding cases involving two or more statesjudicial independence through lifetime appointments7.????????In United States history, the development of the Cabinet, political parties, and judicial review indicates theneed to limit the power of the three branches of governmentgrowth of government based on the unwritten constitutionfailure of the Constitution to adapt to political changecontinuing importance of the States rights principle8.????????“The Constitution is what the Supreme Court says it is!”This statement refers to the idea thatthe original Constitution was framed by judges and lawyersthe Supreme Court interprets the meaning of the Constitutionamendments must receive the Supreme Court's approval before they are enacteddecisions of the Supreme Court cannot be reversed1. 1 5. 12. 2 6. 13. 3 7. 24. 4 8. 2Student Practice – Supreme Court Wall24257042545001. What does the v. stand for in Marbury v. Madison?2. What is the meaning behind the engraving above?3. Why is this quotation is carved in granite at the entrance of the Supreme Court?Amendments and ElasticsRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas1.????????The section of the United States Constitution that grants Congress the power to “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers...” has come to be known as thegreat compromisesupremacy clausedue process provisionelastic clause2.????????The elastic clause was included in the United States Constitution toallow Congress to make laws to reflect changing conditionsgovern the District of Columbiarestrict the power of the Supreme Courtpermit the creation of a national army3.????????The elastic clause of the United States Constitution has been used primarily toexpand the jurisdiction of the Federal courtsbalance the powers of the states with those of the Federal Governmenteliminate the need for Senate approval of Presidential appointments under certain circumstancesbroaden the power of Congress4.????????Which action could legally change a ruling of the United States Supreme Court?congressional debate on the rulingratification of a constitutional amendmenta decision by a Federal district courta rejection of the ruling by a majority of the state governorsRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas5.????????Only a small number of amendments have been added to the United States Constitution mainly because theexecutive branch has feared a loss of powerConstitution has been broadly interpreted and appliedpublic has not objected to the Government's use of its powerConstitution is clear in it original intent and seldom needs amending6.????????Once an amendment has been added to the United States Constitution, which process must be used to change that amendment?ratifying a new amendmentconvincing the states to ignore the amendmenthaving Congress pass a law repealing the amendmenthaving the President issue an executive order canceling the amendment7.????????"…Congress shall have power … to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States… ."This statement from the United States Constitution is the source ofveto powerimplied powersjudicial reviewstates’ rights8.????????The amendment process was included in the Constitution toallow for change over timeexpand the powers of the presidentincrease citizen participation in governmentlimit the authority of the United States Supreme CourtAnswers – 1) 4 2) 1 3) 4 4) 25) 26) 17) 28) 1Student Practice - Amendments and Elastic Clause Compare & Contrast G.O.Directions: Compare and Contrast Amendments and the elastic clause Top: __________________________Bottom: ____________________________4255774394200Monroe DoctrineRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas1.????????A major reason for the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was todiscourage United States trade with Latin Americadefend the Panama Canal from Great Britainprevent further European colonization in the Caribbean regionprovide economic aid to Latin American nations2.????????A major purpose of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was tolimit European influence in the Western Hemisphereestablish United States colonies in South Americaform military alliances with Latin American nationsavoid involvement in Canadian conflicts3.????????Which policy of the United States was designed to prevent new colonization of the Western Hemisphere?Monroe DoctrineOpen DoorGood NeighborCarter Doctrine4.????????“It is evident that they belong to different systems. England to Europe, America to itself.”Which United States foreign policy is most consistent with the idea expressed in this quotation?the Marshall Planthe Monore Doctrinethe Truman Doctrinethe Atlantic CharterRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas5.????????In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was established mainly because the United States wanted tokeep control of Alaska and Hawaiiestablish more colonies in Latin Americasupport England's attempt to keep its empire in Central Americawarn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America6.????????Which United States foreign policy action resulted from the close geographic relationship between the United States and Latin America?Monroe DoctrineTruman DoctrineMarshall PlanOpen Door policy1. 3?????4. 22. 1?????5. 43. 1?????6. 1Political Cartoons – The Monroe DoctrineDirections – Look at both of these political cartoons. Explain how each illustrates the Monroe Doctrine.1524002413000______________________________________________________________________________2476505524500Andrew JacksonRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas1.????????President Andrew Jackson used the spoils system toveto bills he dislikedenforce Supreme Court decisionsmove Native American Indians off their traditional landsprovide jobs to political party supporters2.????????The United States government is creating memorials along the Trail of Tears because it wasan important road used by settlers going to the frontierthe location of injustices against many Native American Indiansthe site of victories by General Andrew Jackson during the War of 1812the route followed by the first transcontinental railroad3.????????Starting with the election of President Andrew Jackson (1828), voter participation increased due to thepassage of an amendment ending religious qualifications for votingextension of suffrage to Native American Indiansend of property requirements for voting by many statesarrival of more immigrants from nations with democratic governmentsRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas4.????????