Statement of Purpose - University of Idaho

Statement of Purpose |Excellent statement of subject and clear connection to course theme |Good statement of subject and connection to course theme |Unfocused statement of subject and/or murky connection to course theme | |

|Research/Sources |Highly original and appropriate |Original and appropriate sources |Derivative or secondhand sources; |

| |sources | |no original research |

|Integration of Research |Examples are chosen carefully to |Examples are related to theme and |Examples are out of logical order |

| |illustrate and explain theme and |experience |and not specifically related to |

| |experience | |experience and theme |

|Depth of treatment |Makes thoughtful, relevant |Makes connections and shows |Superficial connections; little or |

| |connections and analysis |analysis |no analysis |

|Use of Visuals |Original, appropriate and effective|Appropriate use of visuals; |Inappropriate use of visuals; |

| |use of visual material; well |logically organized |heavily borrowed from web sources |

| |organized | | |

|Oral Presentation |Coherent, direct, loud enough, |Clearly understandable and |Unpracticed, inarticulate, |

| |professional in tone and content |appropriate |confusing, unprofessional in tone |

| | | |or content |

Autoethnography Project: Oral/Visual Presentation


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