“John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”– Andrew JacksonPresident Jackson is believed to have made this statement in response to what issue?the forced removal of Native Americans from their landsthe creation of “pet banks”the formation of the Whig Partythe crisis that erupted as a result of new tariffs5.????????President Andrew Jackson claimed that use of the spoils system increased democracy in the federal government because itremoved property-holding qualifications for votinglimited the role of the electoral college in presidential electionsallowed larger numbers of citizens to hold officeused nominating conventions to pick political party candidates6.????????As a result of President Andrew Jackson’s policies, Native American Indians wererelocated to reservations in Mexicoforcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi Rivergradually allowed to return to their ancestral landsgiven United States citizenship1. 4 4. 12. 2 5. 33. 3 6. 2Interpreting Graphics – Andrew Jackson9525014986000How does the cartoon portray Jackson in order to express Jackson’s criticism of the Second Bank of the United States?_______________________________________________________________________________18859512446000Title of Cartoon:Jackson as Satan Dangles the Spoils of Victory over his Supporters. What is implied in this political cartoon?_______________________________________________________________________________1885956794500Why do some believe a better title for this map would be “Trail of Tears”? Missouri CompromiseRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas1.????????During the period 1820-1860, the major concerns in the United States dealt with issues related todetermining the future of slaveryimposing immigration quotasdeveloping big businessacquiring an overseas empire2.????????Which statement about the Missouri Compromise (1820) is most accurate?Slavery was banned west of the Mississippi River.Unorganized territories would be governed by the United States and Great Britain.The balance between free and slave states was maintained.The 36°30' line formed a new boundary between the United States and Canada.3.????????Both the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 settled conflicts between the North and the South overadmission of states to the UnionSupreme Court decisionspresidential election resultsvoting rights4.????????The rapid westward migration caused by the discovery of gold in California led directly tothe start of the Civil Warthe adoption of the Compromise of 1850increased trade through the Panama Canalcontrol of the United States Senate by the slave statesRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas5.????????The map illustrates the impact on the United States of theGreat CompromiseMissouri CompromiseDred Scott decisionEmancipation Proclamation6.????????The Articles of Confederation and the theory of nullification were both attempts tostrengthen the national governmentform new political partiesprotect states’ rightsstrengthen the presidency7.????????From 1820 to 1865, the debates over nullification, protective tariffs, and the spread of slavery into the new territories concerned the constitutional issue of thebalance of power between the federal and state governmentsbalance between the rights of individuals and the need to maintain orderprotection of the rights of ethnic and racial groupsseparation of power between the executive and legislative branches8.????????One way in which the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (1798) and the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification (1832) are similar is that eachclaimed that individual states have the right to interpret federal lawsformed part of the unwritten constitutionsupported the federal government’s power to declare warprovided a way for new states to enter the UnionAnswers – 1) 1 2) 33)14)25)26)37)18)1Interpreting Graphics – Missouri Compromise819151600200024003020256500Use the two graphics above to describe why the Missouri Compromise so important to Southern States. Kansas Nebraska Act & Bleeding KansasRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas1.????????"Compromise Enables Maine and Missouri To Enter Union (1820)"California Admitted to Union as Free State" (1850)"Kansas-Nebraska Act Set Up Popular Sovereignty" (1854)Which issue is reflected in these headlines?enactment of protective tariffsextension of slaveryvoting rights for minoritiesuniversal public education2.????????One way that "Bleeding Kansas," the Dred Scott decision, and John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry had a similar effect on the United States was that these eventsended conflict over slavery in the territorieseased tensions between the North and the Southcontributed to the formation of the Whig Partymade sectional compromise more difficult3.????????The Dred Scott decision on the issue of slavery upheld the Southern viewpoint thatthe power of the Supreme Court does not extend to cases of raceCongress could not pass a law depriving territorial residents of their propertya national vote should be held to decide the legality of slaverythe economic well-being of the western states depended on slave labor4.????????Which term refers to the idea that settlers had the right to decide whether slavery would be legal in their territory?nullificationsectionalismpopular sovereigntysouthern secessionRegents Review QuestionsEssential Themes and Main Ideas5.????????In the 1850s, the phrase “Bleeding Kansas” was used to describe clashes betweenproslavery and antislavery groupsSpanish landowners and new American settlersChinese and Irish railroad workersNative American Indians and white settlers6.????????“Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stirs Controversy”?“Kansas Rocked by Bloody Conflict”?“John Brown’s Raid Angers South”Which statement about the United States in the 1850s is best supported by these headlines?The nation had grown increasingly divided over the future of slavery.Americans had lost confidence in the plan for Reconstruction.Northern and Southern voters were united in support of popular sovereignty.Support for the abolitionist movement decreased during this period.7.????????Which heading best completes the partial outline below?Foreign Policies of the United StatesGovernment Policies Toward Native American IndiansConsequences of Manifest DestinyCauses of Sectional Conflict1. 2 5. 12. 4 6. 13. 2 7. 44. 3 Interpreting graphics – Bleeding Kansas53340011557000What does the building on the left say?What were people doing at the building on the left?What is popular sovereignty?What does this political cartoon imply was happening that caused “Bleeding Kansas”? ................

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